Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1987 The Vientiane God Annihilation

The black ants are small and light, and their breath of life is extremely weak, so they will hardly trigger the trap.

They crawled lightly through the mountains and forests, devouring all the strength left by the strong men of the floating land... These traps were considered abolished.

"Without the blessing of the power of the totem, the danger is almost negligible. Even if Bai Yuxia dances barefoot in the trap, she will not suffer any harm." Xi Ming said plainly.

"Wait, why do I have to dance barefoot in the trap?" Bai Yuxia asked.

"Let's see what secrets these traps are trying to keep." Jiang Wang flew down, full of momentum. He took the filming order smoothly and pushed him to the front.

The Mohist institution is unparalleled in the world. If he doesn't play tricks, who will explore the way?

As everyone knows, "those who work with their minds rule others, and those who work hard rule with others."

Playing life is not afraid of difficulties and dangers, walking ahead, with a wave of his sleeves - three black metal cubes with spider patterns jump out directly, changing shape in the air, turning into three mechanism spiders half the height of a person. Divided into three directions, it was in the shape of a character, and quickly rushed into the forest.

The compound eyes are flying around, the spider legs are like spears, and phantoms almost appear during the vertical leap.

They fill in the pits, cut off the branches, and test all possible dangers while advancing rapidly. Even the thorny and thorny trees that passed by were cut clean.

The four followed closely behind, walking on a smooth road, and soon came to a huge forest wasteland.

The weeds are flourishing here, the vines are entangled with branches, but the trees are downturned and their roots are overturned, with potholes. It looked desolate and cold, like a forgotten place on the huge Shengshou Mountain.

Because of the terrain, you can't see it directly from high altitude.

"Is this a wasteland with nothing surrounded by countless traps set by the spirits of the floating land?" Jiang Wang asked.

Bai Yuxia grabbed a bit of dirt and rubbed it lightly with her index finger and thumb: "There should have been something here. It was just abandoned in the later time. The environment here has been changed many times, and it has almost been dug three feet, inch by inch. I've looked for it, it should be the handwriting of those totem spirits... there won't be anything of high value left."

He thought for a while and added: "This value is relative to the floating land."

The high-value items within the cognition range of the Fulu people must have been confiscated.

"There are so many traps left after scraping the ground, which shows that this is a very special place for them. They may be looking forward to future changes, expecting that something will still happen here. Some legends may be involved. "

The deadly spider had swept across the wasteland at this time, and was guarding the outside. He placed a metal cylinder on the ground, and with a low buzzing sound, something inside the cylinder was rapidly sinking into the ground.

The Yuan force around the metal cylinder fluctuated from thick to thin, changing rapidly.

He calmly analyzed: "This is a battlefield. There are powerful beings who have fought here, a long time ago... Maybe that's why Shengshou Mountain fell."

"The Buddha-nature power I feel... is dissipated here." Jingli said seriously.

Everyone is gaining intelligence in their own way.

Jiang Wang likes this atmosphere of unity and cooperation: "What else?"

Cleansing ceremony was a little confused: "They seem to be resisting me."

Jiang Wang pondered and said: "The power of the Heavenly Buddha resists the little orthodox Buddhist monk. It is reasonable."

If the power of the Heavenly Buddha, that is, the power of the begging Buddha's bowl, once appeared here, when Ao Kui hurriedly hid the treasure and fled, it should be hiding somewhere in the dark, waiting for Ao Kui to return after many years. And why is there power scattered in Shengshou Mountain?

It is impossible for Ao Kui not to see the significance of Shengshou Mountain in the floating land world, and it is impossible to hide treasures here.

So how did it end up here?

If we say that begging is the power of the bowl, that is, one side fighting here, then where does the other side's power come from?

"I know what those totem spirits have gained here." The tone of the play was very firm: "Spiritual transformation."

Jiang Wang was a little unfamiliar with this: "Spiritual transformation?"

"It's like your supernatural the spirit of Bi Fang, right?" Xi Ming said: "When the power reaches a certain level, even the dissipated power can possess spirituality, and can even be used in special circumstances. Here, by chance and coincidence, it turned into life!"

Regarding this, Jingli understands it very well: "At least it is the realm of a great Bodhisattva to have such power. The body relics can prove Bodhi."

In the realm of the Great Bodhisattva, even if the power is scattered, every bit of it is Bodhi.

Xi Ming continued: "The things that used to be dissociated here are transformed by the dissipated power of two powerful beings after the battle, so they can naturally reflect certain power rules. People who have practiced to a certain level can understand it from it. It's not uncommon. They came very quickly, and the spirituality of transformation has not dissipated. So you said earlier that the totem spirit of the Ministry of Water Purification tried to break through within a few years after returning, which can be explained."

"The begging bowl represents the power of the Buddha in a certain sense. What kind of power can collide with it?" Bai Yuxia said in shock: "Whether this power comes from the floating land or not, the floating land world is far from ours. It's so simple to see."

"Ao Kui has already been here, and he must be able to see what we can see. What will he think? How to do it?" Jiang Wang tried to imitate Ao Kui's thinking: "At the level of the Fulu Human Race, he is no longer too much. There are many ways. I will definitely look for opportunities to break the game here."

"Does he dare to jump out and beat us now?" Bai Yuxia joked. As the battle with Ao Kui unfolded, the entire floating land world became more and more clearly displayed in front of him, and he became more and more determined to win.

This is not arrogance.

There are never many right choices for smart people.

Jiang Wang had vaguely guessed something, but he was not in a hurry to express it. He turned around and said, "Let's go to Yagan Tiankeng. There is nothing to see here."

This trip to Shengshou Mountain has been very fruitful, it has completed the world's cognition, connected the clues of time, discovered the historical gap of Fulu, and shocked Ao Kui.

Next is Yagan Lake, which changed before Shengshou Mountain in the floating land world more than a thousand years ago.

If Shengshou Mountain is a father-like existence protecting the Fulu people, then Yagan Lake is the tolerant and loving mother of the Fulu people.

But 1,111 years ago, it dried up out of thin air and remains unexplained, almost taboo.

Jiang Wang wants to confirm the truth there for the last time.

However at this moment...


A muffled thunder-like sound echoed in the depths of the earth.

The change happened so suddenly.

The entire Shengshou Mountain is like a bomb that exploded, vigorous and overwhelming. The splitting of billions of earth and rocks, the roar of the origin of the world, it is not just a mountain!

It is the origin of the human race in the floating world.

A terrifying force swept across, instantly engulfing the four people who were about to leave!

In such a sudden explosion, the first thing that lit up was the golden Buddha's light.

Jingli was shining all over his body, and he stepped in front of Jiang Wang with one step, holding the sky with his palm.

His movements are concise and crisp, as clean and simple as his person.

Following his support, the huge phantom of the Buddha's palm, with an infinitely beautiful scene, seemed to come from the world of bliss, and gently supported the group of four people in this earth-shattering explosion.

This palm is like a world away, the inside is infinitely beautiful, and the outside is heaven and earth shattering.

The true story of Buddhism, the seal of bliss!

Within this palm, one can enjoy ultimate bliss, protected from wind and rain. Outside of this palm, the Buddha's light split, cracking into densely packed brilliant palm prints, blasting forward, front, back, left, and right in all directions at the same time.

The rock came and supported the rock. The giant tree comes, supports the giant tree... Tens of millions of attacks can be withstood and dismantled in an instant!

The explosion of Shengshou Mountain was not a simple collapse of the mountain.

Instead, it destroys its history, origin, and quality in an instant, and becomes a part of the destructive force.

It's a sky-level spell, and everything is divine!

In the situation that has not yet recovered, Ao Kui relied on his deeper understanding of the floating land world, the arrangement he made in Shengshou Mountain first, and the vision that once reached Xingjun... annihilated Shengshou Mountain and detonated the world's original counterattack. In an unspeakably healthy state, he leveraged the power of Dongzhen's level!

No matter Jiang Wang, Xi Ming, or Jingli, they can't imagine, and they can't be aware of it, so they are tricked!

Of course, this kind of power is uncontrollable, just like this moment it roars freely in the floating land world, and the power of destruction rushes in all directions, but somehow it is more concentrated on the group of four.

The seal of bliss in the cleansing ceremony also lasted for two more breaths.

In the end, it will also go to pieces.

In the dim world in an instant, the bright golden light was blown out like a candle.

At the corner of Jingli's mouth, there was a pale golden bloodstain winding.

At the back of the playful spine, a pair of steel wings spread out instantly, like a cloud hanging from the sky, a curtain that touches the sky, and they moved forward to cover everyone under the black iron-colored wings, like a steel fortress!

The light of the Buddha is hidden, and the feather of the sword comes out.

The dense feather blades flew out one after another, just like thousands of swordsmen leaving the mother body, launching a desperate charge towards this devastating offensive.

It has nothing to do with courage, it is the ingenuity of the art of mechanism, which cuts through the enemy's situation and takes a shortcut.

In the apocalypse, this is the shining of human wisdom!

Ding Dang Dang Jin Tie Changming.

The huge steel wings were first stripped of their feathers, and then their skeletons were broken. The power of the omnipotent gods that was unleashed by the landslide of the sacred hunter continued.

And in this chaotic and disorderly world, a flaming ancient stone tablet descended from the sky. Like a high wall, the ring is integrated into one body, firmly blocking the four people in the middle.

Thirty-six fire source totem tablets represent the most fundamental fire source power in the floating land world, and the order is re-established here!

The everlasting red city of flames was born here.

Jiang Wang, Jingli, Ximing, and Bai Yuxia are standing in a certain street of Yancheng at this moment.

There are noisy voices in the ear, and the sky is full of flame sparrows.

Flame flowers bloom all over the countryside outside the city, and flame meteors carry good wishes.

Compared with the moment when he just joined the Fire Source Totem Monument, the Fire Realm at this time has perfectly blended everything.

It can be said that the true source of the fire world!

Although the sky and the earth are dark, the fire will never go out!

In such resolute burning, the collapse of Shengshou Mountain finally came to an end.

The mountain rocks turned into fine sand, and a small slope was piled up at the foot.

The history of the origin of the Fulu people, the traces of worship, and even the rock paintings...all the traces on the mountain no longer exist.

Of course, as early as more than a thousand years ago, half of its history has been destroyed together with the mountain. Now it's just the end.

"Thieves from outside the sky, what a guts! Pour down my holy mountain and destroy my support!" At this moment, there was a loud voice.

The majestic and powerful voices approached one after another at an extremely fast speed.

"It turns out that you are the thief who destroys the world, with ulterior motives!"

But there are nine totem spirits, from different tribes such as Huntu and Xiaolei, all of them have been spiritualized, blurring the image of the human body, and there are only groups of totem spirits with different colors and different auras. The sea, manifesting the power of heaven and earth, surrounded the fire realm.

The totem of the earth, the totem of the wind, the totem of the thunder... All kinds of original totems are engraved on the ancient stone pillars, and the stone pillars seem to support the sky! In this way, a majestic altar is erected at this moment, to worship the origin of the world, and to punish presumptuous foreign thieves!

What floats between heaven and earth is an obscure and ancient song of congratulations.

The world is so clearly rejecting outsiders at this moment.

The origin of the floating land world undoubtedly favors these totem spirits.

But the man who walked to the front in Yancheng just asked indifferently: "Why didn't Ao Kui come out? He hasn't healed his injury yet, doesn't he have the courage to face me?"

"I don't know what Ao Kui is. You dare to destroy Shengshou Mountain. As a person of Floating Land, you will definitely not be able to rest with you!"

"Zhang Linchuan, the time for your death is coming! If you are caught without a fight, there may be a whole body!"

"What nonsense are you talking to him? Take advantage of his illness and kill him!"

Among the several totem spirits, one is more majestic than the other, and the other is more righteous than the other.

Jiang Wang smiled: "What makes you think that I'm 'sick'?"

He walked on the street made of flames with his hands behind his back, he just raised his feet and set them down——

"What makes you think... this is my limit?"


The True Source Fire Realm expanded rapidly, swallowing these nine totem spirits, together with their ancient altars, into this realm in an instant!

When Jiang Wang's Shravaka Immortal Realm was established, the limit range was three thousand zhang, and it continued to expand as his practice progressed. Now the True Origin Fire Realm has also caught up.

When the foot is lifted, the fire realm of the true source expands, and when the foot is set down, the dust is settled.

There is no room for resistance at all.

The moment the nine totem spirits fell into the True Source Fire Realm, they were burned down to the size of a fist-sized spiritual light ball.

Round and flatten at will!

too weak. For Jiang Wang now, these totem spirits are too weak.

It is true that they can mobilize the power of heaven and earth in this world to exert a combat power that is not inferior to God's Promenade, and their lifespan has also been improved by transforming spirits, but their weaknesses are also so clear-once they are cut off from their original totem, they will be like a net general. The fish fell to the shore.

But today's True Origin Fire Realm has fully possessed all that it has to become an independent realm.

Although they are in the floating land, they are in the realm of the world, and they are no longer in the floating land!

Shaved into colorful balls, purely for aesthetics...the winner can have a leisurely time!

Now the nine balls of spiritual light hovered in front of Jiang Wang, weeping and repenting, begging for mercy endlessly.

Jiang Wang didn't ask them questions.

If it is said that Ao Kui guides and controls these totem spirits, and they will know some secret key, then this caged battle covering the world of floating land will not start at all.

He, Jiang Wang, has gone through so many years of ups and downs, how could he still be deceived by such an incompetent person?

He just quietly looked at the nine balls of spiritual light, trying to see the old dragon manipulating them, and said in a kind tone, "Ao Kui, where have you been hiding? Why are you so stingy? Don't we forget the year? Isn't it your dear little friend?"


Among the nine groups of spiritual light spheres, the purple spiritual light sphere representing the totem spirit of the Xiaolei Department turned into pitch black in an instant. In this suppressed true source of fire, it still retained a certain amount of self.

As cunning as Ao Kui, she still has the means to control one or all nine totem spirits!

After hearing Jiang Wang's greeting, he had a formal conversation with Jiang Wang for the first time after coming to the floating land world: "You really surprised me, little friend! The first time we met you were still an ant, a burden to that monk, Now you can actually sit down and bet against me, and push me to this point... even Wanxiang Shenyan can't kill you."

Jiang Wang looked at the pitch-black ball of light calmly: "Why did you forget? It was this burden that made you miss the position of Xingjun."

In the dark ball of light, Ao Kui laughed loudly: "Oh, oh! I'm sorry, I've always treated you like a child! We've been together for so long, I forgot that you were so fierce."

Jiang Wang said: "It's okay to forget, I will help you remember this time."

"But kid, you have to remember. If it wasn't for that bald man, you still wouldn't be qualified to sit on the table."

"You've almost lost all your chips, is it still time to consider qualifications?"

"Then what else do you want to say?" said the voice in the pitch-black ball of light.

Jiang Wangdao: "Tell me about the fact that you triggered the Vientiane God Annihilation in advance, is it to cover up something?"

"I think about it, I think about what to say. You still have one person in the fire celebration department, right?"

The pitch-black light ball flickered violently a few times, and suddenly expanded, and Ao Kui's voice also became vicious——

"She's going to die!"

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