Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1994 kill you today

Jiang Wang has been in contact with the original will of the world more than once. In Senhaiyuan, he once traveled in the original. In the heavenly prison world, he was even more wantonly played by the so-called will of heaven.

Bu Lian, the patriarch of Mingzhan who has a certain relationship with him, is a top Tianyi chess player in ancient and modern times.

Yu Beidou, who is at the end of his life, once led him to jump out of the river of fate for a short time.

But this is the first time he has seen the original will truly produce "will"!

Whether the "original will" or the so-called "God's will", they are all a collection of world rules, and they are the protection of a world's own instincts. It actually has no will, no likes and dislikes.

If you destroy this world, you will be counterattacked by this world. If you benefit this world, you will get nourishment from this world - the fundamental rule of the original will is as simple as that. Everything that extends from this is nothing but the natural evolution of the world.

But in the floating world, he encountered a huge accident.

The original will here gave birth to the will, and it was sitting next to him in a wheelchair!

Jiang Wang didn't know how such an accident happened, only some vague guesses. Because it involves that unspeakable existence, it cannot be proved for the time being.

But Ji Huo Yuxiu's identity has been confirmed by him.

When he stared at those dark eyes for the first time, he had doubts, but at that time he doubted himself more, because it almost subverted his cognition. Later, he ran around, traced the history, and constantly expanded his understanding of the world of floating land. In the process, the Arabian Nights conjecture was verified step by step as reality.

He once won the victory of life and death chess, and walked to the center point of the life and death chess game. Although he failed to explore more secrets at that time, he had contact with and sensed the origin of the floating land world.

The longer I have been in contact with Jihuo Yuxiu, the more familiar I feel. Between life and death, not in flesh and blood.

When he was flying through the air with Jihuo Yuxiu, his Yuan power was surging and the wind was blowing. At that time, Jihuo Yuxiu had the joy of a child, and what he felt was the closeness and recognition of this little girl from this world. .

Later, he went to the Water Purification Department, to Shengshou Mountain, and to the Fire Department... He finally understood outside the Fire Temple that the page of the Creation Book that Yihuo Yuxiu was born with was born for her to control the world. The reason why she was born is actually because of this-the world is in trouble, and it will come from heaven!

It is difficult for the human body to perfectly bear the power of the world's origin, so she is so ugly. Her eyes are not only able to look at You Tian, ​​her eyes are a part of You Tian! Jiang Wang staring at those eyes is exactly the same as staring at You Tian.

On Shengshou Mountain, Ao Kui did not hesitate to trigger the Vientiane God to erase the key information in advance, which is the birth of the original will of the floating land world!

Blaze Yuxiu is not completely equal to the original will of the floating land world. But the "will" of the original will of the floating land world is now in full bloom.

She was born in the Ministry of Fire and Fire and became the representative of the world's rules, so she has terrifying power in the floating land world. It's just that for some reason, her strength was greatly suppressed. Just like the entire floating land world, the birth of the totem holy spirit is also restricted-the floating land world has such a long history, and countless geniuses have emerged, but none of them has attained enlightenment. This is the problem in itself. That's why so many totem spirits tried every means to find a breakthrough, resulting in all sorts of strange ways of dying.

As soon as Ao Kui came to the floating land world, he communicated with Rushibo, and learned about the experience of Rushibo in the floating land for thousands of years.

He used a begging bowl to knock down the floating world, and then quickly rushed to the most important holy mountain in this world. On the holy mountain, he discovered the birth of the original will of the floating world with the vision that once reached Xingjun. And after a period of calculation, the approximate range of the birth of the original will was calculated.

That's why I came to the Ministry of Illness and Fire.

He wants to swallow the "will" of the world's original will, so as to control this world and immediately restore the power of Dongzhen. Easily sweep away opponents like Jiang Wang and win everything he wants to win.

At the beginning, he also wanted to control the Fire Department, just like he controlled the nine totem spirits, and wanted to control the power of the floating land people in a more gentle way-after all, the biggest opponent he saw was not Jiang Wang, these young people, is the terrifying existence that collided with the book of creation and begged for a living.

But during the period of time when he calculated the place where the original will was born, Jiang Wang had already won the support of the royal tribe, and the legend of the world-destroying dragon had spread throughout the floating land. Jihuo Yuling even sent Jihuo Yuxiu to the Qinghuo Department, leaving him in vain.

After slaughtering the Fire Department, he actually knew who the original will was born and where it is now.

He hid in the Fire Palace under the blood mask of all spirits, not only because Jiang Wang came too fast and he couldn't avoid it, but also because he didn't want to waste these millions of corpses, and because he wanted to hide Chen Cang and steal the fire department to win the origin of the world. Manifestation of will.

But he underestimated Jiang Wang, and also underestimated Jihuo Yuxiu, who represented the original will of the floating land world.

That's what brought the situation to this point!

He still had a chance to take advantage of the deaths of millions of people and hide in the palace of fire to lick old wounds, provided that Jiang Wang gave him time, or destroyed these corpses as he expected. But all failed.

Now there are purification rituals and chanting of the Sutra of the Past Life, there is an army of Fulu humans carrying corpses, there are orders to block the power of heaven and earth, there are Bai Yuxia and Lian Yuchan leading troops to continuously attack... There is also Jiang Wang holding his sword outside, representing the original will of the world Jihuo Yuxiu came with resentment, and King Qing, who represented the royal power of the Fulu human race, was on guard with seven books of creation, waiting for the moment when Ao Kui broke the seal.

It's really hard to imagine that he has any way to get out of the position.

Now that the red smoke is spreading outside the Fire Palace, it is obvious that Ao Kui has made a new move.

The smoke is red in color, as thin as mist, and its spiritual energy is not visible, so it is not sure what its function will be - with Ao Kui's vision and experience, the method is really unpredictable.

Although Jiang Wang approached the Palace of Fire for the first time, he did not react hastily.

He gave Xi Ming a look, and Xi Ming also consciously squeezed out the dharma seal, raised his hand and summoned a lion-shaped mechanism beast, which descended from the sky and squatted silently at the main entrance of the Fire Palace.

Jiang Wang had seen the shape of this beast before. It was a relief of an ancient stone bridge across the long river.

The fifth son of the dragon is called Suan Ni, who likes tranquility and fireworks.

This organ suanni was made in imitation of the legend, it is the beast of the god of cook, the most submissive of the divine way. Smoking is just an incidental ability.

Opening the beast's mouth, none of the red smoke remained, and all entered the beast's belly.

No matter what the purpose of this smoke is, just swallow it.

The outside of the Fire Palace was instantly bare again, only the blood mask of Wanling was lonely bearing all kinds of attacks.

After eating up the red smoke, Xi ordered to put the organ 狻猊 into the copper box and put it separately. No matter how subtle Ao Kui's methods are in it, it can only end silently like this, and let it go like a fart.

It's no wonder that Yong Kingdom was able to rise rapidly, but after the death of the real person Han Yin, it changed with each passing day. The true biography of the Mo family is indeed very useful!

Of course, every action of Xi Ming is the burning of a huge amount of money... The Mo family is really rich.

After that, Ao Kui released the blood beast again, urged the large formation to make the blood corpses riot for a round, and tried to control the entire Fire Palace to escape together...but they were all suppressed.

After nine times, it was finally silent.

Everyone knows that the final moment is coming.

Jihuo Yuxiu pushed the wheelchair close to Ximing, and obediently raised her head: "Uncle Trick, can you adjust your Trick? We're in the same group now, so it's not good to accidentally hurt me!"

The wheelchair that Xi Ming gave her allowed her body, Huo Yuxiu, to move freely, fly into the sky and escape from the ground.

But the mechanism hidden in this wheelchair is also one of the vigilances Jiang Wang and his group have against her.

Xi Ming didn't have any embarrassment of being exposed, and said lightly: "Organs are more loyal than people. If you don't hurt us, it won't hurt you."

Jihuo Yuxiu looked at Jiang Wang.

"He is very stubborn, and I can't persuade him." Jiang Wang's expression was quite helpless: "Anyway, we are together, and you can't hurt us, so its danger will not be triggered. Rounding up, it is equivalent to There's no danger...just as a wheelchair, it's easy to use, isn't it?"


Suddenly there was a loud noise, as if erupting from the depths of the ground.

The entire Palace of Blazing Fire shrank violently in the visual sense, and then exploded violently!

The blood light provided by the Tiantu Wanjue Formation and the buildings representing the long history of the Ministry of Fire and Fire were all annihilated in an instant, and through this annihilation, a terrifying power erupted.

Ao Kui reappears the sky-level spell Vientiane God Annihilation!

He didn't wait for the blood corpses in the Tiantu Wanjue formation to be emptied, and he didn't want to wait until the power of the blood mask of all spirits was exhausted... Rather than passively accepting the irretrievable fate at that time, it is better to make the last hurdle at this time Battle of the Beasts.

But the seven clay tablets stand in the air like tombstones.

Among the army, King Qing stood on the chariot and shouted angrily: "The sky is shining, grant me the kingship. In the name of King Qing, I command this side. I will pay the blood debt with the evil dragon. The king's power will be suppressed. Heaven will punish him!"

Amidst the roar, Wu Zhu still danced in his original position. Shaking the cow horn bell, dancing with hands and feet, looks very crazy.

The power was triggered in the dark, and King Qing used the personality of the king of the floating land to drive the seven creation books with the kingship totem, leverage the rules of the world, and suppress Ao Kui in all aspects here. Make it impossible to respond to the law, and unable to develop its intentions.

More than that.

The energy of heaven and earth outside the Fire Palace has long been emptied by the drama. When Ao Kui's magic is released, he can't communicate with the world at all, and can only rely on his own strength, relying on the strength of the Vientiane God.

But his strength is far from restored, and the Fire Palace is not Shengshoushan, and the feedback provided is far less than that of Shengshoushan.

All these factors superimpose, so that the power of this life-threatening Vientiane God Annihilation is less than one hundred percent!

How could Jiang Wang miss such an opportunity?

Bai Yuxia and Lian Yuchan are leading the army to retreat to the periphery to block the aftermath of the battle.

Xi Ming is still observing, and his eight-winged ink warrior is about to go to test it.

I have seen the sword like a startled rainbow!

Surrounded by red flames, Jiang Wang's sword shines in his eyes, and he wears a coat of abbreviated fire realms, and slams into the magic range of Wanxiang Shenyan on his own initiative! People call it risky, but he said he won the game!

Walking in the waterfall-like fragments of the Fire Palace, it is not like seeking revenge but looking for old friends. Er'er's long sword was unsheathed, and the sword energy was like a wave, setting off a line of sky, billowing waves of sword light, mercilessly cutting through the turbulent flow of spells, and with a flash of Sauvignon Blanc, Ao Kui's real body was cut out with one blow——

It was a golden dragon.

It is stretching its teeth and claws, stretching the dragon's body almost infinitely, and the mighty force is turning the sea of ​​anger, and the small world cannot accommodate it.

The golden scales have already seen the power of heaven, and the dragon's whiskers follow the thunder as soon as it swings.

"Little thief, it's a rare fate to get to know each other once. I don't want to hurt your life, but you are rushing to die - roar!"

Amidst the thunder that covered the sun with dark clouds, he let out a long hiss, and the dragon chant unleashed unfathomable power. With the dragon body as the center, it spreads wildly in all directions.

This is not an ordinary sound killing technique, but a majestic voice that overwhelms the world.

Even though he was pushed to such an extent step by step, he was still fierce and powerful, attacking everyone alone.

In the era when the Yaozu established the ancient Heavenly Court, dragons singing, tigers roaring and lions roaring were the strongest sound-killing supernatural powers. Now the roar of the tiger and the roar of the lion are gone, but in the name of Ao Kui, he brings back the terrifying echo of ancient times in this world.

But on top of this sound, there was a clearer voice—"Naughty beast! I will kill you today!"

In the path split by the sword qi, Jiang Wang strode forward. No spell fragments, annihilation turbulence, and Longwei blocking the way were all gone! Cut them all!

His robe fluttered, and he stepped directly onto the golden dragon body! At this moment, he was surrounded by fire, his eyes were red gold, and his ears were crystal clear, carved like white jade, sacred and lofty, with an ear fairy sitting in each of them.

The great power of the ancient times responds to the powerful supernatural powers of the ancient times.

The Shravaka Immortal Realm was opened, and a thunder sound shattered Ao Kui's dragon chant!

Suffering from the double oppression of the Book of Creation and Jihuo Yuxiu, and escaped from Yuheng Xinglou with a broken body, he has not found a chance to recover so far. He can no longer collide head-on with Jiang Wang!

What's more?

His swollen dragon body can no longer swell, because this side of the world does not allow it. Jihuo Yuxiu represents part of the will of the world in the floating land world, and is his enemy.

At this moment, the golden dragon eyes are really casted in gold, forcibly calling the golden elemental force between heaven and earth, Ao Kui uses the golden holy blood to control the root of the world.

But this right to control the power of Jin Xingyuan was also deprived of life!

This world is not this world, this world is floating land. Royal power is not allowed!

The seven clay tablets that had become enormous stood tall and cold, like his Ao Kui's tombstone.

He, Ao Kui, escaped from the sea and flew into the universe. He was fighting for the emperor and star king, and he was fighting for the millennium.

Although bound in every possible way, he still raised his dragon body and squeezed himself with the secret method of the dragon clan, wanting to fly to the sky. As long as he escaped from the oppression of the seven pages of the book of creation, and from the gaze of the incarnation of the will of the world, he would have the opportunity to abandon this world and escape to the universe.

But the dragon's back is like a mountain, that is Jiang Wang's Yuan power surging like the sea.

The body sank even more——

It's the drama of the Mohist family!

Xi Ming approached at some point, and precisely grabbed one of his dragon claws. And that body, which is so small compared to the body of a dragon, burst out with unimaginable terrifying force, which made him unable to fly, and even wanted to fall!

From the hand that grabbed the dragon's claw, densely packed black ants crawled out, quickly climbed to the dragon's claw along the arm, and then used the dragon's claw as a bridge to quickly rush to the dragon's body, devouring Ao Kui's already Unrich Yuanli!

The golden dragon's body is rapidly turning black as if stained with ink!

"Damn it... mechanism!" Ao Kui's eyes turned blood red, ignited with blood flames, looked down at this guy who kept releasing mechanisms to pursue him from the beginning, and then repeatedly ruined his big affairs, the dragon's mouth opened wide, In the meantime, a terrifying swirling blood flame light ball was forming...but it suddenly dissipated and was crushed by a sudden spurt of dragon blood, replaced by a scream, "Ah!!!"

But at this time, a beam of sword light, like a bright moon and a pillar of heaven, descended from his dragon spine——

"How dare you care about him?!"

Break the dragon's spine with one sword!

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