Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1995 The word

King Qing had never seen a sword light as towering as a pillar of heaven.

But it is true that the sword mountain is falling, and the vision is diverted.

The golden dragon body was cut off!

The two broken pieces fell down like mountains.

Amidst the heaven-shaking howling, the dragon's blood splashed across the sky like a waterfall.

The tail of the dragon was covered by black ants in an instant, and in the process of falling, there was only a skeleton left, and even the skeleton was being eaten away!

What kind of avatar hides the soul is a joke in front of the Mohist practitioners who make the best use of everything. The opponent who killed, the Mo family even had to recycle the straw sandals.

Ao Kui's will is hidden in the dragon's head, and he continues to control this half of his body. While squirting the dragon's blood wildly, he spurred the blood flames to flow out of his body, and at the same time stopped the broken body from collapsing, and at the same time burned and killed all the black ants that climbed to the dragon's body.

Jiang Wang, who cut off the dragon's spine, was still alone at the highest point, firmly blocked between Ao Kui and the copper-colored sky bowl, making it impossible for him to borrow the power of the begging living Rushi bowl. But with a touch, the gold, red and white three-color flames have landed on the blood flames, pointing to the face, burning the fire with fire. The ever-expanding range of the three-color flames is precisely Ao Kui's specific and clear retreat!

Xi Ming, who had already let go, also rushed forward at this time, from bottom to top, facing the dragon's head.

Amidst the screams of pain, in the violent, seemingly involuntary tumbling, he suddenly threw out his claws!

Where the claw tip touched, a large space solidified. This solidification has spread to a ten-square space including Ximing.

The ancient dragon clan's secret killing method, the emperor's sky collapsed!

Although he is suppressed by this world, and his body is too weak to exert his great strength, he still creates a fighter and saves the killer.

When the golden dragon claw was slapped, everything began to shatter.

But at such a time, a sword-like lightning cut through here.

The eight-winged ink warrior appeared in front of Ao Kui's dragon claws and collided head-on.

The lightning is also frozen, and the eight wings cannot be opened to fly.

The dragon claw resolutely smashed down, sending the ink warrior flying away, and the parts fell everywhere.

During the whole process, Xi Ming remained expressionless, his eyes flowing very regularly on Ao Kui's body, and at the same time that Warrior Yu Mo was being smashed into the air--suddenly reached out and grabbed the dragon's claw!

Although Ao Kui's dragon body has not expanded to the limit, even though it has been chopped down to only half of its body, it is still a huge monster. Xi Ming's whole body is not as thick as his dragon claws, the hand that grabs the dragon claws' arms and legs is like a thin root attached to a cliff, and he himself is a horizontal branch, ready to be torn off by the wind at any time.

But at the next moment, a steel lock ring was suddenly buckled on the wrist of this hand.

clatter! clatter! clatter! clatter! clatter!

In the constant sound of steel. From the wrist to the forearm, to the elbow, to the upper arm, to the shoulder, the five rune-intensive lock rings are buckled one after another.

At this moment, the power of drama caused the space to be distorted, and he suddenly tore down——

He actually tore off Ao Kui's dragon claw!

Ao Kui howled in pain, and let out another cry, violently twitching in the air. The Samadhi True Fire took the opportunity to blaze and spread across the dragon's body!

He casually threw the broken claw into the black ants. No matter how miserable Ao Kui is, Xi Ming just keeps rushing towards him, his eyes hardly fluctuating. No life, no death, no fear, no hatred, as if he has been regarded as a pile of organ material!

With a flick of Ao Kui's dragon beard, it stretched and crisscrossed in the air almost infinitely, showing a miraculous whipping technique. The dragon beard was like a dragon dancing, and it flicked back life and death.

And the dragon's head turned back suddenly, looking up at Jiang Wang, who was chasing after him, his eyes were sincere, and his voice was sincere: "Misunderstanding! My little friend has misunderstood! You and I have a close relationship, and we have always depended on each other. I will accompany you to stand in the star building, enter the heavenly prison, I am so happy in the world of wandering! I pass on the secrets of the dragon clan to you, and I have never hesitated to help. You often talk to me, and are in touch with each other! This time, I specially traveled through the universe and led you to find the perfect hole. Forgot to communicate with you, how could you have the heart to kill me!?"

This half-length dragon is really in a state of embarrassment. It is dripping with blood and has a very sad expression. How can it have the slightest prestige to roam the universe and wipe out its clan at every turn?

"I really can't bear it either!" Jiang Wang slashed his sword horizontally, causing Ao Kui to roll over and over again: "Don't resist, old friend, after I cut off your minions and cut off your threat, I will naturally raise you again." stand up."

Millions of blood corpses are useless under the suppression of the monk Jingli.

It is already the limit to cover the floating land with a bowl like this, and it is impossible to move.

Under the siege of Jiang Wang and Xi Ming, the remnant body had little room to resist.

"Uh...ah!" He howled angrily, "Little thief, you are heartless and ungrateful, you deserve to die!"

His howling was like crying and laughing, with sadness in his heart.

It caused many soldiers present to shed tears unconsciously.

But Jiang Wang only called out their minds with a sword cry, and drove away the sadness.

He raised his sword forward and pursued Ao Kui closely: "Dragon clan kills people only by their mouths?"

Sauvignon Blanc crosses the sky, sword threads weave into a giant net: "Don't avoid me!"

The dragon's body leaps left and right, but the sword net is overwhelming.

Only using dragon claws as swords, fighting Jiang Wang to kill life and death, and competing in moves, Ao Kui will definitely win and never lose. But he was physically disabled and unable to show his true strength at all, so Jiang Wang continued to confront him head-on!

It's like a chess game in the middle of the game, Ao Kui accidentally missed a few pieces. Although the chess is far superior, it can't withstand the opponent's offensive. If you change it, you will have nothing to play, and if you change it, you will die!

Ao Kui's strength is extremely limited, and every point must be carefully calculated. But how could Jiang Wang and Xi Ming not see this?

He had to dodge, but he really couldn't dodge, so he could only trade his injury for force and break through the sword net forcibly—but what greeted him was not the vastness of the sea and the sky, but the radiant and gorgeous Fire Realm of True Origin.

It was the falling fireworks that burned the city one after another!

He was smashed to pieces, his head was bleeding, and he was dying!

The continuation of Sword Net, Fire Realm, and Yanhua Burning City is so smooth, it seems that Ao Kui is actively cooperating with Jiang Wang. Under the Sword Immortal, all methods are natural, and the corresponding method is to flow freely.

Ao Kui was miserable, and in a certain moment of trance, he actually felt that the burning of the city could be continued indefinitely!

The thirty-six fire source totem steles further restricted his mobility.

Jiang Wang and Xi Ming in Zhenyuan Fire Realm became more and more aggressive.

Most of the time, he can only exchange, but how many times can he exchange?

Only after the injury is serious, do you know the value of the peak.

He knew he couldn't procrastinate any longer, and in another round of chasing after him, in the depths of his soul, he let out a silent scream!

The secret killing technique of the dragon clan, the dragon soul tsunami!

The terrifying Yuanshen fluctuation swept across like a tsunami, drowning Xi Ming and Jiang Wang in an instant, and also briefly rushed away the true source of fire.

It's a pity that Ao Kui is far from his heyday now. His primordial spirit was so weak that it was hard to look directly at him, so weak that he was pitiful in front of Jiang Wang!

After only one pause, he recovered immediately, and connected his crossbows to block Ao Kui's way.

Jiang Wang is even more unscathed, his body stands like a huge reef standing in the deep sea, and his spirit is like a tsunami sealed off by the gate of heaven! Instead, it was a sword that cut Ao Kui back.


Even with Ao Kui's vision, he felt that this kind of God's visit to Jiang Wang was really scary.

In such a battle of life and death, with similar strength, there is no breakthrough at all!

"I'll give you another chance, little friend! Let me go today, and I will be prosperous with you in the future!"

Only Jian Guang responded to him.

Frost-cold, resolute, and unparalleled sword light——

"Who am I? I don't lack glory! What I lack is a leader to step on the horse!"

But at this moment, between heaven and earth, the sound of ghost cries suddenly sounded!

"Rampant thieves, do you know what kind of weapons the ancient human race used?" Ao Kui only had half a dragon body and a dragon claw left, but he was much more agile, retreating while blocking, dodging repeatedly. There is only howling, painful and stern: "The evil is fierce, and the soul seeks grievances! The world is barren and the land is barren, and evil spirits are in the world!"

A cry of mourning.

He slaughtered millions of giants, and selected the evil spirits whose resentful souls were kept deep in the ground, and at this time they swarmed, as his trump card, to set off another turmoil.

In ancient times, the monster race used people as food, as slaves, as tools, as food, and as weapons!

Ao Kui killing ghosts was nothing unusual in that era.

But that era is long gone!

These evil spirits have also been noticed long ago.

Is Bai Yuxia leading an army of over ten thousand just to harass before the war and clean up after the war?

Not so!

Gathering random stragglers, you can immediately run smoothly and form an army formation, which is something that only famous generals like Cao Jun can do.

Bai Yuxia couldn't do it yet. However, he was born in a famous family, after repeatedly commanding the army to attack the Palace of Fire, he has also completed the confusion of the army's blood, and he can simply use it at this time.

The person who is here today is Langya Bai Yuxia!

As soon as the ghost cries sounded, he had already slapped the scabbard, and the tail of the comet flew in the air!

"It's not Shenyou at noon, and the anger is flowing. I'm lost in the night lately, impeaching the ghost sword curse!"

The blood energy of the Wanjun mobilized the ghost impeaching sword curse that he had hidden underground for a long time, and gave support to the fiercest soldiers.

Bing Sha suppresses evil spirits the most!

In the present world, where the army is running, how can there be sneakiness?

No matter what kind of ghost country, with a large army in hand, if you say sweep it, you will sweep it.

In the depths of the ground where people can't see, there are thousands of evil spirits killing each other, summoned by Ao Kui's decree, they all rioted for a while. But the curse of impeaching ghosts, which had been ambushing here for a long time, also burst into dazzling brilliance in an instant.

"Wu", "Wei", "Shen", and "You", the four sword-shaped characters materialized out of thin air, and the majestic blood ignited blood flames on the sword-shaped characters. They criss-crossed and sprinted through the crowd of evil spirits, where they passed, the crowd of ghosts would be shattered, and there was no way for them to unite.

There are also endless sword lights, constantly soaring under the urging of Bai Yuxia. The sword thread twirled and formed a sword tablet to impeach ghosts, which descended from the sky and suppressed all ghosts in the ghost cave, preventing them from causing trouble.

This one-handed swordsmanship was inspired by Jiang Wang. Zhang Xun's sword silk technique is a divine method, while Jiang Wang's imitation of Shuang Xueming used the starlight in the outer building to complete a similar killing technique in advance with a more complicated method...and passed it on to Bai Yuxia.

Of course, just an army of tens of thousands of people, just the ghost sword monument sublimated from the curse of impeaching ghosts, is not enough to suppress Ao Kui's trump card.

It was the monk Jingli who was chanting sutras with his eyes closed. After Ao Kui was injured and the blood corpse was no longer supported, he was able to free up his hand-he freed up one hand.

The left hand is still erected in front of the body, while the right hand is gently moved away, turned over and pressed gently in a gentle gesture like picking up flowers.


The huge palm of the Buddha's light, the swastika in the palm rotates, and it falls into the underground ghost cave.

The secret of Nianhuayuan, descending ghost seal!

Under the impetus of Liuli Sanskrit, this world's top seal method, is like a brilliant sun, shining through a secluded cave!

Hundreds of thousands of evil spirits were wiped out like snow meeting the scorching sun.

Ao Kui was very anxious. While wrestling with Jiang Wang's life, he secretly urged the magic formula to make the group of ghosts entangled in a formation, and even resisted the ghost sword tablet and the ghost seal with ghost power.

But at this moment, Jihuo Yuxiu pushed the wheelchair forward lightly and skillfully.

The battle that took place in the ghost cave below may not be noticed by many people. Jihuo Yuxiu was obviously not among those weak ones.

She just moved forward a little bit like that.

Yin Qi flowed wildly in the underground ghost cave, thousands of ghosts seemed to be wearing heavy shackles, each of them was struggling to move, but they all disintegrated by themselves.

The ghost of Fulu should be controlled by Fulu's will!


Ao Kui touched Long Acacia with a dragon's horn, whipped his life with a dragon's beard, and detonated all ghosts in the ghost cave!

The terrifying explosion instantly blew up the ghost cave, and not far below the ghost cave... is Youtian!

Countless evil spirits descended into Youtian, together with the thousands of earth and stones, and even the power of the ghost seal and ghost sword tablet, they were quickly dispelled by Youtian.

From breaking the seal to the present, all his means have been broken, even the evil spirits hiding in the crypt have no effect, and he simply detonated all the ghosts together - he wants to create a ground in the hinterland of the Ministry of Fire. The gap in the cave, in order to induce changes in the world, and create opportunities for ourselves!

It doesn't matter if the star beast riots or the sky collapses, even if this world is destroyed, Ao Kui must live like him!

But there was also King Qing on the scene.

The cultivation of the spirit of the totem may not be a big deal, and the experience of guarding the Wuzhi Catacombs may not be worth mentioning on this battlefield. But now he is in charge of the kingship totem, and he is the master of the floating land within a hundred years. Of course, he can understand the changes in the ground.

Surrounded by the army, his royal aura is almost infinitely displayed. Therefore, with a flip of the palm, the heaven and the earth are ordered. A book of creation has appeared in the ghost cave and above the sky. The ancient clay book expanded infinitely, and instantly blocked the hole that was blown through!

It's not just the Catacombs that have been filled up?

It also wiped away Ao Kui's last hope!

He looked up to the sky and screamed, crying out in grief: "I fight for the emperor and the king of stars, but nothing can be done. Stealing Buddha treasures, traveling in the universe, being restricted everywhere. Even reduced to a figure, playing with a kid, fighting in a cage, unexpectedly No way! Since I entered the floating land, I have been restrained every step of the way, and everything is not going well! I have a vision that is far superior to God's presence, and I have an insight that is almost unparalleled, but there is no way to go! I am dead?!"

Although his voice was sad, Jiang Wang showed no mercy, just like Ao Kui never showed mercy to those he killed.

The more shaken Ao Kui was, the more resolute and cold Jiang Wang's sword was.

Wiping his neck with a sword, he was blocked by Jinlin.

Slashing the golden scales, another sword strike!

Ao Kui's golden dragon eyes were cut in the middle, and the juice in the eyeballs mixed with blood flowed embarrassingly.

"The word 'Heaven' should be removed from these two horizontal lines, it will kill you!"

Jiang Wang took a proper step, just avoiding Ao Kui's desperate counterattack. Pull the long sword to the end, and step up the dragon's head with one step, hold the long sword back and penetrate the sky!

Ao Kui's dragon body was already stiff, and it was difficult to move any more. His eyes were bleeding and he could no longer see anything, but he let out a long cry: "Jiang Wang, Jiang Wang, I can't teach you. You are too young and too self-righteous. Did you think I would lose to you?

You ruined my big deal!

How stupid you are!

Neither you nor your friends can survive!

I didn't lose to you.

What I lost in Yuheng was that old bald donkey, and what I lost in Fulu was—”

The sound stopped abruptly.

The vitality is gone!

The dragon's head broke away from the blade, and the upper half of the dragon's body fell down.

Thanks to the book friend "Too Outrageous" for becoming the leader of this book, for the 474th alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey!

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