Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1997 Knowing that I am the person in the tomb

Ruan Yi didn't want to agree!

The situation in the floating land world, he is also blinded now.

But no matter what, the dangers involved are beyond doubt.

Involving the power of heaven and Buddha, involving mysterious will, and suspected tomb world... In such a place, Jiang Wuxie, who is in the presence of a god, cannot protect himself at all.

How could he nod and send Jiang Wuxie in?

No matter how much Emperor Daqi raised his children, Jiang Wuxie was one of the three palace masters who were most likely to fight for the dragon right now.

Especially this time, when he completed the tripod of the world of mortals, he stepped into the gods, and his momentum rose sharply, and he has already seen the appearance of a prince.

If there is any eventuality, if the real one is buried here, how can Emperor Qi have no complaints?

Even though Qi Tianzi is the hero of the world, maybe he will not be jealous because of it, but every time he thinks of his unfortunate son, it is difficult to have a good impression of him, Ruan Yu, right?

When the Eleventh Prince passed away, Yan Tu, who was in charge of Zhan Yu Army, was chopped alive!

But at the moment Jiang Wuxie called "Ruan Jianzheng" and claimed to be "Gu". This showed not only determination, but also a request made by the lord of Yangxin Palace!

This is not an order. Even Jiang Wuxie has no right to order Ruan Yu.

But even if Ruan Yu's position is detached, as the supervisor of the Qintian Supervisor, he only needs to be responsible to the emperor. He must also maintain a certain degree of respect for the crown prince who is very likely to succeed.

"My words are a bit of old fashioned..." Ruan Yu said quite seriously: "But your highness is a body of gold, so there is no need to take risks. It is easy to enter this floating world, but it is difficult to get out. No matter how many opportunities there are, it is not as good. I appreciate the preciousness of the Palace Master Yangxin."

Jiang Wuxie said: "If it's a chance, I won't go alone."

Ruan You asked: "His Royal Highness feels that he is well-prepared for this world?"

Jiang Wuxie said honestly: "I did make some preparations at the beginning, but it took time to ferment. It's only been a few years now, so it's hard to make any difference."

Ruan Yi understood the weight of this decision, but still asked: "Do you have to go?"

Jiang Wuxie replied: "We must go."

Ruan Yu said: "Buddha sees a bowl of water with 108,000 insects. From my perspective, this bowl also has 108,000 holes. The iron wall in front of you is not as impenetrable as you see. It is actually It's more like a fishing net, blocking big fish but not small ones. Even if He deliberately strengthens the blockade now, it is not difficult to send a monk of God's Landing in... Why this bowl does not block God's Landing, with His Highness's wisdom, it must not be difficult to imagine clear."

"He is saving power, and he also thinks that God's presence will not affect the situation..." Jiang Wuxie analyzed this point, raised his eyebrows and said: "But since he needs to save power, he is not qualified to think that God's presence will not affect the situation .”

It doesn't matter where this "he" is.

Today is a new era, and today's Jiang Wuxie is no ordinary god.

The self-confidence of Tianhuang nobles is in this sentence!

Ruan Yu persuaded again: "If I hadn't arrived just now, Your Highness would have been trapped in a cage. This world is dangerous, why not wait any longer, Your Highness?"

Jiang Wuxie smiled softly: "If the prisoner is not here, Gu Xing might not go in. But since the prisoner has seen it, how can Gu Gu not enter this evil cage? Heaven, if you don’t even dare to stand up for your own woman, how can the people of the world believe in it, but when the sky falls and the earth falls apart, how can you stand in front of them alone?”

Ruan Yu couldn't persuade him any more, because although Jiang Wuxie's words were teasing, he had even mentioned his grand ambitions, elevating this matter to the height of "the son of heaven bears the weight of the world".

Unless he said that Jiang Wuxie is not worthy of such ambitions, and is not worthy of competing for the top.

Ruan Yi sighed softly, raised his hand and pressed it on the copper bowl, and in the starlight shining in his palm, he finally persuaded: "Your Highness, if there is any disharmony, the whole body is the first. Jiang Wu'an is good at avoiding disasters, so we can work together with him." Find a place to hide. I will unblock the blockade as soon as possible and go to respond."

The starlight brushed the copper bowl, and immediately within the fine lines and the mysterious Sanskrit characters, there were specific and tiny holes like a honeycomb - that's what Ruan Yu said, there are one hundred and eight thousand holes in the bowl.

Not a gap, but a portal.

The so-called gap between all things is just where the light comes from.

The Buddha is a destined person.

The people on the mountainside have poor eyesight and can only see iron walls and iron walls. The person on the top of the mountain pushed it casually, and the door of convenience was opened.

Now that Xinghui had opened up the way forward, Jiang Wuxie strode forward wearing a red light.

It's really a tiger walking like a dragon, and the posture is priceless.

Before stepping into the world of floating land, he tore off the pendant casually, and threw it in front of Ruan Yu: "Today's trip is all voluntary. If there is any misfortune, I will leave this pendant for my father." , I can't blame the supervisor!"

His voice is still there, and his person has entered the floating land.

Ruan Yu held the warm necklace of Palace Master Yangxin, and couldn't help sighing again.

Today's son is the hero of the world, bringing the Daqi Empire to an unprecedented height. And the crown princes who are fighting for the dragon are all dragons and phoenixes among men.

I really don't know if it's a blessing or a curse!

Before the sigh fell, surprise appeared in his eyes again - just at this moment, a ray of light came suddenly, passing through the passage he opened, like a rainbow piercing the moon, penetrating into the world of floating land!

It's not that he stared at Ruan Yi's whereabouts.

It's that this person has already made arrangements in the floating land world, but he has not received any response and has no way to enter. It was just at the moment when he opened the door of convenience to see Jiang Wuxie off, that's all.

What a good general, he draws his bow at night and shoots the floating land near the sea!

He shook his head and didn't stop. And when he turned around, he saw another person wearing a moon-white gown, walking towards the starlight.

It's really lively here.

He smiled and walked forward.



Although Ao Kui died, the copper-colored sky has not faded.

The story of the brave man slaying the dragon to save the world was supposed to end when the dragon died, but it didn't end... This is the biggest horror story in itself.

King Qing was still standing on the chariot, under the protection of the royal guards. He looked at this side with vigilance and fear: "Mr. Linchuan, is the magic dragon dead? This is a bad omen for the destruction of the world." , why is it not over yet?"

Wu Zhuqinghuo Guanwen's sacrificial dance became slow.

Qinghuo Yuanchen, who dispatched the army to carry the blood corpses, also quietly took back the army, retaining more and more combat units.

If the dead dragon cannot destroy the world, and the crisis of destroying the world is still there, then who will it be in the legend... who will destroy the world?

Bai Yuxia and Lian Yuchan simply gave up the army and stood silently in key positions on the entire battlefield.

Xi Ming took back one hundred and eight Jinyuan air tubes, speeding up the repair of the eight-winged ink warrior.

Ji Huo Yuxiu quietly leaned against the back of the chair without saying a word.

The atmosphere of the people present who were thinking of each other and working together changed in a brief moment of silence. Only the chanting of the purification ceremony continued, just like the beginning.

Ao Kui is dead, a large number of blood corpses have been moved out of the formation, and the Tiantu Wanjue formation itself is in disarray. His efficiency in subduing blood corpses has been greatly improved...

"Actually, I should ask you, you are the king of Fulu." Jiang Wang said: "As you can see, the world-destroying dragon died in front of your eyes. My mission has been completed and I can leave at any time. But Tianqiong is still like this ...Why? What else are you hiding from me?"

He turned his head to look at Jihuo Yuxiu: "Or, is there anything you want to tell me?"

Ao Kui is dead, but the copper bowl is still there.

This shows that he is not the controller of the Qihuo Rushibo at all, or that he is just one of the existences trying to control the Qihuorushibo, and only has a fairly narrow part of the power.

This can explain why he failed to mobilize more power in the previous battle.

Jiang Wang's barrier from Shenlin's vision is not a reason, and his physical weakness is not enough to prevent him from responding at all. The real reason is that he has been fighting against a certain existence, fighting for the control of Qihuo Rushibo, and also fighting in many places outside of Qihuorushibo—so before he was defeated, he said that he did not lose to Jiang Look at this pedestrian.

And now, he was beheaded.

The power he occupied has been transferred, so it is time for the existence that was fighting against it to surface!

King Qing looked puzzled: "How can I know more than you?! You said that there will be a magic dragon destroying the world, so I will order all the ministries in the world to give full support. If you are fighting in the Department of Fire, I will call up the army and personally Come lead the army! Now nothing has changed, the sky is still like this, do you want to ask me?"

Qinghuo Yuanchen, who is more familiar with the Qingtian visitor, took the initiative to speak out at this time, trying to ease the atmosphere: "Mr. Linchuan... the magic dragon is dead and the sky does not move. Isn't it because of the magic that the world is locked like this? Dragon?"

Jiang Wang temporarily ignored the two people who couldn't give an answer, and just looked at Jihuo Yuxiu intently.

"I can see from your eyes that you already know a lot of things." Ji Huo Yuxiu sat obediently in the wheelchair and asked back: "When did you know that in this world, there is a person who transcends all things?" the will above?"

"History gave me the answer." Jiang Wang said frankly and honestly: "After the change of Shengshou Mountain, several totem spirits who rushed to the scene at the first time died one after another within a few years, leaving no information. Next. It is also understandable if the four totem spirits who explored Shengshou Mountain tacitly concealed their harvest at that time, preparing for the sprint to the holy spirit realm of the totem. But after the other totem spirits failed and died one after another, as the last Strong man, didn't anyone think of leaving some clues in the tribe? These clues should exist but don't exist, so they were deliberately erased."

"In addition, in the cave paintings on Mount Shengshou, I found that an important piece of history in this world has disappeared. It should have been rich and colorful, but it was blank."

Jiang Wang looked at her, and the following words only existed in their two ears: "And the page of the book of creation that accompanied you was misinterpreted by the witch Zhu of your fire department. You are the will of the world. Birth, I can only understand it as a certain existence interfering with your authority... All these things point to the same possibility—in the long history of the floating land world, there is still a hand that moves history!"

In view of Ao Kui said that there is the inheritance of Wu Han Gong in the world of floating land.

He couldn't help wondering whether the hand that moved the history of the floating land had something to do with Mr. Wu Han. Even... it came from Wu Han Gong.

But Duke Wu Han has been dead for a long time, he died in battle in ancient times. When fighting against the demon tide, he died in the hands of the demon ancestor Zhu You, his body and soul were annihilated, and he died extremely clean. This matter is recorded in the annals of history, and it is recorded in many classics, and there is absolutely no falsehood.

How can he stir up the situation in the floating land world?

Is it possible to leave behind a wisp of thought like Bu Lian, the patriarch of Mingzhan, hidden in the long river of the fate of the monster clan, only to be touched by the fate of the monster clan, and come out as the times require?

The realm of that great existence is beyond his comprehension by Jiang Wang. It is not impossible to have some means of resurrection from the dead.

But the situation of this hand is completely different from that of Bu Lian, and there are too many traces in the history of Fulu. And looking at what this hand did in the world of floating land, it is really difficult to call it a "virtuous" word, and it is not easy to associate with the ancient sages.

In the ancient times, he resisted the monster clan's heaven, fought against the demon tide in the ancient times, and fought for the human race all his life, created many exercises, and achieved the source of all laws... How could such a great existence hide in the floating land world? Kui generally do evil things?

But if it wasn't Wu Han Gong, who would it be?

Jihuo Yuxiu raised her head lightly, and praised in a voice: "That stupid dragon actually said that uncle is an idiot, I want to complain about uncle! You have only been in Fulu for a long time, and you already know everything, what can be hidden from your eyes ?”

"I was deceived here because I couldn't see everything. I was just lucky in Fulu, and there were clues everywhere I went. Speaking of this, I suddenly thought—" Jiang Wang said in a low voice: "The reason why I can do this Quickly touch the truth of this layer of the world, is there anyone helping me?"

Ji Huo Yuxiu giggled: "Since uncle can discover my identity, he must have a certain understanding of the will of the world. He should know how the will of the world 'rejects' under normal circumstances... right?"

Of course Jiang Wang knew about it.

The so-called "rejection" is also one of the self-protection of the will of the world, just like pulling out a thorn in the flesh of a human being.

But the will of the world has no "will", only "rules", so such self-protection behavior must also be within the underlying rules of the world.

In behaviors such as "rejection", it is usually expressed as giving more opportunities to the native creatures of this world-opportunities to grow, opportunities to kill foreign enemies.

For example, when he, Jiang, was in the demon world, he was tabooed by the will of the demon world. Moyun City, where he was hiding, kept gathering talents and strong men, which made him encounter danger constantly. If he can stay tenaciously, there will continue to be monster races awakening, monster races growing up, and heavenly masters being born... until he, the celestial arrogance of the human race, is beheaded or expelled, everything will be over.

Or he could become a demon clan and submit to the order of the demon world, which is also a solution.

For example, the Bone God tried to establish a kingdom of gods in the world and become a god in the world, but his plan failed repeatedly. From Zhuang Chengqian to Wang Changji, to Zhang Linchuan, and even Jiang Wang, they all got the support of God when they walked to the opposite of the Bone God.

"I know a little bit." Jiang Wang said.

Jihuo Yuxiu looked up at him, that exaggerated and weird mask seemed to be crying, but also seemed to be laughing: "Then have you ever thought about why I was born?"

Jiang Wang was stunned.

Combining the various aspects of the floating land world, there seems to be only one answer to this question——

The native creatures of the floating land are actually extinct!

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