Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1998 If there is love, the sky will grow old

Every world has its own way of running, but no matter which world, its stability or not must be closely related to its original creatures.

Because the native creatures in the floating land world have been extinct, the world will of the floating land world cannot rely on it.

It is precisely because the will of the world in the floating land world has no way to protect itself, so the "will" was born as a last resort.

Jiang Wang clearly remembered that when he talked about the world of floating land with Ruan Yi, Ruan Yi said that it seemed to be a world of tombs.

What is the grave world?

Some are the tombs of the strong.

And more... the world that has died.

In such a world, the aura is exhausted, and there is no vitality. Not to mention the birth of a cultivator, it is difficult for even a living thing to appear.

For example, the Tomb of Myriad Worlds is the accumulation of countless dead worlds, creating the largest tomb world in the depths of the universe. That is also the "grave" chosen by the human race for the demon race.

It's just that the demons survived in their own way. Looking at the state of those Yin demons alone, it's even difficult to use the word "live".

There is nothing incomprehensible about this, life itself has infinite possibilities of adaptability, a typical example is the Sea Race.

But Jiang Wang always felt that Ruan Yi's guess was just a guess, and never thought that it might become a reality. It was because he had already seen the vigorous vitality of the floating land world and the vigorous vitality of the floating land people.

Those cultures and histories are traces of life and growth.

The floating land world has a large population, with hundreds of tribes. There are thirty-six fire tribes alone, and one million fire tribes alone!

The warriors of all ministries are brave and good at fighting, and the totem practice system is also very complete. There are not a few extraordinary powerhouses at the level of Totem Spirit.

Such a world is the tomb world?

Such a world has already perished?

More importantly, how can a world that has already died still have the will of the world?

The first step to the destruction of the world is always the collapse of the underlying rules of the world. The will of the world is precisely the embodiment of the rules of the world.

At this time, the surrounding area is quiet.

The conversation between Jiang Wang and Ji Huo Yuxiu, he only allowed those who came to Fulu with him to hear it.

And every word in this conversation shocked them.

King Qing looked agitated in the carriage in the distance, probably wanting an explanation. While Qinghuo Yuanchen asked him to be patient, he gathered the army.

Jiang Wangquan didn't care. He just looked at the blood corpses all over the place, looked at the cleansing ceremony without help, still chanting sutras, still saving blood corpses one by one, and sent them out of the formation.

That clean and delicate face was trapped in a compassionate self-world. It seems that he is completely tireless, even if the terrifying consumption can already wear down a strong monk.

"I've been thinking about a question." Jiang Wang said: "When Ao Kui drove the blood corpses and led me to fight, I was thinking - what would happen if I really destroyed those corpses?"

Jihuo Yuxiu explained: "Whether these people are alive or dead, they are all in the normal operation of this world, and they can provide nutrients to this world. But if these corpses are annihilated, it will reduce His power. Doing this If you are not a person, you will become his enemy in advance. I think that old dragon knows you very well, and also understands your methods, so he wants to cause you to fight him, so that he can have a chance to escape."

The true fire of samadhi burns everything and disintegrates everything. Jihuo Yuxiu can see this characteristic, and of course Ao Kui understands it even more.

The battle with Ao Kui is over, and it is far from time to relish the victory, so Jiang Wang only asked: "Who is he?"

Ji Huo Yuxiu almost said every word: "The dove occupies the magpie's nest and the existence of this world. He is the creator of the floating land people, he also created the star beasts, and he once created evil spirits in this world. "

That terrifying existence almost created everything in the floating land world.

He has the ability to create races! Create floating land humans, star beasts, and evil ghosts!

It should be known that Tiger Tai Sui once hoped to achieve detachment through the creation of "spiritual race".

Although the floating land race and evil spirits are not brand new races, they are not enough to provide a great boost like the spirit race, but this is undoubtedly a performance that is approaching transcendence!

He was as cold as fate, and his brows were slightly lowered at this time, feeling the pressure.

Jiang Wang asked, "Do you know His name?"

Jihuo Yuxiu shook her head: "I don't know either. You may think that I know everything, but in fact I only live at the bottom of this well, and I only know the stories at the bottom of the well. Later, even everything at the bottom of this well can't be understood." Know all."

She sat upright, with her hands folded, and the mask made her expression invisible, and she said slowly: "He shattered the stars in the sky with his own hands, penetrated this world, and killed all living beings in this world, but He This world is needed, so the will of the world has not been erased. Based on the instinct of self-preservation, after countless times of self-help at the rule level have been erased, 'I'... was born from it."

In the world of floating land, there is indeed a legend that the stars are falling from the sky, breaking through the ground, and forming a cave. And these are actually the masterpieces of a certain existence!

Jiang Wang recalled everything he had learned in this world, and while his thoughts became clearer, he also felt more and more sad: "The origin of the world produced a will, and it should have sounded the horn of counterattack. This will was born for this reason. .As the will of the will of the world, you must have a way of absorbing the power of beings who live in this world, no matter whose creation they are.

"But this world has a self-cultivation system. The phrase 'God has no self, and there must be selfishness' cuts off your source of belief and prevents you from maximizing the use of the power of the floating land people.

"At the same time, he has put shackles on this world, making the totem holy spirit a realm that is feasible but never accessible, and it also limits your power to the greatest extent."

Who has such means? Transform a world as you like, control the birth and death of ethnic groups willfully, and play with the will of a world at will!

Jiang Wang has always felt that God's will is unpredictable, and God's will is high and difficult to ask. He was tortured in the demon world until he had nowhere to go, and he fought countless times and failed countless times.

But in front of this existence that traverses the floating land world, the so-called "God's will" of the floating land world is so weak and pitiful.

The gap reflected in this is not enough to describe with a natural moat.

Would he still want to participate in such a dangerous game in this world?

Jihuo Yuxiu lowered her head, she was too tired to look up: "I have fought too many times, for too many years. I was once born as an evil ghost, controlled the power of the ghost clan, swept across the floating land, looking for his real body , I once thought that I was close to success... But as soon as he made a move, everything was disillusioned. That struggle only became the food for his powerful floating land human race. Everything is in his palm. It's the scenery in a pot."

Her voice was low: "I chose to be born as a floating land race, or my last resistance. But as you know, the book of creation that I was born with was tampered with at the moment I was born. No That poor witch made a wrong interpretation, and it was only now that I was able to correct it. He just thought and snapped his fingers, and I wasted years."

If the sky is loving, the sky is also old!

Once the will of the world gives birth to "I", there will also be "selfishness", which can feel fatigue and pain.

In other words, even Ji Huo Yuxiu, who represented the will of the world, felt so powerless. What about Jiang Wang and the others?

These aliens are just flesh and blood, and have nothing to do with the existence of this world, so their lives will not be cherished.

"I think we should find a way to leave." Xi Ming said solemnly: "Ao Kui is dead. Whether it's about responsibility or saving our lives, we have done what we should and can do. Fulu and You and I have nothing to do, and right and wrong, good and evil cannot be judged easily. Let's go back first, there are more important things waiting for us to do in this world."

Jiang Wang looked at Bai Yuxia and Lian Yuchan: "What do you think?"

Bai Yuxia hung the sword at his waist, and said in a leisurely voice, "I follow the tail of the horse, and don't ask about the way forward. It's not right for my boss to ask me!"

Lian Yuchan said: "Now my boss pays me my wages. It is a matter of being loyal to the emperor. I will do whatever you say."

Jiang Wang suspected that this proud man from Xiangguo was reminding himself to pay his salary. Lian Yuchan is currently unpaid at the Baiyujing Restaurant, serving dishes for free.

He didn't speak, but turned his eyes to red gold, and glanced at those blood corpses. As far as the eyes can see, the real fire ignites, and it has become a prairie fire in an instant.

Among the people present, only Jingli did not ask, because Jingli was making the choice that Jingli would make.

Then how he would choose, the answer is very clear.

Jihuo Yuxiu said that destroying these corpses would reduce his power and arouse his hostility in advance, so everything will be advanced!

The fire is raging, and the Sanskrit sounds don't stop.

King Qing was still on his chariot at this time. It seemed that because of the army surrounded by him, he gradually gained some confidence. Look out of the sky. We should go back and gather the leaders of the tribes to discuss this matter, instead of playing with them here. The people of the floating land must control their own destiny."

He raised his voice and shouted to the Fire Palace: "Mr. Linchuan, if you don't plan to say or do anything, I will take people back to the tribe!"

As he spoke, he waved his hand to take back the remaining six pages of the Creation Book above the Palace of Fire.

Ji Huo Yuxiu on the wheelchair raised his hand, and with a slight vertical movement, he severed his connection with the Book of Creation. Of the six clay tablets, none of them can be returned.

King Qing's expression changed drastically: "Mr. Linchuan! What does she mean?"

Qinghuo Yuanchen swung one arm with one arm, and the 200,000 troops turned like a tidal wave in an instant, showing their chill!

"Let them go." Xi Ming said to Jiang Wang: "Even if the matter in this world really needs to be dealt with, I'm afraid it's beyond my ability. It's more appropriate to go back and let the senior real person or even the real king come over."

Jiang Wang sighed softly: "Brother Xi, do you think you have said this, can we still go?"

No matter what the reason for the play is. Whether you want to let the Mohist strongmen come to harvest, or simply weigh the pros and cons and think that you should not be in danger now.

It's too late.

Still knocking the copper bowl of the sky upside down is the answer of the "Him".

Jiang Wang looked at Ji Huo Yuxiu: "Can you tell me now, what is the Book of Creation?"

Jihuo Yuxiu's voice was quite bitter: "The Book of Creation is a tool He created that can act on behalf of the will of the world. It is used to bypass my will of the world's will and make this world run normally. Up to now, even if you are For the will of the world, I was born as a floating land human race, and I want to control the power of the world as much as possible, and I have to do it through it."

"Mr. Linchuan." In the army, King Qing's originally high-pitched voice suddenly became low: "This king is thinking about the old friendship in the past. I ask myself that I have always been respectful to you, and I have never been rude. I want people to give, I want things. Give me something. I will make you happy with all the strength of the floating land! Why do you keep ignoring me? The floating land people, are you just being looked down upon by your human race in this world?"

This attitude is malicious and definitely not good.

Lian Yuchan's eyes turned cold, and with both swords in hand, she walked in the direction of King Qing: "We can't represent the present world, and you can't represent Fulu either."

"Yuchan!" Jiang Wang called to stop Lian Yuchan: "Help me take care of the little holy monk for purification, he's exhausted too much, I'm afraid it's hard to protect himself."

Almost at the same time as Jiang Wang made his voice, King Qing, who was standing on the chariot, was ignited by the red flame in an instant, his whole body turned into flames, and entered the powerful form of the totem spirit.

The six clay tablets above the Jihuo Palace were swaying, obviously in the battle with Jihuo Yuxiu, King Qing strengthened his strength again.

King Qing, who holds the kingship totem, can be regarded as a strong one even among the monks who are living in the gods. If you think that he is weak because of his submissiveness to Jiang Wang and others all the time, then it is a big mistake!

At this moment, what he and Jihuo Yuxiu are fighting for is the Book of Creation, and what they are fighting for is the world power of Fulu!

This is also the confrontation between the kingship totem and the will of the world.

At this moment, there was a rumbling sound in the distance, like thunder rolling.

When it got closer, the thunder became clear, it was the shouts of thousands of soldiers, mixed together in their blood——

"We are here by the king's order, and we will use our best talents to hunt down the thieves... See the king from the Red Thunder Division!"

The sound of the flood was like waves, rushing forward layer by layer.

"Refer to the Ministry of Water Purification!"

"See you at the Ministry of Plague!"

"Refer to the original soil department"


Long before he went to the Ministry of Illness and Fire, King Qing had sent an order to the world to raise all the soldiers in the world. The 200,000 troops in the vanguard are just the closest army to the Fire Tribe.

At this time, if the entire floating land can be used as a bonsai, you can see that the mountain where the Fire Tribe is located has been surrounded by densely packed armies from all over the world, and there are more than a million people!

Along with this raging voice, great power is also surging.

The totem stone pillars representing the various tribes of the floating land rose from the ground, and they were about to soar into the sky, forming a tall and broad stone forest almost instantly, and turning the entire Blazing Fire tribe into a forest glade.

What's more, the totem stone pillars are towering, and the power of the totem rises up like the smoke of a wolf, supporting the supreme throne - King Qing, who is like a flame man, wears a crown, and steps up the ladder of power paved with flames. , and sat down in this supreme position!

And Jiang Wang didn't look at this magnificent king until this time, his long sword was slanted, and his eyes were cold: "You ask me why I ignore him?"

Holding the sword, he also walked up the steps of the void. Under his feet was the blazing Samadhi True Fire, sweeping like waves, and incinerated into pieces of blood corpses——

"Because I'm waiting for you!"

Thanks to the book friend "Uncle Yin of Fengtian City" for becoming the leader of this book, it is for the 476th alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey!

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