Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2002 The world is vast and free

Huo Yuxiu started to fight for the power of this world again, when King Qing was taking over the responsibilities of this world!

A set of creation scriptures, a book of creation, builds the rule base of the floating land world in this era. Even Yihuo Yuxiu, who was born on behalf of the will of the world, needs to use it to regain power.

What kind of vision and wisdom do we need to be able to do such a thing?

For monks at the level of gods, it is simply unimaginable.

Of course, to become the operating basis of a world, fundamentally, it must be fair and open. The Supreme Lord is ruthless, but the acquired world is orderly.

So even though it was the creation of this terrifying existence, Jihuo Yuxiu can also participate in the competition.

In the sky where there are many totem pillars, the leaders of various ministries are still kneeling before the Supreme Throne. Although Jihuo Yuling and Qingshui Chengyu set off resistance one after another, more people are still imprisoned by the royal power.

King Qing didn't even let them join the battle, he still had the leisure to protect his rations.

He clearly felt the changes in the Book of Genesis. It made him grin his mouth, his eyes excited.

He certainly doesn't like failure.

He can never fail.

There are limitations in the world of floating land, and limitations in the totem practice system. These are the shackles that He personally forged. So much so that He, who descended into the body of King Qing, also needs a little bit of recovery power, and it is even difficult to surpass the level of the totem holy spirit—even so, this is still a war without suspense.

He is excited that things have changed differently, and even more excited that this world is indeed not a pool of stagnant water, and has great possibilities!

During such a long time, he can always feel the growth of life amidst the resistance of intelligent beings.

That's not much joy!

He likes to watch Jihuo Yuxiu's unyielding, and likes to watch the struggle of young geniuses like Jiang Wang, Jingli, and Jiang Wuxie. Infinite possibilities are all in the past.

He saw a sword light piercing the sky, as if it also cut the copper-colored sky! Vibrant cyan energy scattered like a waterfall. The Four Elephant Azure Dragon, which possesses the blessing of the origin of wood and whose power is approaching the limit of the spirit of the totem, has been beheaded!

Jiang Wang flew down first.

And under the outbreak of Xi Ming, Jiang Wuxie, and Li Fengyao, the remaining four elephant gods also shattered one after another. For a while, spears and arrows flew like rain, and Taoism magical powers were like a landslide!

That wonderful cooperation, genius creativity, extraordinary inheritance... kills the world with flames!

It was difficult to tell which attack came from which person, but it was clearly attributed to King Qing.

King Qing covered his abdomen with his hands, and endured the backlash of karma. In the extreme pain, he looked up to the sky and screamed: "Happy!"

Really happy.

Because even the pain has not been felt for a long time!

An indescribable feeling of terror violated the danger prediction of everyone present.

At this time, the influence of Li Fengyao and the army of the Water Purification Department under his control on the entire floating and land coalition forces has been wiped out, just like a wave in the sea, rolling over and rolling over. Everyone didn't seize the fleeting opportunity to kill King Qing on the spot.

But at this moment, the power of millions of troops was easily mobilized.

King Qing sits on his throne, and his power collapses like a mountain!

This human body has its limits, but the world is vast, the possibilities are limitless, and the power of the transferred army is almost limitless.

He is constantly gathering strength and releasing it. The whole figure is like an erupting volcano!

All those who approached him and attacked him were pushed away by the incomparably violent force. This is the purest power, without any attributes attached, does not belong to any killing methods or supernatural powers, it is just the blood power of millions of troops.

Such pure power is like a tsunami, like a turbulent river, smashing these so-called arrogances present into flat boats in the waves, and pushing them hundreds of miles away!

Lian Yuchan was the first to vomit blood out of control, and was covered by a burning city of flames.

Immediately afterwards, Bai Yuxia was also thrown in.

On the other side, Jiang Wuxie pushed Jihuo Yuling into the room, and he followed closely behind.

Jiang Wang didn't have time to scold him for the time being, so he showed Xuantian Liuli and the body of Tianfu, erected thirty-six fire steles to consolidate this realm, and took the gorgeous Flame City as the core of the realm.

The vigorous fire showed unyielding vitality. Before this terrifying tsunami of power, Jiang Wang alone refused to use the true source of the fire world!

Jingli, Ximing, and Li Fengyao are all fighting and unloading in their own ways, and they are constantly flying back, but Jiang Wang is the only one who is going retrograde in this frenzy!

He is hunting in a green shirt, standing at the forefront of the fire world, holding the sword in his right hand, holding the sword vertically in front of him, and blocking the sword with his left hand and two fingers!

The sword stood between his brows, dividing his red-gold pupils.

This delicate and peaceful face is both immortal and divine.

Boundless sword threads flew out from the blade, intertwined crazily in front of him, twisted into a sky-supporting sword peak in an instant, and was crushed by this frenzy of pure power.

But the sword wires are intertwined again!

The sea of ​​bitterness is boundless, and the blood is boundless. Once the world is overturned, the green shirt here is the most immortal!

At this moment, King Qing is manipulating the blood and energy of millions of troops, and there is a steady stream of replenishment, so it is not advisable to use force. But Jiang Wang must make King Qing feel threatened, and never allow King Qing's fighting intention to clear the battlefield to come true!

The place of victory and defeat is sometimes here, sometimes there.

"Sin, pain, karma..." King Qing murmured, squandering boundless power. Of course, His focus was not on those young people. He had said long ago that from the beginning to the end, Ji Huo Yuxiu was sitting across from him and placed on the chessboard!

But that's all there is to it...

Everything in the past was His connivance, and of course He also has the right to no longer condone it.

The hand covering the abdomen suddenly probed deeper.

In the frenzy of pure power sweeping all directions, he took the opportunity to see through the cover of the origin of the world, breaking the boundary between spirit and flesh, and at this moment, in the gap between yin and yang, he grabbed the black vortex, and also grabbed it. A fiery heart!

"I acted on my own shoulders, so how can we go forever? Little girl, you are right, maybe this time I can't keep you... and I don't need to keep you!"

How much more powerful than it is?

He has everything, wins everything, is invincible in this world!

After long years of operation, it is impossible for the floating world to have a stronger existence than him. Just like Yagan Lake has become a tiankeng, just like the bowl of the Heavenly Buddha, it is now fixed in the sky and becomes a barrier for the floating land world, waiting for him to take it away when he has time.

Who doesn't bow their heads when they come to this world? !

But at this moment, He saw that shiny bald head again.

He was shaking His eyes very persistently.

He didn't know when he stopped his retreat and stood in the frenzy. The monk's robes are hanging down, as quiet as a rock! Blood slowly overflowed from the corners of his clean eyes, like a Buddha weeping.

Why is my Buddha weeping?

The Buddha is sad for the common people!

His hands are naturally stretched out, the fingertips are drooping, and the palms are facing outwards, forming a wish mudra. This seal has great compassion. It means that Buddhas and Bodhisattvas can fulfill their wishes for all living beings, so that all the wishes of all living beings can be realized...

But all living beings are dead!

He witnessed a million blood corpses!

Wanting to be full, to eat sugar, to take a day off, no matter how small the wish is, it can no longer be fulfilled.

He opened his mouth suddenly, the sound was like a bell, holding the righteous thoughts of Sakyamuni, let out a lion's roar!

Song said: "The cycle of karma! The retribution is not good!"

What is cause and effect?

Eating is the cause, and being full is the effect.

Hitting is the cause, and injury is the result.

Sin is the cause... Evil retribution is the result!

At this moment, the dark mass pinched by King Qing seemed to be born with spirituality, twisted crazily, and bared its teeth and claws! The dark lines climbed up King Qing's palm and spread towards his arm!

Why did the corners of Jingli's eyes bleed, because he forcibly saw this "karma" with his wisdom eyes!

And hold Shakya's mindfulness, touch this karma with a lion's roar, and amplify this karma with Karma Zen!

If King Qing had been poisoned three-points before, now the poison is nine-points, and he is dying!

These blacknesses are all his sins, they are of the same origin as him, and cannot be simply dispelled by power.

The deeper he has over the world, the more pain he should suffer.

All the possibilities of pain that can be born in this world are evolving in him at this moment. Constantly tortured his sense of pain, trying to saw off his heartstrings.

At such a moment, Ji Huo Yuxiu drove the wheelchair forward, and a deeper light flew out from her eyes, which was about to touch King Qing.

"Retribution, retribution! I will never return it, and I will receive incense in a good name. I will grow up in the tomb, and the ashes will be wiped out!" King Qing laughed, and he laughed and shouted: "There is no forgiveness for good, evil Changsheng, little bald head, you don’t even understand!?”

Bingsha suddenly rises!

The soldiers He gathered were iron black, giving off an extremely cruel feeling. The iron-black soldiers almost completely covered him, and in the constant churning, a grave was vaguely formed.

Bingzuo buried himself to pay for his karma!

These soldiers from the same source have different performances at the same time.

Above the soldier mound is a steaming evil spirit, thin as fog. At the bottom of the soldier mound, it is piled up into finely divided iron sand, like cast iron residue fished out of a quenching pool, rough and cold.

There is the sound of gold and iron in the soldier mounds, and it sounds like thousands of troops are fighting among them.

That is the entanglement of soldiers, self-forging, condensed sublimation.

During this process, in the mist of evil spirit above the soldier mound, the image of a vertical sword became more and more clear. It was a rusty but murderous ancient bronze sword.

The inscription on the sword body is blurred, and the inlay on the hilt is peeled off, but the sword still has a sharp edge, and the edge still has a edge!

The ancient military way of killing, the red face, white hair and rusty sword mound.

This is the first sword unearthed.

When it jumped out of the soldier mound, it only cut horizontally—the five elements were shattered, time and space were completely shattered, and the sudden dim light of Jihuo Yuxiu was also shattered!

At this moment, the soldier's mound disappeared, and King Qing's state of sitting on the throne became clear.

The vast flesh gathers above his heavenly spirit.


Qi and blood twisted into a wolf smoke, soaring into the sky, until it touched the copper-colored sky!


The sound is like a bell.

And the terrifying soldiers gathered into clouds at a higher place, covering the copper-colored sky, and the sky and the earth suddenly darkened, so that people could not see each other!

Lao Shizi's war totem, the military tactics passed down by the Ministry of Water Purification from that girl... what's so strange?

At this moment, he also gathered his troops to become evil, gave up the idea of ​​wiping out these young people with one hand, and truly reproduced the grandeur of millions of troops rushing into battle!

This is an unrivaled force, it is the ants that fall on the mountain, and the weeds that cover the sea, preventing all accidents from happening.

No matter Jiang Wang, Jingli, Jiang Wuxie or Ji Huo Yuxiu, it is impossible for them to resist.

He didn't mobilize soldiers to prepare for them!

But at this time, a person came from the sky, walking like a woodcutter climbing a mountain, his body undulating like a mountain ridge, and his body was illuminated by the light of supernatural powers.

The thick cloud of soldiers and demons could not block him, the soaring blood energy could not block him, and the roaring tide of power could not become a barrier in front of him.

The world is vast and he is free!

Lin Xian, who had disappeared for a long time in a simple military uniform and hung a clumsy hatchet, appeared at this moment!

With one step, he stepped into the Fire Realm and walked to Jiang Wang's side.

He had scars on his body and wounds on his face. Without any extra words, he just took out a roll of yellow silk and handed it to Jiang Wang: "Master, it's a good luck not to disgrace your life!"

There is no need to repeat what hardships and dangers he has gone through, and what efforts he has made.

At this moment, in Jiang Wang's eyes, he has his own precious light!

Jiang Wang was still fighting against King Qing's power at this moment, and it was difficult to free his hands, so he directly picked up the roll of yellow silk in the air with his eyes, and unfolded it. This silk is based on the pattern of fire, and the inscription on it.

The fire pattern is the unique imprint of the Qinghuo Department, and Qi Wen said——

"The battle of a hundred clans has finally come to an end."

"The power of the totem, continue this new chapter."

"The kingship totem. Come to the Qinghuo tribe."

"The Department of Celebrating Fire, hold the royal power of Fulu for a hundred years!"

At the end of this deed, there is Jiang Wang's handwriting, which uses blood as ink to write the flamboyant "Zhang Linchuan" on it!

The contract of kingship!

Lin Xian has unrestricted supernatural powers, and the world is unimpeded. As long as he wants to go, there is no place that can trap him. So when Jiang Wang went to the Ministry of Water Purification, he deliberately took him with him, and after taking away Chengyan's research on You Tian from Jingshui, he sent Lin Xian out alone.

At that time, he was still very afraid of Jihuo Yuxiu, so he kept an eye on him so as not to expose Lin Xian's whereabouts.

And the place he let Lin Xian go to is the game of life and death—the place that really determines the change of kingship in the floating land world.

As expected, Lin Xian lived up to the entrustment, overcame obstacles and obstacles all by himself, and got the initial contract of kingship at the core of the chess game of life and death.

What is the deed of kingship?

The certificate of the floating land kingship system, the key to ensuring the kingship!

At this time, Lin Xian took the contract back and unfolded it in front of Jiang Wang.

The gold, red and white Samadhi real fire directly wrapped this royal contract. The fireworks Zhang Chi, while keeping King Qing's attention away, ignited the contract!

"The king is incompetent and has no virtue! To celebrate Huoheng as the king, the top cannot secure the world, causing the floating land to be in turmoil. The bottom cannot defend itself, and evil spirits invade the body. He cannot be a king!" Jiang Wang stood in the fire realm, and his voice thundered : "Today I return to this world to make up for my earlier mistakes. Kingship is not entrusted to human beings, this contract of kingship... I will abolish it in the name of Star General!"

In the rumbling sound of King Kong descending heretics, this deed of kingship burned blazingly, turning into smoke in an instant, and even ashes did not exist!

Kingship is broken!

The floating land has no owner today, and the floating land has no king at this time.

The majestic and endless totem of royal power on King Qing disappeared. The terrifying soldiers surrounding him collapsed on the spot.

The millions of troops and the leaders of the various ministries were all out of control in an instant and regained their freedom!

This is the breathing space he left for the world when he built the kingship system. Today, Jiang Wang captured him, exhaled the iron shackle, and inhaled the thunder!

Now is the gap between the tribes fighting for the king, and it is also the moment for the tribes to be absolutely free.

Now is the time for the world to strike back!

Jiang Wang looked at King Qing across the Fire Realm, and with a wave of his hand, the ball of light flew across the sky, and the spirits of the totems captured in Shengshou Mountain earlier were released by him out of the Fire Realm——

"Freedom and fate are in your own hands. And self-determination!"

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