Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2003 Evil Longevity

Outside the Fire Realm, the ball of light flew down. In the Fire Realm, the Flame Sparrow holds a flower.

The greatest significance of the true source of the fire world at this moment is to resist the world rules of the floating land with the independent rules of the fire world. Let King Qing's authority over the floating land world cannot be fully reflected.

Because this world is beyond that world!

The earliest germination of the true source of the fire world was Jiang Wang's study and re-enactment of the art of the thunder world. The technique of Leijie was created by Jiang Wuqi combined with the totem practice method to assist Lei Zhanqian, and it was originally prepared for Lei Zhanqian's return to the floating land in the future.

In this sense, Jiang Wang, Li Fengyao, Jiang Wuxie, and Lei Zhanqian, who participated in the competition in the floating land world, joined forces in this way!

Of course, although the True Origin Fire Realm is an independent realm, it only gave Jiang Wang more freedom to fight. From the beginning to the end, it was Ji Huo Yuxiu, who represented the will of the floating land world, who gave King Qing the greatest resistance at the level of world rules.

The existence of the true source of the fire world made it too late for King Qing to mobilize the power of the world to stop it.

The outbreak of the true fire of samadhi made it impossible for the contract of kingship to be restored.

For the first time in a century, the royal power failed to promise, and the historical wheel of the floating land race suddenly bumped up to this point. But this battlefield is boiling!

Freedom is in the palm of your hand, do you still need to consider how to choose?

The yellow silk representing the deed of kingship was annihilated in the raging fire, and even more intense flames burned in the eyes of the people in Fulu. Boundless eyes are all on King Qing, the supreme throne has collapsed, and the forest of totems is collapsing...

Qingtianlaike is more determined to grasp the fighter plane!

Liufeng shoots an arrow following the light in his eyes, and Ziji shoots to find the latitude and longitude.

Playing life locks the four directions, and purifying rituals to find cause and effect.

Jiang Wangben is at the front, and Killing Sword is also at the front——

Ka Ka Ka!

The berserk Taoism collapsed in the process of forming, and King Qing's flaming body froze into an ice sculpture on the spot, and dense horizontal and vertical lines appeared in the next moment, cracking into countless pieces, refracting the sky... and then They were also swept away by the unfavorable wind brought by the sauvignon blanc, and disappeared.

Nothing exists anymore.

Only the fleeting happy expression in the ice sculpture remains in people's hearts like a shadow.

Without the support of millions of troops, it is impossible to resist the current offensive that is against the world with King Qing alone, who cannot break through to the realm of the totem holy spirit.

This is a reality that everyone knows.

But King Qing... would have died too easily!

In the long years, he manipulated the world of floating land in the palm of his hand, rubbed the world's will like a mud ball, suppressed Ao Kui and even begged for life like a terrifying existence like a bowl... Even if the kingship was dispelled, the power of the world was taken away, and the world It's all against each other, and there should be a decent trump card anyway.

Jiang Wang's body is in order to meet the greatest danger.

But once the sword is wiped away, there is no cloud or smoke.

None of the powerhouses of the Fulu Human Race had time to make a move!

Is that the end?

Many people present felt a sense of bewilderment.


The huge book of creation in the sky suddenly closed, gradually became smaller, and flew towards Jihuo Yuxiu who was sitting in a wheelchair.

The body of the black hand behind the scenes has been destroyed, and the authority in this world should also return to its place.

As the existence that offset King Qing's authority to the greatest extent in the entire battle and kept the Book of Creation silent, Jihuo Yuxiu was indeed worthy of "Heaven's Salvation".

This should be a time when everyone is happy and complete.

But there is a cold front like snow lying in front of this book.

Jiang Wang holds a three-foot sword in his hand and cuts across the gate of heaven and earth.

Jihuo Yuxiu's approaching figure stopped abruptly, and she was about to jump up, but there was only a series of clicks. From wrists to elbows, from waist to neck, all the buckles were pulled out, locking her firmly on the wheelchair.

These locks have a metallic luster, engraved with dense runes, and flow different types of power.

"Sealing blood, banning yuan, locking force, rotten bone, five elements ban..." Ji Huo Yuxiu commented on each of them, and suddenly raised her eyes——

But You Se has not yet moved, during which flames suddenly appeared, turning into a supreme and noble portal, across the pupils... Seal You Tian with this sky gate!

The first time he stared at these dark eyes, Jiang Wang left a kindling in them, and hid a note towards the sky. This is also one of his precautions against Jihuo Yuxiu.

Now Ji Huo Yuxiu is firmly imprisoned on the wheelchair, her eyes are covered with a layer of red-gold light film. Can't see, can't move.

The book of creation was so close to her, but a stream of sword light turned into a river of heaven.

"Mom! Help me!" she shouted.

After all, flesh and blood are inseparable, and Ji Huo Yuling started up when she heard the sound, but just as she got up, Jiang Wuxie pinned her shoulders. She turned her head nervously to look over, Jiang Wuxie shook her head and gave her a reassuring look.

"Uncle Wuxie!" Ji Huo Yuxiu said again: "Didn't you say you want to marry my mother, be my father, and take good care of me, why do you want to watch me being bullied?"

Jiang Wuxie looked at Xi Ming sternly: "Control your broken copper and iron, don't accidentally hurt the child!"

Jiang Wang was the first to strike, why are you attacking me? Xi Mingxin slandered, and his tone was cold: "The mechanism on the wheelchair will only react when the killing intent is captured. This was the case before, and it will be the same after that."

Ji Huo Yuxiu was very dissatisfied: "Nonsense! I didn't even think about killing him, but he prevented me from getting back my authority and even sealed my eyes!"

Xi Ming was silent for a while: "... Do you have killing intentions for me?"

Jihuo Yuxiu was also silent.

Actually acquiesced!

There are ten thousand reasons in the mind of the Mohists, and they don't understand why they are hated by others. Didn't Jiang Wang take the lead in all actions after coming to the floating land world? He is just a helper!

Jiang Wuxie comforted her softly, "Yuxiu, don't worry, Jiang Wang is not a bad person, and he won't do anything to you for no reason."

I don't know who this sentence can appease.

"Jiang Wang?" Jihuo Yuxiu suddenly said angrily: "He even lied to me about his name, how can he still be a good person?!"

Above the collapsed Totem Stone Forest, the leaders of the various tribes of the Floating Land World were scattered in the air, and most of them were at a loss, not knowing what was going on right now.

Without a unified command, the millions of troops surrounding Jihuoshanling also tended to be chaotic. Some wanted to advance, some wanted to retreat, and some still didn't understand what happened. Qingshui Chengyan paraded with the banner, personally suppressed the situation, and asked the troops of all ministries to stay where they are, so that the chaos can be temporarily quelled.

"I didn't know you when I signed that name on the deed of kingship." Jiang Wang said, "So I'm not lying to you."

"Then what do you mean now, Uncle Jiang Wang?" Jihuo Yuxiu asked in a clear and clear child's voice.

"I have always understood one thing." Jiang Wang said calmly: "The fundamental rules of a world are the foundation of this world, and it is impossible to change it overnight. The page of Genesis that you represent the will of the world represents If it can be easily changed, the entire book of creation should have collapsed long ago.

"So, the poor witch Zhu that you took as poison for King Qing never misunderstood it. 'Qing' and 'Qing' are both correct. They are two sides of one body. When the world is in danger When the time comes, you want to save it. But what you save is this world, not others. For this world, the floating land people are also invaders, and you want to overthrow... overthrow them!"

Jiang Wang looked at her seriously: "If all the authority in this world belongs to you. It's hard for me to imagine what you will do."

Li Fengyao made a gesture to let the army of the Ministry of Water Purification complete the change.

Compared to King Qing, Ji Huo Yuxiu might be a more difficult opponent to deal with. Because Blazing Fire Yuxiu was born from the will of the world, she will never die in this life. And if he wanted to destroy this world, why would Jiang Wang stand up?

Jihuo Yuxiu let out a long sigh: "If you are so worried about me, why would you cooperate with me? In your heart, what is the difference between me and Ao Kui?"

Jiang Wangdao: "I don't think you have the concept of good and evil, you just have the instinct to maintain this world. After all, in a sense, you are Fulu, and Fulu is you."

"So this is my home. What do I do in my home? It's none of your business. I maintain my home. What's wrong?" The momentum of the throne: "And what does the Fulu people have to do with you? You are not relatives, you have never met before, and there will be no future. If you are really concerned, for the sake of traveling together, I will You can take a few people you care about with you."

"Yeah, what does it have to do with me?" Jiang Wang said: "If you ask Li Fengyao this question, she will tell you that her subordinates are here. Shimen Li's army has not abandoned the tradition of subordinates. If you ask Jingli this question, He would say, this is also sentient beings, the Buddha loves the world..."

Jiang Wuxie was looking forward to what the former Marquis of Wu'an would say about him.

But Jiang Wang skipped it. Only said: "But you asked me, I really don't know how to answer. You are right, they have nothing to do with me."

He released a small Fire Realm of True Source, and placed the Book of Creation in it. And using his own spiritual thoughts as the thread, he tied the book one by one.

While doing this kind of work, he said: "Recently, I often think, what is the difference between people?

Race? nation? Teacher? idea?

People are so much alike and different that they can be divided into countless factions. I can carve out the complexities of who I am, fall into many different factions, and be a certain kind of person. I can also act as a person from beyond the sky, and as you said, let go of all relations with them... So I think, probably these cannot be used as reasons. At least it shouldn't be my reason. "

"So your reason is?" Jihuo Yuxiu asked.

Jiang Wang said: "I just don't want you to do this, I don't want to see so many people suffer, so I choose to stop you."

He explained to Ji Huo Yuxiu earnestly, as if he did not regard the other party as the embodiment of the will of the world, but as a normal, eight or nine-year-old child: "If you have to give some interpretation to this 'unwanted', you It can be said that it is because of kindness, pity, hypocrisy, meddling in other people's doesn't matter, none of them will affect my 'want' and 'don't want'."

"I probably understand." Ji Huo Yuxiu said, "This is you."

Jiang Wang said: "This is me."

The body is a bodhi tree, and the heart is a mirror stand. There is nothing in the first place, where does the dust come from?

Since then, there is no need to "wipe frequently"!

There was an eerie silence at the scene.

In this silence, the witch Zhu of the Fire Festival, who was still dancing and dancing very strangely, became very conspicuous.

In other words, he was inexplicably ignored at the beginning, and it was not until now that he appeared inexplicably—this inexplicable is precisely the change of world authority. The book of creation, which represents the authority of the floating land world, was temporarily sealed by Jiang Wang with the thread of divine thoughts and the true source of fire. Therefore, the existence that controls this world also loses its influence.

Looking at the history of Fulu, there are truly existences that can be regarded as holding the authority of the world, except for Jihuo Yuxiu, who is the one who is personally celebrating the king!

The change of this dancing witch Zhu just shows that he is still exerting influence on this world in some way! Although King Qing died, the great trouble still persists.

Jiang Wang has been vigilant all the time, and at this moment, he immediately released the savanna fairyland to look for enemies.

Snowflakes fluttered under the copper-colored sky, and each snowflake was a mirror, making all abnormalities clearer... It was Li Fengyao, who had a frosty heart, who spread the battle environment the fastest and made tactical coordination.

Qinghuo Yuanchen, the general of the Qinghuo Department who had been dazed for a long time, woke up like a dream at this time, looked at Wu Zhu of his tribe suddenly, drew his sword with one arm and pointed, crying loudly: "The king's will, no matter what When and for what reason, once he dies, all members of the Qinghuo tribe will immediately kill Qinghuo Guanwen! He is the result of the World Destroyer being born into the human race, and he is the true human incarnation of Him!"

Impersonation and birth have completely different meanings.

That Prince Qing, who was easily manipulated, saw the real "World Destroyer"?

That Qinghuo Guanwen, who is ignorant and has many flaws in his dancing, is the one who was born in the human race like a raging fire?

Everyone present was shocked!

Jiang Wang slashed with his sword before he was astonished! The sword silk galloped in the air, chasing each other, like a startled rainbow!

too fast! Almost when the terrified emotion arose, Lian Yuchan saw that Jiang Wang's sword had already struck.

And Qinghuo Guanwen's sacrificial robe stretched out, his body spread its wings like a bat, and he folded several times in the air deftly, avoiding Jiang Wang's sword startled the rainbow.

Jiang Wuxie, Xi Ming, and Jing Li quickly surrounded him.

He can avoid Jiang Wang's sword, which is the answer in itself!

King Qing's will was obviously correct. It was only because Qinghuo Yuanchen was not strong enough, and was limited by the floating land, that he could not bear the influence of the origin of the world at all, so he subconsciously ignored the Qinghuo Guanwen, so it was not announced in the first place.

Wu Zhu from the Qinghuo Department, who was forced to suspend the sacrificial dance, was obviously in a bad mood and said in a vicious voice, "I really underestimated Qinghuoheng! You useless bugs!"

A black flame ignited outside His body, and the flame fluttered, shining in the void, as if there were ghosts with teeth and claws.

"Not good." Jihuo Yuxiu also remembered something at this time, and said in shock: "He danced the ritual dance of destroying the world earlier! If this dance is successful, he will receive the power of destroying the world. Hurry up and kill this body, stop His progress!"

Many sacrificial dances and congratulatory songs in the history of Fulu have been lost, and only Jihuo Yuxiu, who represents the will of the world, can recognize them all.



Before the attack of a group of gods and powerhouses approached, Qinghuo Guanwen directly shattered the space around him, fell first in the flying space fragments, shattered his shoes, and fell barefoot to the ground. The place where he stepped was the ruins of the Fire Palace, and this foot continued the inheritance and destruction: "Let's use this body to continue the last chapter!"


Centering on the place where Qinghuo Guanwen set foot, the whole area collapsed in a radius of hundreds of feet!

No, collapse is not an accurate description.

It doesn't just smash earth and rocks, break through the earth's crust, and become a cave.

It should be that everything in this range has been dissolved by You Tian, ​​and the vast darkness that keeps pouring out is You Tian rushing to the surface!

Behind Qinghuo Guanwen wearing an exaggerated mask, boundless shadows interweave into a huge terrifying existence. Long time no see Tianshu, roaring to the sky!

I don't know if it's an illusion, but the Tianshu star hanging in the sky seems to have been driven far away!

Its image is so hideous and terrifying that it was once carved on the rock wall of Shengshou Mountain.

It was clearly the one who was once active in this world, dominated it, and was wiped out by [World Destroyer] himself, becoming a key step in His restoration of great power... Evil ghost!

The evil spirits are in heaven!

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