Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2004 Overturning Wanjun's Heavy Burden

The "world destroyer" called by King Qing, the "invader" recognized by Jihuo Yuxiu, and the terrifying existence hidden in the history of the floating land that Jiang Wang and the others saw... finally began to express at this moment what He erased. The blank history of the past, with the birth of an evil ghost Tiandao!

Leaving aside the influence of the kingship system, Qinghuo Guanwen, who was born as the destroyer of the world, is far from comparable to Qinghuo Heng, who was born by the destroyer of the world. It can be compared to the difference between the body and the puppet.

The reason why they are at the same power level is only because the limitation of the floating world is here, not that the limits of power that these two bodies can control can be compared!

And this evil ghost's way of not restricted at all!

This is a microcosm of the past era of the floating land world, which is not affected by the current era. Because the past is past and the past cannot be changed.

For the [World Destroyer] who manipulated the history of the floating land, what does the unlimited power achieved by sacrificing the entire evil ghost clan mean?

It means the limit of the entire floating land world!

What you think is what you get.

Even King Qing, who has gathered millions of soldiers, looks weak in front of this evil ghost Tiandao!

So Jiang Wang walked away on the cloud at the first time, and at the same time gathered the true source of the fire world, flung the thread of spiritual thoughts like a fishing line, and between quick steps, he threw the thick book of creation into the fire Yuxiu's arms.

Their previous saber-rattling was real, but it was more of a negotiation—a discussion of where they would end up if they won.

Jiang Wang said that he would temporarily seal the book of creation to restrict the will of the world that already has "self" and "selfishness". Jihuo Yuxiu has not stated whether she agrees or not.

Amidst the stalemate, changes have taken place.

They can only join hands first, and then fight for a victory.

But how difficult it is to win at this time!

Even Xi Ming immediately unlocked the mechanism on the wheelchair, Jiang Wang uncovered the scarlet gold seal of the Chaotian Tower, and Ji Huo Yuxiu immediately grabbed the Book of Creation—but she couldn't open this book one page!

Qinghuo Guanwen's whole body was engulfed in black flames, and his voice became hoarse and deep: "I will divide the era of this world. In the current age of humans, you and I are fighting for authority. In the era of evil spirits in the past, the authority belongs to me. In the future age of the Spirit Race, I have laid the groundwork for a long time, and I will still be the winner. There is no you in the past and the future, so what do you use to compete with me for the present?"

At this moment, Ji Huo Yuxiu, who is holding the book of creation, can mobilize the power of the world without limit, and can be said to be the strongest existence on this side.

But being caught by that evil ghost, he can't stop with just one look!

Evil ghosts once controlled this world, and the evil ghosts formed by the entire group of evil ghosts infinitely approached the limit power of this world—not only the level of the totem holy spirit that the totem system cannot break through, but also reached the Yandao, tracing back to his past. The pinnacle of possession is powerful!

Although Jiang Wang and the others burst out with their ultimate talents, with amazing courage and hard work, they shattered the totem of kingship and wiped out King Qing who was in his presence.

But it was still the original sentence - it was never these young people who were qualified to be His opponents.

His opponent is in the sky, and also in the depths of Yagan Lake.

Previously, he ruled the soldiers and smashed the sky bowl with the smoke of blood, which was his suppression of begging. When meeting Jiang Wang's challenge, His main energy is still there.

And the existence in the depths of Yagan Lake has been suppressed by him since the evil ghost era gained the upper hand... But until now, he has not dared to take it lightly.

Every year, every month, there is not a moment to let down our vigilance.

That's why he is so stingy about power.

This grudge is due to the great opponent, not to these lovely urchins.

Jihuo Yuxiu can be regarded as half of the opponent, and it is only because she is retired from the world and cannot be completely erased.

Rather than saying that Qing Huoheng's act of kingship was a duel, it was just a game to verify the quality of Tianjiao, a small means to make this world come alive. The outcome of the game is actually irrelevant.

Of course, he did get surprises, and these young people frequently brought him surprises, but the surprise is that these surprises will eventually lead to a better ending.

It is the resistance of these people, and the joining of these worldly arrogances, that make the fate of the Fulu people set off a turmoil, thus stirring up more brilliant power and more majestic vitality—and in the end, it will surely make him get more A complete harvest.

If the river of fate of the Fulu people is a pool of stagnant water, and people, under the shackles of royal power, go to the dining table numbly like pigs and dogs, then he can only eat "pigs and dogs" and get basic rewards.

Only the Floating Land Human Race, who are rushing in the river of fate like now, have the opportunity to achieve the ideal "Personal Shura" after the sacrifice.

Only with the "evil ghosts and heaven" as the soul and the "human Shura" as the body, can he finally achieve the perfect Taoist body that he expected. Let him truly return to his peak, and even surpass his peak!

From coming to the floating land world until now, He has never had a real failure.

The most dangerous situation is the stalemate during the initial period, the weakness and suffering at that time have ended with the end of the era of evil spirits.

Then, more than a thousand years ago, the begging bowl came to the floating land and fell into Yagan Lake.

He went there in a hurry and fought with both parties. Because he was concerned about the impact of reality, he failed to get a bargain, and only turned Yagan Lake into Yagan Tiankeng.

In the second year, Qihuo Rushibo, driven by the terrifying existence at the bottom of Yagan Lake, attacked Shengshou Mountain.

In that perhaps the most intense battle in the history of the floating land, Qihuo Rushibo smashed the book of creation, shattered his authority, and scattered the pages of the creation book all over the floating land.

And he discarded it first and then took it, and suppressed the begging with such a bowl with his backhand! Taking advantage of the trend, the layout of reclaiming the Fulu human race was laid out. When Ao Kui came back more than a thousand years later, he just completed the finale, once won forever.

If it wasn't necessary to suppress the existence of the beggar Rushibo and the bottom of Yagan Lake at the same time, why would He need to summon the evil ghost Tiandao now?

The body of the evil ghost is a shadow, without light or color.

This shadow once appeared when Lian Yuchan communicated with Jihuo Yuxiu, when King Qing had a secret conversation with Qinghuo Yuanchen, and appeared in many corners of Fulu's history...

The demon never left, just exists in a greater way.

The edge of the shadow is twisted and stretched infinitely, revealing endless terror, encroaching on the copper sky, and connecting to the boundless sky below. It's almost like a secret door that cuts off the entire floating land world.

Before this giant shadow, the barefoot Qinghuo Guanwen almost disappeared like a black spot.

Millions of soldiers were panic-stricken, and there was no one who saw this giant shadow in the entire floating land, and everyone was terrified!

Li Fengyao held the soldier with one hand, raised the battle flag, and patrolled the mountains: "Those who want to live follow my battle flag!"

He ordered in a loud voice: "All the leaders of the ministries obey my orders. At this time of death and life, don't leave a word! Obedience to orders may not lead to life, but death will not be in vain! I promise you will wait!"

Among the worshipers in the Daqi Taimiao, the hero who founded the country worshiped the sky, and the hero who restored the country worshiped the protector of the country. Those who can add the word "protecting the country" are the first-class famous families in Daqi.

This promise carries weight.

Water Purification Department Qingshui Chengyan, Fire Celebration Department Qinghuo Yuanchen, Chilei Department Chi Leiyan took the lead in responding!

One answer, one answer, the soldiers will rise again!

Li Fengyao raised the battle flag high, looked at Bing Xin, and accurately issued orders to each tribal leader, quickly mobilizing the army - nearly three million troops gathered here, far beyond her ability to command the army, let alone her divine presence The cultivation base of the environment can match.

She can only give a rough command, delegating the military power infinitely, and the army of the Ministry of Purification is the main force. The military resources are greatly wasted, but there is no better choice at the moment.

He also ordered: "Bai Yuxia, Lian Yuchan, and Lin Xian are my lieutenants and help me lead the army!"

The three of them were all cultivated as the pride of the country, and they all have a certain ability to command troops. There was no more nonsense at this time, and he naturally accepted the command and went as ordered.

At such a moment, facing the horror shown by the evil ghost Tiandao, everyone knows that the impasse is approaching.

No one is willing to give up.

In this war, the Ministry of Fire and Fire has given everything, from the death of the tribe to the witchcraft. As the leader, Jihuo Yuling still bravely raised his gun and wanted to challenge the evil spirits who were connecting the sky and the earth.

Jiang Wuxie gently pushed her towards Li Fengyao, her tone was gentle but unquestionable: "Go and help her."

But he walked out behind Jiang Wang and took a step forward——

The boots were raised, and the criss-crossing red and blue dotted lines once again appeared on this battlefield.

The boots fell down and appeared above Blazing Yuxiu.

Turning around like a swaying branch of a pine, the bright red spear suddenly fell!

He didn't look for Qinghuo Guanwen or Evil Ghost Heavenly Dao, but Jihuo Yuxiu. But naturally the point of the spear was not aimed at Jihuo Yuxiu, but at Jihuo Yuxiu's palm book!

"Yuxiu, don't panic, dad is coming!"

At such a moment, the Book of Creation is the most important thing!

It is easy to make judgments, but difficult to make choices.

It's not hard to make a choice. In the face of the terrifying oppression of the evil ghost and heavenly law, one can still focus on the overall situation and resolutely make the right choice, which shows the mentality of a strong man.

The fluttering long hair seemed to be a black tassel, after Jiang Wuxie leaped high in the sky, like the sun rising, a giant red cauldron rose under the dark sky!

The flames under the tripod were raging, and there were thousands of lights and shadows in the tripod, constantly rotating fragments of mountains and rivers.

The light and shadow are the history of the floating land, and the mountains and rivers are the mountains and rivers of the floating land.

When Jiang Wang tore up the contract of kingship and collapsed the kingship, he was not idle.

As the king of the overlord and the imperial family, secretly use the secret method of imperial power, collect the broken royal power, and throw them all into this world of mortals... Recast the concept of broken nothingness into a real power, so you can slightly leverage some of it The rules of the floating land world help Jihuo Yuxiu to turn the page at this time!

The invisible confinement seemed to have been knocked out of the gap, when the Red Luan gun fell, Jihuo Yuxiu's hand flipping the book was raised along with the book of creation.

At such times, Xi Ming remained calm. Instead of controlling those doomed puppets, he closed his eyes.

He hung silently in the air. Starting from the ten fingers of both hands, runes lit up one by one... Every part of his body was engraved with mysterious runes, making him like a hanging lantern in the shape of a human being, shining through the night like day.

The terrifying high temperature boiled in his body, and the white air around him began to evaporate!


Jingli also moved at this time, moved the cloth shoes, but stood in front of Jiang Wang.

The monk's robes are billowing, and the golden light is boundless!

At this moment, he was facing the evil spirit supporting the sky, like a little light embedded in the endless darkness. Although it declines, it does not die, although it is weak, it does not sleep.

But a hand was on his shoulder.

Jiang Wang pressed his shoulders, walked to him, stared at Qinghuo Guanwen with red eyes, and said in his mouth: "Little senior brother, walk with me."

The shiny bald head shines on the black locks of hair, and the golden light reflects the firelight.

The world is vast, and there are a sea of ​​people.

Jingli and Jiang Wang walked in front of everyone and rushed towards the evil ghost Tiandao first.

This is a deadly charge!

Willing to be an overwhelmed mayfly!

There is no wave in Qinghuo Guanwen's eyes.

These people in front of them are all ants.

The two Yan Dao statues outside the sky are just bigger flies.

This is the end!

He has more than ten thousand ways to crush everything in front of him.

But He decided to choose the most peaceful one.

He raised the hand that belonged to the Human Body Celebrating the Fire, and the evil ghost that connected the sky and the earth, also stretched out a big hand woven with dim light, covering the sky and the earth, falling like a whole sky!

Not "like".

He simply tore off a layer of sky in the floating land world, crushing everything in this world equally!

This is His true, invincible power displayed!

In one world, what kind of attack can surpass it?

In the face of such an offensive, what kind of killing method is not a dying struggle?

No matter how supernatural powers you have, how much Taoism you have, let your will be as strong as iron, and you can have thousands of troops.

Tear off the heaven and the earth into one, the mountains, rivers, and living beings are all crushed.

But at this time——


With the help of the Red Luan Spear, Jihuo Yuxiu opened the book of creation.

Dazzling blazing light came out through the book and went straight to the sky! The great white blazing light represents the power of the floating land world in this era. It is infused with unparalleled courage and the hope of hundreds of millions of living beings. It is like a pillar of heaven, supporting the falling "dome" of the sky!


At this moment, Li Fengyao mobilized a huge amount of energy and blood, using the secret art of war to form a column of energy and blood smoke, and wanted to help support the sky regardless of loss.

Gain enough space for others to attack before the dome falls.

But in the next moment, the "Tianzhu" that represented the book of creation silently collapsed.

Didn't even last a breath!

Followed by the just rising smoke column of qi and blood, it almost collapsed at the touch of a touch.

Pieces of floating land warriors fell to the ground!

The process of destroying the world is continuing, and the existence known as the "destroyer of the world" harvests infinitely from it.

Hundreds of millions of hectares of crops are planted in spring, and only one dendrobium is harvested in autumn!

The power of evil ghosts and heaven has exceeded the limit of this world. As more and more floating land people are sacrificed, they will become stronger.


Qinghuo Guanwen's hand pressed down.

This layer of the sky is also resolutely falling!

Perhaps the dark cloud of despair is higher than the shadow representing the evil spirit in front of us.

But at this moment, there was a dragon chant suddenly.

There was a long cry, like the long whistle of "I have been free in a cage for a long time, and I have overturned a heavy burden"!

Jiang Wang frowned, so familiar!

This dragon chant is not in the blue sky, not in the secluded sky, nor in the space between heaven and earth, but in the body of that terrifying evil ghost Tiandao!

Jiang Wang is also able to see the immortal who controls the eyes and drives Qianyang's red pupils——

In the body of the evil ghost Tiandao who was pulled out from the deep sky and connected to the blue sky, in that huge shadow, there was a dragon that was also condensed by the shadow... the mighty dragon, swimming in it!

Ao Kui! ! !

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