Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2006 Kong Ke and Han Gui have become ancestors

As a "teacher of ten thousand people in the human race", Wu Han is of course qualified to say that he has devoted his whole life to the human race.

Of course, no one in the future generations is qualified to say that the future of the human race has nothing to do with him.

But is the person in front of him really Wu Hangong?

Even if he was really transformed from a piece of flesh and a wisp of remnant soul of Duke Wuhan, could he still be considered Duke Wuhan?

Indeed, there are too many clues for argument.

For example, the broad knowledge and all-round ability displayed by Qinghuo Guanwen. He can calmly deal with the attacks of many human geniuses, including Jiang Wang, Jingli, Ximing, and Jiang Wuxie, at the personal level of the spirit of the totem. Taoism. These may not be anything.

But he can also create the evil ghost race, the floating land human race, and even the planned totem spirit race. He can also create a complete totem practice system, and build a kingship system that represents the current order of the floating land...and create the world The Book of Heaven runs instead of the Dao of Heaven!

Not to mention Fulu, looking at the entire history of the human race in the present world, there are very few existences that can do this!

Wu Hangong, who has achieved the source of all dharmas, should obviously be the first existence that comes to mind.

Another example is that he has such extensive knowledge, but he doesn't know that there is everything in this world, obviously he was born in the era before the new enlightenment of the Taoist calendar.

Another example is the double pupil of the sun, the moon, and the sky shown by the evil ghost Tiandao... Those are the eyes that the legendary Wu Hangong possessed!

But what is the proof of a person's existence?

No matter how powerful the person in front of him is, no matter how close he is to the historical Wu Han Gong, Jiang Wang and Jing Li from the present world, it is difficult to equate him with the historical legend.

Who is Wu Han Gong?

In ancient times, he was dubbed a virtuous name and listed as one of the eight virtuous ministers. He has created countless practice methods, and has become the source of all dharmas and the teacher of all sects. Even the ancestors of Confucianism and Fazu were taught by him. In ancient times, He stepped forward again to fight against the Demon Ancestor, and then unfortunately fell and became history.

Throughout his life, it can be said that he has devoted himself to the human race until his death.

What can match the word "great" is not only his cultivation, but also his contribution and character.

And what about this one?

Hiding in this small world of floating land, hiding in the shadow of history, playing with the will of the world, and slaughtering hundreds of millions of creatures...Compared to Him, Ao Kui is not evil enough.

Compared with Qinghuo Guanwen's sudden resentment, Jiang Wang looked stern: "The sages are dead, and the history can be seen. Those who are born later, dare not underestimate them!"

Qinghuo Guanwen shook his head and sighed: "After Cangjie created characters, ordinary people can also express truths in words. Their lives are really diverse!

"In order to quickly popularize characters, Cang Jie thought of many ways, one of which is to ask each of us to write something using the characters he created, as an example.

"Yi Yanshu wrote a very interesting little story at that time. In the story, there was a man of high morals and respect, who died of old age because his life limit was up. This man's descendants were full of filial piety, and he served him for a long time during his lifetime. After his death, a grand funeral was held for him. Many friends and relatives of his former life came to pay homage to him and mourn him. The children and grandchildren cried together in front of the spirit, heartbroken.

"But when he was buried, he unfortunately came back to life, struggling to knock on the coffin... Guess what?"

His voice turned indifferent: "Everyone pretends that this incident never happened. The coffin was still buried in the earth at an auspicious time. The knocking sound in the coffin was also buried in the ground forever."

As the eight virtuous ministers of the ancient emperor, Ji Yanshu really has a unique style. Even the random stories are so... different.

And Qinghuo Guanwen continued: "A person has already died, and has been mourned and cherished. Suddenly one day he came back to life... It's too ignorant and impolite, right?"

"The emotion that has been paid seems to have become a thorn in the flesh; the new life that is ready to welcome seems to be dragged down by the ignorant past; after too intense emotions, there is only numbness that never wants to do it again ... The living are embarrassed by it, and therefore at a loss, right?

"Several great ages have passed, and human nature has never changed. People don't respect greatness, they only seek newness. People only miss the dead, and never worship the living!"

The bright red tip of the gun bloomed like flowers, shattering His indifference and long speeches.

Jiang Wuxie rubbed her body, almost swept the shadow of the gun into a roll of red cloak, and wanted to cover Qinghuo Guanwen's body: "Jian Yanshu is Ji Yanshu, Wu Han Gong is Wu Han Gong, and you are you. Stories are stories, and reality is reality. Even if the Qing Emperor has insight into human nature, one story cannot represent everything. You can take pleasure in insulting and punish hundreds of millions of souls to enrich yourself. I find it hard to believe that Wuhan Guild would do such a thing. matter!"

After Ji Yanqiu established the Dayang Empire, he named his ancestor Ji Yanshu as Emperor Qing, and he was named the ancestor of the East. There has always been a saying-if counting from the name of the emperor who was conferred, Yangguo is the first big country where a female emperor reigns.

In a certain period of time, Qi State also inherited the heritage of Yang State from Chen, and in fact rose from the ruins of the old Yang State. It has always recognized the legitimacy of Yang State, so it also recognized the title of "Qing Emperor".

Qinghuo Guanwen tore his hands, and tore apart the shadow of the Hong Luan Spear's red cape: "What does it matter about the Qing Emperor and the Red Emperor? You think that Wu Hangong will not be like this, it's just because he didn't understand before. I don't know What is good without forgiveness, evil lives forever!"

He still suppressed Ao Kui in the competition within the evil ghost Tiandao. Therefore, I can occasionally borrow the power of some evil ghosts and heaven, so as to collide with Jiang Wang and others frequently: "Do you know how I died?"

"You don't know anything, how dare you blame me?"

The sword, spear, and spear in his right hand are unpredictable, and the spells in his left hand can be controlled by his heart, but he suppresses these arrogance!

"At the beginning, the ancient emperor and the three Daoist priests built the gate of ten thousand demons, and they were unable to separate themselves. I wish you to take the opportunity to set off a wave of demons to destroy the world and spread the disaster to Kyushu. In order to save the common people from being overhanging, I stand alone before the tide of demons! Before departure, I and Kong Ke and Han Gui made an appointment, no matter who finds the real body of the Demon Ancestor first, the other two must come to help at the first time. These two people fought timidly and never missed the appointment. I also cared about hundreds of millions of souls and refused to retreat, so I was killed alive kill!"

A transcendent existence was beaten to death because he refused to retreat before the demon tide. What a tragedy!

This is the ancient era, an era that buried darkness and achieved greatness.

But in Qinghuo Guanwen's words, what attracted more attention were those two names.

Kong Ke! Han Kyu!

The former is the founder of Confucianism, and the latter is the founder of Legalism. They are all the ancestors of the world's famous scholars, saints and sages!

"They are not timid to fight." Although Jiang Wang did not learn from these two sects, he waved his sword to face the truth and defend the sages: "In history, it was the ancestors of Confucianism and Fa who stepped forward to stop the tide of evil. Gaining time, let the ancient human emperor get away and return. Then the three supernatural beings teamed up to kill the demon ancestor just now. Another hundred thousand years will end the demon tide."

"Ancestor of Confucianism? Ancestor of Dharma?" Qinghuo Guanwen laughed very sadly: "They are also called ancestors, don't they?"

He became more and more mad: "But I am still imprisoned in this world, wandering alone with little hope, for thousands of years and thousands of years, and I can't see the sky!"

For a long time, in order to hide himself, he did not explore beyond the floating land. Because for some existence, you will be perceived in the process of perceiving certain information.

He is hidden deep in the world of floating land, and is still hidden in history in the world of floating land. He just doesn't want to be noticed by anyone, and he doesn't want to add risks to the way back.

When a begging job such as a bowl comes, it will turn the world upside down. He restrained and restrained again, and was careful and careful.

It is only after touching the bowl of begging for living that we know that the Buddhist family has developed this way. It was only after fighting against Jingli that he began to dismantle the Buddhist seal.

It is only when you meet people in this world that you know what the world is like. Only by talking about the old people today can we learn from the past.

It's so sad.

Kong Ke and Han Gui have become ancestors, so don't leave the names of sages in the Han Dynasty!

Qinghuo Guanwen was so sad and indignant that none of the people who besieged him sympathized.

They couldn't be sure which sentence of Qinghuo Guanwen was true.

Xi Ming was covered in armor at this time, and his whole body seemed to swell more than a circle. The bloated organ armor not only did not slow down his speed, but instead strengthened him in all directions.

In the case of a five-person melee, the large-scale Taoism can easily affect teammates, and ordinary puppets cannot participate in this level of battle and cannot form cooperation. So he abandoned his skills and worked hard, clenched his fists, and blasted out the Mohist's direct handed down [For example, push the four small fetches] with power several times his own!

These four selections are the four debate methods in Mohist learning. It is also an iron fist of logic that is gradually oppressing and unavoidable at this moment! The combination of rigidity and softness is perfect, and it fills the offensive gaps of several teammates very well.

"Do we believe in history books, or in you?" He asked with fists.

And Qinghuo Guanwen only said: "Then let me ask you, what is the Heavenly Court of the Monster Race? Where did the Human Race originate from? Do you really know the truth about the ancient war?"

"No need to answer!" After these three questions, he strode forward, slapped the fist that was pressed down by Xi Ming, and waved his hand: "The history you have seen is my compilation! I made history like this , The latecomers make history as well, I have no complaints!"


The sacrificial robe on His body was endlessly rolling, and the fire pattern on it seemed to come alive, leaping out of the sacrificial robe and swimming in the air: "No one can erase what I once owned. No one can forget what I once won. No one can stop what I am going to find! Anyone who stands in my way will die, and whoever stands in my way deserves death!"

"History books are certainly not to be trusted, but compared to words, I believe that a person's behavior is more representative." Jiang Wang splashed sword light like a waterfall, firmly occupying the position of the main attacker with unparalleled killing power: "Confucianism I don't know much about law, but these two have been handed down from generation to generation. They have always taught people and educated people. They have contributed to culture and education in the human race. They should be famous for virtue. You say that the Confucian ancestors and the Fa ancestors were timid, but in fact they were the ones who blocked the tide of evil , so the term 'cowardice' cannot be established. Even if what you said is true, I think there must be hidden reasons."

"The reason why Kong Ke and Han Gui were able to block the tide of demons was because Zhu You was damaged during the battle with me!" Qinghuo Guanwen said: "I penetrated through the nine heavens and wandered through the universe. Meat and a wisp of remnant soul are suppressing demons in this floating land. The demon ancestor they are facing is not in a complete state!"

"What kind of demon is in your town?" Jiang Wuxie asked with a spear in hand, his figure kept flickering around the Qinghuo Guanwen, and every time the red light fell, it seemed to fly from the sky.

He sneered at Zhen Moyi's words.

The demon ancestor Zhu You suppressed the Confucian ancestors and the Dharma ancestors, and was under the siege of the ancient emperor Youxiong, so he was able to drink his hatred. This is not complete yet?

Was the Ancient Human Sovereign just a piece of paper? !

Qinghuo Guanwen said angrily: "The "Mountain and River Broken Dragon Magic Art" was suppressed by me here. From ancient times to the present, how many years have it been there! What you heard just now is the roar of this magic art! Little ignorant Thieves, do you think I'm afraid of you? What I'm afraid of is that the demon ancestor will be resurrected, the world will suffer disaster, and the human race will suffer!"

"You said..." Jihuo Yulian seemed to have heard the funniest joke in the world, and finally turned her head away from her focused control of the army formation. As the leader of the Jihuo Department, she joined the conversation on behalf of the Fulu people: "Are you worried The lives of the human race have been ruined?"

"The human race in the present world is the human race, and you are just imitations that I made! Don't be stressful!" Qinghuo Guanwen waved his sleeves, and the sky was three points lower: "You still want to go to the world? Who do you think you are?" ? This little prince really brought you back, and you will be oppressed by this world forever, unable to make any progress, almost like a walking dead!"

His words were so cruel that they pierced the heart of Ji Huo Yuling like a knife. It also trampled on the self-esteem of the floating land people.

For Jiang Wang and others, He was even more aggressive: "You are all human beings in this world, but you were not born noble. It was because of the hard work of old guys like me that you were born to be the rulers of this world. Now, for these clay sculptures, and I For the enemy?!"

The black flames on his body are as fierce as his blazing aura: "I created all kinds of magic, lifted the demon court, blocked the tide of demons, and suppressed demons! Even if I found Xiong, it was not much more than I counted! Human Emperor I deserve it too! Boy, how dare you say that the future of the human race has nothing to do with me?"

With a swipe of Jiang Wang's horizontal sword, a ray of sky rises!

All the sword styles I have learned in my life are all for attacking at this moment.

"The truth of history is in history! Don't tell me who you are in words, your choices describe who you are!"

Lian Yuchan, who was dedicated to assisting Li Fengyao in the army, was amazed and sighed for a moment.

Frankly, she was shaken.

Faced with the existence of such a suspected human sage, the boss is too firm!

His sword is divided into black flames, and one man guards the gate, towering like a green pine.

Also, the light of the Buddha shines everywhere, and the little holy monk of purification ceremony fills in for him, so that he can concentrate on attacking.

He also saw that Xi Ming's body was like cast iron, and his punches were heavier than the punches, trying to grab more attention from Qinghuo Guanwen.

And behind Jiang Wang's tall and straight figure like a green pine, a red tripod rose like the sun.

Xiongzhen Quartet!


After sunrise and green pines, a red tripod suppresses black flames!

There are three legs to stand on the mountains and rivers, and two ears to listen to the living beings. There is a faint sound of a long song, the song said, "Due to fate, you will travel in your dreams, the world of mortals will be entangled in the pot, and a man will die like a hero, and he will live like a hero!"

Jiang Wang felt Chaotian Que shaking in his Yuanshen Sea, as if echoing.

Around Jiang Wuxie's body, red stars began to glow. His black hair and purple pupils were all stained by red star sand. This made him more mysterious and dreamy amidst his femininity and beauty.

Jihuo Yuling in the army looked at it in a daze.

His aura rose again!

"Are you saying they are all clay sculptures?"

The sound was like a tripod, the spear was like a phoenix, and thousands of sharp beaks fell at the same time! Countless starbursts turned into a red phoenix, its tail feathers were endless mortal lines, and the gusts of wind poured into the undercurrents, even pushing back the sacrificial robes of Qinghuo Guanwen, so subdued!

"But I am truly loved!"

The last sound of this sentence is combined with the sound of the gun.

With this collision, Qinghuo Guanwen was bumped onto the body of that evil ghost Tiandao!

The sky is full of stars, and the world of mortals is endless.

The phantom of the red phoenix was born and shattered, shattered and reborn, and it continued to regenerate for a while, falling straight down thousands of times!

The Nine Princes of Daqi relied on their spear skills to compete with the palaces, and all birds turned to the phoenix——

Phoenix is ​​flying!

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