Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2007 I once saw Nanji Beidou in vain

Jiang Wuxie's shot was dazzling and powerful, and it was the most stunning blow in this round. It directly beat Qinghuo Guanwen to the ground and put evil ghosts on it like a painting.

But after this shot, the red cauldron in the air disappeared, and he also fell in a straight line, landing in the arms of Jihuo Yuling who was flying over.

Warm and fragrant nephrite hits his arms. With one shot, he lost his strength.

It is too difficult for him to keep up with Jiang Wang's level of fighting rhythm when he first enters the gods.

The Celebration of Fire Guanwen pasted on the body of the evil ghost Tiandao is like a fire point in the boundless night.

Every tiny place on the body has become a battlefield of raging fire and guns, fighting each other, producing huge destructive power.

It was part of the evil ghost's power from the heavenly way that held this body up and supplemented the human way with the heavenly way. As the body of Qinghuo Guanwen, it didn't continue to collapse. For this reason, he also gave Ao Kui a moment to breathe.

The evil ghost's Heavenly Dao is like a huge black wall, with his hands wide open, slightly sunken in between, like a corpse nailed to the wall. After a little recovery, he took a light breath and said "OK".

The begging of the sky is like a bowl, and he is suppressing it.

Ao Kui, the evil ghost in Tiandao's body, is attacking.

Somewhere in this floating land world, "Mountain and River Broken Dragon Magic Art" is struggling.

He is competing for authority in the Book of Genesis.

He is controlling the flow of time in this world.

He is dealing with so much at the same time, he has no patience anymore!

Perhaps the suppression of the "Mountain and River Broken Dragon Magic Art" can be relaxed a little bit. He found that he doesn't really need the approval of people like Jiang Wang, and the light of humanity is nothing more than that, and it's all given to the pedantic people!

He used to be so pedantic...

Facing the crowd approaching, He asked for the last time, "What about you, do you think the same way?"

"It's a very simple judgment." Xi Ming said coldly: "I believe in Wu Han, who taught all kinds of methods, and believe in the Confucian ancestors and Dharma ancestors who believed in the Wanshijing... I don't believe that in the Qinghuo Department of the Fulu World, a shrinking head Witch Zhu at the end. I don't believe a word you say."

Jingli didn't say a word.

When he was with the master, he used to wait for the master to speak. When he was with his younger brother, he was used to letting his younger brother talk.

But Qinghuo Guanwen's eyes looked over.

There is really a question in the eyes of the ancient sages to the unworthy descendants of later generations.

He was a little angry. Both master and junior are very smart people, but he is not stupid either. Why did this man think he could bluff him?

He seriously emphasized again: "You have committed a lot of sins, and your heart is already filthy."

It's still the original sentence, and it's still the evaluation after exhausting the bloody corpses.

No matter what this person said after that, what identity he put on for himself, and what encounters he enriched, he could not change his behavior at that time.

His assessment is based on evil itself.

At a certain moment, Qinghuo Guanwen felt that the cleanliness and stubbornness in this handsome bald man's eyes were more dazzling than the circle of Buddha's light on his forehead.


His voice was very heavy, as if the truth also became heavy.

Then he turned his gaze and saw a bow.

A fully stringed Frost Killing Bow carved like ice crystals.

These Tianjiao with different personalities and different lives have similar firmness to a certain extent. They all have their own ideals and behaviors in life, and they will not be easily influenced by anyone. Even if that person calls himself Duke Wu Han!

Compared with playing life and purifying rituals, Li Fengyao stayed in Fulu for a longer time, got in touch with more people in Fulu, and really experienced the life of people in Fulu.

For example, the very wise witch Zhu Jingshui Chengyu once lost his composure in despair and told how he went from being a young man to an old man. Confidentially that old heart, let her see how a wise man in Fulu was trapped in the shackles of the looming world, and how he was thinking hard about the future of the ethnic group in a desperate situation where he could not go any further in his life.

For example, that pious little boy, the disciple of Ching Shui Chengyu, was so naive and romantic, he set up a heroic ambition at a young age, thinking that the world has infinite possibilities.

For example, the belief absorbed by the statue of the goddess. In the dead of night, the prayers that can be heard the most are simple and beautiful wishes...

Missing home, wanting to grow up, wanting to be healthy, wanting to be understood, wanting to be loved...

This is a section of fresh life, a real person.

She drew the bow.

Her beautiful, jade-like five fingers gradually turned bright red, and the blood stained the strings of ice: "You said that you shaped them with your own hands, but you also said that they are just clay sculptures and crops. You have lived in this world for so long, and you think they are not Existence. You said you squeezed them like clay, didn't you really touch their bones and blood? Can't you feel—”

The string has been loosened at the end of the potential.

"How hot!"

Millions of floating land human warriors roared like beasts in unison. They are puzzled, resentful, and in pain. They are obviously living seriously and working hard to manage their own lives. Why are they regarded as pigs and dogs?

Frost Heart's supernatural powers have been stretched to the limit, and all the details of the entire battlefield are reflected in his heart like a mirror.

With the help of Bai Yuxia, Lian Yuchan and Lin Xian.

With the full cooperation of tribal leaders such as Jingshui Chengyan and Qinghuo Yuanchen.

Under the blessing of Jihuo Yuxiu holding the Book of Creation.

In the fury and bravery of all floating land warriors.

Li Fengyao fired the most powerful arrow in his life so far, but of course he didn't really condense the power of millions of troops into one. But at this moment, it can be regarded as millions of people bowing together.

The soldiers are as fierce as the sea, and they "spit" out an arrow with drums.

Such a crystal clear flying arrow crossed the battlefield and hit the evil ghost Tiandao's forehead.

From this, the frost spread rapidly to the surroundings.

The sky is snowing.

The ice-like Li Fengyao fell backwards into the boundless ocean of warriors.

This is a terrifying arrow, which almost reproduces the elegant demeanor of Li's ancestors who destroyed Xiongcheng with arrows.

With one arrow, the floating land is covered with snow, and with one arrow, frost kills evil spirits!

Of course the evil spirits cannot be killed by Heavenly Dao.

This terrifying ghost almost shook the snow off its body and dusted off the shards of ice.

But the significance of this arrow is... once again shaken the evil spirit's way of heaven.

In the body of the evil ghost Tiandao, the faceless blue flame god man had almost captured the ghost dragon transformed by Ao Kui, but was suddenly overturned at this moment!


Ao Kui roams this dark world, between a pair of black coral-like dragon horns, the space is squeezed into a black scale!

It is so similar to the scales on the ghost dragon Aokui, but there are essential differences.

It is like a mirror, and every line of sight cast on it can see a different self from it.

The blue flame gods were illuminated, and the entire evil ghost Tiandao's body appeared densely packed with black flame gods one after another. They are all similar to the god-man of the blue flame, and they all go to kill the god-man himself transformed by the sun flame. The ghost domain, which was supposed to be infinitely wide, suddenly felt cramped!

Heaven-level spell, the Inverse Scale Xuancang Mirror!

This is a unique spell created by Ao Kui tracing back the supernatural powers of the ancient dragon emperor Yuan Hong's family, combined with his own accumulation, and held it to compete with Tai Yong. Even though it is a ghost dragon now, it has easily changed the nature of its power, seizing this almost impossible opportunity to make it reappear.

Qinghuo Guanwen hanging on the giant ghost raised his eyes.

"The Dragon Emperor and the Emperor are all gone, I will be the one in this world!"

The blue flame gods in the evil ghost Tiandao's body glowed with divine light, raised their palms, and wiped out all the black flame gods engraved by the black scale mirror, leaving only the dark ripples that exploded one after another .

But if you look at one, you lose the other.

Jiang Wang has arrived. With five fingers wide open, seven spirits covering his face, he pushed back the Qinghuo Guanwen who had just been pulled out of the evil ghost Tiandao's body, and a sword was piercing through the heart!

When Qinghuo Guanwen not only cannot get support from the evil ghosts and heaven, but has to separate the spirituality to maintain the authority of the evil ghosts and heaven, this human body no longer has the possibility of resisting Jiang Wang and the others.

Especially if it had already been shattered once by the Hong Luan Spear.

Bu Zhoufeng hovered over the sword, constantly destroying this human body with the killing of God's will. The true fire of samadhi spread on the surface of Qinghuo Guanwen's body, quickly dispelling the body.

Qinghuo Guanwen opened his eyes wide, and looked at Jiang Wang!

The dark light at the heart faced the frost wind, and the dark fire on his body faced the real fire. He tried his best to delay the speed of this body's collapse.

But it was as if the foundation of a high-rise building had been dug out, and the entire building began to collapse irreparably.

He had so much to do that the breakdown came so violently.

At this time, all the existences in the entire floating land world felt the revival of a terrifying breath.

Chengyan Qingshui looked towards the east with a solemn expression, where black smoke rose into the sky and went straight to the sky. It was able to be seen by the people on this battlefield because it broke through the falling sky and kept hitting higher places.

That is... the direction of Yagan Tiankeng!

At this time, the demonic energy is soaring!

"Ha!" Qinghuo Guanwen stared at Jiang Wang, and his deep voice hovered in his throat: "I can't hold it back anymore, the "Mountain and River Breaking Dragon Magic Art" is about to be released! You stubborn boy, my next generation! Do you really think Are you doing the right thing? You are challenging your ancestors for the life and death of a pile of clay sculptures. You ruined my years of hard work, and promoted the process of resurrection of the demon ancestors! The end of the world, you have a share. Mountains and rivers hang upside down , it’s your fault!”

Even though it was as cold as life, he still hesitated three points.

Qinghuo Guanwen roared angrily: "Don't let me go, let me suppress the devil first!"

People couldn't help but look at Jiang Wang. At this moment, he was covered in fire and frosted, and he seemed to be integrated with Qinghuo Guanwen, firmly embedded in the evil ghost Tiandao.

This is really a difficult choice!

It seems that to be an enemy of Qinghuo Guanwen is to be a friend with the Demon Ancestor. It seems that to fight Qinghuo Guanwen is to help the evildoers and destroy the world!

Many people are not afraid of danger, what they are afraid of is the collapse of the truth in their hearts.

Don't be afraid of a strong enemy in the front, but be afraid that the teacher will come out of no name.

But if the Qinghuoguanwen is released now, everyone knows that there will be no chance again!

Jiang Wuxie has lost all strength, and Li Fengyao has no chance of fighting again. The morale of millions of troops has declined twice, how long can Ao Kui last?

"Is it "Mountain and River Broken Dragon Magic Art"?" Jiang Wang's voice was not high, and compared to Qinghuo Guanwen's gaffe, he seemed too calm: "That's the devil I heard, you are the devil I saw .I choose to kill what I see before verifying what I hear."

The body is like the spine of a sword.

The sound is like the sound of a sword.

The wind blows endlessly!

Qinghuo Guanwen hissed in pain: "This is so wrong, and you still insist on going your own way! You are in vain, and you have missed the light of humanity! Once the magic power is broken, you will implicate the whole world!"

Ao Kui fought with the body of a ghost dragon, biting wildly. He also wanted to arouse his eloquent tongue, argue with this guy a few times, and strengthen Jiang Wang's will to fight. What the hell do you have a human race in your heart? Not to mention other things, once the sky is covered, none of these worldly arrogances can survive. He was only restrained by his uncle Ao Kui, how could he say that he kept his hand? How about Duke Han, how shameless!

But he knew that he had no credibility with Jiang Wang, and he was afraid of backlash. Therefore, he buried his head in the killing, gritted his teeth and endured hatred. He only paid attention to Jiang Wang from the corner of his eye.

Jiang Wang's long hair fluttered, and his eyes were like swords: "If the magic power is really born because of my sword, I will devote my whole life to suppress it. But killing you today... I will never regret it!"

The immortal will controls the real fire, and the flames fly like a dragon dance. The gold, red and white samadhi real fire surged into a tide, almost instantly engulfing the Qinghuo Guanwen, burning the opponent's body into nothingness.

At this moment, Mitu Shentong did not give any response. In a struggle involving the level of Wu Hangong, it is impossible to judge right from wrong.

This is completely Jiang Wang's own choice.

As the core will of this group of people, he bears everything!

The birth of the human race of [World Destroyer] is truly wiped out at this moment.

But [World Destroyer] of course cannot be wiped out like this, his will is above the floating land, one is destroyed and the other is born.

The blue flame god man in the evil ghost Tiandao's body showed his face at this moment, and he opened his mouth and roared: "My heart is as strong as iron, and I will go my own way. If you are a devil, there will be endless disasters! I will eliminate the great trouble for the human race, and I will kill you today!" !"

Ao Kui came whistling and touched it with his horn: "Kill my little friend? Have you asked me yet!?"

He was slapped away by the blue flame god who had returned spiritually.

He is not false at all, he who has controlled a part of the evil ghost's heaven can also absorb nutrients from this ghost body and benefit the ghost dragon. Therefore, fighting hard, it seems that Jiang Wang is really willing to die for Jiang Wang, and his affection is deep and righteous!

[World Destroyer] The blue flame god-man who is dedicated to controlling is more and more able to show his combat power, and keeps repelling Ao Kui.

Outside the body of the evil ghost Tiandao, the real fire of samadhi kept climbing, setting off a prairie fire. Jiang Wang activated the real fire and slaughtered the ghost body: "If I am a demon, I will kill you first!"

Lan Yan Shenren was furious, distorting his facial features: "I really think there is nothing I can do about you!"

The faint blue flames shone in the evil ghost Tiandao's body. At this moment, he let Ao Kui swallow the internal authority, and chose to temporarily control the external power of the evil ghost Tiandao.

The "heaven" that was torn off from that layer is still supported by Jihuo Yuxiu with the book of creation.

And he lifted up with both hands——

The whole crust was lifted!

You Tian, ​​who had only existed in the burrow for a long time, was so directly facing Qing Tian for the first time.

The formation formed by millions of troops collapsed on the spot, and countless people fell into it!

Like ants falling into a pan of oil, no, it's more tragic than that. Ants may leave charred corpses, even human bodies without fly ash, all in the dark.

[World Destroyer] Roared bitterly and freely: "Your descendants are disrespectful and disrespectful to the sages. In the name of Duke Wu Han, I will eradicate traitors and sycophants, and rectify the source. Afterwards, return to the present world and rejuvenate the human race!"

In the depths of the boundless sky, starlight suddenly lit up! One point, two points, one hundred points, one thousand points, ten thousand points of starlight... Countless star beasts swarmed frantically like piranhas smelling blood!

It is already difficult for Jihuo Yuxiu to support the sky, so how can there be time to cover the ground? He gritted his teeth for a moment.

As she said before, these star beasts are raised by [World Destroyer] with karma, so she understands very well that star beasts are also weapons of [World Destroyer]. After both [Prosperity] and [Birth] were cut off, [World Destroyer] showed a third state and took out his trump card.

The situation is very dangerous!

She turned her head to look at Jiang Wang, wanting to communicate something more, but happened to only see a figure from behind.

Jiang hoped that he...

A sword crashed into the body of the evil ghost Tiandao!

Xuantian Glazed Art, the Body of Heavenly Abundance, and Sword Qi to protect the body.

He strides through the clouds in the gloomy light of the evil ghosts and heaven, fluttering like a fairy!

In the state of the Sword Immortal, thousands of spells are cut out like a waterfall, almost an endless stream of killing spells, all heading towards the blue flame god——

"I have seen that Chai Yin spends half his life gambling without Yu Zhen returning to Shenxiao!"

"I have seen Xuanyuan Shuo fishing for a dragon in the sea, and the dream of red makeup is shattered like a swallow!"

"I have seen that the Nanji Beidou is empty, and the fate is endless!"

"The greatness I see proves greatness. I don't believe you are Wu Hangong!"

Thanks to the leader of the book friend "20221008130552935" for the reward! It's for the 477th League of the Chixin Sky Survey!

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