Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2008 Communication that cannot be turned back in time

Chapter Seventy-Seven: Timeless Communication in Time

I once saw that the Nanji Beidou was empty, so Kuhai was willing to turn around.

After the samadhi real fire burned and killed Qinghuo Guanwen, Jiang looked at his samadhi, then stepped into the evil ghost's heaven, and forced Lanyan Shenren with his sword.

The blue-flame god-man was transformed by the eyes of the sun and the moon - of course not the real pair of eyes that shocked the world in ancient times, but the imitation of a kind of power.

At this moment, [World Destroyer] has returned with all his spirituality, fighting Jiang Wang and fighting Aokui within the evil ghost's heavenly way, and fighting against Jihuo Yuxiu outside the evil ghost's heavenly way, and the earth-shaking demon suppression skill.

He lifted the earth's crust, exposed the sky, summoned the star beasts, received the power back, and felt sincere regret—it's a pity that everything is not perfect.

"In the past, I fell into this world and set up a plan for thousands of years, seeking to return to the top and rejuvenate the human race.

"Using a wisp of remnant soul to live as an evil ghost, raising floating lands and majestic ghost lands, the time span is immeasurable! Now that the layout has been completed, it has returned to the heavenly way of evil ghosts! Although there are evil sons and evil dragons swimming here, how can I be me?

"I also erected the mountain of holy hunting, kneaded earth to create people, and raised the floating land people. They reproduced painstakingly, and wanted to become the flesh of my human Shura. The wind and frost have passed through the years, and I have almost achieved it.

"I first suppressed the magic skills, and then suppressed the heavenly bowl, grasped the way of heaven, and changed the world! After years of life, I dare not relax. I will not regret it after a hundred calamities, and finally open a new sky. Although there are evil obstacles blocking the way today, and evil karma is entangled, it is impossible to achieve perfection. .But my greatness is not limited to one path?"

Lanyan Shenren became more and more courageous as he fought harder, pressing harder and harder: "A wisp of remnant soul leads to heaven. Have you ever thought about where the little piece of meat I brought to Fulu... is?"

With a wave of his big hand, the evil ghost Tiandao also waved his hand, and the stars in the dark sky gathered almost into a sea——

"It's close at hand!"

The star beasts in the floating land world are transformed from that little piece of meat from Lord Wu Han!

Only in this way can it correspond to Ruan Yu's judgment back then, saying that it is like a spectacle of Yandao.

For tens of thousands of years, these star beasts have devoured the karma of the floating land indefinitely, and also multiplied and expanded indefinitely. From a little meat, they have grown to the current scale, almost with the power to destroy the world.

And [World Destroyer] now intends to recycle them into fleshy bodies, using humanism, star beasts and evil ghosts to prove transcendence—the fleshy bodies formed by the return of star beasts are of course not clean enough. In the long history, they have only been used As a [world organ] that maintains the operation of the world, it plays a role similar to the six internal organs. After years of devouring the floating land karma, every inch of flesh and blood is full of resentment and resentment, which greatly affects the final state of formation. Not perfect, not strong enough.

But he has no choice.

The evil ghost Tiandao has one person and one dragon in his body, so he may not be able to win much power, but he is very capable of making trouble. Both [Prosperity] and [Naturality] were beheaded, the royal power had collapsed, and the power of the floating land people could not be borrowed. The Book of Creation is still competing with Jihuo Yuxiu, Tianbo keeps resisting, and the magic power is about to be broken...

Seeing that the humane Shura has failed.

He has nowhere to draw on, let alone time. Once the magic power is broken, the consequences will be unimaginable. He can only recall the star beast, which is the escape route he has reserved.

Once the star beast is born, it will immediately become Wu Hangong's flesh and blood and get close to Wu Hangong's soul. This is an irreversible process. In other words, as long as he recalls the star beast, even if he successfully sacrifices all the floating land humans, the humane Asura will not be able to succeed again. Humane Beast is the only option.

That's why in the long years, He left behind the horror legend that the star beast would perish when it left the burrow and came into contact with the Tianshu starlight.

That's why He was willing to give Jiang Wang a "chance" and delayed recalling this body until now.

He was giving a chance to the imaginary human Shura and perfect Taoist body, but Jiang Wang refused!

So be it!

He has seen this kind of firmness in many great beings. External forces cannot shake his will at all, and only the ultimate power can crush him.

Now he will show the ultimate power.

Youtian is more like a ghost than a ghost.

Regardless of the earth, rocks, flags, or human flesh, they were all disintegrated and melted into nothingness the moment they touched Youtian.

Jihuo Yuling hugged Jiang Wuxie, echoed the power of the source, lifted tens of thousands of warriors, and flew out of the ever-expanding cave, her teeth were almost gnawed, and her eyes were bloodstained!

The leaders of the Fulu tribe, Qingshui Chengyan and Qinghuo Yuanchen, are all doing their best to save people.

Li Fengyao has been protected by Lian Yuchan, and Bai Yuxia and Lin Xian have also shown their magical powers.

But... how much can be saved?

At this time, the entire Blazing Fire Mountain Range was opened, and the gap between the earth was still expanding, and the exposed sky became wider and deeper.

There is no way for the army formation to form at all, and most of the soldiers without extraordinary strength can only fall to Youtian.

[World Destroyer] Lifting the earth's crust is like tearing a hole in the ground. This hole is still only in this battlefield, and all the soldiers are buried. When it expands to the various tribes and tribes, and even the entire floating continent, what about the ordinary people who are still living on their own...?

At such a moment, Qingshui Chengyu suddenly jumped down!

At this moment, the old figure spread out, and the strength continued to expand. The spirit body of the totem stretched into a curtain, and it actually stuck to the wound on the floating land.

The spirit body was quickly dispelled!

He screamed without pain, only an old voice echoed in the flying dust——

"You don't need to look back! Kill the evil spirits quickly!"

In this life, he raised him, and he repaid this body.

He even filled the gap with his body and filled the gap with his life!

This is not a very good way, but it is the only thing they can do at the moment.

Using clean water to bear the wisdom limited by the times and the world, I can't think of other possibilities...

The Floating Land Human Clan, who have been banned from the Holy Spirit level and suppressed the limits of their cultivation, is actually powerless in the face of such a disaster!

But this road to death has become the only hope at this moment.

Immediately after Chengyan of Qingshui, the one who jumped into Dique was Wu Zhu from the Ministry of Muddy Waters. He had been fighting against the Ministry of Purification for many years and took the first place in the Ministry of Waters. At this moment of dying, we must fight for it without saying a word!

Then Wu Zhu from the Chilei Department, then the patriarch of the Yuanmu Department, and then the number one expert from the Tianfeng Department...

The totem spirits jumped down one after another, and exploded one after another.

They are crops in the field and clay sculptures on the ground.

They have become the cover of the abyss, the stubborn stones that mend the sky.

Li Fengyao struggled to mobilize his troops and wipe out the chaos. Even Yuchan, Bai Yuxia, Lin Xian and even the generals of the tribes quickly participated in organizing the army and seized the time to escape.

Jiang Wang and Ao Kui attacked the evil ghost Tiandao almost desperately, playing life and purifying rituals also surrounded the evil ghost Tiandao's body to attack to the limit. But the effect is not as good as before.

I want to kill the evil spirit quickly, but I can't!

Sitting in a wheelchair, Ji Huo Yuxiu, holding the Book of Creation in her hands, witnessed all this happening, and her face, which was too ugly, was moved for a moment.

"Being born as a human, do you also have human weaknesses?" She whispered like this,

She raised her eyes and looked at the blue flame god in the evil ghost's heaven: "This kind of karmic, carrion body can actually meet your needs? The perfect design can't be realized, can you?" Can you imagine what kind of monster you will turn into in the end?"

Lan Yan said humanely: "So I want to take back my kindness."

He paused for a moment, emphasizing: "Take back some."

It was not that he refused mercy, but that his mercy was rejected.

The star beast came in response to the call, and he, who had received some power feedback, became more calm in dealing with the situation.

Saying so, he repaired the falling sky, cut off the magic smoke column in the distance, suppressed the magic power, and at the same time tore his hands again!

The land gap expanded again, and the dozens of totem spirits who filled the land gap disappeared without a trace in an instant!

That is the strongest combat power of the Fulu Human Race, sacrificing everything...but not heavier than dust.

The Book of Genesis is violently turbulent!

Hail from the sky, strong winds from the ground, thunder and lightning!

The army formation that Bai Yuxia and Lin Xian organized hastily was crushed by the strong wind on the spot, and the vast number of floating land soldiers fell like raindrops.

In the deep sky, star beasts run around.

Doomsday disaster should be here!

The land shortage continued to spread, and the earth screamed endlessly.

In the sea of ​​stars in the dark sky, there is a cluster of nebula that is particularly bright, and it is getting brighter and brighter - that means it is approaching the blue sky at a terrifying speed.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the nebula was already so dazzling that it was hard to look directly at it. It rushed out of the sea of ​​stars, pressed the other star beasts behind, and jumped onto the floating land!

Its appearance is like a giant whale, its body is woven by dark light, and it is covered with star points all over its body. More than ten thousand stars? More than one hundred thousand!

Its huge size made it almost stick to the ground, and many floating land fighters landed on it, sinking into the soft pad, hitting a small dent.

But didn't hurt anyone, and it didn't obey the [World Destroyer]'s call, approaching it and becoming a part of its physical body.

On the contrary, with a slight shock, with clumsy gentleness, he lifted the millions of floating land warriors on his back to the other side that had not yet cracked the ground. Then aim at the ground and swing the whale's tail!

The huge whale tail swept directly into Youtian, like a huge broom, sweeping away all the other star beasts to an endless distance!

For a while, Youtian was just Youtian, and there was nothing but darkness.

Then it jumped up in the air, and when the whale mouth spit out, it even spit out a clay tablet book. The clay tablet book expands infinitely, just filling the gap in the ground.

Because this clay tablet book has become so huge, the creation scriptures recorded on it can be clearly seen by everyone.

Of course, Bai Yuxia and others who have personally interpreted this page of the book will not fail to recognize it, the words are——

"There are dimensions in the world, and dimensions are in its inscription!"

It is one of the Genesis pages owned by the Ministry of Fire Celebration.

It is the page that King Qing used to repair the floor drain when Jiang Wang and others fought against Ao Kui and suppressed the evil spirits in the underground cave!

At that time, King Qing had not yet been personally captured by the [World Destroyer].

In that battle, Jihuo Yuxiu chose to help Ao Kui become a ghost dragon and break through the secluded cave.

King Qing also took the opportunity to do what he could!

Born as a cave warrior, he has not discovered the historical truth, but has always been skeptical about Qinghuo Zhushu's death. Huai, and later on, before the crisis of annihilation, he began to suspect Wu Zhuqing Huo Guanwen!

He asked Qinghuo Guanwen if he understood the notes of Qinghuo Zhushu, because he wanted to know whether Qinghuo Zhushu had dealt with the studies of previous dynasties.

He angrily kicked the Celebrating Huo Guanwen in front of the Fire Shrine, wanting to see how tolerant [World Destroyer] could be.

After probing in his own way, he left such a will on Qinghuo Yuanchen. Also, when he was still in control of the Book of Creation, he gave him a key.

Whether it is based on his own strength or the kingship totem, he named Qing Huoheng has no ability to resist [World Destroyer]. But that doesn't mean he is such an incompetent person.

As the short-term king of the floating land and a weak warrior of the floating land, he is also fighting against fate in his own way!

The century-old kingship of the Qinghuo Department lasted for a few years.

It is the shortest-lived kingship since the kingship.

But the efforts of the Qinghuo Department and even the entire generation of Fulu people will be recorded in history—if there is any history.

"Celebrate the fire!" Jiang Wang suddenly looked back and shouted in surprise!

Lanyan Shenren's eyes were full of anger, and he waved his hands in disbelief: "My flesh and blood belong to me!"

The star beast giant whale remained motionless.

As for the head of the giant whale, shadows converged, forming the appearance of a young man. The lower body is attached to the star beast giant whale, and the upper body is thin and ordinary, which is the name of Qing Huo!

He looked at Jiang Wang, with a dryness that hadn't spoken for a long time: "You still remember me, friend... friend!"

"Of course I won't forget you, my friend!" Jiang Wang's voice was carefree, and his sword was rushing like a river. The friend who thought he had died a long time ago suddenly came back safely one day, even if he had guessed beforehand, he was very pleasantly surprised at this moment!

"Damn it!" The blue flame god-man was in the evil ghost Tiandao's body, but he couldn't control this giant whale star beast with hundreds of thousands of stars: "What did you do? Who are you?!"

"Perhaps..." Qinghuo Qiming looked over slowly: "Do you have any impression of Qinghuo Bamboo Book?"

Even as a [World Destroyer] who regards hundreds of millions of living beings in the floating land as crops, it is impossible for him not to have an impression of the name Qinghuozhushu. After all, it is the tallest and fullest plant among the hundreds of millions of crops.

After all, it is the strongest witchcraft in the history of the Ministry of Fire, and probably the strongest witchcraft in the history of the floating land, and perhaps the most insightful wise man in the history of the floating land!

After all, he chose to be born in the Qinghuo Department because he was wary of the name, and wanted to investigate what he had done in a more natural capacity.

Obviously all the research on Youtian has been erased, and Qinghuo Zhushu also committed suicide to avoid disaster for the ethnic group. He even took the initiative to leave a warning, not to allow future generations to start research on Youtian...

So how did all this happen? ! !

【World Destroyer】discovered that even if he calculated everything and kept enough backup, he still ignored the floating land human race after all. Ignore the wisdom of this group that He regards as clay pigs and dogs!

Lanyan Shenren raised his voice slightly: "Celebrate the Fire Bamboo Book?"

Qinghuo's inscription's long hair hangs down, and with the body of a giant whale and star beast, he seals it on the page of the creation book, resisting the efforts of the [World Destroyer] to open the earth's crust.

"My grandfather, my father, both died for the Youtian Totem. Since I was born, I have carried the fate of the Youtian Totem. I have also hated, resented, and suffered. But it was not until after I jumped off the Youtian Know what my adoptive father has done."

His voice was very slow, and while recalling the past, he seemed to be remembering how to speak: "Father is the most talented genius in the history of the floating land world! He is also the youngest totem spirit in the history of the Qinghuo Department, only nineteen years old. , it has been accomplished!

"He saw the confinement of the totem system very early on, and then discovered the limitations of this world. Through continuous exploration, he also found a way to break through the totem holy spirit.

"But he didn't choose to become the totem holy spirit himself, because he knew that a totem holy spirit could not change the fate of the floating land people."

Qinghuo Qiming stared at Lanyan Shenren: "Because he discovered the hand that was looming in the history of the floating land. He discovered that the shackles covering the entire floating land were all handwritten by a terrifying existence... The shackles you forged!"

The blue flame godman looked at the clay tablet book under the giant whale star beast with complicated eyes: "This page of the creation book...was also written by him?"

Qing Huo Qiming raised his head slightly, a little proudly: "Exactly!"

The Book of Creation is the embodiment of authority in the floating world.

Huo Yuxiu is the birth of the will of the world, so that he can snatch the ownership of the book of creation and write his own world authority. And Qinghuozhushu, a mere floating land tribe, even wrote a page of the book of creation!

What an incredible thing is this? !

His competitor is the will of the world, the [World Destroyer] with a transcendent vision, and until his death, he is only at the limit of the spirit of the totem.

How could he write this book! To be able to write this page that is not inferior to Jihuo Yuxiu!

His knowledge of this world is far beyond his cultivation, and even beyond the limit of people's imagination. He is indeed the most genius in the history of the floating land world!

Lanyan Shenren's eyelids twitched slightly: "So all of this today was written by Qinghuo Zhushu? So far in this game of chess, he is playing against me?"

Qinghuo Qiming shook his head: "This is not his effort alone, it is the joint efforts of all generations of witches from the Qinghuo Department—no, it is the joint efforts of all generations of wise men of my Fulu Human Race."

His eyes were wistful: "Celebrating the Fire Bamboo Book... It's just the one that has done the most."

"He is not the first person to discover problems in the history of the Floating Land, nor is he the first to discover problems with you. Some wise men who discovered problems in history were erased by you, some escaped, and some chose to use their own methods. There are various ways to fight against you, but none of them succeed in the end.

"But there are still some wise men who choose to use secret methods to leave clues in history, and they communicate in a way that cannot be turned back in time!

Everyone who left behind their own discoveries before death used their life's wisdom and painstaking efforts to build a step for the latecomers. They didn't leave their names, because history is nameless, and because history is watched by you.

"My adoptive father, Qinghuo Zhushu, is the one who made the last stone step!"

Qinghuo Qiming asked this powerful [World Destroyer]: "Do you know how the Nether Sky Totem was formed under your noses? Do you know the geniuses who died in the burrows in the past dynasties, those who were unfortunately pushed into the Nether Sky? Corpse, did you take anything with you?"

"That's their endless imagination about this world! Of course, most of them can't leave ripples in You Tian. But there are still some possibilities, and luckily they exist."

"Youtian Totem is pieced together bit by bit like this."

"They discovered very early on that you are actually resistant to star beasts. Now that you think about it, you don't want this body full of karma to become your physical body. So when you have a choice, you will never use your soul Touching the star beast stimulates the return of flesh and blood. Although the earliest ones didn’t know this, it’s enough to know that you resist the star beast, so Youtian became the battlefield they chose, and it was also the place where the puzzle was finally realized!”

The celebration of the fire at this moment is completely without the cowardice of the past.

Because those people who have followed suit in the history of Fulu left their courage to him!

That's why he looked directly at [World Destroyer] so bravely: "It's just like Ao Kui hid in the dark sky and made the ghost dragon. The spirit of the previous generations of fighters in Fulu also made me in the dark sky!"

[World Destroyer] There was a moment of silence. Because the scene described by Qinghuo Qiming is like a long, long time ago... the resistance of the human race against the demon clan's heaven.

In the darkest environment, there are often the brightest flowers.

Because the essence of life is not to surrender.

"But—it's my flesh and blood!" Lanyan Shenren fought back in the evil ghost Tiandao's body, and changed more than 300 ways to summon his flesh and blood in an instant.

But nothing happens.

Qinghuo Qiming said slowly: "You said, the star beast eats karma to fatten itself, swallows the human race to swell. From a little piece of meat to the scale it is today, is it your flesh and blood or the flesh and blood of this world? Or the flesh and blood of the floating land people?"

His voice suddenly rose, and with the body of a giant whale and star beast, he floated towards the evil ghost: "I don't think you can tell the difference!"

What kind of terrifying power does a star beast that has gathered hundreds of thousands of star points possess?

Floating land has never been seen in history!

The critical moment has come!

[World Destroyer] For the first time, the facial features manifested on Lan Yan Shenren's face truly showed a dignified expression.

At this moment, he can no longer have any reservations, and he is sure that he can no longer take care of it.

Then don't bother!

He opened his arms wide and raised his fingers to the sky. The power to suppress the magic arts in the Yagan Tiankeng was recovered, and the power to suppress the begging such as the bowl was also recovered.

Let that magic power run away, let that day's Buddha treasure escape.

He only takes back one moment, and he wants to clear all obstacles in this moment and return to the peak!

If you act fast enough, you may be able to recover everything.


The terrifying thunderclap spread thousands of miles, and Ao Kui seemed to hear the shocking thunder that swept across the sea.

Hail is like a shower, and the wind is like frost.

The dark sky plummeted straight down, and the ground that had been made up cracked again.

Blood flowed from Jihuo Yuxiu's eyes, and the wheelchair under him was shattered.

The sky toppled and the earth split open.

Doomsday irrevocably happened!

Before he even started to move, the tenacious Ao Kui and Jiang Wang, who had been fighting with him just now, were pushed to the corner by the terrifying force, and then pushed out of the evil ghost Tiandao's body!

He must admit that the floating land people have vigorous vitality, and that these crops also have their own wisdom and courage.

But everything is related to the name of success or failure, and in the end it must be judged by strength!

The will of the floating land world is not good, the floating land human race is not good, and of course Jiang Wang and Ao Kui are not good!

Regardless of people, dragons, ghosts, Buddhas or demons, this is His home field, and He decides everything!

So... the end of today, the end of this calamity!

He hangs in the body of the evil ghost Tiandao, raising the sky with one hand, covering the ground with the other, and then approaching with both hands... the heaven and the earth unite!

The entire floating world is collapsing.

The giant whale star beast was also held down! The terrifying power of the star beast was crushed by the extreme power of this world, the star points were quickly extinguished, the whole body was cracked, and blood gushed like a fountain!

At this moment, Jihuo Yuxiu suddenly called out: "Mother!"

Jihuo Yuling, who was already exhausted, supported Jiang Wuxie, and looked over with a disheartened face, with a sad look on her face.

"Thank you for being my mother, thank you for holding me in my infancy, thank you for loving me sincerely."

She never said anything like that!

As she said this, her eyes slowly passed over Jiang Wang, Xi Ming, Jing Li, Lian Yuchan...

Then he closed his eyes. With Tianxian in his mouth, he overwhelmed the thunder of extinction: "I finally understand what all living beings are."

"I will be unselfish, and then I will love others!"

Her human body began to dissipate, and in the tears of Jihuo Yuling, it scattered into the sky and fell on the book of creation.

So love all living beings with this heart.

In this way, the world accommodates the world.

She took the initiative to erase the will of her will in this world, and restored it to the "primary" and "most fair" state, and recognized the floating land people as the creatures of this world, and gave all the support they could give.

Also because the incarnation of [World Destroyer] has been erased, there is no way to fight for the power of the Fulu Human Race at this moment.

The book of creation began to turn pages, and kept turning pages, each page became the same sentence——

"There are dimensions in the world, and dimensions are in its inscription!"

Until this moment, the authority of the Book of Genesis really changed hands.

Not a single bit of it should be contaminated by [World Destroyer]. All thanks to the celebration of the fire!

Qinghuo Qiming, who had turned into a giant whale and star beast, immediately stabilized his figure and stopped the collapse. With the half body of the manifested person, with one movement of his palms, he supported the sky!

He looked straight at the evil ghost Tiandao. At this moment, he seemed to see countless pages of history that had been hastily turned.

How many heroes and heroes have been annihilated in the corner of history, losing the possibility they should have had.

How magnificent and silent.

He heard it, he saw it, he grieved for it, remembered it, and embraced all the courage buried in time.

Now, it is the collaboration between the floating land world and the floating land people!

Thanks to the book friend "Yan Yan, who is like a traitor and an enemy, is also worthy of being called great" for becoming the leader of this book, which is the 478th alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey.

This too aggressive.



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