Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2009 Everything Has a Reason

"I can only... do this."

"I believe in the wisdom of future generations, I believe that there must be someone who can understand it, and there must be someone smarter than me."

"I've done everything a human being can do, and if I can't keep going, it's the wrong path."

"This road is not wrong, it's just... blocked!"

"The spirit of the totem is not the limit of human beings. It is the limit of this shackle!"

"The greatest genius of this era pioneered a new path, but died the day he became enlightened. I never believed he would fail... His death was no accident! We are being watched! Don't be exposed!!!"

"The earliest human records are in Shengshou Mountain, surrounded by evil spirits. But that is certainly not the earliest era. I will go back further, and history may give me the key."

"...That's all the speculation about the shackles. People of the future, forgive me for not being able to do more. I can only leave a few words in this gap. Living in this unfortunate world, please do your best."

"I'm trying to leave here, and I will definitely return as scheduled. If I can't... please try your best."

"Please do your best."

"Please do your best."


"I will... try my best."

The star spots on the giant whale and star beast shine through the ages, and the echo of history is deafening.

In the tribes of Qinghuo, Chilei, Water Purification, and Zhiwen... more and more people walked out of their houses and looked up at Gao Qiong.

Those who died silently in the history of the floating land.

Those who are still trying to live today.

It gave Qinghuo Qiming endless power.

Bearing the totem of the dark sky, incarnated as a giant whale star beast, and recognized by the book of creation, he has grasped the limit of this world, so the giant whale swung its tail, floated in the sky, and crashed into the evil ghost heaven.

The Fulu people are the heavenly family of the Fulu world, and evil spirits have never been recognized by this world, and the era of evil spirits has passed earlier!

Two terrifying giants collided!

The sky opens infinitely far, and the earth sinks infinitely deep.

Just the dissipated power knocked Ao Kui's ghost dragon body into the air.

He turned powerlessly in the air, like a piece of rotten wood floating and sinking in the stormy waves, looking weak and tired. But suddenly pulled himself out at a certain moment, the dragon's body turned instantly, smashed through the space with one claw, and slapped Jiang Wang who was knocked into the air at the same time as him!

The huge dragon claw fell down, only shattering a mark of Qingyun.

Jiang Wang's figure seemed to flow through the rainbow, and it was gone in an instant. There is still a city of flames behind.

As expected of them being friends who lived together in the same building, friends who had been with each other day and night for several years, they actually reacted at the same time! It's just that Ao Kui's first reaction was to give his dear friend a hard blow. Jiang Wang's first reaction was to run away and keep a distance from his old friend.

Ao Kui glanced regretfully, then went to Gao Tian.

He will not interfere in the struggle between the giant whale star beast and the evil ghost Tiandao, no matter which side wins, he will be dead. At any rate, Jiang Wang firmly chose a side, he would not please either side.

The only chance at this moment is to hold back Tianqiong's begging bowl, and take advantage of this so-called Lord Wuhan's release of the seal, so that he can control the treasure of Tianzhuo to protect himself.

At that time, it may be impossible to turn around and fight for opportunities, or it may be impossible to reach the top and leap beyond!

Even if there are two True Monarchs of Qi Kingdom guarding the sky, it is nothing. It is not that he has escaped from Jue Dian's hands, and Lord Yuhengxing has never killed him. Now that he has a begging bowl in hand, can he still escape? !

With the body of a ghost dragon, he showed the limit speed, which completely exceeded the speed at which this layer of sky was pushed away—this is the layer of sky that [World Destroyer] tore down from life and death, and wanted to throw the world away.

There's no time to waste, Ghost Dragon touches it with its horns!

Break through the sky and go straight to the copper-colored sky.

The body of the ten thousand-foot ghost dragon stretches out in the sky, with its own austerity.

He could almost see the Sanskrit characters in the texture of the copper bowl, and almost heard the Sanskrit sound echoing in his ears. This is the only-


It seemed that there was a gust of wind hitting the inner wall of the copper bowl.

But what Ao Kui heard was the sound of broken dreams.

Because the copper color all over the sky was suddenly taken away, turned into a bowl, and disappeared in a flash!

Begging for such a job, the bowl actually ran away! ! !

That speed, beyond the meaning of time and space, is gone when you feel it is leaving.

And the sky was filled with starlight like the sea, and a handsome bald head was reflected in the dragon's eyes. There was another young man with black jade hairpin walking beside them, and the two walked side by side, separated from the floating land world by only a thin curtain, which was the time gap formed by the [World Destroyer] changing the time flow rate of the floating land——

The ghost dragon plunged back to the ground, and slammed into the evil ghost Tiandao angrily. The dragon roared loudly: "My friend Jiang Wang, don't panic, I will help you stop this evil ghost!"


His anger was absolutely true, and only then did he realize that perhaps he, Ao Kui, had been in the game all along.

Back then in Tianfo Temple, maybe he was the one whose feelings were played with.

The begging bowl is not a puppet, the begging bowl has a purpose in coming to the floating world! Just borrowing his hand to cover up the secret. Leverage his greed to erase cause and effect.

Now he doesn't care about the purpose of begging for such a bowl, he only cares about how to escape from this mortal situation.

Yuheng Xingjun is coming, and the time gap of losing support will definitely not last long!

In the sky and on the ground, looking ahead and looking back, there are all terrible existences.


Earth shaking!

The giant whale star beast and the evil ghost Tiandao have already collided to the third joint in this extremely short moment.

The rifts in time and space are also centered on the two, and those who are in charge will all be shattered and destroyed!


A majestic black shadow passed by.

The ghost dragon descends from the mountain.

Ao Kui tried his best to block the aftermath of the force that rushed towards Jiang Wang. "Go away! Leave it to me!"

The dragon of Yuheng swears to protect Jiang Qingyang to the death!

Jiang Wang checked the distance with his eyes, gave up the idea of ​​giving Guilong a sword from behind, and Qingyun turned to join Jingli.

At this very moment——


There was a long roar.

In the direction of Yagan Tiankeng, the demonic energy soaring into the sky rises again!

The black demonic energy twisted in the air, turning into a ferocious dragon demon in armor——

The dragon's head is as majestic as a mountain.

In one step, he stepped to the side of the giant whale star beast and the evil ghost Tiandao.

[World Destroyer] failed to solve everything at the moment of letting go of the suppression, but was held tightly by the giant whale and star beast.

Therefore, the magic power was born!

With an incomparably domineering attitude, this dragon demon forcefully intervenes in this battle that is hitting the limit of the floating land world. Come like a star, move like a leaf. He stretched out his palm softly, but without knowing how to move, the law of heaven fell down naturally, and pressed it on the forehead of the evil ghost Tiandao!

Unstoppable, unavoidable, as if everything should be like this.

The blue flame god in the evil ghost Tiandao's body was extinguished almost instantly!

More than a thousand spells accompanying it were precisely shattered in the body!

"I'm not reconciled!" There were thousands of roars in the evil ghost Tiandao's body at the same time: "I'm not reconciled!!"

The dragon demon opened his mouth to speak, his voice was unusually gentle, and he only said: "Everything has a reason."

None of these things happen by themselves.

In order to ensure the smooth advancement of the layout and prevent accidents, [World Destroyer] restricts the practice system of the floating land people, stifling the future of geniuses and imprisoning the possibility of heroes.

This kind of restriction also imprisoned the power of his "presence" and "birth" today.

He who is in King Qing's presence has one and only the power level of a totem spirit. Although his vision is far beyond, he crushes everyone present, and he can point at the broken god's puppet to intimidate all directions. But it is impossible to easily obliterate existences like Jiang Wang and Jingli.

Because they are all the top talents in the world, and in the presence of the gods, it is rare to meet opponents. Even if you really play to the limit of God's Prominence, it is impossible to crush Jiang Wang like an ant. Moreover, the totem practice system is far inferior to the current practice system, and the performance of the totem spirit in terms of combat power is not as good as that of the gods.

With the royal power in hand and millions of troops in hand, it is an excellent backhand. It's a pity that there is a gap in the change of royal power, and Lin Xian can come and go freely. Once the kingship totem collapsed, the whole world turned against it, and it was erased instantly.

An army of millions gathered for the final sacrifice. However, the short-term sealing of the Book of Creation and King Qing's last order exposed Qinghuo Guanwen as a "birth" in advance.

The "birth" body is erased, which means that [World Destroyer] has completely lost the possibility of competing for the power of the floating land human race.

The will of the world in the floating land world was forced to give birth to the "will", and this will was forced to be born as a human race. After truly feeling the human race, it finally recognized the human race... After that, Huo Yuxiu returned to the "beginning", the beginning of the creation of the world The book has the clearest attribution.

At this moment, the world of the floating land and the human race of the floating land truly merged into one, and the [World Destroyer] became the only "difference".

There is a reason for everything.

So the world denounced it, and the whole world turned against it!

So... the magic power was broken!

The balance that can be broken with only one straw, but a beast of equal weight jumps up. Once the balance of power tilts, it becomes part of the downward trend.

Under the joint suppression of the giant whale star beast and the dragon demon, the evil ghost Tiandao has almost nowhere to go, but he is still struggling.

"Everything has a reason, but where are you and what are you eating?!"

"I'm in front of you."

"Just one step away, just one step away!" Thousands of voices shouted together in the evil ghost Tiandao's body: "Child, help me resurrect, you are a great hero of the human race!"

The Dragon Demon pushed it down with one palm, as if pushing down a mountain: "Haven't you used enough of my identity?!"


On the forehead of the Giant Whale Star Beast, Qinghuo Qiming's half body was visibly dazed.

He doesn't care whether the person participating in the battle is a human or a demon. As long as he hurts the floating land world and the floating land human race, he is his enemy, and vice versa.

But what is the identity of this dragon demon?

"Ho ho ho, ho ho ho..."

The gigantic shadow of the evil ghost fell on the vast land, making strange laughter.

Thousands of voices in the body make ghosts cry!

Really only one step away!

It was indeed the remnants of Wu Hangong's remnant soul and a bit of broken flesh that entangled and took away a piece of magic power before his death.

But Wu Hangong is dead after all, and the magic power will last forever.

Over the long years, He, who represents the devil power, has gradually gained the upper hand.

He occupied the minced flesh of Duke Wu Han, occupied the remnant soul of Duke Wu Han, and sealed the remnant mind of the real Duke Wu Han into the "Mountain and River Broken Dragon Magic Art".

So there was the era of evil spirits, and the Fulu people descended from Shengshou Mountain.

He is not simply pretending to be Wu Han Gong.

He really wants to cultivate into Duke Wuhan, become Duke Wuhan, has evolved everything about Duke Wuhan, and will return to the present world as Duke Wuhan in the future!

For a long period of time, he has even completely believed that he is Wu Han Gong!

As long as Jiang Wang wavered a little, let him seize the opportunity to create a perfect human Shura. With the goal of becoming the emperor of the present world, how could he not take good care of this talented junior, the caretaker of the light of humanity?

He will even give these young people the highest honor, let them seal this so-called magic power with him, and then return to the present world together, integrate the resources of these people, establish a brand new country, and achieve an immortal dynasty.


Once the ants collapsed the Wanli embankment.

During these tens of thousands of years, His strongest opponent has always been Wu Han Gong. Even if the other party has been sealed in the magic power, he has never let down his vigilance, constantly strengthening the seal, and constantly strengthening his advantages. Looking back at this moment, I am actually confused. Where did the bitter fruit of this failure begin?

With the power of the floating land world, the giant whale and star beast crushed the evil ghost Tiandao.

He is like an undulating dark mountain, gradually dissolving under the starlight, and the power of evil spirits is slowly draining away.

He looked at the tall dragon demon with difficulty, as if he had found the earliest problem: "How did you spread the news of Duke Wu Han's inheritance?"

It is the inheritance of the so-called Duke Wu Han, which has attracted so many variables. It was these constantly superimposed variables that finally brought down his overall situation.

But as the demon spirit of "Mountain and River Broken Dragon Magic Art", he is indeed full of puzzlement: "I have inherited part of the power and wisdom of the demon ancestors, and I have never given you a chance. Since the era of evil spirits, you have never been able to Influence the outside world. How do you do it?"

Although the dragon demon looks ferocious and majestic, and keeps making magic seals on his hands, smashing the evil ghost's heavenly body like smashing garlic, his voice is very gentle and patient: "You have become Duke Wuhan, I am yours!" I had no choice but to become the dragon magic skill. I was indeed imprisoned and suppressed, unable to interfere with the floating land, and could not affect the outer sky. But have you forgotten? The eight great magic skills are connected with each other.

"If you want to become Lord Wuhan, you will no longer be devout to the devil art. Two thousand years ago, Bei Tianshi Wu Daoyou, Shuang Xianjun Xu Qiuci, etc., jointly killed the holy devil king, and made the "Li Bengle Bad Saint Devil Art" ", back to the long river of time. I took this opportunity to spread the news of Wu Hangong's inheritance to the heavens and myriad worlds with the fragments of the Holy Demon Art. Due to the situation at that time, it could not be spread too far, and I wandered in time , those who are destined to see it."

At the end, he shook his head slightly: "How did you inherit Zhu You's strength and wisdom? You are too far behind."

Jiang Wuxie had already recovered some strength at this time, and when she got up from Jihuo Yuling's embrace, she heard this conversation, and she frowned for a while and was speechless.

The real Duke Wu Han was sealed in the magic power.

The real demon has become Wu Han Gong!

The long years in the floating land world have been manipulated by this demon spirit behind the scenes. Change the vicissitudes of life, change the chapter of history, and change the race. And only a sliver of remnant soul and a bit of broken flesh remained, and Wu Han, who was sealed in the magic power, stirred up some small variables as ripples, which surged into turbulent waves in the gathering after thousands of years, overthrowing the magic power. spirit!

When the entire floating land world is used as the chessboard, and tens of millions of years are used as the game, such a game is indeed thrilling.

Ao Kui, Jiang Wang who entered by mistake, and even the young people who entered the layout of this world through the secret realm of the Seven Star Tower, and the living beings on this floating land, all seemed so insignificant. But can it be described only as "small"?

Jiang Wuxie couldn't help but raised her head to look at Jiang Wang, Jiang Wang was quietly hanging beside Jingli, holding a sword in her hand, pulling her body like a pine, as if all this in front of her had nothing to do with him.

He let out a long sigh of relief, knowing that everything was over, so he lay back in Jihuo Yuling's arms. The warm and fragrant nephrite is used as a pillow, and the sky full of stars is used as a curtain. Everything on the battlefield has become very quiet.

"Mr. Wu Han!" The demon suddenly said: "Do you admit that my method is perfect? ​​Don't you regret death? Don't you think about returning?"

The dragon demon looked at him quietly.

After sealing the evil ghost Tiandao's whole body with 18,000 Dao methods, those hands covered with fine dragon scales slowly pressed into the evil ghost Tiandao's chest.

Thousands of ghost cries, silence for a while!

Thank you Dameng Chen Zeqing for rewarding Xinmeng!

Happy Children's Day everyone!

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