Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2015 Migrating Alone

No wonder the pedestrians here are in a hurry, and the atmosphere here is tense.

No wonder Zuo Guangshu said that it has something to do with the nearby Taixu turret!

Today's illusory realm, from the Northern Plains to the Southern Border, from the West Pole to the East China Sea, covers almost the entire present world. It has truly achieved "wherever there are practitioners, they all know the illusory realm".

Just one thing can explain——

Participants in the Illusion Realm are also known as [Taixu Xingzhe], which was later simplified to [Walker]. So much so that it covers the original meaning of the word "walker".

When people mention pilgrims, they no longer think of ascetic monks begging for food, nor ordinary passers-by. It is a person who struggles in the illusory realm.

The Shi family is a prominent school in the world, and its influence on the world is in all aspects. To be able to silently replace the words of Shijiajiao as righteousness, the influence of the illusory world can be seen from this.

This is just a collective unconscious behavior, done in a very short period of time.

Really, in the era when a hundred schools of thought were contending, such an easier meaning of the word could represent a dispute over orthodoxy!

However, regardless of Taoism, Confucianism, Buddhism, art of war and ink, which one is not an ancient theory spanning several eras? Which has not experienced a long history? Their influence does not happen overnight, but is accumulated over thousands of years.

From this point of view, Xuyuan's achievement of "metaphysics" and pushing it as the great ideal of Xianxue is not just a dream.

The Illusory Realm has quickly entered the lives of extraordinary monks, and has had a profound impact in this era.

Not to mention senior practitioners like Zuo Guangshu, those from aristocratic families who lack everything, such as Zhong Liyan, have also entered the realm of illusory.

For the Illusory Realm, there is no worthless person. Everyone who enters the illusory realm is a resource for the illusory realm. All the actions of people in the illusory realm continuously generate merit for the illusory realm.

The significance of the Illusory Realm is so great that the six overlords and the major ancient sects all opened up the possibility of passage for it.

And now...

In the Grand Illusory Realm known as "absolutely fair, absolutely just, and absolutely safe", someone actually adjusted the mission of the Taixu scroll and mobilized the resources of the practitioner out of selfishness?

This is absolutely impossible to sit back and watch!

Jiang Wang thought too much at this moment.

Zuo Guangshu's voice continued: "Grandpa asked me to remind you that there will be major changes in the near future. After you return to Xingyueyuan, don't walk around if you have nothing to do."

Jiang Wang raised his head, looked at the sky covered with a layer of gloom, and murmured: "It is true that the sky is about to change..."

At the next moment, that layer of gloom was closed and turned into a lace, wrapped around the eyes of a tall and burly young man in black armor. Cover both eyes, wrap them around the back of the head, fasten them tightly, and hang down two not too long and not too short, like sash.

And his long hair was tied up with a hair crown inlaid with gold and black gauze.

The black battle armor has red sui in the middle, which makes it hide a bit of color in the thickness.

Holding a painting halberd surrounded by domineering arrogance, Gao Qiong has a domineering aura of a tiger dominating the top of the mountains.

It was the famous family of the Xiang family of the Great Chu, the current generation's pride--Xiang Bei!

With a thought in Jiang Wang's mind, his body was still moving forward, and his soul had already manifested as the Bodhisattva of Six Desires, and he stepped into Xiang Bei's world of soul and soul with one step—with this step, the world changed immediately. Underfoot is not the sea of ​​primordial spirits, but a floating formation, and when the formation is unfolded, it turns into a battlefield full of fighting.

The majestic Bodhisattva of Six Desires, Jiang Wang, and the mighty Xiang Bei in black armor met on this battlefield.

The hunting and remnant flag boiled with the will to fight.

Facing this opponent who had defeated him many times, he would have had to communicate a few words and talk about scenes... But Jiang Wang had nothing to say when he took the initiative to invade the world of spirits and souls. Immediately entered a state of fighting.

With a wave of Kai Shiji, the mist flowed like a stream, and the violent momentum rose again and again.

Facing a terrifying opponent like Jiang Wang, he released himself without reservation. All the self-suffering during this period of time must be put into the brilliance of this moment.

But Jiang Wang took a step back and called to stop: "Just talk here, don't tell me to hide!"

Xiang Bei stopped Ge Shiji: "What?"

"Who are you here for?" Jiang Wang asked.

Xiang Bei said calmly, "I'm here to find Zuo Guangshu, but I also wanted to contact you through him."

Jiang Wangdao: "What do you contact me for?"

Xiang Bei raised his halberd lightly: "I was going to inform you that I will go to Xingyueyuan to challenge you. I hope you are ready. Now that we met here... How can I choose another day to hit the sun?"

Since Jiang Wang's debut, there has never been a defeated opponent who has been able to catch up and challenge him. The challenge here refers to the real ability to challenge him. Instead of being like Zhong Liyan, the longer the hit, the farther the distance, the easier the hit, and the more tricks.

Because Jiang Wang's progress speed is always faster than his opponent.

In the confrontation in the mountain and sea environment, Jiang Wang was already crushing Xiang Bei. Xiang Bei and Tai Yin teamed up and had the advantage of a sneak attack, but he was still killed by him.

But now goodbye, he actually felt a faint threat.

Of course, there is still a long way to go from "feeling threatened" to "being able to be defeated".

In normal times, Jiang Wang would not hesitate to give him a defeat. He is used to being good at absorbing nutrients in various battles, and he also likes to capture some inspirations that he could not think of in the collision with various talents. He was very willing to test Xiang Bei's leap!

But not today.

Jiang Wang said, "Now is not the time."

He emphasized again: "Recently, I don't want to draw my sword."

Xiang Bei didn't ask why, nor did he insist on a fight, he just lowered his halberd with some regret: "It's a pity, I still want to see the gap between me and the first god of the younger generation."

Jiang Wang still remembers the first time they fought against each other, it was at the meeting of the Yellow River. Wearing a gorgeous black and gold two-color military uniform, this person appeared arrogantly and defiantly. Today, he changed his armor and is still domineering, but he is much more restrained.

It is said that after he was in the Mountain Sea Realm, he poked his own eyes and abolished his natural double pupils, in order to break the dependence, break the shackles, and explore his infinite possibilities. Now it seems...he has succeeded!

The cultivation base of this god's presence is real, and it is definitely not the idle power of god's presence.

"Go to Dou Zhao." Jiang Wang suggested seriously: "He can also deserve the title of the first god of the younger generation. I may not be able to beat him."

"Is there several numbers in the first place..." Xiang Bei put away the painting halberd and rolled up the formation map: "That's the only way."

The two sides withdrew from the Soul Battlefield, and in reality, it was just a face-to-face meeting.

Xiang Bei was about to leave.

Suddenly, a head popped out from the nearby restaurant, with a short beard and eagle eyes, with a very upset expression: "You fucking, flying so high, can you dazzle your eyes?"

It was Zhong Liyan!

Jiang Wang got a headache when he saw this guy, his mind was smaller than the tip of a needle, his flesh was rougher than a wild boar, he was troublesome and he could carry it. If he wants to fight with you, he will fight to the ends of the earth if he gets entangled with you.

The person sitting opposite Zhong Liyan drinking with him was actually an acquaintance.

Iron armored Confucian crown, big eyes, everything that should be disharmonious is inexplicably harmonious in him... This refined style is naturally Wu Ling of the Wu family of the three thousand year old family of Great Chu.

He kept persuading him in a low voice, saying "forget it", "forget it", but he didn't stop him at all.

Xiang Bei held his halberd in the air and turned around, feeling a little bewildered. His eyes are poked out, why blink?

"Don't stop me!"

Zhong Liyan shook off the non-existent obstacles, jumped out from the window of the restaurant, and took out his epee in a very mighty manner, sneering again and again: "I have heard that your boy has made a breakthrough in retreat. With such a big fanfare, the momentum Noise, don’t you just know that I’m drinking here and want to challenge him? You have the courage. Come on, Master Zhongli will give you a chance, and I’ll give you a defeat right here!”

"Hysteria!?" Xiang Bei raised his halberd and left. He felt that he would be stupid if he stayed any longer.

So many people are watching!

With a "hoo" from Zhong Liyan, a flaming epee had already slashed in front of Xiang Bei, leaving a scorched mark on Gao Qiong.

"Uncle Zhongli is in front of you, how can you leave and come whenever you want?! If you provoke Grandpa, there is no way to run away!"

This sword is obviously an understatement, but it is so powerful!

Leaving scorched marks in the sky is by no means an easy task.

Compared with the last time Jiang Wang fought against him in the Illusory Realm, it was obvious that he had become stronger by more than a little bit.

As expected, no one is idle in this world, and no one is willing to be lazy.

Xiang Bei has never been a good-tempered person, and he didn't even bother to argue whether he had provoked this fellow. In an instant, he stood up several feet, raised the halberd, swallowed the thief's ghostly aura, opened up the sky, and turned around and smashed it down: "Since My bones are itchy, today I beat you to the point of calling you grandpa!"

Zuo Guangshu didn't know that Jiang Wang had already communicated with Xiang Bei once, so he really thought that Xiang Bei was looking for Zhong Liyan, and he couldn't walk anymore, so he watched with relish.

Jiang Wang didn't want to join in the fun, he didn't want to reveal his whereabouts, so he tugged Zuo Guangshu's sleeve: "Let's go."

"You go first." Zuo Guangshu waved his hand: "Let me see the excitement."

Jiang Wang was speechless for a moment.

Today's young people change their minds too quickly!

I just said that I want to chat with Big Brother Jiang while walking, let’s talk a little more! How beautiful is this excitement?

Jiang Wang reluctantly glanced at the battlefield a few times, but he finally gritted his teeth and left, fearing that his whereabouts would be exposed. Returning to the sea of ​​people, migrating alone.

Zhong Liyan and Xiang Beiyue fought more and more fiercely, fighting higher and higher, killing clouds and smoke billowing.

In the restaurant, Wu Ling calmly poured himself a glass of wine, holding the hollow ivory chopsticks that he brought, took a sip of the wine, tasted some side dishes, and watched the fight.

The taste is very delicious.

What a joy in life!

At a certain moment, he felt something in his heart, looked down at the crowd on the street, and seemed to vaguely see an impressive figure, but he couldn't find it when he looked carefully.

He was just in a trance.

For some reason, he suddenly thought of his friend Ge Fei whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

Speaking of which, since that trip to the mountains and seas, his relationship with Ge Fei has become estranged.

In fact, he didn't mind that Ge Fei ran away after he died in the battle in the mountains and seas. But thinking about it, Ge Fei himself would mind, and since then, there has been no letter from him.

Wu's internal affairs were complicated, and he did not contact them.

The friendship after people grow up will not disappear on a specific day, but it will no longer exist when you suddenly realize it.

Wu Ling decided to take some time to go to Yue to visit his old friends. It is not so easy to meet like-minded people in this world.

At this moment, he wondered if it was because he didn't take the initiative to contact him, so Ge ​​Fei thought he minded?



Going to Chu is quiet, and leaving Chu is also silent.

On the way back to Xingyueyuan, Jiang Wang couldn't wait to contact Chong Xuansheng.

The matter of Akira Xuzawa cannot be simply said and listened to.

Duke Huai asked him to sit in Xingyueyuan and try not to go out, thinking that he was already away, so he didn't need to cause trouble, and it was best to stay out of the matter.

But the development of the illusory realm has swept the lives of too many people to this day. Who can stay out of the turmoil caused by it?

"There is a big problem with Akira Xuze, and the situation will change!" In the Xinghe Pavilion, Dugu Wudi asked solemnly, "Are you ready?"

Zhen Wudi rubbed his fat forehead with carrot-like fingers: "You just know? Did I remind you last time?"

Dugu Wudi was stunned for a moment, and immediately realized: "Last time you said that there are many more missions in the Taixu scroll, and some of them are covering for Akira Xuzawa?"

"Isn't it obvious enough?" Zhen Wudi asked back.

Obvious what!

Among the thousands of tasks, there are sporadically mixed tasks of covering Akira Xuzawa. Moreover, this kind of mission must be obscure, and it is absolutely impossible to have any connection with Akira Xuzawa on the surface.

For example, deliver a ship to Haimen Island.

Deliver some cargo to Summer Island.

Tasks like these add up and eventually cause a certain route to be blocked and chaotic. Akira Xu Ze took advantage of the confusion to withdraw.

Those who received the task were simply carrying out the task, but in fact they had already completed the cover for Akira Xuzawa.

With such a design, how can we see the problem at a glance?

Unless you are chasing Akira Xuzawa, it is possible to generate associations from Akira Xuzawa's escape trajectory. Dugu Wudi is in Xingyueyuan, without any information, where does the association come from?

Of course, this is from the perspective of Dugu Wudi himself.

Starting from Zhen Wudi's mind, this is indeed already obvious...

Dugu Wudi complained: "It means you already knew about this matter? Why didn't you say it earlier!"

"You should say—" Zhen Wudi corrected, "Chongxuansheng, why don't you speak more bluntly?"

"That's right! Why don't you speak more bluntly?" Dugu Wudi took it for granted.

Zhen Wudi choked for a moment.

The relationship between the two is so good that his ridicule on IQ is no longer harmful.

Dugu Wudi pondered: "I finally know...why Zhang Shoulian must die."

Zhen Wudi thought for a while before he connected this name with the Uncle Wei Guoguo, who is known as the leader of the Four Evils in Anyi—it was because he deliberately collected information about No Door to Hell that he saw this name.

He couldn't help laughing: "Tell me."

Dugu Wudi said: "I took a mission to assassinate Zhang Shoulian before, and I found out during the operation that Wei Guo and the Taixu faction have long been secretly cooperating, and Zhang Shoulian is the contact person.

"Wei Tianzi wants to become a new overlord in an era when the world structure is stable and the six major overlords have a solid foundation. Xu Yuanzhi wants to promote metaphysics, and in an era when the six major overlords have become the mainstream, he wants to achieve the supernatural learning of the world.

"It's already crowded on the top of the mountain, and the latecomers have to put in more effort.

"It can be said that they hit it off, there are so many reasons for cooperation!

"But whether it is for the Taixu faction or for the Wei state, this is a dangerous path. Because the existing order must not be allowed to be challenged.

"The big ship of the Taixu faction is about to capsize...Wei Tianzi chose to jump ship in advance!"

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