Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2016 Owe me a post

Wei State is the country that most supports the construction of the Illusory Realm among the powerful countries in the world, and this is just cooperation on the bright side.

From Zhang Shoulian's account book, it can be seen that Wei Guo and Taixu faction have closer ties at a deeper level.

But now, this connection was ruthlessly severed by Wei Tianzi.

Did Emperor Wei discover anything?

No, it shouldn't be said that way.

With the quality of a powerful emperor, he is keen to judge... It's time.

Zhang Shoulian's complex background is destined to be abandoned at any time. Otherwise, how could the leader of the four evils in Anyi live so long?

And when is the time?

The state of Qi is wanted and Xu Zeming is at large. This is a signal.

How could Qi Guo fail to catch Xu Zeming?

Although tigers also doze off sometimes, it is easy to grasp the whereabouts of one or two people without knowing it. But at that time, the offshore islands had just ended a major war, and the forces of all parties were still in a state of combat readiness.

At that time, in the Lost Realm, there was a large army, and there were countless strong ones. Only Zhenjun Yandao dispatched several of them. After the war, rewards for meritorious deeds and punishment for crimes were the top priorities.

Especially with the name of Xu Zeming already named, how could he be given a chance to escape?

There is only one possibility—Qi Guo intends to give the opportunity.

When it comes to this matter specifically, there is too much room for interpretation on the mission on the Taixu Scroll. There is the theory of coincidence, the theory of conspiracy by the insider, the theory of refusing to admit it... Akira Xu Ze is not the point, the point is the person who adjusted the mission of the Taixu scroll.

This matter is completely open to lip service.

But it depends on how many hegemony countries, how many great masters in the world... Do you recognize it or not!

Connect everything you have experienced and seen together, and what you couldn't figure out before now suddenly becomes clear!

Not to mention that Jiang Wang wants to understand everything, how to go back to Xingyueyuan.

Shan said that Chong Xuansheng withdrew from the Illusory Realm, and shared this chat with his wife, making fun of someone a lot in his words.

Yi Shishi, who has been a Mrs. Bowanghou for a long time, although he has also "studied" very seriously, it is impossible for him to preside over the inside and outside of the house like other princes and wives, and control the overall situation by himself. For her, interpersonal communication is still a rather embarrassing thing.

In other words, she protected Chong Xuansheng very well and watched him grow up fat and vain. Chong Xuansheng also protected her very well, so that she can always be ignorant.

"Jiang Wang is quite smart!" Fourteen praised, "I can analyze so much after going to Wei State once. I always hear people say he is stupid."

Chong Xuansheng was stunned for a moment, then narrowed his eyes: "Who says he is stupid?"

Fourteen had no intention of saying: "It's the last tea party, where many wives and ladies attended. Didn't you let me experience it?"

"Did they tell you specifically?" Chong Xuansheng asked.

Fourteen said: "I pricked up my ears to overhear!"

"How do you say it?"

"It is said that he knows how to take the lead when fighting a war. It is said that he doesn't know how to make friends, and he doesn't learn the etiquette of the nobles. He also said that his brain was kicked by a donkey. Fortunately, I didn't fall in love with him at the time—" Fourteen paused, then continued, "I just walked over and stared at her."

Chong Xuansheng was very interested: "What are you staring at her for?"

Fourteen cheerfully said: "She asked me that too. I said, let me see what you look like. With your honor, if you want Jiang Wang to like you, it's not enough to kick him once. No matter what You have to play a hundred and eighty times!"

Chong Xuansheng laughed loudly: "Who said my daughter-in-law is not good at speaking? Isn't she very good at speaking!?"

He asked again, "What happened next?"

Of course he wasn't worried about who would bully Yi Shishi.

Bo Wanghou's wife, Yi Xingchen's daughter, is also the first class here in Linzi. It's just a tea party that doesn't matter, who can let her suffer?

"Later, a group of them started yelling, saying that the tea party was a bunch of chatter, how could I eavesdrop on their speech." Yi Shishi was very helpless: "Then I am idle if I am idle."

Only then did Chong Xuansheng confirm that it was just some people's idle gossip, and he couldn't help laughing: "Jiang Wang is just focused and spends most of his time and energy on cultivation, and is too lazy to waste other things. Sometimes he pretends to be stupid , These people who stay at home with their brains and don't go out think he is really stupid!"

Of course Jiang Wang is smart.

It's just a matter of comparing with whom.

Heavier than him is not enough, but more than others!

Those critics don't even think about it. How many people can really make him suffer after Jiang Wang has been famous all over the world?

Take this time as an example, Jiang Wang specially discussed the crisis of the illusory realm with him in the illusory realm. Is it really just discussing the illusory realm?

The trip to Wei country mentioned as an example is the key point!

According to the regulations of the Illusory Realm, the conversations of the traveler in the Xinghe Pavilion are absolutely secret. But in view of the fact that Taixu scrolls can be manipulated, the possibility that the walls have ears naturally exists.

If it is true that the secret chat in the Xinghe Pavilion will not be monitored, then they just chatted and exchanged information.

If it is indeed monitored.

There is no problem with the information they gave in this chat.

Jiang Wang's participation in Hell's No Doors operation is not something shady. Hell Without Doors is just a neutral organization, and killers are a business with no position. Especially now that he is still free.

It is an open secret among the high-level parties that there is a problem with the Illusory Realm. How could Taixu faction not know? The last time Chong Xuansheng deliberately hinted at the mission of the Taixu Scroll in the Xinghe Pavilion was to test the secrecy of the Taixu Illusion.

Jiang Wang contacted the cause and effect, and obviously wanted to understand this temptation, so this time the chat was done with great fanfare.

The most important thing is that Jiang Wang clarified that the role played by Hell Wumen in Zhang Shoulian's case is just a neutral sword and a pure tool. The entanglement between the Wei State and the Taixu Sect, the layout of the Taixu Sect in the present world... have nothing to do with No Door to Hell.

This is what Jiang Wang really wants to convey in this dialogue.

How could someone else have such a tacit understanding with Chong Xuansheng? Although there are credits to him, the kid's own intelligence is definitely not inferior to others.

Yi Shishi nodded vigorously: "Anyway, I think he is smart!"

Chong Xuansheng looked at her delicate appearance, and felt infinite tenderness in his heart. He got up from the recliner, stretched out his hand and said, "Go, Mr. Xiang will take you to block people."

Yi Shishi suddenly became energetic: "Who is blocking?!"

She is not good at ushering and sending to intrigue and so on, blocking people and fighting, but her specialty.

"You'll know when you go!"


The carriage arrived at Champion Hou's Mansion, and the husband and wife huddled together in the carriage.

"Huh?" Yi Shishi, who used to fight fiercely during fights, lifted the curtain to look outside, and immediately entered the role of a good wife: "I can't beat this, right? Let's go back first, and we'll talk about calling Jiang Wang over when."

Chong Xuansheng rolled his eyes: "Without Jiang Butcher, can we still only eat hairy pigs?"

"Or let's bully Xie Xiaobao..." Yi Shishi said weakly, tugging at the corner of his clothes.

Chong Xuansheng showed his prestige in the carriage: "Remember, your husband only has eyes for the strong."

"He won't beat me." Yi Shishi said distressedly: "I'm afraid you will be beaten. Last time you screamed so painfully."

Chong Xuansheng snorted and stared at Champion Hou's mansion through the window.

Suddenly lifted the curtain of the car, rushed to the front of the house, and shouted: "Stop!"

Outside the majestic Champion Hou's Mansion, the butler of the Hou's Mansion was seeing off the guests, both those who saw them off and those who were sent off were startled.

"Marquis Bowang!" The housekeeper hurriedly stepped forward to salute: "Why are you here, old man? Please come in for tea, and I will report to Lord Hou right now."

Chong Xuansheng pushed him away: "It's none of your business!"

To be precise, what Chong Xuansheng wants to block today is not "people".

But an aquarium.

An old man with a white face and beardless, with thin scales around his neck.

The messenger of the Long River Dragon Palace!

At this time, he stood there obediently, looking at the astonishing and aggressive Bowanghou, with a very docile attitude: "Master Hou stopped the old man, what can I tell you?"

Chong Xuansheng looked at him: "What are you here for?"

The envoy said: "The Dragon Palace banquet is about to begin, and this old man, on behalf of Changhe Dragon Palace, is here to send invitations to the champion."

Chong Xuansheng was furious: "Why didn't you come and give it to me first?"

"Uh..." the Dragon Palace envoy said with a smile: "This matter of sending invitations is not only done by the old man, your invitation may be in the hands of other envoys, and it has not been delivered yet..."

Chong Xuansheng waved his hand to interrupt his explanation: "You are responsible for delivering the Dragon Palace Banquet invitations in the entire Eastern Region. How dare you fool me here?"

Envoys of the Dragon Palace seldom come across this kind of person who can't even go down the stairs.

But after all, he is under the eaves, and this is Linzi. He resigned himself to it, and greeted people with a smile: "This old man really doesn't know. I will invite those who are invited by the superior. There are omissions..."

Suddenly there was a loud laugh.

Champion Hou in fluttering white clothes strode out.

"What should I do!"

His posture was loose and unrestrained, he naturally put his arms around Chong Xuansheng's shoulders, and turned his head: "Isn't it just a broken invitation? My fat brother, why is it so troublesome?"

With his index finger and middle finger, he took out a golden invitation card with trembling dragon patterns, and handed it to Chong Xuansheng lightly: "It just so happens that I'm too lazy to go, so I'll give it to you."

"This..." the Dragon Palace envoy said bravely, "You two Marquises, this invitation cannot be transferred."

Chong Xuanzun took the invitation back with a hook finger, raised his handsome eyebrows, and said in displeasure, "What's the matter with your Dragon Palace Banquet? Do you discriminate against fat people?"

Champion Hou knows how to piss people off!

Chong Xuansheng looked coldly at the envoy of the Dragon Palace in front of him: "The Dragon Palace Banquet is the best banquet in the world, and a group of virtuous people will come together, and the heavenly pride will feast together! What do you mean... I am not arrogant enough?"

"How dare!" The Dragon Palace messenger humbly apologized: "Master Hou is naturally the first-class talent in the world! It's just who the Dragon Palace invites, and it's really not the old man who can decide. Maybe the person who made the list was lazy and only considered the progress of the cultivation base and the record. You hide your strength and bide your time, and you are far away in the Eastern Region..."

"Needless to say, there are so many excuses!" Chong Xuansheng waved his big hand, the anger disappeared from his face, but he said calmly and boldly: "Forget it. Since everyone in the world regards cultivation as a hero, since you Changhe Dragon Palace thinks that I am serious Xuan Sheng is not enough, this Marquis today—"

His Houfu is automatic without wind, and his blood is so strong that it is like a river and sea for a while.

"God is coming!"

In his majestic body, there are thunders from the sky, mountains and rivers moving, and the surging power is felt in the sky and shines in the world.

Chong Xuanzun's hand on his shoulder was bounced away almost instantly!

The envoy of the Dragon Palace in front of him took several steps back, and the butler of the Hou's Mansion couldn't get close at all.

God knows it.

Those who have no regrets can do it overnight!


Chong Xuanzun raised his eyes.

It's about why this fat man made such a fuss today. Feelings are waiting here!

That terrifying power stirred up the situation in Linzi, causing the sky to flicker and darken for a while, gathering clouds and rolling thunder. But what's even more frightening is——

Just in an instant, it disappeared and the sky was bright!

What kind of vision is self-generated, what kind of heaven and earth induction, it seems that they don't exist. They disappear so quickly...

Many people even just blinked and missed such vicissitudes, so that they didn't even know that there was someone who came to achieve success.

This shows that the person who has just achieved God's Prominence has absolute control over the power of God's Profound Realm. Even at this moment when he just became God's Profound Realm, he can easily take back all the dissipated power and does not allow any power to leak out!

"How did you do it?" Chong Xuanzun couldn't help asking curiously.

What he asked was naturally why Chong Xuansheng was able to clean up the aftermath of God's testimony.

Even if Jiang Wang had no achievements in the Qixia battlefield, his brilliance shone for a long time.

People all regard the vision of God's presence as a powerful manifestation.

He himself was on the commanding platform, and he was also shining on the army, with a magnificent scene, and he was very prosperous for a while.

But if he can be as non-wasteful as Chong Xuansheng is, he can gain a little more advantage in the sympathy between heaven and earth! Because the waves of feedback from heaven and earth were smoothed by him.

"It's very simple." Chong Xuansheng said calmly: "Know a little bit of your own strength, use a pen to calculate what changes will happen in the short-term, and then do a little research on the sympathy between heaven and earth, combining many samples, Demonstrate the impact of monks' achievement of God's presence on the origin of the world...Finally, it will be fine to train in a targeted manner."

Chong Xuanzun then smiled brightly: "That's pretty simple!"

Chong Xuansheng looked at him and shook his head.

"What's wrong?" Zhong Xuanzun asked with a smile.

"My brother looks like an old friend!" After Chong Xuansheng finished speaking, he quickly turned his head and looked at the envoy of Dragon Palace, his posture became arrogant: "Now tell me, does Dragon Palace owe me an invitation?"

The envoy of the Dragon Palace prostrated himself to the ground: "Master Hou is so talented, I am amazed by the old man! The Dragon Palace Banquet would be so pale without Lord Hou! Please allow me a moment, Lord Hou, I will contact Dragon Palace right away and ask them to send a special invitation card Come here. Please give me your credit!"

Chong Xuansheng snorted indifferently: "Send it to your residence."

Turning around, he took Fourteen's hand: "Madam, let's go shopping."

"Hey!" Chongxuanzun stretched out his sleeves to block him, making it impossible for him to lead Yi Shishi.

Smiling eyes looked at him gently: "Brother! You have just become a god, you must still have a lot of discomfort, how can you just relax like this? The fighting style of the gods, I respect the secrets of the gods of the Xuan family. You have to familiarize yourself with the technique! Just because my brother is not going to court today, I will accompany you specially!"

Blocking and pushing with his hands, Chong Xuansheng's huge body had been pushed into the mansion, he turned his head and smiled at Yi Shishi: "Sister-in-law go back and wait, it may take a long time."

Yi Shishi beckoned in a daze, and the gate of the Champion Hou's Mansion was slowly closed.

Oh, what to do. I really can't beat it.

This Champion Hou is similar to the former Marquis of Wu'an, he doesn't talk about reason and only talks about fists.

She returned to the carriage in distress, and let the coachman go to the Tai Hospital with ease, and the general medical center was not at ease. The last time my husband went to find Marquis Dingyuan to file a complaint, Marquis Dingyuan only gave me a few prescriptions, in short... let's make the medicine first.

Before the carriage had gone far, the screams had already started.

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