Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2017 Meeting of Wind and Cloud

"Xiang Bei and Zhong Liyan...Which one of them won?"

In the illusory realm, in the galaxy, on the stage of discussing swords.

After a fight, the two sat and lay down on the ground, chatting.

Zuo Guangshu lay sprawled on the ground, not wanting to move a single finger.

"Dou Zhao."

"Dou Zhao?"

Zuo Guangshu bared his teeth: "Dou Zhao passed by and beat them both up."

Sounds... like something Dou Zhao would do. Jiang Wang shook his head and laughed.

"Brother Jiang."


"Are you going to the Dragon Palace Banquet this time?"

Jiang Wang asked back, "Are you going?"

"Changhe Dragon Palace is relatively close, and there is the Shanhe Seal of Jiulong Pengriyong Town, so it is absolutely safe. Of course I am going to sit for a while." Zuo Guangshu added with a smile on his face: "Me and Qu sister Together."

Going abroad to play is a happy thing. Being able to be with Qu Shunhua makes people even happier.

He hadn't traveled far for a long time, and the last time was at the meeting of the Yellow River. Before I went to see Jiang Wang at the human race residence in the demon world, I also went back and forth under the care of my grandfather through the portal in Chu State.

Of course he knew why his family kept him under strict surveillance.

Although the young mind inevitably longs for the vast world and wants to spread its wings and fly alone, but he will not sneak out of the Chu state. I just practice hard, hoping to reach the realm of practice that makes my family feel at ease sooner. Hope to be able to bear the honor of the family early.

The Dragon Palace Banquet is the best banquet in the world, and being invited to attend the banquet can be regarded as a certification of the Changhe Dragon Palace, certifying the name of the current Tianjiao.

Because of the early closure, the gold content of this certification has not faded too much. When people mention the Dragon Palace Banquet, they think of the past glory.

Of course, Jiang Wang didn't need the Dragon Palace Banquet's certification. But he also smiled softly: "I should go."

The two of them just said one sentence to another, chatting about some things, taking the short rest after the battle as a moment of peace in life.

The galaxy is as bright as before, and the illusory realm of the past few days is still running smoothly, as if nothing happened. However, there are obviously fewer Sword Discourse Arenas in the Milky Way.

Starlight turned out to be lonely.



The lonely starlight shines on the hustle and bustle of the world.

A yellow robe hangs in the air like a flag gun.

Free, independent, swagger.

The woman in the yellow robe has beautiful and deep features and bronze skin. Hei Liang's eyes are piercing, the corners of his mouth are slightly raised, his face is full of joy, and he makes two hey sounds from time to time.

Zhongshan Wei and Sun Fei, who were dressed in fine jade, were beside her, looking at her from time to time, and finally couldn't help asking: "Why are you so happy? Ever since you left the country, you haven't stopped laughing!"

Naturally, this woman can only be Huang Sheli.

She has come back from spreading the belief of the yellow-faced Buddha on the grassland, and she has become a god, and she has obvious expectations for the feast that is about to begin.

Huang Sheli grinned, showing a mouthful of snow-white teeth: "When I think of how beautiful it is... Cough! The heroes of the world, the talents are at their peak! I'm really happy! I'm happy for Jingguo, for the Northern Territory, and for the human race!"

Zhongshan Weisun twitched his lips in his heart, but he was very flattering: "You are really enlightened!"

Huang Sheli put away his smile for a while, turned his head to look at him, and emphasized very seriously: "Murong Long doesn't care about the Dragon Palace Banquet, and everyone else is also not interested. This time it's just the two of us, can you Don't embarrass our country Jing."

Tang Yu, the Taizu of the Jing Kingdom, killed the Heavenly King of Shenchi, filled the Shenchi, and built a city to plan the capital. Jing people have always shown little respect for Changhe Dragon Palace.

However, this did not affect Huang Sheli and Zhongshan Weisun's coming to the banquet, and Changhe Dragon Palace would not fail to send out the invitations that should be sent out.

"Since it's the two of us coming here." Zhongshan Weisun frowned and said, "Why do you just tell me not to embarrass Jing Guo?"

Huang Sheli raised his eyebrows: "Can you beat me?"

Zhongshan Weisun immediately smoothed his frown.

Back then when we participated in the Yellow River Meeting together, he was in the Outer Building and Huang Sheli was in the Inner Palace. He stopped at the top four in the outer building, and Huang Sheli was the second in the inner mansion. It should be said that he is still slightly better.

But now that he is also a god, he is indeed no longer Huang Sheli's opponent...

For this reason, he has already been beaten countless times by his grandfather, calling him unbelievable, useless, and embarrassing to the Zhongshan family.

But if you can't beat it, you can't beat it. What can you do? There is no solution to Ni Lu's supernatural powers.

"Look at you, it's not you and me competing at the Dragon Palace Banquet." As a rare gentleman in Jing Country, Zhongshan Weisun is always polite: "My Nanming Lihuo is not a vegetarian either."

"What do you eat?" Huang Sheli asked him.

"Speaking of eating, I heard that this Dragon Palace Banquet will have many rare delicacies, and some famous ancient dishes that were thought to be lost..." Zhongshan Weisun said: "We must pay attention to dining etiquette. I feel that our Jing country has nothing to eat."

Huang Sheli laughed: "I'm about to feast!"

Zhongshan Weisun thought to himself, you bully men and women every day in Jing country, and you don't know how to restrain yourself when you go abroad. Will others let you go?

But he said: "What do you want to eat? I will grab it for you then."

Huang Sheli shook his head: "You don't understand."

"Qiqiao Zizhi? Fengming snail?" Zhongshan Weisun kept guessing.

"It's dragon liver and phoenix marrow, what's so delicious?" Huang Sheli smiled: "You must know that the beauty is delicious!"

Zhongshan Weisun said in a deliberative tone, "Is it inappropriate to use the term dragon liver and phoenix marrow in the Changhe Dragon Palace?"

Huang Sheli said impatiently: "Don't read a few broken books and just think about teaching people every day."

Zhongshan Weisun said earnestly: "I am worried about hurting the feelings of Changhe Dragon Palace. After all, we are the state of Shenchi, setting an example for all countries."

Jing State called itself Shenchi Shangbang, Jing State called itself the Central Great Scenery Empire, Qi State called itself the Eastern State, and the former Yang State even called it the Kingdom of Heaven... In short, they all have these powerful names, no matter how powerful they come from.

"What example? An example of fighting?" Huang Sheli smiled and raised his fists high, making a fierce oath: "Fuck his grandfather!"

Zhongshan Weisun persuaded: "Miss Sheli, don't speak so rudely!"

Huang Sheli squinted at him: "It's almost done, don't talk about you, you're still in good spirits, stop pretending to be gentle with my old lady!"

"You can disagree with me, but we all represent the image of the country..." Zhongshan Weisun was still gentle: "I don't understand what Miss Sheli means."

Huang Sheli grinned: "Isn't it time for you to let yourself go in the illusory realm? Zhao Tiezhu!"

Zhongshan Weisun was terrified, and barely reacted, but did not respond to the sound. His face turned red all of a sudden, and he said indignantly, "Why are you insulting people's innocence out of thin air?"

Huang Sheli laughed loudly and walked away.

Zhongshan Weisun was stunned for a moment before realizing——

If he didn't know who Zhao Tiezhu was, why would he feel that this name would tarnish his innocence?

For a moment, his face was blank.

It's over, it's over!

Zhao Tiezhu pointed at the world in the illusory realm, swearing and greeting the eighteen generations of his ancestors at every turn, and he offended not just one or two.

How did Huang Sheli know! ?



It has always been that immortals go down the mountain, and mortals climb the mountain.

A man with an ordinary appearance but an outstanding temperament, with a green gourd hanging on his waist, walked slowly up the mountain along the stone steps.

An old peach tree next to the stone steps swayed its branches suddenly, and a leaf came across, blocking the road.

"Xu San!" The old peach tree actually made a sound: "What are you doing here?"

Xu San was a little surprised: "Why are you here?"

"The head teacher ordered me to look here!" The old peach tree shook its branches: "This road is not going to work."

The headmaster that Lao Taoshu talked about was the headmaster of the current Daluo Mountain, that is, the Hunyuan Zhenjun of this generation, the person in charge of the "Hunyuan Birth Sutra".

There is no doubt about the weight of this great man's oral instructions.

Xu San is also from Da Luoshan, so he can say a few words here.

He cupped his hands: "The Dragon Palace banquet is about to begin, and the invitation card for the Dragon Palace has also been delivered. The imperial court's intention is to let Daoist Taiyu go."

Old Peach Tree's voice became serious: "Although Master Taiyu has returned to Taoism and no longer hides his identity, it doesn't mean that he has become a sword that anyone can use. Don't use this kind of boring thing all the time. Disturb his practice!"

Xu San couldn't help being a little envious: "The head teacher sent you here to guard Taiyu so that Daoist Daoist can practice purely. Since the new Dao Calendar, I have never heard of anyone who can be treated like this..."

"Wrong!" Lao Taoshu corrected: "What kind of person do you think the real Taiyu is? Does he care about those people's concerns? The head teacher ordered me to stay here, not to let me help stop those irrelevant people. The interruption. It is to prevent too many people from looking for death indiscriminately, so that I can save one or one."

Xu Sandao: "The Dragon Palace Banquet..."

"What's so great about the Dragon Palace Banquet?" Old Taoshu said very bluntly, "I also went to eat wine back then, but that's all!"

"But there is another situation." Xu San thought for a while, and then said: "According to reliable sources, Cang Ming, the God Envoy of the present world, has achieved Dongzheng, and this time he will also attend the banquet. Can hold the field."

In the year 3919 of the Dao Calendar, at the Yellow River Meeting, where there is no limit to those under 30 years old, among the gods of all nations, Cang Ming of the Mu Kingdom was the first to break through the hole.

Moreover, it was an era when the influence of Cangtu God was rapidly diminishing when Muguo established the national policy of converging all religions.

The story of the grazing on that grassland is obviously more magnificent than imagined.

For Mu Guo, for Cang Ming, people in the world may need to re-examine.

The old peach tree was silent for a moment.

It is also to know the meaning of the words "can't hold back the field".

In many cases, the second, third and fourth are acceptable to other hegemons.

Only Jingguo can't.

At any time and on any occasion, always be number one.

The majestic central scene, the most powerful country in the world, a great country that has overwhelmed the nations for four thousand years, how can it be "unstoppable"?

If the Lion King is old, there will be endless challengers!

Of course Chen Suan is excellent, and Chun Yugui is certainly a genius. But in front of Zhen Cang Ming who has already formed a cave, all of them are not enough to see.

"I see." At last the old peach tree said.

Then pull up the roots and stagger up the mountain.

Only a long sigh was left, scattered on the mountain road - "If the envoy Wan Qi is there, why can't Daoist Taiyu not be pure?"

Thousands of surprises, ten thousand surprises!

Xu San felt ashamed.

What the old Taoshu lamented was Wan Teng's astonishing talent, and he scolded them for their incompetence.

Really speechless.



Xu San is the only one who can't say anything?

Today's Gan Chang'an has also been silent for a long time by the Wei River.

At the age of twenty-two this year, his facial features are no longer immature.

A few years ago at the Yellow River Meeting, he was still a little naive, but in recent years, he has grown up and rushed, and he looks like a young man—although he still looks harmless to humans and animals, and his writing is weak.

He and Jiang Wang were actually born in the same year, six months younger than Jiang Wang in the month of July, and his birthday was in July. So Jiang Wang is already twenty-three years old, and he is still experiencing the end of his twenty-two years old.

Young people always hope that there will be a grander echo at the end.

In the 3919th year of the Dao calendar, the meeting of the Yellow River.

Nineteen-year-old Jiang Wang won the title of leader of the Neifuchang.

Nineteen-year-old Gan Chang'an is one of the top eight in the outer building field. But it's not that he only has the strength of the top eight, but that he met Dou Zhao prematurely.

Now he is also present.

The time of God's arrival was exactly six months earlier than that of Jiang Wang.

He was still wearing a black scholar's uniform, with a thin and fragile feeling rarely seen in the Western Qin Dynasty.

There is a huge bluestone in front of him. This bluestone is standing by the Wei River. It has been polished by the waves for many years, and it has long been as smooth as a mirror. The strange thing is that no moss has grown on it.

A man was sitting on the bluestone, fishing for the Wei River with a pole.

Tall and thin, dressed in commoner clothes, with a mask full of small script on his face.

Every word on the mask is not difficult to read. The strange thing is that no one can understand what kind of article is written on the mask.

The mask doesn't even expose the eyes. The hand of this person holding the pole is also wearing a pair of gloves covered with small script.

Masks and gloves are black on a white background.

He is Wang Xixu.

Mr. Slow Jia, a commoner who seeks the country.

He was also the first person to recognize Gan Changan's talent.

When he was eight years old, Xu Zhi had the talent of "being able to live in Chang'an". He also came to the door in person, recommended himself as a teacher, and then gave him careful guidance, which has continued to this day.

Gan Chang'an naturally respected Wang Xixu very much. But after a long silence, he still couldn't help but said: "Why do you think I dare not face Dou Zhao? If I lose him for a while, I won't lose him forever."

With his genius, he naturally received the invitation to the Dragon Palace Banquet.

The gathering of the world's most talented people is a good opportunity for him to avenge his shame.

But Mr. Man Jia refused to allow him to go.

He can't understand.

"Of course you dare to face it. Of course you won't lose him forever." Wang Xixu held a fishing rod, looked at Weishui, and said slowly: "The so-called victory or defeat is not all about the bravery of a man. Chang'an, what you see is Underfoot, or in the distance? Are you seeing this Wei River, or this world?"

Gan Chang'an said: "I look at my feet, and I also see the distance. I look at the Wei River, and I also look at the world."

"But you didn't see clearly." Wang Xixu said: "You are too smart, your cleverness has blinded you."

"Sir." Gan Changan shook his head seriously, "I don't understand."

Wang Xixu didn't explain too much, just said: "Go to the demon world. You have already learned Xu Huang's saber technique, but you haven't seen Qin Changsheng's saber."

Gan Changan raised his head in surprise: "Will he teach me?"

Looking at the calm water, Wang Xixu said, "Everything has a price. You need to judge accurately and act generously...I'm not just talking about money."

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