Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2018 The Second Day of February

On the second day of February, the dragon raises its head.

It is suitable for offering sacrifices, breaking ground, building beams, and making alliances.

The Dragon Palace banquet is open.


In the upper half of the Yellow River section, Tianmayuan overlooks ninety thousand feet deep into the bottom of the long river. A magnificent palace finally parted from the turbid waves, opened the curtain of time and space intertwined, and lifted it to people's eyes.

It upholds the ancient architectural style, tall, magnificent and majestic, with courtyard pillars like Tianzhu and palace gates like Tianmen.

The palace wall is made of huge translucent crystal square bricks, the top cannot be seen from the top, and the head cannot be seen from the left and right. With the vastness of the long river, people worry that it will not be able to accommodate it.

There are mottled traces of time on the wall. That is not ten years of weathering, not just thousands of years of blowing, but a turning point of one great era after another. The tide of the era sweeps away everything in the past, leaving only the indelible imprint.

It is a living fossil of ancient times, and it is history in itself!

Jiang Wang is now standing outside the gate of the Changhe Dragon Palace, as if he has come to the era when the demon clan was supreme and the dragon clan claimed to be in the heaven.

Exaggerated dragon patterns can be seen everywhere in front of the eyes, thousands of hectares of waves are just above the head, and big fish can be seen swimming by. But it seems that it is already in another time and space, which is beyond reach.

What a power is time!

The miracle of such creation has also been erased.

There used to be at least tens of millions of creatures living here, so that such a magnificent building doesn't look so empty.

Now at a glance, there are very few of them.

It is said that the number of aquariums living in the Dragon Palace is no more than 10,000.

It's like in a huge lake, only a few tadpoles are released. No matter how you look at them, no matter how lively they are, they are inevitably empty and lonely.

The sound of the thousands of miles of galloping waves is very far away. Being at the bottom of the long river, there is no ups and downs.

It's quite like "surround yourself with thunder, and you can drink leisurely tea".

The invitation card for the Dragon Palace Banquet that she carried on her body was shining brightly, announcing the arrival of a distinguished guest.

A male Shui tribe with a horizontal bone between his foreheads and whose species cannot be identified, wearing a robe made of a special material from the ancient times, greeted him outside the palace gate with the cloud-walking steps in line with dragon etiquette: "Pingqing, the servant of the Dragon Palace, honors the dragon Jun Yuling, welcome Mr. Jiang Wang and Master Jingli into the palace."

Of course, if you really want to talk about ancient etiquette, it is an unethical behavior for this Dragon Palace attendant to take the Yunyi Step.

Xingyun Yibu is the footwork specially used by the Dragon Clan to welcome distinguished guests. It brings flowing clouds while walking, elegant and unrestrained without losing dignity. Non-Dragon people can't do it.

And as we all know... there is only one real dragon in the Long River Dragon Palace.

The Dragon Palace banquet invites Tianjiao, and the purification ceremony is of course one of them. There is also Jinghai from Jianglongyuan in Xuankong Temple, who has also received the invitation, but since Jingli has set off, there is no need for him to come again.

It is impossible for Jingli not to go with Jiang Wang, he wants to watch his junior brother.

It was also the first time I visited the Changhe Dragon Palace, and it was novel everywhere. When I saw the attendants of the Dragon Palace coming to welcome me, I waved excitedly: "Junior brother, let's go!"

Jiang Wang didn't move: "Don't worry, I'll wait a little longer."

"What are you waiting for?" Jing Li was a curious monk.


"Who are you waiting for?" Jingli broke the casserole and asked.

Jiang Wang smiled and said: "Little holy monk, why don't you go in and help me find the way, I will go to find you later."

"Forget it then!" Jingli shook her head vigorously, grinned and said, "I'll wait with you."

At this time, the Dragon Palace waiter who was silently waiting for them spoke up: "This door has opened the projection of time and space. The time and space for all distinguished guests to enter the Dragon Palace are not consistent, and there is no one waiting here."

It means why there are only him and Jingli at the gate of this huge palace, so I thought it was too late.

Jiang Wang was not embarrassed.

He just stood quietly outside the palace gate and glanced at the distance. He felt that there was someone waiting for him in a certain time and space at this moment.

This feeling is very peaceful.

"Then the waiter will lead the way," he said.

"You're welcome." Dragon Palace attendant Ping Qing walked in front, guiding the two human geniuses into the Dragon Palace.

The three figures walked in the huge country, like ants crawling in the ancient temple.

The cleansing ceremony has its own focus, he asked the waiter: "The time and space are different when we come in, how can we eat together?"

Ping Qing replied patiently: "It's just that the time and space at the entrance are different. This is to protect the Dragon Palace and the river section where the Dragon Palace stops. The time and space after entering the palace are the same."

Jing Li emphasized again: "I am a vegetarian."

Ping Qing said: "I have prepared vegetarian food for you."

In this way, one after another, in the cleansing ceremony, I passed through the majestic palace gate, walked through the square with various dragon stone sculptures, and passed the arch bridge across the Milky Way...

Came to a hall.

The hall uses the starry sky as the dome and the different waves of different ages as the floor tiles. There are no walls in all directions, infinite breadth. It is not so much a hall, but a world in the hall. There are infinite brilliance, infinite romantic fantasy.

Jiang Wang first saw a unparalleled beauty, standing not far from the door, with her hands behind her back, looking bored at the patterns on the floor tiles.

Her side face cannot be said to be exquisite, but a mist carved in jade, as faint as a fairyland.

Today, she is wearing a cloud-white neutral long gown, her long hair is tied up with a jade crown, and the ends of her hair hang down neatly behind her, giving her the air of an elegant and troubled woman.

She is naturally Ye Qingyu.

It was through a letter before they came, and they made an appointment to meet outside the palace gate and experience the Dragon Palace Banquet together.

When Jiang Wang looked at her, she just turned her head sideways.

Those eyes are gentle and quiet, clear and full of vitality.

A strand of forehead hair messed up the autumn waves, and the reflection of the green shirt in the autumn waves also shook a little. It makes people's hearts follow leisurely.

Jiang Wang said: "They said that no one can wait outside the palace gate."

Ye Qingyu smiled, it was Qingjian flowing water: "At first I was embarrassed to say that I was waiting for someone, so I said I was looking at the scenery, but after looking at it for a long time, I asked, eh, why didn't I see other people? ?”

Both of them laughed.

At this time, Jingli turned her eyes from her admiration for this hall, and was surprised to see that his junior had started chatting with a woman.

He leaned over calmly, opened his eyes wide and pricked up his ears.

Where is the evildoer? !

Ye Qingyu was shaken by this shiny bald head, smiled softly and said: "This must be the Liuli Buddha of the Xuankong Temple that Xiao Jiang often mentioned to me, the little holy monk of purification!"

She knew that the master and apprentice pair of suffering and purification were very good to Jiang Wang, so that she now has a good impression of the whole Buddhism. Monk You Fang never left hungry when he came to Yunguo.

Jingli opened her innocent eyes: "Who are you? My junior brother never mentioned you to me."

Jiang Wangchu was in the middle, and hurried to introduce: "This one is my good friend, Xuankong Temple Jingli. This... is also my good friend, Ye Qingyu in Lingxiao Pavilion. Let's chat a little more I knew it, haha."

Ye Qingyu smiled and said: "The little holy monk of Jingli is a master of Buddhism, and he pays attention to the fact that all four things are empty, so he must be impatient to chat...I seem to have seen Zen Master Pu'en on Mount Sumeru just now, little holy monk, do you want to go and have a look? Discuss Buddhism?"

"There's nothing to discuss." Jingli said carelessly: "My master said that the Buddhist orthodoxy is in the sky, and the orthodoxy in the sky is in the Three Treasures, so I won't talk to those sects—"

He suddenly frowned: "You just said, Pu En?"

The name sounds familiar.

Is it the one that Master told me to beat up violently when I meet him in the future?

"Yes." Ye Qingyu said.

Jing Li has a pure mind and always does whatever comes to her mind, so she immediately rolled up her sleeves: "Where is it?"

Ye Qingyu pointed in a direction, and he was like a wild horse...Jiang Wang grabbed him.

"The banquet hasn't started yet, so don't fight with anyone casually. Let's not talk about whether the Dragon Palace welcomes you or not. You can save some effort to learn from behind, and fight while earning a lot of money. Isn't it a good deal?"

Jingli was full of admiration: "Young brother is so smart!"

Ye Qingyu secretly thought it was a pity.

But the monk rolled his eyes, took out another bamboo hat, and put it on his head: "I'll observe secretly first."

He is not stupid in purging!

The so-called know yourself, know your enemy, and win a hundred battles, why don't you step on it first with a sack and a sap?

Ye Qingyu didn't need to worry too much, he went sneakily.

This way of observation, it is difficult not to be observed by others.

But Jiang Wang also let him.

This is not the time to worry about purification rituals.

Jiang looked at the back of the little holy monk, and said nonchalantly: "You know, he is a monk, there are some things I can't talk to him about..."

"Something... what is it?" Ye Qingyu tilted his head and looked into his eyes.

"Then what..." Jiang Wang tried his best to organize his words in the barren depression of words.

Ye Qingyu was at the corner of the Dragon Palace Banquet where Tianjiao gathered in the world, pressing every step of the way: "What?"

Suddenly a loud shout startled both of them.

"Jiang Wang!"

Xu Xianggan stood up from a relatively conspicuous place in the hall with his increasingly bright forehead, and waved vigorously.

The noise of the voice attracted the attention of everyone in the hall.

Who can come to the Changhe Dragon Palace to have a banquet today, who is not the pride of heaven? Which one has no identity? Everyone sat down, and acquaintances gathered together, talking in low voices. It's rare to see such a rowdy one.

Of course, the name 'Jiang Wang' is also the focus of attention.

Standing behind Xu Xiangqian, Zhao Wuyan moved to the side unobtrusively, probably not wanting to be classified with him.

He didn't realize it, and still shouted loudly: "The two prides of Ganma Mountain are reunited here today. This time, the Dragon Palace Banquet has gold content!"

The Dragon Palace Banquet is a one-person-one-seat system, so it doesn't mean that everyone sits around and eats a big table meal.

It was not yet time for the banquet, Lord Long had not yet appeared, and the guests had not yet arrived.

There are many food tables in the hall, and all kinds of rare fruits are piled up at this time.

The attendants of the Dragon Palace, wearing different styles of dresses from different eras, stood beside the crystal pillars, waiting for the summons from the guests at any time.

It's a bit embarrassing for Xu Xiang to be annoying, but Jiang Wang is still very happy to meet him here.

The so-called meeting an old friend in a foreign land is a great joy in life.

Immediately, he made a hand gesture to Ye Qingyu, stepped forward to meet him, and smiled all over his face: "Screaming so loudly, I thought you practiced a lion's roar!"

Xu Xianggan didn't seem to understand the euphemistic reminder, or he didn't listen to what Jiang Wang said at all, he laughed loudly: "It's true that I just fell asleep and then God came, it's really very simple!"

"When did you leave Snow Country?" Jiang Wang asked with a smile.

"Yes, I became Shenlin last year! Sigh, I don't work hard at ordinary times, so I wasted years. My master often said, it's such a waste of my talent to give it to me!" Xu Xiangqian sighed, and looked left and right. : "Huh? Li Longchuan, Yan Fu, Chong Xuansheng and the others?"

Before Jiang Wang could answer, he sighed heavily again: "Oh, yes. The Dragon Palace Banquet is not invited to everyone. After all, they haven't come yet."

Jiang Wang endured the first and the second, and stopped him with his palm: "Okay, okay, it's impolite to say anything else."

Xu Xianggan stretched out both hands, and held the vertical palm intimately: "The distance between the old friends is getting farther and farther, which is not what I want. Brother Jiang, I am so lonely! Only you can understand me! Brother Yaozhi is temporarily , Looking around, there are many fewer people!"

Ye Qingyu originally wanted to say hello to Jiang Wang's good brother, but after following him, he couldn't get in a word.

What a secret!

The two of them talked about their own things, but they still had such a happy chat.

We deserve to be friends!

Jiang Wang pulled out his hand vigorously, refusing to continue the topic of the divine presence: "Let me introduce, this is Ye Qingyu from Lingxiao Pavilion."

Xu Xianggan took a serious look, thought for a while, and suddenly clapped his hands: "I know! The one who shook hands with you from Guanhe Terrace! He was wearing a veil at the time!"

He squeezed his voice again, and imitated it artificially: "Congratulations, you are number one in the world."

Ye Qingyu wasn't shy, and smiled generously: "Congratulations too, you're really a genius when you wake up after you sleep."

Xu Xiangqian gave Jiang Wang a look of approval before waving his hand at Ye Qingyu: "False name, false name, I don't like to mention this."

Turned another big step back, retreated to the side of Zhao Wuyan, and said enthusiastically: "Jiang Wang doesn't need to introduce any more, the main thing is to introduce to Miss Qingyu—this is Zhao Wuyan from Longmen Academy."

After the introduction, he grinned: "You understand."

Jiang Wang saw Zhao Wuyan's face of disgust but did not refute, and there was some genuine admiration in his eyes for a moment. The so-called fair lady, the gentleman is so good, she has been chasing from Huai Island to the Snow Country, is this girl really "going" here?

In private, he wanted to laugh and scold Xu Xiang as a dry toad for eating swan meat.

At this time, he said seriously: "Miss Zhao is well-versed in a hundred schools of thought, brother Xiang Gan is sincere and enthusiastic, the two are indeed a good match!"

Zhao Wuyan nodded lightly, expressing her gratitude.

Xu Xianggan laughed until his teeth showed, and waved his hands and said: "What is a good match and a bad match? We haven't officially engaged yet! We Confucian children, let's talk about the word 'ritual', and we can't make private orders. I have written to my teacher, The old man will choose a good day and go to Longmen Academy to help me propose marriage."

Zhao Wuyan looked at him with some surprise: "When did it happen, how come I don't know?"

"Don't you know now?" Xu Xiangqian was extremely happy: "Didn't I want to give you a surprise?"

Zhao Wuyan is a very assertive person, and never liked the feeling of being arranged, but when he saw Xu Xiang's wrinkled smile, he couldn't help laughing too. He stretched out his hand and pinched him: "What's the surprise? You can only make up your own mind!"

"It's wrong, it's wrong! I know it's wrong!" Xu Xianggan hissed in pain, "Can I replace you next time? You ask your teacher to go to Qingya Academy to propose marriage to me!"

Zhao Wuyan's hands became heavier: "Where do you have such a big face!"

On weekdays, Zhao Wuyan is indifferent and grand, playing with a little temper like a little girl. Xu Xianggan, who is not active on weekdays, is brimming with happiness in a weird way.

In this Long River Dragon Palace.

Also in the bits and pieces of their past experience.

Jiang Wang smiled and looked at them gently, feeling a kind of tranquil happiness in a place where the storm should have been turbulent.

Thanks to the book friend "Bai Zexian Lingyu" for becoming the leader of this book, it is the 479th alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey.

Thanks to the book friend "Mianyun" for becoming the leader of this book, it is the 480th alliance for the Chixin Sky Survey!

Good luck to all candidates for the college entrance examination!

Especially wish Mianyun can test his own demeanor!

I'm guilty, I should stop updating these days...

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