Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2019 The sea of ​​suffering is boundless, and the pride of heaven strives to cross it

Many invitations were sent out for this Dragon Palace Banquet.

Of course not everyone who receives the invitation will come.

But in view of the special nature of the Dragon Palace Banquet, the six major overlords will naturally not be absent, and at least one of the world's major sects will be sent as a representative.

After all, since ancient times, the Dragon Palace Banquet has been a feast for the gathering of talents from all walks of life. Those great masters in the world can't be said to be broken down by now.

Therefore, some people who were difficult for the world to see before also appeared on the stage at this time.

For example, Nalan Longzhi, the descendant of the Thief of the Heavenly Mansion, who never sees the end of the dragon, last time he showed up in the battlefield of the maze, and the next time, no one knew about it. Even where the Stealing Heaven Mansion is, there is still no conclusion until now.

For example, Yixinjian Cui Yigeng, who has always been famous but not known, as a high-achieving apprentice of the Diligent Academy and a representative of the Diligence School, never leaves the door and does not step out of the door.

For example, the personal student of Chen Pu, the dean of Mugu Academy, has always been a maverick, rarely interacts with people, and of course she is not well-known in the world... She has a very interesting name, Ji Li. She also held a fat white civet cat in her arms.

Cui Yigeng, Ji Li, together with Zhao Wuyan who represented Longmen Academy, and Xu Xiangqian who represented Qingya Academy, the representative students of the four major academies in the world today gathered in Changhe Dragon Palace.

Except for the regular "Study Sea Rafting" opened on the mountain of books, it is hard to see the four major academies so neatly organized.

Of course... Whether Xu Xianggan can fully represent Qingya Academy is still somewhat controversial.

Although through his unremitting efforts and vigorous publicity, many people now know that he "felt like a god". But the student of Qingya Academy, after all, is still the three outstanding talents of poetry, piano, and sword.

The so-called "poetry is full of Zhongzhou, and the sound of the qin moves the nine secluded places."

That's the real manly style.

It is not comparable to all the brilliant talents who can't sell a few collections of poetry.

Jiang Wang, Ye Qingyu, Xu Xiangqian, and Zhao Wuyan gathered here to gossip, and Ji Li, who was black and thin, walked over with the fat white civet cat in his arms.

"How are you guys?" She focused on Xu Xiangqian: "Is this Senior Brother Xu from Qingya Academy?"

There were so many people present, including the famous Jiang Qingyang!

But who did she strike up a conversation with? !

Xu Xiang took a smug glance at Jiang Wang, and then used the most gentle, courteous and least hurtful gesture in his life, causing great harm to Ji Li: "I'm sorry, I have someone I like."


Not only was Ji Li stunned for a moment, but the white civet cat in her arms also widened its cat's eyes.

This is the most beautiful civet cat with the best coat and color that Jiang Wang has ever seen. The terrible thing is that it is fat into a ball, and those sapphire-like eyes have a sense of charm.

A cat with a sense of charm!

Still a fat cat!

"Don't listen to his nonsense." After all, Zhao Wuyan is used to being a senior elder sister. She is responsible for many things in Longmen Academy, and she smoothed things over: "Sister Jili has something, but it's okay to say."

Ji Li quietly took half a step back with the cat in his arms, keeping a distance that Xu Xianggan could never misunderstand, and then said: "I just want to ask... Did senior brother Mo Ci not attend this Dragon Palace Banquet?"

A great Confucianist like Chen Pu. The Confucian students in the entire Mugu Academy can be said to be his students. Anyone in the world who has read his articles and studied his thoughts can say the same.

But there are always one or two who are regarded as successors and academic successors who want to truly inherit his thoughts and carry forward his academic ideas. Ji Li is such a student.

It's like Xu Xianggan's relationship with the great scholar Mo Ya, Mo Ci's relationship with Bai Gexiao, the dean of Qingya Academy, Zhao Wuyan's relationship with Yao Fu, the dean of Longmen Academy, and Cui Yigeng's relationship with Zuo Qiuwu, the dean of Qinku Academy.

"Ah, Brother Mo."

Of course Xu Xiangqian would not say that he specially wrote a letter persuading the three outstanding talents to return, crying bitterly in the letter that he must have the same banquet with Zhao Wuyan... and then be the representative of Qingya Academy alone.

He smiled without embarrassment: "Senior Brother Mo Ci thinks that a more handsome person should represent Qingya Academy."

"Okay." Ji Li nodded, hugged the cat and left.

What a neat woman.

"Hey!" Xu Xianggan asked curiously, "What are you looking for, senior brother Mo Ci? Maybe I can convey it for you!"

"It's nothing." Ji Li said without looking back: "He restored a piece of Guqin score a few days ago, and there was a mistake in one section. I want to point it out to him in person."

Xu Xiang was stunned for a moment, then turned around and asked Jiang Wang: "What does she mean, is she trying to ruin senior brother Mo Ci's reputation?"

"Maybe it's just a pure discussion of academics." Jiang Wang said casually: "Aren't you also proficient in everything from piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, what is that Guqin score, you can talk to her and see her attitude, you will know ?"

Xu Xiang laughed dryly: "This piano score..."

"The Guqin scores are different from the current ones." Zhao Wuyan took over the topic: "As for right or wrong, I think it's more a question of philosophy. I've seen the Guqin score restored by the three outstanding talents, it's very complete , integrated, and timely. It’s just that the original score is lost after all, and it can be traced back to history, and there can be different developments in certain passages.”

Ye Qingyu asked suddenly: "The Guqin score you are talking about is "Bing Wu Breaking the Array"?"

Playing the piano with Niu is unavoidably boring, Zhao Wuyan was a little surprised: "Miss Qingyu also has research on Guqin scores?"

Ye Qingyu laughed softly: "How dare you say that you have research before everyone! I just became interested in qin music in the past few years, so I just followed suit and amuse myself. The three outstanding talents repaired this guqin Spectrum, it is ground-breaking in the industry, and it has shocked many masters of piano. My teacher just talked to me, and I started to practice."

In her words, she glanced at Jiang Wang inadvertently. She really practiced the piano and became interested in the piano, and she started with the Jiaowei that Jiang Wang sent. Only later did Pavilion Master Ye invite famous experts.

It's a pity that Jiang Wangzheng and Xu Xiang stared at each other. Can not experience such a style.

Soldiers and warriors, the ancestor of military strategists.

It is also the only one among the eight ancient sages who failed to achieve detachment.

It's not that he can't achieve, on the contrary, many people think that he should represent the strongest killing power among the ancient eight sages. Because in the record of Yan Dao level, he is far ahead of the other seven sages.

It's just that the way of warfare he created made the Yaozu Heaven feel an unprecedented threat.

The supreme ruler of the monster race finally cast down his haughty gaze and re-examined the human race who were driven into slavery. Among them, the wise men persuaded the high-level officials of the Heavenly Court, so there was an eternal shock, and many monster clan powerhouses took action one after another, setting up a situation to ambush Bingwu before he took the last step.

It was also Bingwu's death that started the all-out war between the human race and the monster race!

And the piece of "Bingwu Breaking the Array Music" restored by Mo Ci is a qin music work in the Middle Ages, which can be called an ancient masterpiece. It was lost in the chaos of modern times, and then it was pieced together by generations of luthiers until Mo Ci completed the final step and restored it completely.

This song was composed by the ancient Chinese emperor Lie Shan, on the eve of the human emperor chasing the dragon emperor. It is a commemoration of military and martial arts, and it is also an expression of ambition. It is a metaphor for the great battle that will happen soon!

It's a pity that Jiang Wang can't understand the theory of the piano, and Xu Xianggan only loves to write poems, so he can't feel the charm of this piano score at all, and he doesn't know the meaning. That is, the name Bingwu made them a little awe-inspiring.

But there are too many younger generations who commemorate the sages and cling to their names. Not so unusual.

Xu Xianggan also chanted Xuanyuan!

"Xuanyuan Xi, Xuanyuan Xi, Xuanyuan is in the east and I am in the west. I want to imitate the sages, Xuanyuan opens the sky and I mend the earth."...From "Shenxiu Poetry Collection".

Anyway, it's a mess.

In his mind, this Lao Shizi's "Bing Wu Breaking the Battle" is nothing more than the same. It was probably written by an unknown person, and the content is not always "Charge! Break the formation! Kill the enemy!"...Huh? Isn't this the inspiration for "Wing Bing Wu"?

"Miss Qingyu is too modest!" Zhao Wuyan said, "Being able to play "Bingwu Breaking the Array" is not at the level of self-entertainment. The performance is complete. If Miss Qingyu has only been learning the piano for a few years, then this talent is really amazing."

Ye Qingyu hurriedly said: "No, I'm not very familiar with Lianshan fingering..."

Zhao Wuyan was even more surprised: "You also learned the fingering method of Lianshan? The seven chapters of Lianshan were scattered across the world two thousand years ago. Which chapter did you learn?"

They had a fun chat here, and the chat got deeper and deeper.

Jiang Wang and Xu Xianggan stood beside each other with serious expressions on their faces, as if they were listening very interestingly, and were quite engrossed, and made various expressions from time to time. Xu Xianggan's expression was "suddenly realized", while Jiang Wang's expression was "I learned it!".

Secret sound transmission, back and forth in both ears without a trace.

"What are they talking about? What is Lianshan Fingering?"

"You ask me, who do I ask?"

"Aren't you a high school student?"

"You still dominate the prince!"

"When you were in Linzi, didn't you often go to Hongxiu Zhao to listen to the piano?"

"Go to Hongxiu to recruit, who the hell really listens to the piano!"

Jiang Wang was speechless, so he simply relaxed and observed the other people in the Dragon Palace.

Tianjiao entered the arena one after another, and he had seen most of them.

After all, the road to practice is long and full of dangers. Among all living beings, there are only a few who can reach high places. The opportunities to seek, the resources to enjoy, and the circle of communication are all at the same level, and it is difficult not to overlap.

Some people would specially come over to say hello to him, such as Yi Tang, the "little sage" from the Renxin Pavilion.

There are also people who turn a blind eye to him, such as Xie Junmeng from East King Valley and Yu Xiaochen from Blood River Sect.

The former was beaten up by him, needless to say. The latter is Peng Chongjian's direct disciple. Peng Chongjian has become the True Lord of the Blood River, and he has also risen with the tide.

Jiang Wang faintly heard Nalan Longzhi from the Heavenly Mansion and Cui Yigeng from the Qinku Academy talking about the illusory realm, the impact of Xu Zeming's incident, and whether the illusory realm was reliable or not.

These descendants of the world's great masters always have sources of information, and their understanding of the illusory realm is far beyond ordinary people. Each has insights.

Not long after, Xie Junmeng also joined the discussion, his words were quite fierce, and his voice became louder, gradually attracting more discussions.

"well said!"

Suddenly there was a loud shout at the gate of the hall.

Zhongshan Weisun, who represented the state of Jing, strode in, listened to him, and excitedly participated in the center of the topic: "The Taixu Illusion Realm is very unsafe, and the Taixu Sect is very irresponsible. This thing should be banned! What? What a thing, there is no privacy at all!"

He is too angry...

I don't know how the illusory world hurt him so deeply.

Xie Junmeng, who was dressed in a green robe, glanced at him, and reluctantly agreed with him to join the discussion because of his identity. And asked: "There is no privacy in the illusory world? Brother Zhongshan, why did you say that?"

Zhongshan Weisun hesitated for a moment, waved his hands and said, "It's not convenient for me to say too much about it. Anyway, you all know it's unreliable."

Yu Xiaochen from the Blood River Sect came over at this time and started another round of discussion: "When Taixu Sect was founded, there were some problems. That Taixu True Monarch..."

Walking into the palace with Zhongshan Weisun was Huang Sheli.

She has a clear goal, and she is completely uninterested in the piecemeal nonsense of Zhongshan Weisun and the others. Zhongshan Weisun just talked too much nonsense, and was unscrupulous in the illusory world, and everyone guessed his true identity when he caught and scolded whomever he caught. Of course, it has not been fully determined before...

As soon as he entered the main hall, Zhongshan Weisun first collected the voices, captured everyone's chats, and grasped the situation at the scene as quickly as possible.

But Huang Sheli first swept his eyes and sifted through the audience.

Ugly, average, okay, failing, able to see...

Seeing Jiang Wang, his eyes lit up. Seeing Ye Qingyu, his eyes are even brighter!

No matter what fart Zhongshan Weisun went to fart, he just parted ways and came straight here.

"Ginger Immortal!" She warmly greeted.

Ye Qingyu, who was discussing Qin theory with Zhao Wuyan, was brought back to his senses.

The two beauties with their own styles passed Jiang Wang and looked at each other before this moment.

Ye Qingyu looked at Huang Sheli warily.

Huang Sheli looked at Ye Qingyu with joy in his eyes, and his voice was also enthusiastic: "This younger sister is so pretty! What's your name? Where do you live? Are you married? Is there someone you like?"

While talking, she leaned forward and hugged her: "Did we meet somewhere—"

Jiang Wang folded gracefully, stepped forward, caught her hand just right, and shook it: "Long time no see, Miss Sheli!"

His footwork is ingenious and precise, but Huang Sheli obviously doesn't appreciate this. With a bright and happy smile, he said repeatedly: "Long time no see, long time no see."

Jiang pulled her aside indiscriminately, keeping a distance from Ye Qingyu. While greeting with concern: "Why did Miss Shili come so late?"

Huang Sheli stared at Ye Qingyu and looked at him frequently, and clenched his hands tightly.

Happiness almost overflowed the corners of his mouth. The eyes are reluctant to part, and the hands are also reluctant to part, the beauty is too beautiful, the beauty is too beautiful.

"Isn't it beautiful—ah, the country of Jing is far away."

She turned her head to look at Jiang Wang, and realized that Ye Qingyu was still pretty when she was not fighting, so she was afraid of losing her sight, so she quickly turned her gaze back, and said perfunctorily, "Actually, I really want to see Immortal Jiang sooner."

Ordinary people, she is not perfunctory! Let the ugly ones try it?

Xu Xiangqian and Zhao Wuyan next to each other looked at each other, feeling very confused - who is this Huang Sheli looking for?

The official debut of Zhongshan Weisun and Huang Sheli as the overlord Tianjiao seems to have opened the curtain for the entry of the Overlord Tianjiao.

Not long after, Tianjiao, who participated in the Dragon Palace Banquet from Qin State, joined hands. However, only two came—Huang Budong, who was known as the "little old man", and Qin Zhizhen, who was widely recognized as "the foundation is as thick as it is".

The former is still in front of Dongzhen Gate and has not yet obtained the truth.

The latter has witnessed the presence of the gods and truly grasped the power of the emperor Yan Luo.

Dressed in a black military uniform, he has a solemn demeanor, thick and impeccable, with a natural majesty. With just a light sweep of his eyes, he stopped on Jiang Wang, and then walked straight over.

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