Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2020 Wind and Cloud Gather, Dragon and Tiger Club

The black clothes are like cast iron, and the air is as solid as a rock.

When Qin Zhizhen started to take steps, the sound of his footsteps naturally became the heaviest thing in this hall.

Da da da.

The martial boots stepped on the ground, as if people could hear the boulder crashing down and the earth wailing.

He walked over step by step, and it didn't feel like a person was approaching, but a mountain was pushed in front of him.

Jiang Wang turned around, stopped everyone behind him, and stood alone in front of the mountain.

Huang Sheli, who claims to be "sex but not lewd", regretfully let go. She will not stop the beauty from facing the battle that belongs to the beauty.

But then he quietly moved to Ye Qingyu's side, and reminded him in a low voice: "This man is called Qin Zhizhen. He is very vicious! When he was in Yuyuan, he had to bathe with Shura's blood every day, and he captured every Shura himself. Let me tell you a little secret - I heard that he still eats Shura's heart and liver! He eats it raw!"

The hand touched it again: "But sister, don't be afraid, stand next to sister. Sister can protect you."

Ye Qingyu was gentle and intelligent in front of Jingli, generous and generous in front of Xu Xiang, had a good time talking with Wuyan in front of him, and had a good time in front of Huang Sheli...he really didn't know how to deal with it.

Fortunately, Zhao Wuyan saw her embarrassment, and walked among them without a trace, smiling angrily: "Qin Zhizhen is not as scary as Miss Sheli said? What a serious and arrogant person, how can you describe it like that?" Like a monster."

Huang Sheli didn't touch the little hand, but he wasn't annoyed, and said with a smile, "You don't think he's scary now, because Jiang Wang is in front."

Yes. Jiang Wang stood in front of him.

This is not the first time Ye Qingyu looks at Jiang Wang's back. From the time when she went down to Yuncheng with white hair until now, from when she was young and thin, to now when she is famous all over the always gave her such a reliable feeling.

Before such a back view, the Qin Zhizhen who was walking over step by step, who should have overwhelmed the world, just walked over in an ordinary way.

Finally Qin Zhizhen said, "Jiang Wang, I'm very glad to see you today."

Jiang Wang smiled lightly: "Then I hope you can always maintain your good mood."

Qin Zhizhen also smiled, and pointed to the hall: "Shall I take my seat first?"

Jiang Wang stretched out his hand politely: "Please go ahead."

The conversation between the two was calm, Qin Zhizhen turned and left, taking away his momentum.

It wasn't until this time that Huang Budong, who walked in with Qin Zhizhen, was captured by people's vision again. He still looked like he couldn't wake up, as if he didn't care about anything. Lazily finding a seat with Qin Zhizhen, sat down and continued to take a nap.

I don't know if it's because of fate, or if it was deliberately arranged by Changhe Dragon Palace.

Tianjiao of Qin just took his seat here, and a group of people from outside the palace will be Tianjiao of Chu!

The number of people from Chu State is the largest among the overlords present. Five people came at once.

Others came to participate in the Dragon Palace Banquet, either for the purpose of knowledge, or simply to raise the flag for their own power, or to take a fancy to the good things in the Long River Dragon Palace...

Only these Chu people seemed to be here to participate in some Yunxiangzhai fashion exhibition, all of them were wearing flowers and jade, which were very colorful.

Walking in the middle is naturally Dou Zhao.

Wearing a gorgeous military uniform with a red background and gold trim, he walks calmly and confidently, giving people a bright and approachable feeling. Of course, anyone who has seen him draw his sword knows how arrogant and unruly he is.

on his left.

Qu Shunhua was wearing a beautiful bright yellow dress with puffy skirts and tails that trailed the floor. The dignified and noble facial features easily suppress this atmospheric color. Walk in this temple as in her kingdom.

Further to the left is naturally Zuo Guangshu.

In order to match Qu Shunhua's clothes, he wore a dark blue robe today. The innate nobility and handsome appearance made him really start to bloom his brilliance in all directions at this nineteen-year-old age.

The so-called golden boy and jade girl, the so-called perfect combination, if you don't know the meaning of the word, you can understand it by looking at Qu Shunhua and Zuo Guangshu who came hand in hand.

On Dou Zhao's right hand is the tall and tall Xiang Bei. There is a shadow-like lace between the eyes, black armor and red sash, striding like a shooting star. The whole person is majestic and mighty, but also has a mysterious and inquiring charm.

Next to Xiang Bei was Zhong Liyan, with eagle eyes and short beards... well, eagle eyes and short beards.

He is the only exception in Chu's fashion troupe.

Not only is he dressed casually and a martial artist, but he also has a god-hate expression on his face, as if everyone owes him something.

One can't help but wonder whether there are any contradictions among these arrogance of the Chu Kingdom.

Of course, no matter what contradictions there are... such as who was beaten by whom before departure. In this public occasion of representing the country, they must be united.

And even though Zhong Liyan was dressed so casually, after all, he was not ugly and had an excellent figure, and he was brought out a bit of a unique taste in this row of blooming scenery.

One wonders if this may be a style as well.

After all, Chu people are always at the forefront of fashion, and they can lead the world in terms of basic necessities of life, and it is normal for ordinary people not to understand!

What is this to Huang Sheli?

This is a visual feast!

Dazed, she really wanted to applaud immediately and express a warm welcome to her colleagues from Chu State.

But after all, he knows his identity. It's not good to cause the people of Qin to misunderstand, so they have to grit their teeth and endure it. Although Huang is greedy for beauty, he puts career first. Before the great cause of the family and the great ambitions, personal preferences can be put on hold.

Thinking about it this way, Jiang Wang is still good.

Good-looking, and good-looking, and now there is no identity, not so much trouble. Wherever you want to be.

It's just that he is not easy to deceive, he is not willing to live in Jing country for a few days...

The magnificence of Chu people certainly attracts attention.

Especially the Qin people, it is impossible to ignore it.

Qin Zhizhen was expressionless, and Huang Budong was drowsy.

Qin Zhizhen said via voice transmission: "Chu people use the Dragon Palace Banquet as a stage? There are so many people singing the book! I knew that Gan Chang'an should also come."

Huang Budong: "Well..."

Qin Zhizhen: "Wei Yu should come too."

Huang Budong: "Well..."

Qin Zhizhen: "There is also Gongyangbai."

Huang Budong: "Ah..."

Qin Zhizhen: ...

Forget it. Don't wake up when you are fucking asleep!



"Brother Jiang!"

"Brother Jiang!"

Zuo Guangshu saw Jiang Wang right away, and immediately walked towards him. Twice Brother Jiang, one from him and one from Qu Shunhua. That's called a harp and sound.

Dou Zhao, Xiang Bei, and Zhong Liyan also followed suit.

Huang Sheli was dejected, secretly suppressed, and secretly entangled. I saw this line of handsome men and beautiful women, all of whom were competing for beauty, all walking towards this side... She was surrounded by happiness!

Seemingly changing the angle inadvertently, so that I can appreciate the beauty more clearly and up close.

I'm so sorry, I didn't realize that Jiang Wang's advantages are so outstanding before, and he can attract bees and butterflies! Come more!

Jiang Wang didn't know what Huang Sheli was thinking, so he responded enthusiastically to Chu people's greeting.

For example, he gave Zuo Guangshu a hug, for example, he praised Qu Shunhua's beauty today.

For example, give the blind Xiang Bei a gentle look.

For example, Zhong Liyan said: "Jiang, you escaped by chance last time, you can't escape this time, right?! I want to fight you!"

He replied: "No time."

Finally, Dou Zhao approached, pulled back the furious Zhong Liyan, and gave Jiang Wang a sunny smile: "I heard that you won Chong Xuan Zun?"

The duel with Chongxuanzun was obviously only held in the palace of King Qi, and it was obviously not publicized, but the eyes of the whole world seemed to have noticed it.

In the final analysis, the two names Chongxuanzun and Jiangwang are already enough to affect the world.

Jiang Wang smiled lightly, and was about to speak when another voice came from the door of the palace——

"How did I hear...someone calling my name?"

A man with a smile on the corner of his mouth and bright eyes walked leisurely into the Dragon Palace at this very moment.

Whether willing or unwilling, who can not pay attention to him in the first place?

The arrogance in the hall is peerless, the young master is better than snow in white clothes!

It is only because he respects Xuan Zun that he can be placed between the names Jiang Wang and Dou Zhao without violating harmony.

Chong Xuanzun is not the only arrogant from Qi.

Walking next to him was a tall man with a high nose and deep eyes, wearing military boots and a military uniform, with a straight posture. There is a sense of ruthless military law in every gesture, which contrasts sharply with Chong Xuanzun's casual and free and easy.

Besides Wang Yiwu, who else?

Walking into the hall behind them is a man and a woman, the man is extremely fat, the woman is tall, and they are talking in a low voice - to be precise, it is the cold and beautiful woman who is as ice as jade asking, The huge, kind-looking fat man wiped his sweat and answered.

Fear is a contagious emotion...

It's all Li Longchuan's fault!

Involving the damaged friend is half a head short.

Seeing Chong Xuansheng and Li Fengyao, Jiang Wang was of course happy.

However, Li Fengyao didn't seem to intend to say anything in front of people, but just nodded in greeting.

He didn't say anything, just smiled at his sister flatteringly.

As for him and Chong Xuansheng, there was no need to say anything more, they didn't even bother to say hello to each other.

On the contrary, Xu Xianggan's eyes lit up, and he leaned over eagerly, telling Chong Xuanpang about his sudden awakening, and about his Senior Sister Zhao Wuyan.

But Chong Xuansheng is already divinely present, has fourteen, and has a face, so he will not be able to break through his defense at all. Instead, he deliberately said something like bald head and poor ghost, which made Xu Xianggan grin his teeth.

Wang Yiwu took the initiative to take a step behind, and Chong Xuanzun approached.

Now, Chong Xuanzun, Dou Zhao, and Jiang Wang stand out from everyone, standing in a triangle in a narrow circle.

They were actually crowded in a corner of the hall.

But right now this is the center of Dragon Palace.

Such three people standing together, the impact on the senses is difficult to describe in words. Unrivaled!

White clothes are better than snow, red clothes are unruly, and green clothes are upright.

Of course Huang Sheli was dazzled, but why didn't the other talents present don't know who to focus on?

Jiang Wang looked at Chong Xuanzun, and said with a warm smile, "Dou Zhao was just talking about the duel between me and you."

Chong Xuanzun's faint smile jumped out from the corner of his mouth: "He won't think that if you beat me once, it means he can win me too?"

"Don't get me wrong." Dou Zhao waved his hands again and again: "Whether I can beat you or not has nothing to do with Jiang Wang's ability to win you."

His gaze shifted from Zhongxuanzun to Jiang Wang: "I mean——both of you are not good at it."

Jiang Wang smiled slightly: "You are still so blindly confident. You didn't win in the mountains and seas, and neither did the Supreme Royal Court."

"The meeting of the Yellow River didn't win either." Chong Xuanzun added.

Dou Zhao didn't argue with Jiang Wang how lonely he was in the mountains and seas, he just smiled and shook his head: "Look at your smug tone, I thought you had won!"

His smile slowly withdrew: "That's right. To be able to draw with me by chance is indeed worthy of your bragging for the rest of your life."

"Speaking of it!" Chong Xuanzun stopped laughing: "I have a style, which has never been shown since I realized it until now. Because there has never been a scene worthy of its birth. I suddenly feel that today is a day worthy of it. , why don't you two... come and try together?"

The warmth and brightness in Dou Zhao's eyes had long gone, and he grinned the corners of his mouth, showing fierceness in an instant, arrogant and unruly!

"Get out of the way, everyone!"

His military uniform was raised for a moment: "Don't talk nonsense! How can you have the ability to fight two? Just fight with me! I'm going to see Dou Zhao today. It's you Chong Xuanzun who can hold my Tian Xiao Dao , or you, Jiang Wang, can support my golden bridge on the other side!"

The fighting intent of the three surged up for a moment, and the boundless killing intent was like an overturning tide.

It is true that everyone present is a proud person, but it is true that they all retreated involuntarily!

Both Chong Xuanzun and Dou Zhao were visibly excited. On the other hand, Jiang Wang, although his fighting spirit spontaneously rose up, his eyes remained calm.

"I said, what are you guys crazy about? Everyone wants to fight two?" He pressed his sword on his waist, looked at Xuan Zun, and then at Dou Zhao: "If I remember correctly... the three of us There seems to be only one leader of the Yellow River. Is that right?"

All of a sudden Chong Xuan Zun and Dou Zhao were silent.

Xu Xianggan grinned on the sidelines.

Jiang Wang killed the game!

No matter how sharp the tongue is, how confident and arrogant, only the leader of the Yellow River is an irrefutable fact.

Chong Xuanzun and Dou Zhao looked at Jiang Wang with dangerous eyes.

Jiang Wang just opened his hands, spread them to both sides, and pressed down: "Today is the grand meeting of Tianjiao, and there are plenty of opportunities to fight. How can there be a reason for the guests to fight first before the host comes out? Let me tell you, the two Where should I sit, and where should I sit first. After the banquet officially starts, if there is anything you want to fight, you might as well stand up and fight. It’s better to be upright than to fight on the street now!"

Both Zhongxuanzun and Dou Zhao knew Jiang Wang, and it was impossible for a truly devout person not to know the opponent he respected.

They all knew that Jiang Wang was never afraid of fighting, nor did he avoid fighting. There is no need to say all kinds of reasons. It is his style to pull out the Sauvignon Blanc and be the first to charge. Today is so calm and peaceful, it is unavoidably abnormal.

Is there any special link in this Dragon Palace Banquet?

Chong Xuanzun lightly brushed off the corner of his clothes, and said with a smile: "I, Daqi, is a state of etiquette, so of course I will respect the Lord's family. Forget it, wait for the Dragon Lord to come out, and then talk about other things."

"It's too troublesome to wait in the future." Dou Zhao's fighting spirit was aroused, and Tian Xiao Dao was ready to move. He couldn't hold it back for a while, and didn't want to calm down. It's enough for three people to come, what are the others doing? Are you pouring wine for us?"

It's like a little spark falling into a pan of oil.

The whole hall exploded!

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