Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2024 Sitting on Bodhi

Ye Lan'er's words were too familiar, and the whole hall's eyes fell on Jiang Wang.

Even Huang Sheli, who was walking back, looked at Jiang Wang with deep meaning—good Jiang Wang, it was hard to hide it from me. He pretended to be honest, dull, and incomprehensible in front of me all day long, so he was also a fellow!

Zhuo Qingru's eyes flickered even more, and she didn't know what to think of.

The eyes of the masses are really complicated, and it is hard to imagine how rumors will spread after today. Jiang Wang finally turned his head away: "Miss Ye, we don't seem to be that familiar, and we have only met three times in total."

Ye Lan'er's eyes were sad, and she said quietly: "I first met Young Master Jiang when I was on Guanhe Terrace, the young master was like the sun rising across the sky, and I was just staring at you under the stage.

Goodbye to the son, it is the eve of the opening of the mountains and seas in Chudi, a few of our friends gathered together and had a good talk.

The third time we met was when the mountains and seas were closed, Mr. Jiang returned with a big victory, and I will clean up the dust for you. We were alone after the banquet, and you praised me for my beauty, which is the only thing you have ever seen in your life.

The fourth time we met, I went to Nanxia specially to find you..."

She counted the meeting several times, but it stopped abruptly here, and said angrily: "You are so lucky, how can you say that you only met three times?"

Fall in love at first sight, see acquaintance again, show mercy at third sight, see phoenix falling into phoenix tree at fourth!

This method is really ingenious.

Jiang Qingyang is not only the first in martial arts?

Zhongshan Weisun gritted his teeth, trying to keep himself from showing jealousy.

There was a lot of discussion.

Jiang Wang raised his eyebrows slightly, a little unhappy.

Ye Lan'er came over again via voice transmission: "Our cooperation in Linzi is not over yet!"

Thinking of this woman's help in the battle to kill Zhang Linchuan. Jiang Wang smoothed his brows, and finally said calmly: "Miss Ye, please sit down with peace of mind. With the chief manager of the Yellow River here, Brother Dou will not do anything to you."

Ye Lan'er intentionally stabbed Yingying Yanyan and her confidant confidante beside Jiang for Meiyue, but she knew that her mistakes were too late, and Jiang's surname was about to get angry.

So she smiled gently, ignored Dou Zhao's intimidation, ignored Jiang Wang's indifference, found a seat for herself, and sat down gracefully.


"Are the people almost ready?" Yi Tang asked aloud after recovering from the pharmacological research on Longgong Zhenguo.

Cui Yigeng, who was standing next to him, replied: "No, the people from Muguo and Jingguo... haven't arrived yet."

Yi Tang fell silent.

To say that at today's Dragon Palace Banquet, all heavenly talents gathered, and the relationship between grievances and resentments is intricate.

Needless to say, Qin Chu and Zhuang Yong, Renxin Hall and Dongwang Valley are also old rivals, the four major academies have their own competition, the holy lands of Buddhist sects have their own signs, and today's three-point fragrance building is independent of Chu State...

In short, there is me in you, and you in me, a mess. If it hadn't been for Fu Yunqin, the general manager of the Yellow River, who came out to suppress the field in advance, the fight would have been fought so many times. It is not uncommon to see blood and die.

Renxinguan has always been kind to others, and Xuanhulang has spread his reputation for benevolence, but it is not without old grievances.

Everyone now knows that Yi Tang, the physician of the Benge of the Renxin Pavilion, is extremely talented and is known as the "little sage". So, who is the "Holy Hand"?

It is Lu Gongxiang, the true doctor of Renxinguan.

Lu Gongxiang, who has been helping the world with a hanging pot for three hundred years, was forced to kill by Yin Xiaoheng, the commander of demons, in the Jingguo Conquest and Defense War!

At that time, the Renxin Pavilion was helping the guards. Yin Xiaoheng defeated the guards and swore against Lu Gongxiang. Because of you die!"

In the end, Lu Gongxiang committed suicide and died, which ended the brutal killing.

Of course, it is impossible for the Renxin Pavilion to have no complaints against Jing Guo. But if you want to do something further, you can't do it.

Long Boji, who was sitting nearby, said, "Hey, I saw the monk from Xuankong Temple, did the one from Mount Sumeru come?"

Zhongshan Weisun raised his chin: "Here, in that corner, the one with his head buried... Shhh, don't keep staring at him, he's going to be restless."

"Why didn't they fight?" Long Boji asked.

Mount Sumeru is not far from the entrance of Nandou Hall in the present world, and the spheres of influence of their influence overlap each other. No matter how they are secluded from the world, friction is inevitable. Of course he enjoys watching the play.

"I don't know." Zhongshan Weisun sighed regretfully: "It was all gathered together, I followed for a long time, but the one in the Xuankong Temple left again. It's a pity, how interesting monks fight! I like to watch this kind of fight I can't even pull my hair out."

Long Boji was silent for a while, then thought of something, and asked casually: "Speaking of which, is Xiyue Temple developing well in the grassland now? Is there any possibility of becoming the third holy place of Buddhism?"

As the two holy places of Buddhism, Xuankong Temple and Mount Sumeru are of course unattainable.

For many years, only Kurongyuan has caught up with it, and it was once named "the third holy place of Buddhism", but unfortunately it was erased overnight. Since then, all the temples and thousands of precious temples have not heard the holy name.

But Xiyuean has a long history and existed very early. The foundation is thick and profound, and it can be said that there is no second place under the Holy Land. Having survived the period of Kurongyuan's "prosperity and decline", in today's era of great competition in the world, it has begun to catch up.

After leaving the bamboo forest in the north, Xiyue nunnery officially emerged from the state of seclusion. Lift the veil, and take advantage of the east wind of the confluence of all religions in the pastoral country to grow wantonly on the grassland.

Can it become the third holy place of Buddhism in this era?

This is not just a concern of Lumber Machine.

Zhongshan Weisun shrugged: "I don't pay much attention to Xiyue Temple. Miss Relic should know better. She happens to be in charge of spreading the belief of the Yellow-faced Buddha on the grassland."

He thought for a while and added: "But you are not handsome enough, she may not bother to talk to you."

"You are quite handsome." Long Boji poured himself a glass of wine slowly: "Miss Huang has gone to other people's team."

"...You don't understand." Zhongshan Weisun maintained his demeanor: "She is there to scout for intelligence, and we have a clear division of labor, each of which is responsible for internal and external affairs. Didn't you see that she greeted everyone she saw?"

"Is touching hands also spying for information?" Long Boji asked.

"You don't understand, the way to touch hands is great. You can touch bones to tell fortunes, you can feel skin texture and blood energy when you retreat, and you can get closer to each other, so that the other party will be unprepared and tell useful information..." Zhongshan Weisun was full of mouth Nonsense: "If you don't believe me, stretch out your hand and let me touch it."

Long Boji gritted his teeth and said, "I'll kill you."

Zhongshan Weisun laughed.

Long Boji was pouring the wine, when suddenly the hand holding the jug stopped there.

"What's wrong?" Zhongshan Weisun asked.

"Do you believe in fate?"

"Come on. You're not a fateful look."

Long Boji didn't get angry, or he didn't pay attention to Zhongshan Weisun's words at all, looking in the direction of the entrance of the hall, he was stunned for a while.

"The people from Xiyue Temple are here." He murmured.

What kind of a woman walked into the palace at this moment.

Wearing a dusty monk robe and simple cloth shoes, there will be no makeup—why do you need makeup?

On this face, any kind of Fendai is vulgar.

Her monk's robe is very loose, which should have covered everything, but it was like the sadness in her eyes couldn't be hidden. Between walking, there are also faint ups and downs of mountains.

I didn't wear the bodhi branch mask today.

Or at the Dragon Palace Banquet, all the heavenly talents showed their true faces. Or just plain... don't want to cover up.

Therefore, her face is so clearly presented here. Like a peerless painting, spread out in the splendor of the Dragon Palace.

Her facial features are too strong and colorful, but her expression is so lonely.

Those beautiful eyes hooked with charm, in which the ancient well is quiet and cool.

Her beauty at the moment is contradictory.

She is a very contradictory woman.

She is a lost little nun who lives in the magnificent and splendid Dragon Palace Banquet where the arrogance gathers, but she strays into a lost path like a deer.

"Who is this person?" Someone was asking.

"I haven't seen it before, but I want to's just those few places."

"She must rarely appear, otherwise I couldn't have no impression."

All the arrogances talked about it.

And she was standing at the entrance of the palace, standing in the missing light and shadow inside and outside the hall, clasping her palms together: "Poor Ni Yuzhen, I have seen all the good believers."

At this moment, it is really like Bodhi coming to the world.


The hall was so quiet that her voice was always in my ears.

Jiang Wang didn't turn his head to look, he thought he was more concerned about the taste of the piece of tiger orange in his hand.

Everyone is talking about Xiyuean.

Jiang Wang did not participate.

He thought he was more concerned about when the Dragon Palace Banquet would start.

The arrival of the nun Yuzhen represents the three most powerful forces in contemporary Buddhism—Xuankong Temple, Mount Sumeru, and Xiyue Temple.

Hegemony in the world, famous sects through the ages, four major academies, three treasured temples...

This time the Dragon Palace Banquet, although there are many Tianjiao absent. But the brilliance of the lineup is still hard to find in the world, rare in ancient and modern times, and it is worthy of being the best banquet in the world!

Huang Sheli from Jing Kingdom is the welcome guest of the Dragon Palace today. As if he is the master of this place, he welcomes every beauty equally.

At this time, he greeted him chicly again, and performed the Buddhist ceremony in a serious manner: "Nanmo Burning Lamp Buddha!"

Then he smiled and said: "Master Yuzhen, I am also a Buddhist!"

Yuzhen replied: "I don't know which one the master cultivated?"

"Hey, don't call me Master, our lineage of Buddhist cultivation is different from others. There are no taboos for meat and vegetables, freedom to marry and marry as one pleases, and happiness is boundless. Just call me Sister Sheli!" Huang Sheli waved his hands eagerly Authentic: "We are cultivating a yellow-faced Buddha...that is, my father."

Huang Fu, the general of Huanglongwei, established himself as a Buddha, built a temple to worship himself, and used the title of "yellow-faced Buddha" to accumulate faith.

This kind of thing can be called absurd, but when it comes to Huang Fu, it has a kind of absurd credibility.

Although this person has a willful temperament and often does absurd acts, but when it comes to strength, he is the most powerful real person in the Northern Territory!

Whether it is Zhongshan Yanwen, who created the record of the farthest real person in the world who went deep into the frontier alone, or Huyan Jingxuan, who smashed the mirror wall of Cangtu in Muguo, who is known as "under the light of the gods, there is nothing like his strength", they cannot be shaken. Huang Fu's Northern Territory No. 1!

You must know that Cangtu mirror wall is a secret treasure for Mu Guo monks to challenge the limit. Huyan Jingxuan directly smashed it, breaking through the limit of the hole truth of previous challengers, and using his own power to define a new mirror barrier. However, Zhongshan Yanwen went deep into the frontier for eight thousand miles, and what he created was a heroic epic.

Huang Fu's ability to rank above the two shows that he is strong. There is a faint momentum of the world's number one real person.

So why the Huang family can participate in the best arena in the supreme royal court, and why the yellow-faced Buddha can get the first share when the convergence of all religions begins.

Huang Fu's strength has attracted the attention of the world!

Yuzhen didn't put on an air of orthodox Buddhism and looked down on the yellow-faced wild Buddha, but said: "Master Huangfu's Buddhist practice, Yuzhen admires it."

"Meditate together when you have time." Huang Sheli smiled all over his face: "My house is big, the futon is soft, the fragrance is good, and there are many scriptures!"

Yuzhen is not afraid of being taken advantage of by her. If she changes her identity and occasion, whoever takes advantage of whom will be more embarrassed, maybe. Just today, not in the mood. So he said, "Next time."

"We have more than the current relationship. When you Xiyue Temple spread faith on the grassland, you were with me. I got along very well with your senior sister, which is called mutual help. That jade..." Huang Sheli racked her brains to get closer, as if she didn't remember how she competed with Xiyue Nunnery in the grassland, forcing the other side to ask for help frequently, even now she still can't remember the nun's name!

Fortunately, there were others at the scene.

She turned her head and shouted: "Fairy Jiang! What's the matter with Yu?! Do you have any impression of that nun in Xiyue Temple who watched you and Dou Zhao duel?"

Jiang Wang swallowed the unknown tiger-striped orange in his mouth, and looked back slowly. His eyesight is so deft, and he deftly does not intersect with a certain line of sight. His voice was gentle and peaceful: "Maybe you want to say, Mrs. Yuhua?"

"Yes! Yuhua!" Huang Sheli turned her head happily, and said to Yuzhen, "Is Yuhua your senior sister? We have a very good relationship!"

"Yes. Our relationship is also very good." Yuzhen looked back at Jiang Wang, looked at Jiang Wang, and seemed to have never looked at Jiang Wang, and said slowly: "That is my closest person, Too bad I'm not here now."

Huang Sheli sighed, took her hand gently, and said with distressed words: "It's okay, my sister is with you. My sister is by your side."

She leads Yuzhen to the seat she occupied earlier.

Yuzhen also let her lead her away.

People's eyes were staggered on her, and her eyes wandered. Like a solitary bird with no branches to cling to.

"You only have one place here, Miss Sheli." Jiang Wang said. Still gentle, upright, restrained.

Appears objective, calm, and detached.

"We can squeeze." Huang Sheli looked at Jiang Wang with serious eyes, not joking.

"Forget it."

Yuzhen suddenly let go of Huang Sheli's hand and smiled.

This smile melts frost and snow, and springs back to the earth. Her gray monk robe became brighter, and her face was still without makeup, but this smile put red makeup on it.

The green light and the yellow scroll illuminate the monk's shadow, and this figure is surprisingly charming!

She swayed her head away, and sat down in front of a seat in the center of the hall. At this moment, the precious appearance is solemn and inviolable, as if a Bodhisattva is sitting down!

You think she is a lonely little nun, you think she is so weak and bully.


Xiyue Nunnery came to the Dragon Palace Banquet today to sit in a row among all the sects in the world.

Just like her, stepping on the lotus and sitting on the Bodhi!

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