Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2025 Thunder and Earth Drum

There was a strange silence in the hall.

People have whispers.

This place is stunningly beautiful, and the arrogance of heaven feasts together.

Huang Sheli sat down stupidly, not wanting to talk to Jiang Wang for a moment.

Smelly man, really stinky.

How dare you make the beauty sad.

Even Jiang Qingyang, who is so good-looking and good at fighting, still has points deducted!

Jiang Wang was sitting in front of the table, quietly waiting for the opening of the Dragon Palace Banquet.

With all the fights and calculations, among all the forces in the world, only the arrogance of the Jing Kingdom and the Mu Kingdom are left that are truly important. In other words, as soon as everyone is here, the show will begin.

I don't know who are the arrogances who represent these two overlords to the Dragon Palace to have a banquet?

Ye Qingyu, who was sitting next to her, suddenly said, "I saw her in Wu'an City."

"Wu'an City?" Jiang Wang was stunned: "When?"

When else?

He knew he was asking nonsense...but what else could he ask?

Up to now, he has only stayed in the demon world once in his life, and encountered a situation where there were almost ten deaths and no life.

So she... has been to the demon world?

Should have known...

On the wall of Wu'an City, on the line left by Xu Xiangqian, there are traces of smoky incense.

On the battlefield opened up by Wu'an City, there were figures of disciples of Xiyue Temple fighting.

In the small nunnery in Wu'an City, there were people who chanted sutras every night.

Jiang Wang sat firmly.

"When I went to Wu'an City with my father, she was already there." Ye Qingyu said: "I saw her on the tower. With her, there is also Master Yuetiannu."

"Oh, so." Finally Jiang Wang said.

Ye Qingyu didn't speak any more, and silently tasted the plate of honeydew melon.

so sweet.

She wanted to be so emotional.

But I don't even know how to eat it.

Another piece might give a taste... she thought.

But put down the jade chopsticks in his hand.

Don't want to eat anymore.

Jiang Wang suddenly grabbed the jug and said with a smile: "Gao Er! It's really a joy to meet you today. It's rare to meet an old friend. Let's have a drink!"

Xu Xiangqian turned his head in the whispers of the same photo, and waved his hands shamelessly: "You hurt your friend! Don't hurt me! You know I quit drinking early!"

Yes. Xu Gao'o, who has always been greedy for pleasure and loves to get drunk, loves to go to brothels to pick up the wind. Because Zhao Wuyan didn't like it, he quit the habit of going to the brothel long ago, and also quit the fine wine in the world.

At first I thought it was just casual talk, but later on I never saw him drink again.

You will not be happy. You won't be happy for a lot of money. You can quit drinking and sex, are you still a human being? How cruel you are!

Jiang Wang turned his head and looked at Jingli with a smile: "Little brother, how about a pot?"

Jingli shook her head: "I don't drink."

Yes. Liuli Buddha kept the precepts very well, not at all like that yellow-faced old monk. Are you really a disciple of suffering?

Jiang Wang put the jug back on the dining table.

Forget it, the booze is gone.

Today too...don't drink alcohol.

"I'll tell you." Jiang Wang suddenly said without thinking: "Wait until the right time, okay?"

Ye Qingyu folded his hands in front of him, sat upright, and said softly: "When you are willing to speak, I will naturally listen."


At this time, the stone statue standing in front of the seats suddenly lost its stone color.

Fu Yunqin, the general manager of the Yellow River, changed from static to dynamic.

He was still leaning on the sword with one hand, and raised the other hand, smoothing the ripples in the hall, and said: "Everyone, please take a seat. Everyone has arrived, and the banquet will begin soon."

"Mr. Fu, how did you say that everyone has arrived?" Yan Shaofei, who hadn't spoken much since entering the hall, asked aloud, "Aren't the people from Jingguo and Muguo come yet?"

When he returned to Wei State some time ago, under the arrangement of Emperor Wei, he should have encountered Zhang Shoulian and committed evil, and killed him in order to promote his virtue. But some people in the DPRK were upset, and hired a killer to kill the harm first... It just so happened that he didn't like it.

If the son of the Yan family wants to become famous, he should do it at the meeting of the Yellow River, at the banquet of the Dragon Palace, and at the time of the rivalry among the arrogance of heaven, this is the grand and righteous way. How can raising a bandit be called "righteousness"? Although this bandit was not raised by him, he is ashamed to accept it.

"Jing Guo and Mu Guo...they won't come anymore." Fu Yunqin said: "I just got the news that Tai Yu Daoist Li Yi went down the mountain by himself, halfway with his horizontal sword, he beat the envoy Cang Ming back to the grassland. "

Just when the world's top talents entered the arena one after another to participate in the Dragon Palace feast. Thousands of miles away, such a battle has already taken place!

People looked at each other.

Chen Siwu of the Song Dynasty was sitting upright, with a numb expression: "I heard that Cang Ming has already proved the truth of the cave, right?"

Not far away, Sheng Xuehuai shook his head lightly, and said bitterly: "The news is correct."

Huang Budong has been struggling between sleeping and not sleeping, trying to keep himself in a fishing posture, and then simply lowered his head and fell asleep completely.

Ye Lan'er showed an impeccable smile: "It's a pity that we can't see their Dongzhen battle at this Dragon Palace Banquet."

These few Tianjiao who had participated in the Yellow River Fair's unlimited field under the age of 30 were most touched by this news.

After all, they are all the arrogances of the world who have achieved the gods before the age of thirty, and they also rushed to Guanhetai with confidence, hoping to use the victories along the way to verify their determination to climb the peak forever, and pour the brightest young people in the world crown.

As a result, Li Yi subdued them all before he even released his sword.

A Dongzhen monk who is less than thirty years old, even at the age of twenty-six, he has already achieved Dongzhen!

They are not at the same level at all, and there is an essential gap between them—they have been the best since they were young, and they are the most talented no matter where they go. On the brightest stage in this world, they are suppressed by a whole level.

That strong sense of oppression beat them all the time during the days when the Yellow River Meeting ended, making them work hard and dare not slack off.

It should be said that compared to the beginning, they have all made great progress.

But Li Yi has already been able to block Cang Ming with a horizontal sword, preventing Qi Dongzhen from attending the banquet. Not only did the gap not get closer, but it got farther!

"The envoy of God in this world can't come to the banquet, because he was beaten back, which means that he has already been defeated." Fan Wushu of Liguo said at this time, with some inexplicable hope in his tone: "Taiyu Daoist can't come either, because in the Were you injured during the fight with the envoy of the present world?"

If Li Yi was injured in the battle with Cang Ming, then he is not so invincible. The latecomers can more or less see a little hope.

Fu Yunqin shook his head, with no expression on his face: "I don't know the process of the real Taiyu's fight with the envoy of the present world, so I can't tell you whether he was injured. But the real Taiyu didn't participate in the Dragon Palace Banquet, presumably so Nothing about his physical condition - Dragon Palace has received his reply."

Under the stage, Wang Yiwu sat like cast iron, his beard, hair, eyebrows and eyes were all cold and meticulous, but at this moment he asked, "What did you say in the letter?"

He lost the duel with Jiang Wang, and all his fame became a stepping stone. He was punished and failed to participate in the ceremony of the master, never participated in the meeting of the Yellow River, and did not shine among the stars.

But never resigned, never thought he wasn't enough. He is always down-to-earth and determined to climb. Always look ahead, look high. The most radiant figure on the river viewing platform in the past was also the target he pursued with iron fist and painstaking efforts.

He wanted to know how far Li Yi had gone.

Fu Yunqin said in a low voice: "Taiyu Daoist said in his letter that looking at the world, the so-called arrogance of heaven is nothing more than mediocrity. It has been four years since the Yellow River meeting, and he waited for four years in vain! Only Cang Ming matched him with the sword, so he bestowed the sword Cang Ming is enough, there is no need to waste time at the Dragon Palace Banquet."

oh. In order not to waste time, Hengjian stopped Cang Ming halfway.

Judging from the route to the Dragon Palace, the Jingguo people really don't have to go too far to stop the Muguo people, they just wait on the side of the road.

This logic is so... embarrassingly reasonable.

There was a moment of silence in the hall.

It must be objectively said that even those present today are all the arrogance of the human race. Or a great successor, or a pillar of the country. But the vast majority of them can only look at Li Yi's back in their whole life, and they can't even see the back.

There are only a few who are really likely to challenge Li Yi in the future.

But no matter which one of these people, they are not interested in swearing harsh words at a name when Li Yi is not on the stage.

So the huge Dragon Palace is quiet at this time.

Fu Yunqin looked around calmly, and for some reason deliberately named Jiang Wang: "Sword Immortal and Master Taiyu are both leaders of the Yellow River. I wonder if there is anything you want to say when you hear this letter?"

Jiang Wang only smiled: "Let's have a banquet. My stomach is empty!"

Although he is not full of economics, he has never spoken empty words!

All rhetoric is useless.

Li Yi once said that he wanted to see his sword, and he would let Li Yi see it. But not now, and there's no need to go around and yell.

As soon as Fu Yunqin waved his hand, the Dragon Palace attendants standing in the hall silently removed the melons, fruits and pastries. Other waiters with even more handsome appearances came out in a file and brought up all kinds of delicacies.

Fu Yunqin himself took a step to the side and bowed slightly.

On the big chair in front of all the seats, dots of golden light slowly condensed.

It condensed into a figure with a face that could not be seen clearly, wearing a golden robe.

It's just a phantom, just sitting there, there is a kind of aura that is the same in the world, and the guests of heaven and earth are in uniform.

Naturally, he can only be Changhe Dragon Lord Ao Shuyi!

At this moment, all Tianjiao present stood up, no matter which country or sect they belonged to, they all bowed their heads and saluted, saying: "Meet the Dragon Lord!"

No matter what the status of the aquarium is today, what is the influence of Dragon Palace.

The ancient covenant remains.

In the past, the Emperor Lieshan's family took the Changhe River as their oath, and the human and aquatic tribes have been close neighbors for generations.

No matter whether these human race arrogances believe it or not. At least for a long time, it was mainstream propaganda that the Terrans and Aquarians had the same root and were closely related.

When the Emperor was around, he called Ao Shuyi a fellow Taoist and a gentleman, not calling him around!

The phantom of Changhe Longjun gently raised his hand: "Excuse me, sit down."

He only said four words, and his voice was like thunder and rain, like the wind blowing in all directions.

Everyone took their seats.

He said again: "Let's begin."

Fu Yunqin took a step forward, and Hong Sheng said: "You all gathered in the Dragon Palace today, and went to the Huayan together. It is the treasure of the world to meet the Dragon Palace, and to make the long river into a galaxy! Fu Yunqin, the chief manager of the Yellow River, is honored by Lord Dragon. Destiny, on the second day of February 3923 in the Dao calendar, I will announce to everyone that the Dragon Palace Banquet is officially open!"

The entire long river, thousands of miles flat.

If a fisherman is wading in the water today, he will not even see the ripples.

But at the bottom of the long river, where the abyss is unfathomable...

boom! boom! boom!

If there is a god and man beating the earth as a drum, when the drum sounds, the clouds will move in all directions!



boom! boom! boom!

The drum never stops.

The thunderclouds hang down, hanging upside down like dark mountains.

In this unknowable place, in the past, Patriarch Taixu proved to be a wonderful place to develop the Tao.

People have never felt so cramped, uneasy, and panicked.

Those mountain peaks hanging upside down in the sky have all fallen down. The "monitor" who once stopped on the mountain peak is now completely silent. In other words, it was they who raised the butcher knife.

The white cranes that roamed among the clouds in the past, or those fairy birds that competed for beauty, either have only broken feathers or are shrunk under the wings, not daring to move.

The Taixu sect monks who used to be detached from the outside world, all of them had gray faces, scattered in twos and threes among the ruined walls.

People can't hold their heads up, or even stand up straight.

Thunderclouds are overwhelming!

God breaks the spine!

And under the billowing thunderclouds, there were terrifyingly powerful figures.

They were all silent, and there was no further action. But just the scattered and colliding breath seemed to crush this victory! The Qiongyun was crushed like shattered catkins, and the world was silent.

To reveal their identities is even more terrifying.

Jiang Mengxiong, Grand Marshal of Qi State Town!

Jing Guonan Tianshi Ying Jianghong!

The state of Qin made a fuss!

Chu State Song Bodhi!

Jing Guogong Xiyan!

Mu Guo Tu Hu!

Hanging Temple Evil Zen Master!

Mount Sumeru illuminates Zen Master!

Chen Pu, the dean of Twilight Drum Academy!

Jiange Si Yu'an!


Han Shentu of the Three Punishment Palaces!

Any one of them has the ability to destroy the world, and picking up the stars and taking the moon is just for nothing.

Any name has the influence of destroying mountains and reclamation. A name is enough to destroy a country and catch thieves. Everyone has a glorious record. For example, Ying Jianghong killed Beigong Nantu, and the inscription on the stele was credited to the grassland. Xiang Longxiang was killed like this, and the land sank into the river valley.

Among them, there are only a few who are not very famous, but they have only kept a low profile in recent years.

For example, Zen Master Zhi E of Xuankong Monastery, who has been in seclusion for many years and suffered from suffering, thought he was dead. Their seniority is higher than Kujue, and they have gone for five generations. In the era when he was active, he was tyrannical and fierce, and he advocated killing to stop evil. The sun and the moon shoveled down, and I don't know how many giant owl heads. A cassock, how many corpses are buried. Claiming to "shovel all the injustices in the world", he got the name "Fierce Bodhisattva"!

Another example is Song Bodhi from Chu State.

This old lady is amazing.

She is Dou Zhao's great-grandmother and the biological mother of Duke Wei of the present age. Dou Zhao's golden bridge on the other side is her unique skill. Although he lived in seclusion in recent years, he used to be on the battlefield, that was to meet gods and kill gods. It was the peerless figure who turned the tide and supported Duke Wei's mansion. Her husband died, but she was better than her husband.

After Huai Guogong's shock and detachment failed, his strength faded sharply. She seems to be the strongest real monarch in the four thousand-year-old family of Chu State.

Perhaps only Gong Xiyan from Jing Kingdom was consistently low-key. This is determined by his position. His military position is the deputy governor of the Hongwu Army. The Hongwu army is the upper guard army of the Six Guards and Seven Guards, the army of the emperor of Jing Kingdom, and the direct line of the direct line. He is the acting master who won the trust of the emperor. To put it bluntly, it is the existence of Jing Tianzi's shadow, and every time he leads the army to attack the inner town, it is almost like the King of Jing's own conquest.

If these strong men gather together, if they go out to Tianmen, the mixed energy can completely launch a world-destroying war in most places in the heavens and myriad worlds!

Today they gathered in the Taixu faction, how can people not be shocked? !

Facing such a lineup, the Taixu faction has no ability to resist.

No matter how many powerful people they have produced and how much power they have accumulated over the years. No matter how vigorous development the Taixu Sect brings to the Taixu Sect. Even... no matter how terrifying the existence of Taixu Patriarch Xu Yuanzhi is!

Several advantages of implementing double breaks:

First, the author is full of expectations for life and has more energy and physical strength. Create better work.

Second, while the author is still young and still has some good looks, I will go to an appointment on the weekend to talk about a relationship or something, lest I will be bald in a few years and have no partner and it will be difficult to find, and then I will resent the readers and go crazy.

Third, readers can also develop good living habits. Free your eyes from novels on weekends and embrace nature together. Since then, he has improved his studies and achieved success in his career.

Fourth, it is difficult to work behind closed doors. Authors need to experience and observe life in order to write moving works.

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