Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2026 The Bearer

Who is Xu Yuanzhi?

There is such a terrifying evaluation, which echoes in the ears of the current powerhouse——

"Almost detached."

How many heroes throughout the ages, how many people who have amazed an era, how many can open the game of detachment? And how many can say "how many percent" before detachment?

How many heroes stand at the forefront of the tide and fall into the raging tide.

How many existences that are in full swing in the sky, they all end up in Xishan!

Today, the layout of Xu Yuanzhi is very clear.

He pioneered metaphysics and built a illusory realm. At the same time, he is taking two paths of detachment, and the two paths complement each other. Either path has a chance of success!

It can even be said that he is infinitely close to success.

After a long period of experimentation, supervision, and negotiation, the Illusory Realm has gradually been recognized by the major forces in the world, and with the nods of the major forces, it has gradually opened up and expanded. And in recent years, ushered in rapid development!

The Taixu turret has become one of the most influential buildings in the world. Anywhere, once it is completed, it will be overcrowded immediately.

The Illusory Realm has covered all domains of the present world, and all extraordinary monks in the world have the opportunity to access it.

As soon as the Taixu scroll was launched, it immediately stirred up the situation in the world. The free monks scattered in the vast world, twisted into a rope under the task of the void scroll, bursting out with unimaginable energy.

From the desert in the north, the miasma forest in the south, the snow-capped mountains in the west, and the sea in the east, there are "Taixu Walkers" everywhere.

Xu Zeming went to sea to promote the development of Taixu Scroll and expand the influence of Taixu Scroll in the offshore islands. As the more radical faction among the internal forces of the Taixu Sect, he is not satisfied with promoting the development of the Taixu Scroll step by step.

How can a Taixu sect who holds "Taixu Illusion" and "Metaphysics" in his hand, whose patriarch is almost detached, live in seclusion from the world?

When will such a meek behavior as Xu Zefu's be able to fill the heavens and worlds with the illusory realm? When will metaphysics become manifest?

Patriarch Taixu retreated all year round, refined his knowledge, maintained the stability of the entire Taixu illusion, and also impacted the supreme realm.

In the internal battle of ideas, the faction represented by Akira Xuzawa has gradually gained the upper hand. The Illusory Realm has indeed developed at a faster rate.

As ambitious as he is, after a period of operation, he successfully merged the Haijiang List into the Taixu scroll, completing the milestone leap of the Taixu scroll in the offshore islands.

And he still didn't feel like it was enough. He even wants to use the Taixu scroll to participate in the racial battlefield. If he can play a pivotal role in the war of the lost world by virtue of the Taixu scroll, the Taixu scroll will become famous in one fell swoop, surpassing the painstaking efforts of tens of thousands of disciples for hundreds of years.

It was only then that there were huge numbers of sea beasts on Xingzhu Island, and there was a great millstone dedicated to studying the true nature of sea lords.


He overestimated himself too much and turned into the Haizu Bureau.

Star Pearl Island, where sea beasts gather, has become the gateway to subvert the offshore islands.

Akira Xuzawa therefore needs to take responsibility in this war!

If things stop here, it means that the development of the Taixu scroll in the offshore area is frustrated, the Taixu party's rights to the Taixu scroll are restricted, and Xu Zeming is subject to the military law of Qi State. Whether beheaded or imprisoned, it will not spread to the Taixu sect's mountain gate.

But at this time, Akira Xuzawa did something stupid again. He actually chose to run away, trying to escape the criminal responsibility of Qi State!

He thought that the Taixu Sect could protect him, and he thought that as long as he ran back to the Taixu Sect and was not caught, his "unintentional mistake" on Xingzhu Island could still be discussed. The rapid expansion of the Taixu illusion made him miscalculate the weight of the Taixu School, thinking that the Patriarch Taixu could transcend, and he could transcend all directions.

How to escape back to the Taixu Sect?

The offshore islands were surrounded by the Qi people, and at that time they were in a state of war. No force in the world could rescue him silently. He also naturally thought of the Taixu scroll, a few inconspicuous tasks, some irrelevant help him secretly hide his position.

And this time, the foundation of the Taixu faction was shaken!

So today, the six overlords, the world's great sects, and powerful people from all walks of life gathered in Taixu's scenic spot, and they wanted to ask the Taixu faction for an explanation! They want to ask what Xu Zeming is and where Xu Yuan is. Ask where the "absolute fairness, absolute justice, and absolute security" that Taixu Sect promised at the beginning has gone! How can you ignore the supervision of all parties!

How else can the Taixu sect explain it?

With so many terrifying powerhouses, just by raising their hands and feet, the Taixu Sect's mountain gate was broken, and Shengjingli's thousands of years of operation were completely destroyed in one day.

The big array for protecting the mountain, the strong men of the mountain gate, and the mysterious Taoism are all like paper.

The Taixu faction, which is one of the great sects in the world and is expected to become a holy place like Daluo Mountain, has no power to resist in front of such an opponent!


A Taoist whose hair was messed up and with holes in his Taoist robe pushed away the stone beams pressing on him, and stood up unsteadily.

He is the contemporary suzerain of the Taixu Sect, the real Xu Jingxuan.

Just after returning from the Far West, I saw Zhu Qiang rushing into the mountains. He hurried forward, wanting a theory or two. As a result, after a face-to-face meeting, he was slapped to the ground with a slap. He didn't even know who gave him that slap!


He looked up at the strong men from all directions who had come to this sect, with grief and indignation in his eyes: "What is the crime of the Taixu sect, that you have troubled all of you who have shouldered the burden, to come here with swords and swords?"


A Taoist priest who could no longer see his human form was thrown in front of him.

Painful groans were barely noticeable. That weak breath also revealed Xu Zeming's identity.

Jiang Mengxiong hangs high in the sky, and his voice hangs down, overwhelming the world: "What's wrong with being too empty, do you need me to explain it again?"

In the battle of the demon world, Xuan Nangong was forcibly killed. And because of recuperation, he missed the vigor and vitality of the Lost World War. Jiang Mengxiong, who had never fought in the South and the North, finally fell silent for a while.

But it reappeared today, and it was in a posture of crushing the Taixu faction and breaking the realm with strength. The power of this Great Qi Army God is even greater than before!

Xu Jingxuan lowered his head, looking at Xu Zeming who was paralyzed on the ground.

He was extremely sharp in the past, and he was also a standout among the younger generation, and he was qualified to participate in the Dragon Palace Banquet. Now it's like a pool of mud, and I can't stand a bone in my body.

Only the lips move, very hard, but very slightly.

He's saying-

"Damn me."


Xu Jingxuan's eyes hurt.

Slowly raised his head and said, "I will bear the responsibility for this matter."

When he went to the Far West this time, he paid a visit to Xie Ai, and saw the Shuang Xianjun who was said to be a successful reincarnation, representing the founder of the Taixu Sect, and reminiscing about old friendships. Strive to build more Taixu turrets in Snow Country, where the national conditions are blocked and it is extremely difficult to open up the situation. The second is to visit Yujing Mountain, hoping to get more support from Yujing Mountain in the illusory realm, and the two sides will cooperate in more fields.

Patriarch Taixu's transcendence is imminent. As the current Suzerain of Taixu Sect, he strives to win more support for the sect.

When the Xu Zeming incident caused waves, he also realized the danger. He also tried very hard to solve the problem.

But I didn't expect this moment to come so suddenly.

It should have been a long game. The left-hand metaphysics of the Taixu School and the right-hand Taixu Illusion are both developing at a rapid speed. It is the moment when the sky is in full swing. There should be many cards to play and many conditions to talk about.

But he didn't understand until today.

This is indeed a game process, but this game exists among the forces present today. From the moment Akira Xuzawa adjusted the Taixu scroll mission to protect himself, the Taixu faction was kicked off the table!

The whole Taixu sect's busy running from him to the next is a battle of wits and courage with the air.

It is useless to make long-distance and short-term attacks, exchange of benefits, and substitution of resources. He was still talking about Yujing Mountain on the front foot, but Ying Jianghong hit the door on the back foot!

At this moment, his mood is tragic.

He has the consciousness of the head of the family.

"I am the current suzerain of the Taixu Sect. I am not strict with my subordinates, it is my fault! Ineffective internal supervision is my fault! There is a loophole in the Taixu scroll and it is not repaired in time, it is my fault!"

He raised his hand, but it wasn't resistance: "The Taixu sect will withdraw from the management of the Taixu scroll from now on, and hand over all the rights to release tasks. How to allocate among the parties can be discussed by themselves."

He looked at the strong men hanging in the sky, and expressed his determination: "Today, I am Xu Jingxuan, and I am willing to pay for the responsibility with death! I hope my death can warn those who come after me. For generations, don't act recklessly. !"

All the members of the Taixu Sect present cried out: "The suzerain is not allowed!"

Xu Jingxuan suddenly turned his hand back, overthrowing himself——


But the whole person flew high, was slapped in the air, rolled several times before falling to the ground. The strength accumulated for suicide was also scattered in this slap.

Jiang Mengxiong said coldly: "If you want to commit suicide, it's your business, go away and commit suicide, don't be an eyesore here!"

At such a moment, Xu Jingxuan has both the strategy of throwing money to divide the thieves, and the determination to pay for the responsibility with death, so he can barely be regarded as a qualified suzerain.

But he swore that he would take responsibility, which is ridiculous and naive.

How can he afford it?

Chongxuan and Chuliang commented on Xu Jingxuan as "a person who practiced with closed doors and cultivated himself", this evaluation couldn't be more appropriate.

The Qi State allowed Xu Zeming to escape and gave the Taixu faction the opportunity to interfere with the Taixu scroll, just to come here today to wield the sword and swing the Taixu faction's first sword!

This is an action started by the Qi State, led by the six overlords, and all the ancient sects tacitly slaughtered the Taixu Sect.

At this time, it doesn't matter whether Xu Zeming deserves to die or who is behind the Tai Xu scroll.

With so many strong people coming here, it is absolutely impossible to return without gain!

Xu Jingxuan spat out blood, gritted his teeth and said: "Xu Zeming's mistake, my Taixu Sect is willing to pay such a painful price to make up for it. Is it not enough? What else do you want? Do you have to kill them all?!"

Jiang Mengxiong just spread his five fingers and looked at him from a distance, but he didn't look at him at all, he just looked at the infinitely descending clouds: "Xu Yuanzhi, come out. You don't have time."

Emperor Qi once asked Jiang Wang, is the world such a cramped world?

Jiang Mengxiong wants to tell the Taixu Sect today that the world is such a cramped world!

Only when the six major powers allow you to raise your head can you raise your head.

Even if it is too hypocritical.

Even if it is the Taixu Sect who has the seat of Xuyuan!

At this moment, a faint sigh sounded.

The clouds of Taixu Shengjing dispersed rapidly layer by layer.

A piece of square ground like a chessboard just jumped out of the "unknowable" and appeared in everyone's sight.

There is nothingness outside the flat land, and on the flat land, there are only three stone houses standing in the shape of the Chinese character "pin".

In the stone house with the hanging plaque of "Patriarch Hall", a Taoist who was between existence and non-existence, sometimes existing and sometimes not, slowly walked out.

He walked out of his stone house and was in the same world as all the powerful people present.

He stood in front of the stone house, on the flat ground, raised his head, revealing those chaotic eyes changing time and space!

This is a peerless strong man who has penetrated the road of detachment and is steadily moving towards detachment.

But at this moment, there is no one who is hanging high and thunderclouds are rolling in.

Jiang Mengxiong looked at him seriously and seriously until his eyes stopped changing.

"Jingxuan." Xu Yuanzhi said.

Xu Jingxuan turned over, prostrated himself on the ground, and cried: "Unworthy disciple Xu Jingxuan, pay homage to Patriarch!"

All Taixu Sect disciples present were struggling to bow down.

Xuyuan Zhidao: "Do you know why I want to set up the Patriarch Hall at the lowest point of the mountain gate?"

Xu Jingxuan said with tears: "You are trying to remind me Taixu sect monks, don't think that you are superior. You are in a place where there is nothing to be inferior to. Practitioners of my generation should be inferior to others."

"This may be too difficult for you." Xu Yuanzhi sighed.

Everyone wants to be superior to others, and everyone wants to step on others to make a step. How can anyone be willing to be inferior to others?

The process of detachment was forcibly cut off, and once the good situation was overturned, he did not lose his composure. He only asked slowly: "You Xu Zeming, why do you think that you are qualified to evade criminal responsibility and not bear the consequences for your mistakes? What is so great about being a Taixu sect? You Xu Zeming, Where is the nobility?"

He asked again: "You Xu Jingxuan, why don't you dare to take the iron rule of 'absolute fairness, absolute justice, and absolute security' in your heart, why dare you lose the foundation of our Taixu sect? Xu Zeming was raised by you My child, you feel sorry for him. Why don't you feel sorry for my Taixu Sect's foundation, and the hard work of the Taixu Sect for so many years?"

Akira Xuzawa lay there motionless. Xu Jingxuan knocked his head on the ground, bleeding from his forehead, he was ashamed to speak.

Xu Yuanzhi gently waved his sleeves, soothing their physical pain: "But it can't be all your fault. The Taixu faction is unfair and selfish. This is a good reason, but it won't be the only one. The could it be possible not to make a mistake?"

He is wearing a yin and yang Taoist robe. Sometimes his body is as scorching as the sun, and sometimes as cold as the bright moon. He could see all too clearly. Therefore, he sighed that the sun had set, and there were still unfinished regrets: "If you lock the mountain gate, you can't lock the turbulent hearts. You are isolated from the world, and you can't cut off the cause and effect of the world of mortals. I know that the torrent is raging, and what happened today should not have happened." Surprise me."

His eyes finally returned to this world, clearly falling on those strong men hanging in the sky.

Jiang Mengxiong, Ying Jianghong, Xu Huang, Song Puti...

"Then." His voice also changed from false to real, and it actually rang in the ears of these Yan Dao Zhenjun, and he asked with his hands behind his back: "Everyone present, who will give me the defeat of Xuyuan? "

He challenges!

He is willing to challenge any True Monarch present!

"It's useless." Jiang Mengxiong shook his head, and said with a little regret: "All the emperors of the six countries are paying attention to this, and will not give you a chance to sublimate."

Under the circumstances that both metaphysics and the illusory world are obviously impossible to succeed, what Xu Yuan wanted was to fight these terrifying true kings present, and forcefully prove it!

But no one will give him this chance.

Once Xu Yuanzhi makes a move, all these powerhouses will make a move in an instant, wiping him from this world... completely.

All the strong men who came to the Taixu Mountain Gate today were killed from the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood, and fought countless times in their lives. Since they came here hand in hand, naturally all possibilities have already been locked.

In that thunderous silence, the Taixu faction has already been cut off...

Past, present, and future.

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