Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2027

At the beginning of Yujing Mountain, he discussed Taoism with the head teacher of Yujing Mountain.

It was only Xu Yuanzhi, a monk who came to God, who once made this loud voice——

"My generation of practitioners is willing to serve others."

It was this sentence that made Master Yujingshan let him go down the mountain.

Since then, he left the Taoist sect and sought the truth in the world.

Only then did the Taixu Sect, which was founded in 1350 of the Dao calendar, come into existence.

For a long time, people's impression of this transcendent world sect is mysterious and ethereal, and many people didn't even know its existence...until the illusory realm appeared.

Xu Yuanzhi has been standing on the top of the mountain since he learned Taoism at the age of three, overlooking all living beings. Although there are many arrogance in the world, there are very few who can be compared.

But he actually made a great wish to stand at the lowest point of all living beings and to be the one who is inferior to others.

No one knows exactly what he experienced and what he saw during that period of verifying God's presence and traveling around the world.

People only know that at that time, he was recognized as the number one in God's presence. Walk all the way, seek the way all the way. But if something is created, it must be passed on. Follow the example of the sages, Wu Hangong, and never be stingy with talents.

Later, he created the illusory realm, with the intention of gathering the torrent of humanity and collecting the magnificence of every drop of water.

There are always very few people with outstanding talents in this world. But the mediocre majority come together, and their wisdom is enough to change the world.

Why are all the princes, countries, and major sects able to nod their heads in agreement with the construction of the Illusory Realm?

Because they all see the great potential of the Illusory Realm, and the great power that can be produced by gathering the wisdom of all people.

Just like Cangjie created characters, so that ordinary people can also "tell the way", it set off a flood of humanity.

Just like creating a military formation with soldiers and warriors, gathering the crowd to think that they are one makes the human race truly have the power to compete with the monster race.

The ancient sages broadened the wisdom of the people and united all parties to win the final victory.

The Illusionary Realm can be the ferry boat of the new era, the Shenzhou of Duer.

But precisely because the Illusory Realm of Great Illusion is so important, it can no longer be mastered by the Illusory Sect.

Names and utensils are the only things that cannot be faked by others. The majestic emperor, how can he give someone a handle? This is the fundamental reason why so many experts gathered at Taixu Mountain Gate today.

And the timing of their visit is just right, just when the illusory realm is expanding rapidly, all the constructions have been completed, and Xuyuanzhi has not yet escaped.

One step early, one step late, is not good enough.


Both Xu Yuanzhi and his Taixu Sect must meet their fate.

This is the common will of the emperors of the six overlords. In the era of the great prosperity of the national system, this is the most magnificent voice in the world, and there is absolutely no possibility of violation.

At this time, Xu Yuanzhi was actually very calm.

Also seemed very silent.

After a moment of silence, he said, "So, what do you think?"

He seemed to be talking about something irrelevant to him, and the emotion in his voice was peeling off: "I'm asking—how are you going to deal with my Taixu sect?"

Jiang Mengxiong walked down from the high dome step by step, and every step crushed people's heartbeats. Just like this, he walked directly in front of Xu Yuanzhi, and stood opposite him, also standing on the flat land surrounded by nothingness.

He doesn't speak any false words, and he doesn't need to be high-sounding, those words are meaningless to Xu Yuan, and to himself as well.

So he said nakedly: "After this incident, the Taixu Sect can no longer be trusted by us. We have unanimously decided to separate the Taixu Sect from the Taixu Illusion Realm. All causes must be determined, and all causes must be eliminated."

Xu Yuanzhi looked at him quietly, waiting for his "then".

Jiang Mengxiong also continued: "But such a result will inevitably make you feel resentful. The Taixu Illusory Realm is jointly built by various forces. It is an important weapon of our human race and a must for the torrent of humanity. And you Taixu faction know it very well. Too illusory, there is a possibility of being taken advantage of by foreign thieves."

The meaning of this sentence is so cruel... The entire Taixu Sect will be wiped out!

Xu Yuanzhi was silent for a moment, and said: "Understood."

When he was thirteen years old, he mistakenly entered a sutra banquet, and he became famous in one fell swoop by debating the classics, debating the law, and debating the Tao.

When he was in the presence of gods, he was recognized as the first in eloquence, the first in Taoism, and the first in the presence of gods.

After Dongzhen, he seldom debated with others, and wrote all his thoughts in books, eloquently, exhausted into metaphysics. After Yan Dao, he even escaped the world and remained silent. In public, he never spoke again.

Everyone understands that he has too much to say, and he is very good at expressing it.

But today, at such a moment, he actually only said one sentence...


"I do not understand!!!"

Xu Jingxuan raised his head on the ground, with the blood on his forehead winding across his face. The cultivator, who is usually a fairy, is now like a ghost, with blood and tears mixed together, and his expression is ferocious: "Patriarch, I don't understand!"

He turned his head to look at Jiang Mengxiong and Gao Qiong's other strong men, and hissed: "I, Xu Jingxuan, don't understand! There are 1,307 people in my Taixu sect...don't understand!"

"Yes, now you can say that the Illusory Realm is jointly built by various forces!

"But it is an idea proposed by my Taixu Patriarch. Its earliest prototype was built bit by bit by our Taixu Sect. All the accumulation of my Taixu Sect since the establishment of the sect has been invested in it. My Taixu Sect All disciples from top to bottom are working hard for it wholeheartedly. Daotai, Sword Discourse, Xinghe Space, Hongmeng Space, Taixu Scroll... From scratch, gather sand to form a tower!

"Your disciples are dressed in fresh clothes and angry horses, and are famous in the world. My disciples are disheveled and study the law behind closed doors.

"The earliest cultivation methods and Taoist secret techniques in the Taixu illusion are all the secrets of my Taixu sect. We are open-minded and unreserved. We only want to gather outstanding people, and we only want more people to be able to Get involved!

"We even sacrificed Chaozhen Taixutian!

"Using this 23rd-ranked cave to exchange the right to use the seventy-two blessed lands in all directions is only to enhance the attraction of the Taixu Illusion to the monks of God's Landing. Make the Taixu Illusion grow faster! We also How to give?!

"If you want the right to monitor, we accept it. If you want the right to manage, we will give it to you. The powerhouses of monitoring from all sides will stay in my Taixu Mountain Gate! How else can we give in?

"We have done everything we can, we have given all we have, and now you are saying that you want to separate the illusory realm from us?!"

"How can I understand!?"

Its song is also mournful, and its heart is sad.

Jiang Mengxiong didn't care.

No one paid any attention to the powerful men hanging in the sky.

Xu Jingxuan's screams and mourning, the unwillingness and pain of the entire Taixu Sect, will not be more intense than the wind blowing through the corner of his clothes.

It's all pointless.

At this time, it was Xu Yuanzhi who said: "Since the birth of the Great Illusionary Realm, it is destined not to be in the hands of a certain force. How can the flood of humanity be controlled by a single husband? You can't give up the handle of the world."

He should be comforting Xu Jingxuan, but the emotion in his voice, like sand between fingers, is constantly passing away.

"That's why I brought in various forces to monitor and open up the authority of the Illusory Realm... But speaking of it, it will inevitably come to this point in the end."

"It's just..." He looked at Jiang Mengxiong and asked slowly: "You have already made such a decision, so why do you need to inform me?"

All parties have gathered such force at the Taixu Mountain Gate today, and it will only take an instant to wipe out the Taixu Sect. There is really no need for any dialogue.

There is no window for dialogue when they make decisions!

Jiang Mengxiong said lightly: "We respect you very much, and we also respect the foundation you created. We don't want this matter to end in an unclear way, and we don't want you to disappear without a sound. We are willing to give you the last moment and listen to you about the future The conception. History will give you a conclusion, and the illusory realm and metaphysics will continue."

"No." Xu Yuanzhi shook his head, and emphasized expressionlessly: "I was counted dead, and someone counted my last way."

This should have been a shocking sentence, but because the emotion in his voice was almost non-existent, it was so calm.

Jiang Mengxiong frowned, but said nothing.

"Up to now, I'm only a little curious - I want to know who set up this game, who knows me so well, and can count me so clearly."

Xu Yuanzhi asked softly: "Yan Ping? Wang Xixu? Luqiu Wenyue? Or... Zhenjun Zixu?"

His voice was so indifferent, even when Zhenjun Zixu was mentioned.

Zhenjun Zixu is the head teacher of Yujing Mountain, strictly speaking, he is also Xu Yuanzhi's former teacher. If this person is involved in this round, Xu Yuanzhi really doesn't have too many secrets to speak of.

Jiang Mengxiong shook his head: "It's not someone's arrangement, it's our joint decision."

"Understood." Xu Yuanzhi said again.

If the six overlords and all the sects in the world do one thing together, what unexpected twists and turns can occur. The human race has no qualifications to dominate the world anymore.

Xu Yuanzhi is an undoubted strongman and a living legend.

But he will not be an exception.

Below detachment, no one can be an exception.

Jiang Mengxiong took a step back: "Then please take this last step."

In front of Xuyuan, there are two avenues reaching the sky. Whether it is metaphysics or the development of the illusory realm, there is a chance to push him out of the extraordinary and achieve the realm of detachment.

His best result is that metaphysics and illusory world complement each other and achieve success at the same time. The second-best result is either one of the two avenues.

And if none of these results can be obtained, then before the end of ten thousand years, he still has a way out—that is to transform into the emptiness, merge with the illusory realm, and achieve eternity in another sense.

If the illusory realm exists, he will exist forever.

This is his greatest secret, and it is only possible after the illusory realm is fully formed. But he should have known that under the watchful eyes of the six overlords, he had no secrets at all.

Today, all the powers are here, cutting off the past, present and future of the Taixu faction, making this retreat just in case his only choice.

They need him to complete the illusory realm!

Of course he can refuse. But even if he disappears now and dies cleanly, everything about him related to the Illusory Realm will still be captured and filled into the Illusory Realm to complete the last part.

Those who set up this game have already figured out all aspects. This round may have begun when the concept of the Illusory Realm was first proposed and initially recognized by various countries...

The emperors of all countries are very willing to forge the sword Tai'a, but they are absolutely unwilling to hand over the handle of Tai'a.

And why didn't he think of this possibility?

He has been silent since the beginning of the cave. Since the beginning of Yan Dao, they have been unable to retreat, and even the entire Taixu Sect has always been closed, and few of them have joined the world.

Isn't what you want to be less involved in cause and effect, and less grievances?

But the illusory realm itself is the greatest cause and effect.

And he knew it, and he couldn't give up.

Of course, he also worked hard for himself, but all his efforts were not enough. Even if he succeeded in creating a theory, even if he was so close to detachment... he could not save himself and truly detach himself from everything.

Of course it is difficult to know all this.

Of course, I understand that the ending may be set early.

He is willing to go to the doomed end.

Because this is his way.

"I only have one condition." Xuyuan said.

Jiang Mengxiong said: "We try our best to be satisfied."

Xu Yuanzhi's eyes flicked over every member of the Taixu sect. Looking at these painful and exhausted doormen, the last ray of emotion finally appeared in those chaotic eyes. It was a very complicated emotion, mixed with distress, pity, apology...all kinds of unspeakable hearts.

After that, the emotion also disappeared.

He has been making preparations since he walked out of the stone house of the Patriarch Hall, and now, everything has been completed. Finally...too forgetful.

Only forgetting love can be selfless, only being ruthless can be impartial.

But he still remembered his last emotions, so he said: "My Taixu sect members, I want to take them away together. Their memories and thoughts cannot be erased. Even if they cannot be accommodated in this world, they at least It should, live forever in the illusory realm."

Jiang Mengxiong thought for a while, without looking back at the others, he replied directly: "This is your authority."

Xu Yuanzhi looked at him indifferently, and looked at everyone indifferently.

His aura began to rise, almost infinitely!

He also left the flat ground, left the "lowest bottom", and began to climb up.

The first step is the ultimate.

He is based on the extraordinary peak, and he wants to go to the extreme peak, approaching the great realm that is hard to find in ancient times. He is actually approaching!

All the powerhouses present were silent, and no one responded.


Rumble! !

The sound of the Dragon Palace is the ground drum, which is full of virtue.

It is the drum of heaven that rings in Taixu Shengjing, and the punishment of heaven is merciless.

They echo each other from a distance, and roar separately.

Xu Yuanzhi had already stepped up the steps, and Jiang Mengxiong still stepped on the flat ground, suppressing it silently, letting the strong wind blow his temples.

If it weren't for the current situation, he would actually be willing to fight Xu Yuanzhi. But now he can only watch him go forward.

The barriers of the extraordinary have been broken, and the limits of the world do not exist.

Xu Yuanzhi's aura has become extremely terrifying, enough to crush any True Monarch present!

But in this terrifying aura, he just gently smoothed his Taoist robe, and said in his mouth——

"My generation of practitioners is willing to serve others."

"I should be under all living beings, I should be the rank of all living beings."

"I can't do it."

"It's too empty."

The sound was indifferent and calm, without waves or ups and downs. As in this story, no accidents happened.

His dao body, which is between the virtual and the real, shattered the starlight at this moment, rushing into a galaxy.


A mighty river of stars also appeared in the void, covering the sky and the earth, hiding the thunderclouds, and it was brilliant and boundless.

The galaxy formed by Xuyuan meets head-on and merges with it naturally, as if this river has become a tributary of the other river.

And in the mighty galaxy, the ancient mottled stone platform can be vaguely seen roaring past... The Sword Discussion Platform in the Illusory Realm!

The Taixu illusion that exists in the illusory time and space, without the Taixu turret and without the moon key, appears so clearly in everyone's field of vision.

It is Xuyuan who uses his body as a bridge to break the boundary between existence and non-existence and communicate illusion and reality.

The tributaries of the galaxy transformed by Xuyuan branched out into another wave, which swept back to the Taixu scenery and swept all the Taixu disciples, including Xu Jingxuan and Xu Zeming.

Their souls have all left their bodies. At this moment, they are floating in the galaxy, like a school of fish swimming upstream, swimming into the illusory realm. From then on, they will all live in the illusory realm and gain eternity with a new life form.

Or it can be called "Ethereal".

But Xu Yuanzhi, the ancestor of Taixu, is close to detachment but not detachment, close to eternity but not eternal. If you forget your feelings, you will rule forever.

or may be called—

"Taoist Taixu"!

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