Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2029 The arrow is on the string

Thinking about his plan in his heart, Zhuang Gaoxian said casually: "The Prime Minister of the State has always brought Fu Baosong by his side recently. Where's Li Jianqiu?"

Du Ruhui said earnestly: "Fu Baosong is a straight minister of Geng Jie. I will bring him by my side so that he can understand the operation of the government and some necessary political means earlier. Li Jianqiu is a loyal minister, so I will let him take charge of the affairs of the prime minister. General affairs, I hope he grows up sooner. These two are good seedlings that will benefit the country, and I dare not ignore them."

Zhuang Gaoxian sighed: "Master Du teaches according to his aptitude, he is really a good teacher! I still miss Dong A! With him here, how much effort you can save, this meeting may also be recorded in the jade book."

"The country is prosperous, how can a hole really redeem it?" Du Ruhui's voice was a little unconcealable exhaustion: "As long as Your Majesty can make the best use of people, the country can prosper. Even if I die now, I still have the face to go to the Emperor Ren."

"Teacher, don't say that!" Zhuang Gaoxian only found out today that Du Ruhui's black hair had turned gray from time to time.

Shenlin is young and not old at first, but he has worked so hard that it is inevitable that he will be sad.

Without Du Ruhui, Fu Baosong, Li Jianqiu and the others could not afford to lead the way.

Zhuang Gaoxian said in a wide voice: "Our monarchs and ministers have been through the wind and rain for many years, and there is no hurdle that we cannot overcome. I hereby promise my teacher that I will let the Zhuang Kingdom stand tall in the western region and conquer the world in my lifetime. In the past, the national power tired you, and the national power will help you in the future. you."

What an ambition!

Du Ruhui looked at Zhuang Gaoxian in front of him, as if seeing that babbling child again.

Emperor Ren took his hand and said——

"I'll leave it to Mr. Du from now on."

There is no benevolent person in the world more than Zhuang Mingqi.

The second-generation lord of the Zhuang Kingdom, he disciplined himself and lenient others all his life, and served the public with virtue. It was under his governance that Zhuangguo was able to recuperate and let the people hide wealth. It was only after the accidental death of Zhuang Taizu that Zhuangguo Sheji was saved. Even, it provides the food for today's leap.

"Fu Baosong and Li Jianqiu are both available. What about our Dazhuang No. 1 pride?"

Zhuang Gaoxian's voice pulled Du Ruhui out of his memories. It's like pulling the threads out of old clothes.

He reacted for a while, and then said: "Let's use it first, before he comes, I will help you deal with it."

"Zhuang Guo is still barren of talents." Zhuang Gaoxian sighed: "Except for Lin Zhengren, no one can go to the Dragon Palace Banquet."

"Back then, I had already started planning for the matter in Fenglin City. I wanted to find the right time to tell Zhu Wei me the truth tactfully. He is too arrogant and egotistical. If he said it rashly, he would never accept it..." Du Ruhui's eyes There was some coldness in it: "I met Lin Zhengren and Zhu Wei when Dong Azhan died. After getting to know Lin Zhengren better and better, I doubt that he was the one who said something to Zhu Wei."

I wish that Wei Wo is too sharp, a talent cultivated by Zhuang Guo with all his efforts, and also a good talent that Zhuang Gaoxian and Du Ruhui believe in.

It's a pity that he has abandoned the country before he has grown into a pillar of the country. Not only did it not bring enough returns to the country, but it became a serious problem for the country.

Hearing Du Ruhui go back to the past, he knew that Lin Zhengren still had this part. Zhuang Gaoxian was stunned for a moment, but he didn't get angry. Instead, he chuckled lightly: "Isn't this Lin Zhengren so simple? Now I think it's a pity to kill him without waiting for his god to come."

Du Ruhui said solemnly: "Your Majesty, don't think so, you must know that raising a tiger is easy to cause trouble. This man is a ghost tiger, treacherous and vicious, but if he is lax, he will eat people's lives."

Zhuang Gaoxian smiled: "Of course, I just said casually, this life and death are all decided by Master Du, so you don't have to say anything to me."

He added: "Speaking of ghost tigers, what does Master Du think of Du Yehu?"

Du Ruhui said: "A good knife."

Xu Shi was finally able to open the gate of the country, and he no longer had to be stared at by those two annoying bald donkeys, unable to use it everywhere, and Zhuang Gaoxian felt much more relaxed. He asked with great interest: "Why is Du Yehu alone, Mr. Don't judge him, only judge his usefulness?"

Du Ruhui said: "Since His Majesty can't rest assured of his background, then his quality is not important."

Zhuang Gaoxian said again: "Li Jianqiu was also born in Fenglin City, the Prime Minister of the country did not say that."

Of course Du Ruhui knew that with Zhuang Gaoxian's personality, he distrusted everyone equally. There is no difference between Li Jianqiu and Du Yehu, no matter what their personalities are or how they usually behave. Because of his background in Maple Forest City, it would never be possible for him to enter his approval list, alleviating his suspicions. This is especially profound after Zhu Weiwo treason.

But he still tried his best to say: "Because Dong A has taught him very well. Li Jianqiu understands Dong A and is willing to become Dong A. On this point, I am not as good as this deceased deputy prime minister."

He was always thinking about it, but he couldn't keep Zhu Weiwo. I don't know if Du Yehu really believed the so-called truth about Fenglin City that was later remedied.

How did Dong A convince Li Jianqiu?

He often thinks back, and often regrets. It is a pity that he did not protect the future prime minister he recognized.

The government alternates, and no one can replace it.

Fu Baosong, Li Jianqiu, etc., don't know how long it will take to grow.

Zhuang Gaoxian smiled nonchalantly: "I still want to hear what the teacher thinks of Du Yehu."

This time Du Ruhui thought for a while, and then said: "If there is no matter about Fenglin City, Du Yehu is a loyal and brave general, a first-class general."

Zhuang Gaoxian said in a low voice: "But this has already happened."

Du Ruhui thought for a longer time before saying: "I'm still not sure. I killed Jiang Wang, killed Duan Li, fought to the death on the battlefield... Du Yehu has proved his position with life and death time and time again. But I still have no way to answer He completely trusts him. It is reasonable to say that Du Yehu is not a person who can hide his thoughts. He has a bad temper, a strong personality, and emotions are all on his face. But the more he is like this, the harder it is for his deepest thoughts to be accepted. Insight. I'm not sure what, deep down, he's hiding."

Zhuang Gaoxian said calmly: "Since Master Du is not sure, then find an opportunity to make him heroic. I will give him a rich burial and praise his meritorious deeds... Is there anyone in the army who can replace him now?"

"There is no one who can completely replace him. He was able to win the trust of the army, not only because of his talent as a general, but also because of his experience of leading the way. Even if the latecomers can beat him, without those war experiences, they will eventually be defeated." There is something lacking." Du Ruhui said: "The Shan Junwei who was transferred from Moguo won the military strategy, but..."

After the "but", he didn't say it.

Not getting the morale of the army is the second.

Du Yehu, who was born in Fenglin City, was not trustworthy. Could it be that the generals transferred from Moguo were trustworthy?

Zhuang Gaoxian waved his hand: "Then keep him for now. There are Huangfu Duanming in the army, and teachers in the court. Even if there is a disagreement, forgive me, there will be no trouble."

He said again: "I'm about to set off to participate in the Taixu League, so I'll call Du Yehu to guard my palace."

The entrance to Taixu Mountain Gate is located in the endless quicksand.

If he wanted to travel such a long distance, he couldn't let Du Yehu, who he couldn't fully trust, control the military power, and he was the only two strong army in Zhuangguo like Jiujiang Xuanjia.

Letting Du Yehu guard the palace shows the emperor's trust in him, and the safety of the royal family is tied to him.

But in fact, his military power was temporarily lifted.

After all, it is impossible for Du Yehu to bring Jiujiang Xuanjia to guard the palace.

The military power is solid and the country is stable.

As for the safety of the harem concubines and even the's not that important.

If the concubine is gone, she can be accepted again, and if the prince is gone, she can be reborn.

Only that dragon chair is the most important and irreplaceable.

Du Ruhui was silent for a while, and said, "Has Your Majesty made up his mind?"

"The arrow is on the string, and I have to shoot it." Zhuang Gaoxian also felt a little helpless: "This time may be the last chance. When he knows the truth, do you and I want to give up all this and go to Yujing Mountain to practice Taoism?"

Du Ruhui said nothing.

Zhuang Gaoxian sneered again: "Without Zhuangguo, whether those old bastards in Yujing Mountain will let us take shelter is another matter!"

His current situation is actually very embarrassing.

Although he hooked up with Kazushindo, he had a very thick thigh.

But Yizhendao's concealed status quo is absolutely impossible to give him too much support.

The greatest support Yizhendao has given so far is to erase the traces of his activities in the demon world, allowing him to send Jiang Wang to a desperate situation in the demon world and retreat unscathed.

But Jiang Wang miraculously returned from the demon world, and the support he risked selling himself in exchange for was meaningless.

On the contrary, the trip to the demon world made Jiang Wang sculpt the golden body of a human hero!

He had to admit that although he never gave up his efforts to kill Jiang Wang. But Jiang Wang's tortoise tactics of relying on his fame, Yuheng's photo, and staying in Xingyueyuan behind closed doors are really difficult to deal with.

There are also Kujue of Xuankong Temple and Zhaohuai of Mount Xumi, two plague gods with bald heads, one east and one south, blocking the gate of the country, binding his hands and feet, making him full of strategies and unable to use them.

In the days when he couldn't leave the border and was watched by two real people all the time, he actually had two plans for Jiang Wang.

One is to use Lin Zhengren to fish.

As a result, Jiang Wang disappeared mysteriously and sprinkled a lot of bait, but there were no fish in the water. When Lin Zhengren returned from his mission with nothing to gain, the plan had already failed.

His second plan is to find a way to let Jiang Wang know the existence of one truth, and even know some secrets of one truth. Thus, Yizhendao has the consideration of erasing it. Do this plan to borrow a knife to kill someone!

This was inspired by the threat posed to him by One Truth.

However, this plan has not yet been implemented. Because he needed to know the reason why Jiang Wang disappeared during Lin Zhengren's mission. Is it intentional to avoid his hook, or is it a coincidence.

No plan can succeed without this understanding.

As for asking Song Qingyue to visit Long Jun, it has nothing to do with Jiang Wang.

Of course, it is impossible for him to ask Long Jun to treat Jiang Wang at the Dragon Palace Banquet. Not only will Long Jun not agree, but if he can make such a stupid request, Long Jun can slap him both positively and negatively.

That trip was just to prepare for the encroachment of the Lanhe River in the future, and to plan for the country's power. At any time, strengthening the country and strengthening one's own strength is the foundation of fighting the enemy.

He has always been sober, and while he spared no effort to suppress the enemy, he never relaxed and strengthened himself.

However, the situation in this world has changed suddenly, and the Taixu faction was overthrown overnight. As the leader of Zhuangguo, he has the qualifications to participate in the Taixu alliance.

He also saw the opportunity, so he didn't have to be patient anymore!

Of course, his excitement was not because of Taixu's alliance.

Although it is a key alliance for all forces in the world to slaughter Taixu's interests... but in a real alliance with a hole in the entry threshold, what use can he be as a real person? That is to stand there, expressing that he also represents a country and is also entitled to a share of the pie.

But whether it is leftovers for cold roasting or hot soup leftovers, we can only wait and see.

In addition, he unconditionally supports Jingguo and contributes his loyalty to the great Daozong nation.

Apart from these, Zhuang Gaoxian couldn't think of what else he could do by participating in the Taixu League. The allies are old and cunning old things, and the benefits cannot be picked up, let alone robbed. He is not qualified to rob in that kind of situation.

But apart from the Taixu alliance, he has a lot to do!

Nothing else is needed, I can drive away those two annoying monks and go abroad freely. Many of the plans he envisioned earlier have a chance to come true!

He will be able to go out of the country soon, cross the world and make alliances, and Jiang Wang is participating in the Dragon Palace Banquet.

After Taixu Shengjing attended the meat division, the Dragon Palace Banquet should almost be over. He just needs to think about how to get rid of his own ties, and how to give Jiang Wang a death penalty on the way back to Xingyueyuan after leaving Dragon Palace. reason!

Regarding this point, he still needs to discuss it with Du Ruhui.

Be sure to do it right this time.

Because Jiang Wang is already very close to Dongzhen, and apart from this Dragon Palace Banquet, it is almost impossible to leave Xingyueyuan before Dongzhen.

Just like what he and Du Ruhui said.

This may be the last chance.

Godsend opportunity!



In the wilderness between Zhuangguo Yinge City and Moguodi City.

Emperor Zhuangguo and Zen Master Zhaohuai met again.

At this moment, Zhuang Gaoxian is no longer dressed like a middle-aged Yuanwailang. Instead, wearing the crown of the emperor's clothes, the majesty is born by itself, and it is dignified in the world. On the contrary, it is somewhat in line with Zen Master Zhaohuai who is dressed in unusually rich clothes.

It also made the bitter old monk who came to ask questions more and more pitiful.

"What are you doing, what are you doing!" Kujue began to yell from afar: "The monk from Mount Sumeru just sits here basking in the sun, who is he offending? If you insist on being arrogant and unreasonable, I will be in a bad light." !"

Zen Master Zhaohuai was also a wonderful person, and he even bowed to Kujue: "You are so strange!"

Facing the two real Buddhists, Zhuang Gaoxian calmly said, "You two have been sitting in front of my house for several months. Haven't you sat enough?"

"Fengshui here is good." Ku Jue said seriously: "I plan to build a temple here to spread my Sanbao Mountain orthodoxy, do you think it is feasible?"

There is not even a brick, and here we are talking about building a temple!

Zhuang Gaoxian is still gentle: "I'm very curious, the two of you are real people in the world, don't you have anything to do? Yu Zongmen has no responsibility to bear?"

"I asked for leave." Zen Master Zhao Huai said, and glanced at Ku Jue: "He may indeed be idle."

Kujue gave him a sideways glance: "Baldy, don't force Buddha to scold you in front of such an annoying person!"

It's hard to describe exactly who he's scolding.

Zhuang Gaoxian looked at the two monks firmly: "I will firmly remember the enthusiasm of the two stubborn guests in front of my house."

"Then you have to remember it forever." Zen Master Zhaohuai said.

Kujue immediately followed up: "Your life will be short, remember to catch up in the next life."

Zhuang Gaoxian smiled coldly, lightly flicked his big sleeves, shook the bead on his crown, and walked out of the country gracefully.

"I'm about to set off now to represent the Zhuang Kingdom in the Taixu Alliance. If you have the guts, you might as well continue to follow."

Ku Jue and Zhao Huai looked at each other, as if they were asking each other if there was any kind.

Although it didn't seem to matter whether the monks were born or not...but they turned around at the same time and followed Zhuang Gaoxian!

But as soon as the footsteps were raised, they stopped again.

A figure in armor came out of the void, and stopped the two of them with a long spear.

"Stay here, two eminent monks!"

This person has long body and long hands, his facial features are sickly and thin, and his complexion is slightly pale. But the killing intent came out through the armor, and he couldn't stop roaring like a living thing.

It is the Central Dajing Empire, the commander of the evil army, Kuang Ming!

Thanks to book friend Li Buyan 0112 for becoming the leader of this book, for the 482nd alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey!

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