Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2030 I Didn't Walk Alone

Kuang ordered Hengqiang to block the way, so the killing intent was naturally absolutely empty.

Zhuang Gaoxian smiled happily and strode away. Leaving all three of them behind, he also left his village.

The old face scorched from bitterness wrinkled, and he was not polite to Kuang Ming: "Who is here! Dare to provoke the Buddha?"

"We've met before." Kuang Ming said flatly, "You don't have to pretend you don't know each other."

"Bah! Who knows you!" Kujue swung his fist and said, "You scissors, dare to rob the way, eat my three-treasure fist!"

The fist is at the tip of the lance, and then goes up the stick.

The long sound of gold and iron was like a hymn for a while.

Between the thoughts, the two sides have already played against each other.

Kuang Ming waved his spear to push away, and the murderous intent shot up from behind him, turning into a sky snake piercing the sun, and looking down coldly: "Then I will introduce myself to you again——I am Kuang Ming, the commander of the evil army of the Dajing Empire." , have you made up your mind?"

Fighting with a real stranger has completely different meanings than fighting with Commander Jing Bajia.

"You boy! You get anxious after two hits." Ku Jue deliberately pretended not to hear, but also knew that it was not convincing, so he sneered: "You think you can stop the Buddha?"

Kuang Ming let out a breath, and the breath was like a white rainbow: "Then let's try."

Seeing that he couldn't help but put on a desperate posture after a few words, Kujue was immediately annoyed.

"What is evil, the Buddha doesn't believe in this evil today—"

Ku Jue yelled angrily: "Zhao Huai, fight him!"

As soon as I moved my footsteps, I was already on the wrong side of him, and I walked forward in the direction of Zhuang Gaoxian: "I'll help you keep an eye on Zhuang Gaoxian first, and come over after you solve this problem!"

Zhaohuai: ...

Kuang Ming: ...

"I am not representing myself today, and I have no personal friendship with Zhuang Gaoxian. I am representing Jing Guo, representing Yujing Mountain, and defending this Taixu Alliance." Kuang Ming did not catch up, he knew his voice was painful I can hear you.

"Although I don't want to be so arrogant. But I have to tell you now - at the moment when I am ordered to come, if you still dare to influence the emperor of Zhuang Kingdom to participate in the alliance, ignoring the interests of the Dao country. I will regard this as your disrespect It is a challenge from the kingdom of Dao. Jingguo will regard this as a challenge from Xuankong Temple and Mount Sumeru to Jingguo!"

Every word is like a sergeant array.

Get up the iron horse Jinge!

There is no need to doubt the authenticity of Kuang Ming's words, he must have been authorized by a higher level of the Taoist sect to make such a statement.

Zhaohuai sighed, put on his brocade cassock, took his jade rosary, turned and left.

A real person who bears heavy responsibilities has guarded Zhuang Gaoxian outside Zhuang Country for several months. All he could do was done. As for going to war with the same sect... he is the one to decide. It is also outside the range of Mount Sumeru's ability.

Kujue's flying figure also stopped in the air.

Can the Hanging Temple challenge Jingguo?

It's not even a problem at all.

What's more...he has never been able to represent Xuankong Temple, he can only represent himself. Plus a cleanse at most.

He didn't look back, but after being silent for a while, he suddenly asked, "Can't I just walk around?"

At this moment, he didn't seem to be letting go, but more like a request.

But Kuang Ming just shook his fingers together, and a yellow talisman between his fingers ignited in the wind, and burned up instantly.

The figure of Kujue also stopped in the air!

Kuang Ming said with a blank face: "This is the Zixu Ding Talisman, which was drawn by the head teacher to distract you, just to get you——I thought I wouldn't use it."

Kujue's stubbornness was indeed beyond his expectation. But he doesn't care about the grievances between Kujue and Zhuang Gaoxian, he is a soldier, and he only carries out the orders of the head teacher of Yujing Mountain.

He took a step back, walked to Kujue's side, and grabbed him. He said calmly: "How dare you attack me today, ignore the tacit understanding between Yujing Mountain and Xuankong Temple, and provoke the majesty of Jingguo. If there are no serious consequences, you will not be punished. I will personally send you back Xuankong Temple, please be disciplined by your lord, and you will be banned for three months. Are you convinced?"

Kujue couldn't open his mouth at all and couldn't speak.

I give your grandma a big drumstick!

His eyes are wide open!

Kuang Ming didn't look at his expression, and of course he couldn't understand his cursing. Just like that, he carried him with one hand and led him to the Xuankong Temple.



The sky beats Taixu, and the ground drum sounds the Dragon Palace.

Thousands of miles rolling thunder, heaven and earth one Hesi!

In the Taixu Mountain Gate, the Taixu Illusion Realm is being finalized, and the powerhouses from all directions are waiting intently, guarding the mountain and protecting the way. And the world was called, and representatives of all major forces rushed to participate in this alliance.

They can represent the "now" of the human race, and they do hold the highest authority in this world.

And in the Long River Dragon Palace, the "future" of the human race is sitting.

It will take time to verify whether these human arrogances can go to the future. But there is no doubt that... if something happens to the Dragon Palace Banquet today, the young Tianjiao present will be wiped out, and the future of the human race will be lost for at least twenty years.

Because they are so important, Jiulong Pengri Yongzhen Shanhexi has been inspired. At this moment, the Changhe Dragon Palace has no waves and no accidents are allowed. It can be said that it is the safest place in the world.

The phantom of the Dragon Lord sits high on the throne, and the arrogance in the palace has its own feelings.

This great banquet lasted for many years, and almost every time someone engraved its name in history. What bright moments will appear today?

The waiters of the Dragon Palace brought up delicious dishes, some of which could benefit one's cultivation, and some of which could restore one's spirit.

Instead of being on both sides of the hall, Jiang Wang could see his eating when he raised his eyes.

Until a certain moment, Chong Xuansheng raised his head, caught Jiang Wang's gaze, grinned and pointed to the plate in front of him, as if saying that this was delicious.

Huang Sheli next to him seemed to be still sulking, but he wasn't too noisy. Or it has officially entered the state and is preparing for the next link. Come to think of it, the Nilv that has already blossomed will surely bring surprises to everyone.

Jiang Wang held the jade chopsticks in one hand, the tip of the chopsticks was hanging on the plate, and he didn't move for a while.

The other hand clenched its fist, and the moon key in the palm flashed and disappeared.

Sure enough... the too illusory realm can no longer be entered.

Ye Qingyu looked over: "Dragon Palace delicacies are delicious. Why don't you eat them?"

"I don't like food." Jiang Wang said, lowering his voice: "I will pack up this table later, and you bring it to An'an."

Ye Qingyu couldn't help laughing, and replied in a low voice: "As long as Yunguo doesn't have anything, I'll keep it. Don't worry about eating, these are all she can eat now."

They are like gossiping students in a quiet classroom.

It is true that there have been "little notes" that have been passed around for many years.

Jiang Wang picked up a little frost heart marrow with chopsticks, put it in his mouth and pondered slowly.

Cool first and then bright, slightly sweet with lingering fragrance.

Sure enough, the world is delicious.

There are so many problems in this world, but also so many good things.

He put down his chopsticks. The jade chopsticks tapped on the dinner plate, making a slight and lonely sound.

Ye Qingyu cast a questioning look.

Jiang Wangwen smiled and said: "Let's pack it up. I suddenly remembered that there is something to deal with."

Ye Qingyu was stunned for a moment, his eyes like clear streams were shining on his slightly pursed lips. In the end, he just gently put down the jade chopsticks in his hand: "Then I'll wait for you."

Ao Shuyi's voice of Changhe Longjun sounded from a high place at this time: "I am very happy to meet today's arrogant. Recalling the time when the emperor was in the past, the road was blue, what a lucky time!"

"Jiang Wang." His eyes lowered: "Four years ago at the meeting of the Yellow River, you won the first place in the world, and I happened to be there to witness it. See you again in the Dragon Palace today. I seem to be seeing a younger generation, and I am very close... I don’t know. Would you like to perform a sword dance for everyone before this banquet to enjoy the joy?"

Jiang Wang bowed at the banquet and said: "The long river and thousands of miles of water depend on His Majesty Long Jun. Of course, Jiang Wang is the younger generation of His Majesty's younger generation. It's just... Jiang learned a murder sword, and it really doesn't look very good when he dances it. I'm afraid it will only disappoint him. Can't help."

The majestic Changhe Longjun didn't mean to embarrass any young man. Seeing that Jiang Wang disagreed, he waved his hand: "Then——"

But Jiang Wang continued: "However, for today's feast, Jiang Wang did prepare a gift... Wait for me to fetch it, and present it to Dragon Lord!"

Fu Yunqin in front of the imperial court smiled: "Is there any gift that you have, but Dragon Palace doesn't have?"

Jiang Wang wasn't like the kind of young man who would be eager to prove himself, so he calmly replied, "You'll know when you deliver it."

Ao Shuyi raised her hand, motioning Fu Yunqin to stop talking, and looked at Jiang Wang with great interest: "Didn't you bring this gift with you?"

Jiang Wang said: "I came in a hurry, and I was not ready."

He smiled a little apologetically: "It's still on the way. It should be here soon."

Long Jun smiled slightly: "Then you go and come back quickly. If you are not at the banquet, you will lose a lot of color!"

"I will do it as soon as possible." Jiang Wang said with a warm smile, "Because I have been waiting for a long time."

So he stood up with his sword.

"Wait a minute!" Xu Xiangqian suddenly recovered from the whispers, and shouted: "What gift, I will accompany you to get it."

He was mainly full of curiosity and wanted to find a time to be alone and ask Jiang Wang about his relationship with these women who appeared today.

Thinking of him as a talented man, handsome, both civil and military, and a peerless poetic talent, he has to be a senior sister, and he has to accept the assessment at any time. Jiang, a dull gourd fool who only knows how to meditate when he enters a brothel...why?

What is wrong!

Jiang Wang smiled indifferently: "You'd better take care of senior sister, I'll go back as soon as I go."

Xu Xianggan was about to speak, but Zhao Wuyan tugged his sleeve lightly, and said in a low voice, "What if... I also want you to accompany me?"

Before he finished speaking, Xu Xianggan had already sat down.

Senior sister Zhao has never done this to him before. His bones are brittle at this moment: "Hey, why do I suddenly feel a little uncomfortable in my legs and feet? Senior sister, you know medical skills, please help me..."

I don't remember Jiang Wang at all!

Jiang Wang shook his head with a smile. Under many bright or dark eyes, he walked out of the Dragon Palace alone in a green shirt.

Leave all the hustle and bustle, brilliance, and scenery behind you.

Only give a lone back, let others watch from a distance.



"The sky is high, ninety-nine thousand~"

"Tear off the white clouds~go sheep~"

"Brother, where do you put your steed~"

"Why did I get here~ I got there~ I ran to the apex of my sister's house~"

The idyll is long, floating in the distance.

A pure white yak is pulling an unmasked cart.

Sitting in the car was a man wrapped in a robe and wearing a huge cloak, of course he couldn't see his true face clearly. In his hand is a volume of scriptures, written by Cangtu Shenwen, called "The Sutra of Divine Grace".

Of course he was Cang Ming who was beaten back halfway.

As an envoy of the gods in this world, he has long represented the will of Cangtu God, walked in the world, and was worshiped by the herdsmen.

Every time you receive a belief, you get a point of distraction.

He listens to prayers and ignores resentment.

In the past few decades of practice, he has always closed his eyes.

Otherwise, it is impossible to look directly at the evil in people's hearts.

But this time, he opened his eyes... and couldn't look directly at Li Yi's sword.

This time he proved that the cave is real, and he went south to participate in the Dragon Palace Banquet, not because he was a stepping stone for Li Yi with the real strength of the first cave. He has the task of invigorating the momentum of the pastoral country, and it is to demonstrate the great achievements of the fusion of all religions. He is bringing his eyes that have not been opened for decades to release his innate terror!

But still lost.

One person, one sword, one stroke.

Pure enough to cut through everything.

It also cut off his ambition to go to the banquet.

Go south, go south.

Going south has been a dream of grassland people for many years, but in the long river of history, it always happens. Like a moat, like a Milky Way... no horses can pass.

Go south, go south.

The grand plan of going south has never really succeeded, and it has never been realized only in ballads.

At this moment, he is sitting on the bullock cart, blowing the wind in the wilderness, rubbing the scriptures with his fingertips, and reading his scriptures quietly. The world is lonely and the time is long.

And in the boundless blue, a person gradually came.

Wearing a heavy bronze ghost mask, he lowered his cloak.

The person who doesn't show his true face meets another person who hides his true face just like this.

Cang Ming recognized this person.

Zhao Rucheng, who has repeatedly set records in Erdemi, won the heart of Princess Yunyun, and is even known as "the most beautiful man in the world".

How can he not perceive it?

Many people thought that Zhao Rucheng was the prettiest one on Guanhe Terrace, and Ye Lan'er was named "Yan Kui" because Yan Kui was only selected among women.

Ye Lan'er is certainly flawless, but Zhao Rucheng's appearance transcends the meaning of gender, almost the same as the appearance of a beauty.

In the sound of the wind blowing across the wilderness, it was Cang Ming who spoke first.

"I'm the only one participating in the Dragon Palace Banquet this time," he said.

"I know." said the man with the bronze ghost mask.

Cang Ming said again: "I don't want to participate anymore. I was defeated by Li Yi, and I will go on without shame."

The man wearing the bronze ghost mask looked up at him, a little surprised, but still said: "Got it."

Cang Ming stopped rubbing the divine text with his fingertips: "So where are you going?"

"Go where I should be," said the man with the bronze ghost mask.

"How do you define... what is where you're supposed to be?"

"We can only define ourselves."

Cang Ming felt that kind of self, so he asked: "Is it necessary to go?"

"I have to go."

"Did you tell His Highness Yun?"

"It should have been said."



"His Highness Yun agrees?"

"I can only be sure that I have been informed."

Cang Ming sighed lightly: "Tell me, is it God's will for me to meet you here?"

"This place has the highest royal authority."

"Then I'll change the word." Cang Ming followed the good advice, "Do you think this is God's will?"

"Don't put so much boring meaning on ordinary things." The man wearing the bronze ghost mask has long hair, and his words are also simple and direct: "Everyone also took a shortcut, just ran into it by chance."

"Do you think... I should stop you?" Cang Ming suddenly asked.

"You were defeated by Li Yi, were you injured?" the man wearing the bronze ghost mask asked back.

Cang Ming said honestly, "The injury is quite serious."

Said the man with the bronze ghost mask—

"Then it's best not to."

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