Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2031 Meeting in Changhe

The goshawk flutters its wings in the high sky, like a floating leaf, falling into the sea of ​​clouds.

Cloud-like flocks of sheep swim in the blue sea.

In the most prominent supreme royal court on the grassland, in a certain golden king's tent.

The well-cultivated guards opened the curtain, and a general walked in and knelt down on one knee: "Your Highness, Zhao Rucheng has left the grassland, and his gold-sealed iron books are all hung under the beam."

Helian Yunyun in the tent was sitting in front of the mirror, surrounded by two female officials, dressing her.

Her azure eyes were reflected in the mirror, without showing any emotion.

Although the news is so sudden.

Although she is laying the groundwork for Zhao Rucheng's next leap, helping him create opportunities and move his position... Although she is already preparing for the engagement.

But at the moment she is calm: "Interesting. Will you resign from office?"

The female officer who painted her eyebrows was silent, and the female officer who combed her hair didn't seem to hear.

The half-kneeling general lowered his head.

Helian Yunyun chuckled lightly and said: "This is to imitate his good brother in Qi."

"But Jiang Wang won the head of the Yellow River for the Qi State, subdued the Tianjiao of the Jing State in Xingyueyuan, penetrated a battlefield in Nanxia, ​​and suppressed disasters to win the hearts of the people. He sacrificed his life and died countless times. Performance. Qi State has received far more than the return of betting..." The female officer combing her hair was a little annoyed: "What Zhao Ru did to become Mu State is not as much as what he got in Mu State."

"This is called brotherhood!" Helian Yunyun commented like this.

The half-kneeling general continued to report: "There is a letter left in the room, it should be for His Highness."

He held out the envelope with both hands.

But the azure color smudged the envelope, and at the next moment, it was like a mirror being shattered. The fragments of the letter were scattered in the air, and even immersed in the space, leaving no trace.

Helian Yunyun's tone was understated: "Everyone is gone, what letter are you reading?"

There was a moment of awe in the tent.

After a while, the half-kneeling general asked again: "This matter... how to deal with it?"

"You can deal with it as you like, and the national interest is what matters." He Lianyun said calmly: "Since he left me, you don't have to worry about me anymore."

The half-kneeling general said: "Family properties are confiscated, the gold book is removed, and the most wanted list of Shang Cangyu... the crime is the same as treason."

The asylum that Mu Guo once gave to Zhao Rucheng is now to be taken back.

Helian Yunyun didn't speak. Just waved his hand.

So the general got up and slowly retreated.

The curtain with the color of the sky fell down, and then closed a heart door.



When the huge stone door was pushed open, there was a low hum.

As if in this oppressive world, those overwhelmed croons.

Not even able to shout. When people cry out in the face of pain, it can sometimes be seen as weakness.

This is the state of Chu.

This is Luoshan.

This is the mountain and sea purgatory.

The scar-faced man on the tower lowered his overly suppressed eyes, and saw Zhu Weiwo, with hair like dry grass and a spear slanted, walking out of the valley.

The military uniform is hard to say clean, but the blood stains are still dirty.

Those demeanors that have been described seem to have nothing to do with this person.

The voice of the scar-faced man was like stone chips peeling off from the rock, with a thick, rough and dead air: "Going away?"

Zhu Wei I have been here for a while, and I have nothing else but cultivation.

Of course he is familiar with the gatekeeper of this town.

But it's not just familiar.

They never spoke in the past.

Hearing this question now, he only said: "Ah, let's go."

The mountain guard with the scarred face didn't speak any more. He sat on the tall tower, looking into the distance, wondering what he was thinking.

And Zhu Weiwo walked forward like this, silently and tenaciously, walking on the winding mountain road of Luoshan Mountain, walking into a lonely black spot.



Scattered black spots flow on the river bank.

Arranged in a vertical line, just parallel to the long river.

There was no waves in the long river this day, and the voices of the people walking on the bank unconsciously lowered their voices.

"I said, boss." The official Wang's difficult voice echoed in his hood: "Didn't you say that this mission is very important? Why are only a few of us here?"

With long hair draped over his shoulders, Yin Guan walked against the wind: "It doesn't make sense for other people to come."

Except for him, everyone in the company is wearing a mask, and they are not good people at first glance.

Inside the Gate of Bones on the mask, "Chu Jiang", "Wu Guan", "Song Emperor" and "Equality" are written respectively.

It is not difficult to find that Yan Luo, who is traveling with him today, is all god-faced combat power.

Wuguan Wang couldn't help asking: "Where is King Biancheng?"

Yin Guan smiled: "You miss him very much?"

It's strange that a corpse can have difficulty breathing, but Wuguan Wang really feels that the breathing is not very smooth at the moment. Probably because this newly acquired corpse was not coordinated enough, he twitched the corners of his mouth and forced a smile, "It's just a matter of concern among colleagues."

Yin Guan said "Oh": "Next time you care about it in person, you don't need to go through me."

Wuguan Wang stopped talking.

But as the leader, Yin Guan still explained: "I don't know why he refused to participate. Maybe he is really busy, or maybe this task does not conform to his principles."

Not without complaints: "The organization is constantly pouring in fresh blood, which can be said to be full of vigor and vitality. But he is always the one with the most problems."

Although Wu Guan Wang is familiar with death and danger, he can't help but feel weird when he hears this - you don't care if someone in the organization dies in battle and Yan Luo changes people at every turn, it's called "vigorous and endless"?

The leader is indeed the leader.

He rubbed his vocal cords, and said in a dry voice: "In other words, King Biancheng, who did not participate in the mission, knew what the mission was, and then refused. But we who participated in the mission, until now, do not know the specifics of the mission. detail."

Yin Guan said lightly: "This mission is very confidential, you only need to know the reward of the mission. I will arrange the specific implementation details when we arrive at the place. Or..."

He looked back at Wu Guanwang: "When you become as strong as King Biancheng, you can also ask him the same."

Wuguan Wang quickly raised his hands: "I'm not making a request. It's just... a casual chat."

"If you have any objections to this mission, you can still choose to quit now." Yin Guan's voice today, like this long river without waves, is so calm that it makes people a little scared: "But if you continue to follow me, I will be regarded as I have received your promise to complete the mission to the death. After arriving at the destination, all my orders will not be disobeyed."

Everyone in No Door to Hell knows what it means to disobey King Qin Guang's order.

Wuguan Wang was the first to express his opinion: "Boss, you know me, I am loyal and reliable, and I will obey!"

"Killing who is not killing? This is what we do." Song Emperor said: "As long as the money is enough, whoever kills who. If the target is those hypocritical Song people, I can still give a discount!"

King Equality said slowly, "Everyone is here."

King Chu Jiang did not speak.

The king of Chu Jiang didn't have to speak.

Yin Guan laughed, and said to Emperor Song: "I thought that if you killed the Song people... you would still post a little bit."

Emperor Song said in a muffled voice: "Our organization is getting bigger and bigger, and the rules and regulations have to keep up, right? Business must be based on principles, and it is impossible to kill people for free. King Biancheng taught it! It is even more impossible to post money. Gentleman Love money and get it in a proper way. A gentleman spends money and has no way to use it!"

After Jing Guo and his party. Ling Wufeng, the new emperor of Song Dynasty and former "evil gentleman" of Song Dynasty, has become much more honest.

After all, if the king of Biancheng didn't take orders, he would go from Jingguo to Weiguo as soon as he took the order, which is too fucking arrogant and stubborn!

If King Biancheng and King Qin Guang hadn't made a scene at Chongluan Lake and killed Wei Junguo's uncle in the street in Weidu, which aroused the attention of the world, they might not have been able to escape from Jingguo easily.

In short, as Qin Guangwang said, as long as the strength is sufficient, any kind of weird organization can be allowed. The rule that King Biancheng forbids killing indiscriminately had been established long ago.

Yin Guan said again: "Although King Bian Cheng himself didn't come, he sent his pet to help."

The official king was stunned. He and King Biancheng had been traveling together in Shengguo for so long, but he didn't know that King Biancheng still had "pets", and they were still pets that could participate in the current level of missions.

This Sixth Hall of Yama is really unfathomable.

"What pet?" Emperor Song asked with some interest.

With a light hook of Yin Guan's index finger, a pocket-sized cage was drawn out. The cage was so dark that it seemed that there was nothing there - just when Emperor Song had such an idea, a pair of bird eyes suddenly opened in the cage!

crazy! confusion! Evil!

After the terrifying eyes appeared, this dark tailless swallow appeared in people's field of vision, taking shape in the cage.

Mother Hippie!

Wuguan Wang was also taken aback by doing all kinds of bad things.

I knew that King Biancheng's pet must be different, but I didn't expect it to be so fierce!

What kind of a good man can King Biancheng be if he can keep such an evil bird as a pet? It is very hard to suppress yourself at ordinary times, right? Maybe the sight of blood makes one thirsty, and the sight of meat makes one hungry.

So it makes sense why King Biancheng didn't allow other Yamas to kill indiscriminately. He was clearly trying to stop his own evil thoughts!

It's no wonder that if you kill a disused You Que, you will also slaughter his entire family. It's hard to control yourself after murder!

Now he is becoming more and more curious about the true deity of King Biancheng. Such a bad villain can't be molded by casual experience. It is not enough to create a few massacres. Why do you have to slaughter hundreds of cities?

As soon as the swallow in the cage opened its eyes, the atmosphere of the whole team became menacing.

King Equality's eyes were solemn: "This appearance...could it be the legendary Yan Xiao?"

"It should be." Yin Guan said casually, "That's what King Biancheng told me."

King Equality was silent for a while.

A fierce creature like Yan Xiao was born in an extremely harsh environment. It is definitely not something that can be cultivated by killing one person and two people. What did King Biancheng do?

He is usually so cold that he has almost no emotion, but the pets he raises show such chaotic madness. How contradictory is this person?

At this time, Emperor Song said: "There is a bird on the top and a bird on the bottom. Isn't this the word 'Bian'? You really deserve to be the king of Bian City!"

This joke was too cold, so cold that even the corpse borrowed by Wuguan Wang couldn't bear it, bowed his head and coughed.

Yin Guan laughed: "This joke is quite funny, you can tell him face to face later."

Emperor Song immediately shut up.

The long river has no waves, and the shadows of people are reflected on the river.

The black robes are all like ghosts, one after another, gradually drifting away.



The so-called vast sea of ​​land reflects everyone who passes by equally.

Regardless of the killer, the emperor, or the common people.

Like this person, so will the reflection of the long river.

The entrance of Taixu Mountain Gate is hidden in the endless quicksand, and is rarely known to the world.

Before the establishment of the Taixu Illusory Realm, the Taixu faction was also the world's largest sect that had been fighting the demons for a long time. Xu Yuanzhi has established an immortal reputation in the frontier, and has fought against most of the existing demon kings. After the establishment of the Taixu illusion, the focus of the Taixu disciples began to shift.

After staying in the Taixu Illusory Realm, it began to be promoted in the present world. In order to facilitate the supervision of the hegemony, an entrance to the Taixu Mountain Gate was also added within the control area of ​​the six countries.

As long as they put on the jade badge of supervision and administration, the powerhouses of the six countries can enter and leave the Taixu Sect at any time.

Of course, it is impossible for people who are not from the Six Kingdoms to pass through these portals located in the hidden places of the Hegemony.

On the occasion of the alliance under heaven, meteors travel across the sky.

Xie Ai from the Winter Emperor, Guan Daoquan, the true emperor and patriarch of the Tie Kingdom, the master of the dragon and tiger altar in the Wei Kingdom, Meng Wuya, the Deputy Prime Minister of the Sheng Kingdom, Tu Weijian, the Prime Minister of the Song Kingdom, Gao Zheng, the former minister of the Yue Kingdom...

Famous figures, running through the present world, headed for Taixu Mountain Gate from all directions.

Zhuang Gaoxian, the emperor of Dazhuang, wore the emperor's mianfu and the flat sky crown on his head, and went straight to the high sky to go to the alliance. His shadow on the long river also has obvious brilliance.

Of course, there is no need to bring guards, and the entire Zhuang Kingdom cannot find a stronger existence than him. As far as purely honor guards are concerned, he is not yet qualified to place honor guards in front of the representatives of the hegemony countries.

The Taixu alliance is so crucial this time, and no one will wait for him. Those who arrive late will be directly turned away and will lose their qualifications to participate in this feast.

If he really brought a few guards with him, he had to drag the guards by himself.

The monk Zhaohuai was expelled, the old monk Kujue was grounded, the river is endless and the world is boundless.

He has already fully thought about what he should do after the Taixu alliance. And will give all the determination. Of course the danger exists, but since he can get rid of the shackles, he is willing to gamble again and give it another go.

He has sat on the gambling table of fate many times, either as a last resort or as a last resort. Every time has won the final victory, this time will be no exception.

Of course, sometimes accidents happen.

For example, the people in Fenglin City are not extinct. For example, in the city of Buran, Zhu Wei, I haven't seen his body, but I just don't know where to go.

for example……

When he was crossing the long river, he unexpectedly ran into the current Lord of Yong Kingdom!

Zhuang Gaoxian's eyes narrowed slightly.

How can I meet Han Xu?

His flying figure stopped suddenly, and Han Xu, who came from the ramp, also slowed down.

People in Qin respected black, and black was valued in the western region.

As the emperor of Yong Kingdom, Han Xu's mianfu is yellow sui with a black background, and his beads are also black beads. While respecting Qin's hegemony, it also retains some of its self as a powerful country.

As a Taoist country, Zhuangguo takes Yujing Mountain as its ancestor, so the nobles are white. At the same time, the state of Zhuang was the former general of the state of Yong who broke the ground and stood on his own.

Therefore, Zhuang Gaoxian's emperor's mianfu is yellow sui with a white background, and his pearls are also white pearls.

So one black and one white, each crowned.

Zhuang and Yong, the rulers of the two countries, unexpectedly meet in Changhe!

Thanks to the book friend "Huang Yu" for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the Chixin Sky Survey 483 League!


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