Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2032 The long river has no waves, and the heart is full of wind and rain

Han Yin, the old emperor who was obsessed with the country and sucked blood from the power of the Yong Kingdom, had died, giving up the key position that the power of the country supported. His son, Han Xu, reformed the government, brought vitality to the country, made the country prosperous, and also made a real person...

For Zhuang Gaoxian who has been paying attention to Yong Country and has developed a lot of dark lines in Yong Country, this is not a secret. He also has a clear understanding of the development of the country, and it is not difficult to push it backwards.

It's just that Han Xu deliberately concealed it, so he pretended not to know. Just wait for a certain critical moment, to push the boat along the way.

Song Qing was ordered to go to the Dragon Palace to pave the way for the Shulan River Palace, in order to elicit Han Xu's reaction.

If Han Xu relied on his hidden Dongzhen cultivation base, he would definitely seize the opportunity and let this gentleman go to see Han Yin!

But Han Xu dressed up and walked alone today, and it is clear that he has no hidden cultivation.

Why did you cover it up for so long, and why don't you cover it up today?

A ray of vigilance arose in Zhuang Gaoxian's heart.

But he reacted immediately. The threshold of the Taixu Alliance is Dongzhen.

If Han Xu bears it any longer, he will miss this feast and the drastic changes in the world in the next ten or twenty years. Of course, he can't bear it.

If you don't even have this bit of strategic vision, you won't understand the importance of the Taixu alliance. Han Xu is also not worthy of sitting in the position of Emperor Yong, and after Han Yin's death, he has been fighting against him for several years.

"What's going on today, in this long river!" Zhuang Gaoxian sighed and said, "Your Majesty Yong sees Emperor Zhuang!"

Compared with Zhuang Gaoxian, who is a middle-aged man with a fair face and rich appearance, Han Xu's complexion is much darker, but his eyebrows and eyes are wider, and he has a kind of meekness that has been suppressed by Han Yin's perverted power all year round.

This kind of meekness was often regarded as weakness when he was still a prince and when he ascended the throne.

It wasn't until Han Yin died in battle that he stood up to turn the tide and let the world see his tenacity and ambition.

And those who have a tacit understanding with him like Zhuang Gaoxian know his ruthlessness even more.

At that time, the Yong Kingdom was a centipede. Although it was decayed, it was enough to enjoy wealth and honor. Not everyone had the courage to change the world.

Facing Zhuang Gaoxian's arrogance, Han Xu just smiled slightly: "Isn't it wrong? Isn't Emperor Yong meeting his old officials? Er Zu still wants to kneel down to my Han family, and Master Huaide don't forget his ancestors."

"It's been a few days since you became a real talent, so you can't hold your breath?" Zhuang Gaoxian sighed: "It really disappoints me. Han Yin's bones are not cold, and you no longer have the former Qianlong City Mansion. With such virtues, how can you treat the people of the country well?"

Han Xu's expression did not change: "Jiang Wang abandoned the country and left, I wish you Weiwei to treat you as a bandit, Lin Zhengren climbed to the Guanhe platform, and dared not draw his sword and surrendered. Generations of Tianjiao are like this, this is because of your Zhuang Gaoxian's kind treatment The result. My family, Bei Gongke, was exhausted on stage."

Zhuang Gaoxian had the same emotion: "Where are there no ungrateful people?"

"Yes." Han Xu agreed: "It's like Zhuang Chengqian, who won the trust of Emperor Ming, paid each other with military power, and entrusted each other with state affairs. But he stood up for himself secretly, and when the country was in crisis, he was unfaithful, unkind, and righteous." Shameless. Even when you see me today, you still dare to be presumptuous!"

"Shameless thieves, you still have the face to mention Emperor Yongming!" Zhuang Gaoxian pointed and scolded: "In the past, the Taizu of our Zhuang Kingdom inherited the imperial edict of Emperor Ming's clothes and belts, and wanted to return the government to the heirs of Emperor Ming. It was your father Han Yin who usurped the government and caused people to die. It is the spirit of Emperor Li Yongming to force the heroes from all walks of life. Taizu had no choice but to establish a village. Han Yin killed his nephew to fight for the country, and you Han Xu murdered his father to seize power. Today you are going against my word? What face is there!"

With a blank expression on his face, Han Xu took out a long black sword and pointed it at Zhuang Gaoxian: "Shameless people turn black and white, I'm already tired of seeing it, so I don't want to say more! Now I know the truth, and you also know the truth. Why don't you and I play for the world before the alliance? Whoever loses should not join the alliance. It will also prevent us from hating each other!"

He was so confident that he wanted to gamble on his attendance at the Taixu League!

If you miss this time's attendance, you will also lose the qualification to fight for opportunities for yourself in the transformation of Taixu.

Zhuang Gaoxian had a hard time imagining how Han Xu could be confident. What kind of support did the Mo family give him?

But no matter what kind of support, since ancient times, people are better than tools. There is nothing foreign to rely on!

It is difficult for a child to hold a steel knife to fight against an adult.

A Han Xu who hasn't lived for a long time... In the town of Shanhexi in Pengriyong Town, Jiulong, he is isolated from all eyes, and therefore is not easy to be interfered by the Mohists.

If he can fight and kill him, Yongtu can fight him down with a drum. Although the Mo family supports Han Xu, the huge city is not equal to the Yong dynasty of the Han family. If Han Xu dies, the support of the Mohists might not be inevitable, and he might not be able to change his cage and escape from the control of Yujing Mountain.

Jingguo, Yujingshan, Yizhendao, these line bridges are gradually narrowing, he has already walked very dangerously, and it is time to introduce new changes.

At that time, Zhuang Yong will join... how can he not become another Emperor Yongming!

Compared with this, it is not too big a crisis for Jiang Wang to wish only me. When he goes higher and has more, these lone wolves are even harder to reach. After all, the present world is an era of great prosperity of the national system, and the official path is the first in the country.

"That's good..." Zhuang Gaoxian was already murderous at this moment. He flicked his robe sleeves, with a calm smile on his face: "Our feet are a long river of thousands of miles, and the bottom of the long river is the feast of the Dragon Palace. You and I are kings, You should also let the younger generations know what a real person is. Today, we will have a discussion, let you Han Xu see, using the power of the country to understand the truth, what is the difference between me and me!"

Perhaps Han Xu just wanted to decide the outcome and prove his Dongzhen cultivation, but he wanted to take the opportunity to decide between life and death!

Of course, this killing intent will only be released at the most critical moment.

At such a moment, Han Xu's expression was equally flat, he seemed completely unable to see Zhuang Gaoxian's murderous intentions, and only said: "Being truthful because of the power of the country is the virtue of governance and the foundation of official morality. Really, I don't know how to describe... I want to see where the gap you mentioned is!"

The voice just fell.

The black and white figures in crown clothes came together!

There are no waves in the long river, and even You Yun has never shifted, and they are all under the same town of mountains and rivers.

But with the two at war as the center, all the origin forces are twisted into a ball, and it is difficult to see the true colors of the world.

Before the official opening of the Taixu Alliance, Zhuang and Yong, the rulers of the two countries, will be the first to make a show for the world!



The gate of the Dragon Palace cut off time and space.

The world is full of wind and clouds, and the stars are competing to shine in the Dragon Palace.

Jiang Wang left the banquet alone to prepare the ceremony for Lord Long. People were either thoughtful or indifferent.

After leaving Qi, Jiang has no backer, so it is not incomprehensible to want to flatter Lord Long and win some care.

Only the door of the palace was closed, cutting off the lone figure.

Lin Zhengren was sitting in the corner of the hall, suddenly feeling terrified.

What is Jiang Wang going to do?

What gift are you going to get?

There is not enough information, I don't know about the Taixu alliance, I don't know that Zhuang Gaoxian has left the country. There is still a distance between Lin Zhengren and the truth.

But his innate caution still made him feel uneasy - of course he would not be uneasy about the danger of Jiang Wang or Zhuang Gaoxian, what made him uneasy was the unknown of the situation, which filled him with a sense of uncertainty, I don't know how to control my own destiny!

Jiang Wang must do something.

Based on his research on Jiang Wang for so many years, he is very sure of this.

But it is completely impossible for God to kill the cave, and he also subconsciously avoided this kind of conjecture.

The most anxious thing is... Now Zhuang Gaoxian and Du Ruhui are very wary of him, and they will never share the core secrets with him. This time he only knew that he was going to represent Zhuang Guo in the Dragon Palace Banquet, and he needed to do his best to perform well, but he didn't know what other plans Zhuang Gaoxian and Du Ruhui had.

It is therefore impossible to guess.

What exactly is Jiang Wang going to do?

Did Zhuang Gaoxian do anything else?

How will I be manipulated on the chessboard this time, and what role will I play?

Long Boji of Nan Dou Hall suddenly said: "Since Jiang Wang is going to collect gifts, do we need to wait for him here?"

"Naturally no need." Fu Yunqin, the chief manager of the Yellow River, said: "The Dragon Palace Banquet is a feast of the world's pride, and it was not set up for one person alone. The banquet will go on as usual, and how much Jiang Wang misses is his own business."

"That's the truth." Dou Zhao took a few bites, then picked up the wine glass and shook it, waiting for the waiter next to him to pour the wine, and at the same time said in a casual tone: "But since Li Yi and Cang Ming are not coming, Jiang Wang doesn't know How long will I be busy, what am I doing here with you group of stinky fish and rotten shrimp?"

The hall had been calm for a while, but now he was overwhelmed with anger and turned into a boil.

The well-trained Dragon Palace waiter is expressionless when pouring wine.

Zhong Liyan next to him stared at the wine, wishing to poison the wine with his eyes. The most sinful child, don't you know how to add the word "men" when you are so addicted to your mouth? One day when the power is in hand, I will exile you to the Fallen Immortal Forest!

Dou Zhao didn't care about Long Boji's expression, let alone everything affected by his words, he just lazily said to Ao Shu: "Your Majesty Longjun, what good things have you prepared for this Dragon Palace Banquet, why not go now Bring it out to me, so as not to waste time - I'm in a hurry to call it a day, and I'll have to kill Ye Laner later."

Ye Lan'er wasn't annoyed at all, but smiled and said, "Dou Zhao, Dou Zhao, I'm afraid it's not a blessing for Chu to have you. Jiang Wang will flee in front of me, how are you going to kill me?"

She is the number one in Three Fragrance Lou Tianxiang. When Meichu came, it was only Tianxiang's seventh, and later became Xinxiang's number one.

At the beginning, he was able to get the approval of Chu Tianzi, and there was no limit to representing Chu in the Yellow River meeting. How could she, Yelaner, be a weak person? In the 3919th year of the Dao calendar, he was also preparing to compete with strong men like Ji Zhaonan and Huang Budong!

Being able to represent Sanfen Xianglou today, and coming to the Dragon Palace Banquet, she is already ready to meet the challenge. To set up a flag in the world, how can Sanfen Xianglou not show its strength?

She was so long before Dou Zhao Shenlin, although her words were not arrogant, she had a lot of confidence in herself.

"It's also simple." Dou Zhao smiled contemptuously: "Didn't His Majesty Dragon want to watch the sword dance just now? My sword technique is even better than Jiang Wang's, so I replaced the sword with a sword, and stood with you in front of the Dragon Lord. Dance to a song. If you are not dead at the end of the song, I will let you go this time!"

Ye Lan'er managed her expression very well, and smiled just right: "Dragon Palace event, it's boring to fight so simply. Why don't you add some color?"

"I will give you whatever lottery you want." Dou Zhao said without hesitation, "As long as you are willing to fight."

Ye Lan'er's beautiful eyes sparkled: "If the dance is over, you can't kill me. I don't want you to let go, and you can continue your pursuit after the banquet. I only want you to represent the state of Chu and admit that I am three points in Xianglou autonomy. Will you promise?"

"How can this matter be a gamble?" Zuo Guangshu immediately said, "No matter what the situation is, it is impossible for Sanfen Xianglou to be recognized! The fight between you is because of you—"

"I agree." Dou Zhao said lightly.

Zuo Guangshu was so angry that his handsome face turned red: "Dou Zhao, you—"

"If I say kill her, I will definitely kill her." Dou Zhao said lightly, "Does the bet matter?"

This condition is undoubtedly very unfavorable to Dou Zhao, even Zuo Guangshu jumped out to stop him, but Dou Zhao still easily complied, showing his unparalleled self-confidence!

The attention of Tianjiao in the hall was immediately concentrated.

How could the fight between Dou Zhao and Ye Lan'er not be a good show? Before the banquet begins, you might as well watch a show first!

But at this moment, there was a terrible sound——


But it was Lin Zhengren who was sitting in the corner of the hall, spurting out a mouthful of blood.

Changhe Longjun, who was sitting in the big chair, had playful eyes. This scene... looks familiar.

Of course, Beigong Ke of Yongguo would not miss the trouble, and immediately said with concern: "Zhengren, if you are seriously ill, you can go back to take care of it, and you don't have to force yourself to attend the banquet. In case something goes wrong, how can I explain it to Mr. Zhuang?"

Lin Zhengren wiped the corners of his mouth hard with a handkerchief, and nodded to Bei Gongke: "Thank you, Brother Bei Gong, for your concern. I'm really not feeling well, so I won't stay here to disturb everyone's pleasure... Your Majesty Long Jun , Ladies and gentlemen, Zheng Ren will leave first."

He is so gentle and refined, which makes Bei Gongke so full of malice.

Bei Gongke knew something was wrong, although he didn't know exactly what was wrong, but Lin Zhengren couldn't be satisfied anyway, and immediately said: "Hey, don't go back in a hurry! What's wrong with you, it's okay to be blunt! Here is a kind heart Both the hall and the true biography of the East King Valley are there, so it can't cure you?"

"It's not a physical problem..." Lin Zhengren shook his head: "It's because I have subdued too many evil spirits, beyond the limit of my ability, and it's not a problem. .”

Hearing that he just wanted a quiet room to suppress the evil spirits, instead of leaving Changhe Dragon Palace directly, Bei Gongke didn't say anything else.

Fu Yunqin waved his hand: "In that case, you should go down and rest first."

There was an attendant from the Dragon Palace who led Lin Zhengren out of the main hall.

Walking through the majestic and majestic Long River Dragon Palace, the attendants of the Dragon Palace are considerate and thoughtful: "Mr. Lin, the quiet room is here. Do you need some rest—eh?"

But I saw Lin Zhengren stroking his heart and walking away.

"The evil ghost is too restless and can't be suppressed anymore. I must go back to the country and suppress it with the power of the country. Please resign from Lord Long for me!"

He couldn't wait for the dust to settle.

He has no right to wait.

Because no matter Jiang Wang, Zhuang Gaoxian, or Du Ruhui, they have no kindness towards Lin Zhengren!

He wants to take the initiative to enter the game!

The bloody storm that hangs over Fenglin City will always usher in the day when the dust settles.

His years of forbearance should also have a phased answer!

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