Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2033 Wonders of the world

For the vast majority of people at the Dragon Palace Banquet, Lin Zhengren was just an insignificant episode.

Apart from Bei Gongke's words of concern that directly poked the lung tube, Sheng Xuehuai took another look, probably thinking about why this guy didn't vomit blood and vomit to death on the spot.

Chong Xuansheng remained calm and slowly drank the wine in the glass. The long river of the world, the water of time, and the tide of the world are all drinking in the glass.

Who is the contemporary Bowang Hou?

He is not the kind of champion Hou or former Wu'an Hou who has no intention of officialdom and conceited his own way, and stands like a guard in court.

He actively participates in politics and grasps politics. In a very short period of time, he completely digested the political heritage of the previous Bowanghou, grasped the political resources accumulated by the Chongxuan family in the past, and was like a fish in water in Bo Yun's treacherous court. Use the official way to supplement the cultivation base, and achieve God's presence without regret.

When he was still unknown in the early days, he was able to use his strength to leverage the battle of Qiyang and plunder political capital for himself.

Up to now, the political power he can mobilize is already terrifying as he succeeds the Marquis Bowanghou and is married to Yi Xingchen, the court councilor.

As a real high-level empire, he can already influence the decision-making of the empire, and even guide the direction of the country!

Lin Zhengren left the meeting with an excuse, of course he could tell at a glance.

But do not intend to interfere.

The situation has developed to the present, and Lin Zhengren is no longer able to influence it.

Lin Zhengren is a smart man.

A wise man will make the right choice.

Compared with the kind of idiot who thinks it out, the trajectory of a smart person's action is more predictable-of course, the premise is that you are smarter than this smart person.

On the field, Dou Zhao and Ye Lan'er's words became more and more fierce, and they both wanted to fight.

People pay the utmost attention.

But Fu Yunqin stopped him: "Killing lives is not the original intention of Tianjiao's banquet. It is my Dragon Palace's responsibility to fight and not die. Unfortunately, your gambling fight cannot be established."

Dou Zhao looked at him dissatisfied: "I will fight voluntarily, and I can't blame Dragon Palace for life and death. Manager Fu, isn't this drama of life and death better than sword dance?"

Fu Yunqin said calmly: "The Dragon Palace Banquet is held to cultivate Tianjiao, not to kill Tianjiao. After leaving the Dragon Palace, you can do whatever you want. Life and death are fate, and things are selected by nature. But in this Dragon Palace, I have to do my duty. , we must save the lives of each of you. It’s okay to discuss, but I will definitely intervene when life and death arise.”

Dou Zhao's killing of Ye Lan'er, or Chu's recognition of Xianglou, are not what Changhe Dragon Palace would like to see.

So his attitude is very clear.

Dou Zhao put down his wine glass: "That's too boring!"

"Young Master Dou seems to think that he will be able to kill me." Ye Lan'er laughed softly, "Things in the world can't be as you wish. I've already gotten used to it, but Young Master Dou hasn't gotten used to it yet."

Dou Zhao grinned: "You are all people who are used to this world, I will make this world get used to me."

He turned his head to look at Fu Yunqin, not concealing his arrogance: "When you can't intervene, I must kill someone in this Dragon Palace for you to see."

Fu Yunqin didn't look annoyed: "I'll wait and see."

In the hall, Long Boji changed positions without any trace, and sat next to nun Yuzhen in Xiyue Nunnery. Under such circumstances, he sighed softly: "This sword dance can't be seen, life and death can't be seen, it's really a bit ordinary."

It has to be said that this topic opened up quite naturally.

Yu Zhen's watery eyes showed innocence and curiosity: "Are you going to challenge Dou Zhao to add color to this feast?"

Long Boji coughed dryly: "Forget it, private fights are not allowed in the Dragon Palace. Afterwards, the Dragon Gate will be opened, rare treasures will be gifted with destiny, and most of them will be opportunities to use mobile phones."

The voice of Changhe Longjun resounded from a high place: "Today is a good time, and at this family banquet, I would like to say a few heartfelt words to you-the current scenery is unprecedented in eternity, the world is settled, and the river is clear. The treasury is for future generations. I don’t want anything, I only hope that this world will be stable, so that future generations can thrive and live up to the sacrifice of the emperor.”

"Humanity is prosperous, and I am very relieved. The light of humanity is like a bright candle. It can illuminate all ages, and the light is ancient and modern. It may not be that the sages died hard, and the successors are endless."

His crown swayed gently: "In the past, You Que disappeared, which made me sad. I want to watch Jiang Wang's sword dance, and it's the same reason. It's nothing more than reminiscing about the past and thinking about the present, and expressing the future. Now Jiang Wang has something to go out... I don't know Who wants to follow?"

The hall was silent for a while.

No one wants to be a substitute for the leader of the Yellow River, let alone perform for others.

Only Ye Qingyu's heart tightened slightly, she didn't want people to speculate too much about Jiang Wang's whereabouts, but Lord Long always liked to mention...

She nodded slightly, and her clear jawline drew a beautiful arc in the air.

The voice is like a clear stream coming out of the forest: "If the Dragon Lord does not dislike it, I would like to play the piano."

"Okay!" Huang Sheli called out first.

She was annoyed with Jiang Wang, but she would not be angry with Ye Meiren. He simply leaned over, took Jiang Wang's place, and looked at Ye Qingyu expectantly: "I love music all my life, so I should listen to it with all my ears!"

Chong Xuansheng had heard of Jiang Wang's "Qiao Yanjun" for a long time, and even secretly investigated it. At this moment, he enthusiastically joined him: "The country above the misty clouds, the spring of wind and frost, I am looking forward to it, and I am willing to listen to the fairy music!"

Eh? Xu Xiangqian snorted softly. This fat man has known me for a long time, and he is somewhat educated. The spring of Liufeng Jieshuang... Well, this sentence can be copied... and used!

Above the high position, Changhe Longjun said: "Those who reach the sky are close neighbors to the Dragon Palace. Those who perform rituals and music are the brilliance of humanity. I am overjoyed, please come and play!"

At this moment, the nun from Xiyue Nunnery also said: "Now is a good time and a good meeting, how can you not dance when you have fun? Miss Ye has such a taste, and Yuzhen is willing to dance together."

"Wow!!" Huang Sheli clapped his hands red: "Both of you are peerless beauties, one plays the piano and the other dances, isn't it a wonderful scene in the world? Only now will I know what the Dragon Palace Banquet is. I, Huang, are worth it!! !"

Long before the meeting of the Yellow River began, Zhao Wuyan was able to achieve God's presence at any time. Because I learned too much and had too many choices, I didn't know how to choose, so I was confused for a while. Then travel thousands of miles, experience the scenery of the world, practice hard on the Tianbei Xueling, meditate and become enlightened, and then "mix a hundred schools of thought, and flow from the source", and prove the body of the presence of God.

For the insight into the world, she is much better than Xu Xiang. Xu Xiangqian walks the world with his simple moral principles and thick skin, sincere and reckless, in other words, he really cannot be said to have any profound wisdom.

When Jiang Wang left the country, she knew it was Jiang Wang's preparation for Zhuang Gaoxian to draw his sword. Xu Xiangqian also said something like my brother loves freedom... Today, Jiang Wang felt it when she moved. Although I don't know where Jiang Wang's confidence comes from...

The reason why Xu Xianggan was held back was because the matter was so difficult that Xu Xianggan could not bear it. If things fail, Xu Xiangqian and Jiang Wang will be buried together to drive Mashan. If things come to fruition, the combination of Longmen Academy and Qingya Academy will not be able to keep this high forehead.

In any case, she didn't want Xu Xianggan to go to a dead end, so she had a tacit understanding with Jiang Wang.

But this "tacit understanding" is especially regrettable.

At this time, she couldn't help sighing: "It's hard to have such a situation, but it's a pity that Jiang Wang has no luck."

"It doesn't matter." Xu Xianggan waved his hand from the side, very imposing: "I will write it as a poem to remember, and I will appreciate it with him later, so that he can experience it personally!"

Zhao Wuyan was silent.

Ye Qingyu sat in front of the table, with a picturesque appearance, and said softly: "Master is willing to agree, that would be great. It's just that the Sanskrit Dance may not be compatible. The song I want to not pure."

Yu Zhen looked at her, and felt that this woman was indeed peaceful and beautiful, and she couldn't think of any evil thoughts in her heart. How could there be such a spotless person in the world?

She has never walked on muddy ground, and was born in the clouds.

Luo socks are not stained with dust, this heart is not everything.

so clean!

The nun of Xiyue Nunnery opened her red lips lightly, and replied in a graceful voice: "Xiyue Nunnery has entered the world of mortals, and it is not for the sake of purity."

Ye Qingyu also looked at her, and saw a kind of brilliant vitality in the silence separated from the other world. She thinks she is living very seriously, and she thinks she has bloomed alone for a long time.

She pursed her lips slightly, and couldn't help asking: "Practicing Zen is not pure, why is that?"

Yuzhen clasped his palms together: "So that the benefactor will know - the Buddha loves the world, of course he wants to save all beings, and he also needs to save himself."

Ye Qingyu also clasped his hands together and returned a salute, only saying: "Please."

She parted her jade-like palm and took out the qin that Jiang Wang had given her.

A waiter from the Dragon Palace removed the food table for her, moved the piano table, and asked her to place the piano in front of her knees.

This piano was made by a famous craftsman in Daxia.

It is a piece of sycamore wood rescued from the fire. Because of it, the tail of the piano is burnt, so it is called "Jiaowei".

Jiang Wang and Chong Xuansheng led the army to attack Xia, and the latter looted many good things. He only picked a few and gave them to An'an Qingyu as a gift.

He actually didn't know if Ye Qingyu could play the qin, he just thought the qin was very beautiful, even the scorched lines were graceful, it matched Qing Yu very well, even if it was hung on the wall as a decoration, he gave it as a gift.

But I didn't expect Ye Qingyu to start learning the piano from then on.

Put the coke tail in place and tune the strings. Ye Qingyu took out another beautiful round bead with cloudy white in the blue, and placed it on a corner of the piano table——

This was the first gift Jiang Wang gave her, the Dingfeng Orb, a natural magic weapon obtained from the Hidden Star World.

She regards it as the most precious thing and plays with it all the time. Take it out at this time to stabilize the wind and not disturb the sound of the piano.

After doing this, she cleaned her hands with magic again, and then hung her finger on the string, waiting for Yuzhen.

The nun Yuzhen got up and left the table, as if she had walked from an ancient painting on a blue lantern to the bustling world of mortals, step by step, to the middle of the empty hall.

Beautiful eyes relative to each other——

It is Qingxi swimming through the bamboo forest.

It is the world with red makeup and jade appearance.

Ye Qingyu spun her fingers——

Boom boom boom boom!

When the strings are played, they are in a hurry, and in an instant, they change from extreme stillness to extreme movement, as urgent as a shower hitting glass.

The sound is sharp and the meaning is heavy.

The ten fingers intertwined rapidly, and there was a heavy sound.

Exactly a song——

"Music of Bingwu Breaking the Array"!

Above the high position, the expression of Lord Changhe Long cannot be seen.

I don't know if this song composed by Lie Shanshi on the eve of the Great War will move him?

In the intense sound of the piano, Yuzhen moved.

Like the wind blowing the bamboo sea, thousands of miles of waves.

She was wearing a gray monk robe and ordinary cloth shoes, her body was extremely clean. But it's just a movement of lotus steps, stepping out of boundless charm, dragging out threads of the world of mortals, shaking thousands of styles!

Very flattering, very bewitching, very beautiful.

But in this Dragon Palace, there was a Heavenly Demon Dance.

It was only at this time that people suddenly remembered that in the long time, Xiyue Temple had always been at the forefront of suppressing demons.

There is a terrifying Bodhisattva in Xiyue Temple, who is said to have touched half of his foot to transcendence. The heavenly demons it has suppressed and killed are innumerable. In that hidden bamboo forest, it is no surprise that there are so many studies on heavenly demons.

With the thoughts of Bodhi, the dance of controlling the demons, and the "Music of Soldiers and Martials Breaking the Array", which is composed of falling pearls and broken jade, are perfectly compatible, making people mesmerized.

It's really a scenic view of the Dragon Palace!




A drop of true blood fell into the sky, scorching the space with dry scorched marks.

Han Xu's Pingtian crown has been knocked off, and Huang Sui's black-bottomed crown, only a few rags left to hide his shame.

The body of the son of heaven is full of gold, which can hardly be called majestic.

At this time, his temples were disheveled, his face was pale, and his breath was visibly weak.

His hands were unarmed, and his footsteps were slightly vain.

Several puppets at the God's Promenade level had been dismantled long ago. The Mohist's specially-made mechanism has cost a huge amount of money, but it has not been able to stop Zhuang Gaoxian for a long time.

He has to admit that as a real person, he is not yet Zhuang Gaoxian's opponent.

After all, it was under the strong suppression of the former emperor Han Yin who never gave him a chance to breathe... still taking the chestnut out of the fire and becoming a real person.

After all, this opponent had only become a hole not long ago, and blocked the first emperor Han Yin in a head-on confrontation, which made his methods of recovering the country's power and concocting armor effective.

In his plan to kill his father and seize power, Zhuang Gaoxian is the absolute main force.

He believed in Zhuang Gaoxian's strength before, and of course he will not underestimate him now.

It is precisely because he has never been underestimated that he risked his life and risked his life like this!

He also... escaped after all!

Not far ahead is Yongtu, safety is assured.

If Zhuang Gaoxian dared to chase after Yongjing, he dared to immediately gather the power of the world and the army of his own country, and blatantly fought back. Not to mention that there is Lizong Yongtu's Momen who can borrow strength!

"Han Xu! The time of death is coming!"

Zhuang Gaoxian's voice suddenly sounded behind him.

Han Xu took a few steps, and suddenly turned around, only to see Zhuang Gaoxian's unremarkable, rich and noble face, and... a fist that kept approaching, enlarged, and resolutely smashed into his chest!


A loud explosion annihilated the air.

Circle after circle of air patterns pushed the clouds away.

Feeling the shattering sense of defeat experienced by the fist, Zhuang Gaoxian couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and completely shattered the flesh and blood puppet hanging on the fist.

He actually underestimated Han Xu, the bloody battle has come to this point, at such a time, there are still means to save his life.

It even hides the counterattack...

But that's about it.

In the constant pursuit and confrontation, he has seen all of Han Xu's trump cards. There is still a long way to go from here to Yong Kingdom, he will not give any more chances. For this reason, he will not hesitate to reveal his trump card that has never been shown before anyone!

As soon as he lifted his footsteps, he had already passed through the space. All distances were ignored, and five fingers were pressed towards Han Xu's heavenly spirit.

At this moment, there was an angry shout: "Don't hurt my lord!"

The light of the knife pierced through the air and stopped in front of the palm.

At this time, it was Xue Mingyi, Marquis of Yong Kingdom who came to chop with a saber!

Zhuang Gaoxian smashed the knife light casually, and was about to kill this person, but stopped.

Because just behind Han Xu, one after another, strong men from the Yong Kingdom came out.

Yao Qi, Yong's provincial uncle!

Li Ying, Marquis of Chengde in the Yong Kingdom!

Jiao Wu, Marquis of Weining in the Yong Kingdom!

Yongguo Fenge Hou Lang's filial piety!

Prime Minister of Yong Kingdom, Qi Maoxian!

First-class British Gongbei Palace Jade from Yongguo!

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