Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2034 Changhe Shiba Zeng Zhaoying

The light of the sword, the energy of the sword, the light of the spear, and the innumerable torrent of Taoism drowned Zhuang Gaoxian in an instant.

In the next moment, he was smashed to pieces by a punch!

All the power was gathered together and smashed into a huge firework.

Zhuang Gaoxian showed the power of real people in the world, holding Han Xu's black long sword in his left hand, and looked coldly at the gathered group of people in the stream of light flying all over the sky.

Everyone is a familiar face.

It can be said that in the entire Yong Kingdom government system, all the strong men who can be transferred at this time are all transferred here.

No Mohist strongman joined. Probably because once the strong Mohists appeared in this situation, they gave Yu Jingshan a reason to intervene.

"Han Xu, you are really as cowardly as a mouse, do you care about your life for the king?!" Zhuang Gaoxian raised his chin slightly, showing the arrogance of the winner: "When did you send the letter? Calling so many loyal ministers and good generals to go abroad Pick you up, and don't worry about the instability of the country and the turmoil in the current situation!"

Han Xu slowly wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth, and retreated slowly surrounded by everyone in Yong Kingdom: "You won! This time the Taixu alliance, I will withdraw!"

Zhuang Gaoxian hung his hands behind his back in the air, looked at such a large group of people calmly, and thought about the possibility of killing Han Xu in his heart.

Although there are many monks in front of Shenlin, only one Beigongyu can be called troublesome, and Qi Maoxian is a little tricky. The rest of the gods are all chickens and dogs, just for consumption.

But here is already very close to Yong Kingdom.

After all, Han Xu is a real person in this world, and with the cooperation of so many people, the chance of escaping is already very high.

I have beaten Han Xu like this, and it is absolutely impossible to recover without spending a huge amount of resources. Is it necessary to spend more power to chase the possibility of killing Han Xu, which is already difficult to grasp?

Afterwards, there will be Taixu Alliance, and I need to stand up and express my opinion. After the Taixu alliance, he still needs to kill Jiang Wang without fail, and save his strength to prevent accidents... More importantly, if you can't kill Han Xu, just killing these nobles of the Yong Kingdom is weakening the imperial party of the Yong Kingdom Power will only lead to Momen's deeper control over Yongguo, and it is not a good thing for Yuzhuangguo.

What his strategy seeks is to control the Yong Kingdom and start a new round of cooperation with the Mohists. Instead of helping the Mohists control the Yong Kingdom, and then confront the Yong Kingdom under the Mohist control. Order is very important.

The thoughts in my heart are changing rapidly. Zhuang Gaoxian raised his hand and pointed at Beigongyu, the old man backed away again and again in shock, very alert. He couldn't help laughing: "Beigongyu! How many years have you been in Yongguo, after several generations of emperors, haven't you seen through the incompetence and despicability of the Han family? !

"From my point of view, the emperor is not as good as you.

"In terms of meritorious service, seniority, and foundation, how can the Beigong family be inferior to the Han family?

"Now Han Xu is at the end of his battles. You can replace him with a wave of your arms. You should restore the state of Yong! I am willing to form an alliance with you. Zhuang Yong will join hands to restore the order in the western region. Isn't it the good wishes of the people of the two countries? This is very good." If you don't grasp the opportunity, maybe you won't have it in this life!"

Beigong Yulian practiced Taoism, carefully arranged the defense, and then envied Zhuang Gao: "Zhuang Tianzi cares about the old man so much, he is really a good man. The old man knows that he has little virtue and is not worthy of the position of the leader of the Zhuang Kingdom, but if you insist on acquiescing, I should be brazen. Then I will make Yong Zhuang forever good, and I will not disappoint Emperor Zhuang!"

Zhuang Gaoxian doesn't care if they disagree or not, and he doesn't care how Bei Gongyu expresses his opinion, just plant a seed of ambition and let it go, no matter whether it germinates or not.

Turning to look at Emperor Yong again: "Han Xu, Han Xu, it's not that I'm talking about you, you really need to put more effort into your practice! Don't be obsessed with power all day long, you only know intrigue! Is mighty power just power? You are weak now In this way, how to get rid of the control of the Mohists?"

Everyone in Yong Kingdom was fully on alert, protecting Han Xu from retreating.

Han Xu didn't have much expression on his face, he just stared at Zhuang Gaoxian: "The study of the Mohist school is the study of the Great Yong State. The Mohist school and the Yong State complement each other, and they are each other's exterior and interior. It's you, Zhuang Gaoxian, Jing The country and the world drive swords, and the Daoist clans are all weapons. If you use it, you will learn from it, and if you don’t use it, you will be frustrated. The decline of the prosperous country is a lesson from the past. If you serve the tiger with your body, you will eventually be exhausted. Can you think about the future of Zhuangguo?"

"Don't worry about it!" Zhuang Gaoxian lightly flicked his sleeves: "I have been in power for 20 years. I have conquered Yong, defeated Mo, and succeeded... in the hands of your father and son of the Han family. The status of being a member of the middle school has also been promoted all the way. It has been recognized by Yujing Mountain and has been awarded Taoist books many times. The future of the Zhuang Kingdom can be seen at a glance. The splendid and grand plan will eventually succeed. And you Han Xu, who has been on the throne for a hundred years, what are you doing? Qian Jin Hua can trade anything, have you ever thought about how much you can price?"

"Yongguo and the Mohists cooperate sincerely and trust each other. It is not you who can provoke me. The ideas about the future and the enthusiasm for ideals with the Mohist giants are unimaginable for a selfish person like you." Han Xu suppressed his injuries. , said in a slow voice: "Take ten thousand steps back and say, as long as it is beneficial to the Yong Kingdom and the people of the Yong Kingdom, I am willing to pay the price! What about you? How far are you willing to do for your country?"

"Who wouldn't say high-sounding words? Let's see what he has achieved!" Zhuang Gaoxian laughed: "I inherit the legacy of my ancestors and uphold the ambition of Wancheng. Zhuangguo has been pushed to an unprecedented height, and will continue to move forward. For the great cause of Dazhuang, I am so sorry!"

"What you don't care about is others. What you care about is yourself." Han Xu shook his head: "Zhuang Gaoxian, don't deceive yourself."

"Okay, go back and lick your wounds, you prodigal dog!" Zhuang Gaoxian flicked his sleeves, the wind raged, and the clouds struck nine times. The violent Taoist power forced everyone in Yongguo to wait and retreat. Then he said coldly: "I'm going to participate in the Taixu League, so I won't be arguing with you here!"

Han Xu's face was extremely embarrassed, but he didn't respond.

It is a fact that he lost the opportunity to participate in the Taixu League, and he has nothing to refute.

Zhuang Gaoxian took two steps, then turned back suddenly: "That's right. There is a question I've wanted to ask you for a long time, but I haven't found a suitable opportunity. Maybe you have the answer now—"

He looked at Han Xu: "What's the difference between being the grandson of the Mo family and being the son of Han Yin?!"

After all, without waiting for Han Xu to answer, he laughed and walked away.

He is trampling on Han Xu's imperial dignity!

He is insulting Han Xu's honor as a monarch!

No matter how Han Xu responds today, Emperor Yong will lose face in front of these dukes and earls of Yong. The master humiliated his ministers before he died, and there was bound to be a gap between the emperor and his ministers of the Yong Kingdom.

In the subsequent all-round war, the gap of today will be torn apart by him, and it will become the mouth of a terrible breach.

The significance of this battle has a far-reaching impact!

It's not just a fight between two real people in the world, verifying each other's strength.

Behind them is the situation in the entire Western Territory. It is the general change of Zhuang Yong's game.

And Han Xu didn't make a sound.

He just watched angrily, watching Zhuang Gaoxian's back going away gracefully.

Until Zhuang Gaoxian's figure could no longer be seen, and his breath could no longer be captured.

In the oppressive silence, Han Xu took a deep breath, and the embarrassing expression mixed with resentment and shame was also exhaled along with the foul breath.

What a perfect fight!

Both he and Zhuang Gaoxian got the results they wanted.

As for whether the result was really as one wished...Let's wait and see!

The British Gongbei Gongyu took off his coat silently, and put it on for Emperor Yong, covering his body.

It is impossible for Zhuang Gaoxian's presumptuous humiliation to have no effect at all.

The honorable ministers present here only got the news in advance and came to meet the emperor outside the country, and they didn't know why the emperor was fighting with Zhuang Gaoxian with his sword on the way to participate in the Taixu alliance. And he lost miserably, losing the qualification for the alliance...

Everyone retreated to Yongtu dully. Xue Mingyi, the youngest Martial Arts Marquis, suddenly said at this moment: "Your Majesty, pardon me for my guilt!"

"If you have anything to say, just say it!" Han Xu simply fell to the ground and walked slowly.

A group of people landed one after another.

The monarchs and ministers of the Yong Kingdom used their steps as carts to walk in the wilderness outside the Yong Kingdom.

Xue Mingyi said: "Since we are outside the country, and there are no outsiders, I will express my feelings directly! Thinking about it, what Zhuang Gaoxian said is not completely unreasonable. With the support of the Mohists, we were able to develop our national power and prosper in all industries. But If things go on like this, the Mohist family will never lose its tail. Who is the Yong Kingdom? Bronze Smell True Monarch, everything can be bought, and the ministers can't bear it... the emperor pays the price!"

All the princes were silent.

Although Han Xu was seriously injured and his breathing was unstable, he still walked with dignity. After walking for a while, he said: "Xue Mingyi, it suddenly occurred to me that there is only one character difference between you and the former Marquis of Wu'an of the Qi State."

Xue Mingyi thought that the Son of Heaven was going to beat him in the name of this peerless arrogance, he was stunned, and sighed: "I am far inferior to him."

"No, it's not that you are inferior to him." Han Xu said, "You, Xue Mingyi, learned martial arts at the age of seven. You were famous in one county at thirteen, one mansion at fifteen, and famous in the whole country at seventeen. When you were weak, you fought to kill giants. When you were young, you fought on the battlefield. Proving yourself above, you are the youngest prince of my country in Dayong! How can you not be the proud son of heaven, why can't you compete in the Dragon Gate?"

He sighed: "Yong Kingdom betrayed you, it was the former Yong Kingdom who didn't give you a chance. It made you miss a good time!"

Xue Mingyi lowered his head, trying his best to conceal the unrest in his voice: "The way of the world is to ask for it yourself. I have insufficient talents, and I never blamed the country."

Han Xu waved his hand: "If the sky is six feet high, how can a seven-foot man straighten his spine? If a strong wind blows, how can Xiumu hold his head up?"

"Although the son does not talk about the father, but I am the emperor of the Yong Kingdom, so I will say it bluntly - my father Han Yin, who eats vegetarian meals in his corpse, is a chronic disease of the Yong Kingdom!

"He won the country incorrectly, so he was suspicious and refused to delegate power.

"He was frightened by Emperor Ming's defeat. He dared not advance any more in his life, but he also refused to retreat! He sucked blood from the country to nourish Dongzhen, so that the great Yong was exhausted and could no longer support a second real person. No one Can achieve something in the officialdom."

The more he talked, the more excited he became, and then he said bitterly: "Is it true that I, the first-class Englishman, have no real potential? Is it really possible that I reject the Prime Minister of Chimawei in the north, and there is no real possibility? It is me! I am confident that I will not lose For people, how can they wait until today to realize the truth?"

Xue Mingyi's eyes were full of tears.

Bei Gongyu's short beard trembled slightly.

And Han Xu continued to walk forward.

The emperor of the Yong Kingdom who turned the tide, the emperor of the Yong Kingdom who had just been defeated and humiliated by Zhuang Gaoxian, walked weakly in the direction of the Yong Kingdom.

He looked into the distance with reminiscence in his eyes: "Yong Kingdom has no shortage of brave men."

He said like this: "The Lanhe River was once dyed red, and there were piles of corpses under Suolongguan. The prime minister guarded Jing'an, and the young and strong in the mansion refused to go north...but the sun is declining!

"The national power is declining day by day, no matter how hard you and I try, it will be useless. How many people with lofty ideals, how many loyal patriots, year after year, finally drifting away.

"I have experienced the period when the Yong Kingdom was strong.

"I have seen an ambitious hero who sent his troops to the north, intending to unite with the alliance of the five northwestern countries, even to the far west, to compete with the country of Jing.

"I have seen young people with dreams in their hearts, galloping on the land of Yong Kingdom, riding their horses and whips.

"When I was the crown prince, there was no hope for the country. I ascended the throne and became a puppet for a hundred years. I watched the country's decline, and my heart ached so badly that I couldn't sleep at night!

"At that time, I thought..."

His tone was full of expectation: "It's good that the Yong Kingdom continues to grow stronger."

He was gratified, sad, but sincerely said: "The sky of the Yong Kingdom is infinitely vast, and the people of the Yong Kingdom continue to compete with each other, and everyone can compete in the Dragon Gate... that's fine."

He refused to be supported, walked at the forefront of the group, and led the group of high-ranking empires home. And finally said--

"Dayong Changzhi, you don't have to be surnamed Han."



The long river is thousands of miles away, wearing a green shirt, walking on the long river.

The reflection of a person on the river is like a boat. He will steer this lonely boat and go all the way.

He was not in a hurry.

The more heartbroken and murderous he was, the more he told himself - don't worry.

This opportunity is not easy, must... must not be missed.

On the 27th day of the twelfth lunar month in the 3917th year of the Dao calendar, he lost his hometown forever. Carrying his sister on his back, he ran away desperately, traveling all the way, wandering so far.

Today is the 3923rd year of the lunar calendar, the second day of February.

It has been five years and two months, nearly 1,900 days, about 23,000 hours.

Each of these hours he measured with suffering. Every minute of these moments, he filled them with practice.

Don't dare to slack off!

In these years, he hasn't had a good night's sleep, and every time he closes his eyes, he always looks like the old one.

At the age when he should be the most vigorous in his life, he shoulders the responsibility and walks with a heavy load. Jiang Mengxiong said that he "doesn't look like a teenager", and his friends thought he was "suffering and hating".

He can't let go, he is dull, he is clumsy, he dare not be loved and loved.

He finally wanted to give himself an explanation.

He wants to give that boy in time an explanation.

He wants an explanation for those who can no longer speak out and stand up.

Although this so-called confession... has been long overdue!

Changhe Qingbo once took a photo, just like he walked all the way, leaving traces every step of the way.

At one point, he stretched out his palm—


A drop of true blood fell and hit his palm, like a raindrop, it fell to pieces.

The palms are completely red.

Pat clap clack clack.

Then it rained. The pouring rain is like a waterfall, on the long calm river, splashing little by little water patterns that will soon dissipate. But new watermarks occurred again.

The raindrops fell on Jiang Wang's long hair and on his blue shirt.

He closed his palms and stayed on the water surface, feeling everything quietly.

In this drop of true blood in the palm is all the information about another real person captured by a real person in the life-and-death battle.

His intelligence collection on Zhuang Gaoxian has been going on for many years.

He thought it was the last time.

Thanks to the book friend "Ken Xiaoyan" for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the Chixin Sky Survey 484 League!

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