Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2035 Meeting from all directions

The sky in Xingyueyuan is clear, but the Baiyujing restaurant is still noisy.

Most of the people who wandered in Xingyueyuan had no status, but they also had their own lives.

In this region where no one cares about, force is the basis for guaranteeing everything, but force is not the only thing.

In the quiet room on the 11th floor of Bai Yujing, there is a large word hanging down, and the beast's mouth swallows incense.

The young master of the Langya Bai family is always willing to live a more refined life when conditions permit.

At this moment, he was sitting cross-legged, with his left hand holding the long sword behind his back, horizontally in front of his body, well-dressed, and his posture was very upright.

As for the Baiyujing restaurant, which is making a lot of money every day, the wealth of the restaurant is not so exaggerated. The "clothing purchase fee" in the expenditure item may bear a lot of responsibility.

Waiter's own clothes.

Those who chop wood and those who are in charge of consecration do not need to dress well.

Dong's family wears a Ruyi fairy clothes all the year round.

It was obvious who the clothes were bought for.

With the sharp edge shining on Yubai's handsome face, he casually took the jug beside him, gulped down the most expensive wine in the shop, and sprayed all of it on the cold front.

The wine beads are fine and evenly spread on every inch of the sharp edge.

He took a snow-white kerchief and slowly wiped his long sword.

This process is very slow.

He didn't miss a single detail, more serious than sitting behind the counter doing the math.

A swordsman must first know his own sword.

The second is to know yourself.

The last thing is to know the opponent.

He used this process to communicate with his own sword for the final time.

A man in plain clothes with a hatchet hanging from his waist stood at the door at some point.

He didn't look back.

Because this person is unstoppable, the world is free.

He just smiled and said: "It has to be this wine mixed with water, the sword is very clean after washing."

Lin Xian asked: "Then why don't you just wash it with water?"

Bai Yuxia said deeply: "Why do people drink alcohol? Drinking is a feeling. The same is true for my sword."

Lin Xian leaned against the door frame and stood with his arms sideways, without saying a word.

Bai Yuxia didn't say much.

This is really not an interesting person.

It's always hard to be fun with too many people on your shoulders.

He polished his longsword and sheathed it. Meticulously straightening the skirt of his clothes, he stood up.

He got up and walked out, and when he brushed past Lin Xian, he said: "Keep our restaurant safe, I'll come back as soon as I go."

It wasn't until this time that Lin Xian said again: "I'll go with you."

Bai Yuxia stopped: "Do you know what I'm going to do?"

Lin Xian shook his head: "I don't know. But I know you're going to find the boss. I should go to something that makes you so serious about wiping your sword."

Bai Yuxia said in the tone of the shopkeeper: "The boss didn't tell you, but he didn't want to hurt you. You shoulder the hope of Rong Guo, so you can't take risks lightly."

"Did the boss tell you?" Although Lin Xian's job was only to be a woodcutter, he was not so convinced.

"He didn't want to tell me at first either. He didn't want to hurt me, or..." Bai Yuxia smiled: "He thought I was too weak to help."

He shook his head chicly: "It's just that I followed him from Qi Kingdom to Demon Realm, from Demon Realm to Lost Realm, from Lost Realm to Xingyueyuan, and got along day and night. I really can't think of any way for him to hide it from me."

"Aren't you afraid of being implicated?" Lin Xian asked again.

Bai Yuxia said: "I have already left the Langya Bai Clan and separated from the Yue Kingdom. I am a lonely ghost, and I can't implicate anyone else except the owner himself."

"I'm not afraid either." Lin Xian said.

"Since the master didn't call you, there is naturally a reason for the master." Bai Yuxia was a little serious: "This matter has a lot to do with it. Even the little holy monk of Jingli, he is hiding it from the truth."

"What other people do is their business." Lin Xian said: "I worship under the door of my master, and I am under his protection and advice. Now when he encounters something, I do nothing. There is no such reason in the world."

Bai Yuxia turned her head and looked at him seriously: "I believe that you, Lin Xian, are a hero who values ​​friendship and despise life and death. But this matter is not as simple as you imagined, and a bad one will affect your country. We all know Your feelings for Rongguo. My boss doesn't want you to go, and neither do I. "

"You said that you are a lonely ghost who just lives in Baiyujing. In fact, I am now too. The person who raised me and taught me is dead, and I have no parents or family. I left everything and came to practice with my master. So there is no implicating anyone, at most Bai Yujing." Lin Xian's voice was like his knife, persistent and powerful: "If I am lucky enough to grow up in the end, of course I will go back to serve the motherland. But now, I have to do What I should do. Today is Bai Yujing's Lin Xian, and Rong Guo's Lin Xian will still be there in the future."

Bai Yuxia stared into his eyes, not seeing any wavering in them.

"Then there is only one last thing left." Bai Yuxia said.

"What's the matter?" Lin Xian asked.

Bai Yuxia took a few steps and pushed open the window on the eleventh floor. The sky light poured into the room, and the wind from the canyon blew his forehead hair head-on.

He said: "The master said, if I can't come before today, then I don't want to die."

At the same time as the voice fell, he had taken a chic step and stepped out of the window.

The beautiful man with skin as white as jade walked above the clear sky, and the wind and clouds were stirred up in an instant, and the heaven and the earth sympathized.

People turned their heads to look at it, the power and power close to the gods came to Tianfeng Valley for a while!

Standing in the very center of the turmoil, Bai Yuxia felt the rising power from every corner of her body, smoothed the turbulent vitality, grasped the violent and orderly sword energy, and expanded her senses almost infinitely.

With a flash in front of his eyes, Lin Xian, who had a glint in his eyes, had already passed through the waterfall of sword energy, and walked to him silently. An imposing manner swaggered towards him, echoing the world at the same time as him.

Today is a good day.

Now is a good time.

Bai Yujing's two gods come together, and they are both the pride of the Yellow River!

The entire Xingyue Plain trembled.

"Then let's go." Bai Yuxia said no more.

At this moment, Lian Yuchan's voice rushed out from the restaurant: "Where are you going? Won't you take me with you?!"

It was she who had sensed the changes in the world, and she didn't know what happened, so she rushed out of the building with her sword in hand——

Such a delicate and delicate girl has become so reckless. Who did you learn this from!

Master, this prosperous world is as you wish!

Bai Yuxia pointed back, a jade-colored sword sealed the window, and stopped Lian Yuchan in the restaurant: "Take a good look at the house, we can't take women with us when we go to brothels!"

Lian Yuchan drew out the opposite sword, and slashed the window fiercely with the sword a few times, only to feel that her breath was stuffy and depressed.

The owner clearly said that I would be the first to come...

"Don't give her a chance to choose?" Lin Xian asked in the fierce wind.

"Forget it." Bai Yuxia said: "Her father is Lian Jingzhi, and this is an irreversible relationship. Besides, there must be someone left in the restaurant? If we are all gone, there are still people who can miss it."

"Bah, bah, bah!" Lin Xian remembered the warning from his boss, and hurriedly said, "Hurry up and bah three times!"



Zhuang Gaoxian laughed and flew away from Han Xu and the others. The moment he turned around, the smile on his face disappeared, and then the laughter also fell silent.

He clearly flew out of the sight of the Yong people, then held his breath, and then returned.

Like a ray of air, a shadow of a tree, there is no trace between heaven and earth. Observing the aura of Han Xu and his party from afar.

These Yong people were very cautious, they gathered together from the beginning to the end, and they never saw any chance.

But Zhuang Gaoxian still waited until these people set foot on the land of Yong Kingdom, then he chose to give up and go to Taixu Mountain Gate.

Killing Han Xu is of course the best choice, but it is already impossible.

Now, it can be regarded as grasping the sub-optimal result.

No matter how you say it, defeating Han Xu stripped away Yong country's qualification to participate in the alliance, which meant that Zhuang country won the next ten years of Zhuang Yong's struggle.

Even if there are representatives of the Mohists to advocate for the Yong Kingdom, the authority they get will inevitably be greatly reduced.

Since ancient times, there is no reason to divide meat without being present!

Since winning such an advantage here.

Then in the next national war, he will not only fight for land resources, but also fight for the real possibility of using the power of the country to support Du Ruhuidong. Once Du Ruhui recorded the "Yuanshi Jade Book", Zhuang Ting would be able to get more support from Yujing Mountain.

If such a virtuous cycle continues and the country is booming, it will be difficult for Jiang Wang to catch up no matter how many times he is talented!

Of course, he no longer intends to give Jiang Wang a chance to catch up...


Zhuang Gaoxian, who was immersed in the bright prospect, suddenly frowned.

At this time, he suddenly figured out, where exactly was the place that he had been faintly feeling wrong all this time——

Even if Han Xu did complete the message transmission in a way he didn't know during the battle. But those people from Yong Kingdom came too timely!

Even if there were fewer people, it would not be able to influence oneself to kill at all. And there are just so many people, the first-class Duke of England, the Prime Minister of the Yong Kingdom...these are all people who hold important positions in the Yong Kingdom, so they can be said to get away as soon as they get away, and they come so neatly?

Rather than saying that they came in time after getting the news, it might as well be ready to respond!

Among the group of nobles from the Yong Kingdom just now, Huaixianghou Yao Qi was someone who had been in contact with him very early, and he had always been eye-catching. But both he and Du Ruhui agreed that this person was not trustworthy, and he was suspected of being a double agent. Based on the principle that what can be used is what can be used, they have been coaxing.

Yao Qi didn't give any hint about today's sudden battle. In other words, if Yao Qi had given a hint, he would have been vigilant earlier.

At this moment, the first thought in Zhuang Gaoxian's mind - this is Han Xu's game! Han Xu's challenge was not to expand after the truth, but to consume himself!

Immediately after that, the second thought popped up - the Mo family wanted to risk the world's displeasure by taking action against themselves!

Of course there are many people who want to kill him.

But he can't think of anyone besides the Mohist who has such executive power, such strength, and such motivation today!

Like Jiang Wang who hates him to the bone, who is indeed threatened, and who will be divided into life and death in the future, don't they have to wait until Dongzhen to have a chance?

It's no wonder that among the people who took care of Han Xu just now, there wasn't a single master of the Mo family!

Isn't it just their efforts to clear the suspicion?

Regardless of how the Mohists plan to avoid the risks afterwards, how to clear up the suspicions—it is true that planting the blame and destroying the corpses is his old business, but now those are the things that the Mohists need to consider.

At this moment, what he has to consider is how Zhuang Gaoxian can get out of the crisis.

The danger has not yet occurred, but at the moment of doubt, he thinks that the danger has already existed.

First erase the possibility of danger, and then verify whether the danger has existed. That's his style of doing things. It is also the root of his standing for so many years.

Thoughts flashed in his mind, he took a big step, leaped thousands of feet into the air, and accelerated towards the endless quicksand.

As thoughtful as he is, Qingzhi is eager to return to Zhuangguo at this moment, but it is easy to fall into a trap. In contrast, the Taixu Mountain Gate, where the world's most powerful people gather at this moment, is the truly safe place!



Hiding in the pre-set battlefield, watching the ruthless pattern that King Chu Jiang had already outlined, King Wuguan didn't feel any sense of security in his heart.

He felt a little cold, maybe it was because of the formation, or maybe it wasn't just because of the formation.

The finally raised corpse jumped its eyelids uneasily.

He swallowed, and opened the internal communication channel of No Door to Hell through the hell mask on his face, and said anxiously: " didn't say that our target is a real person in this world."

"Didn't you say it now?" The boss's voice was very natural.

Wuguan Wang thought to himself, but you don't allow me to leave now.

After all, he still considered his wording, and tentatively said: "This is a real person..."

Yin Guan didn't know where it was hidden, but the voice came clearly: "To be precise, it is a real person who has already fought to the death with another real person in this world and consumed a lot."

Emperor Song also joined the pre-war discussion. His voice was muffled, and he became less and less arrogant: "This is still a king, and we will be wanted afterwards."

Yin Guan asked back: "Aren't we wanted now?"

Emperor Song immediately compromised: "That's all right."

Among several Yamas, King Pingping was the calmest.

He joined Hell No Door, originally to continuously break through himself and speed up his leap in strength. If you don't challenge powerful enemies and face danger, how can you break through?

Although the danger this time is indeed a bit too much...

"We all took this mission voluntarily and came here voluntarily. There is no possibility of turning back. Either leave the organization now and wait to be hunted down by the organization. Or...try to kill another king!"

At the end, his voice was even a little excited.

The last time he killed the useless ruler of You country and plundered the dragon energy of a country, it stimulated the blood of the Yang family in his body, which is said to have been inherited from the surname. Become a god.

If he can successfully kill Zhuang Gaoxian this time and plunder the Dragon Qi of Zhuang Kingdom, how far will his cultivation level rise?

I hope that fellow has been maimed, preferably dying!

King Chu Jiang's voice sounded coldly in the channel: "Here we come."

This sound has cool power, and it spreads out without trace, making the listener's emotions more stable and perception sharper. It is a rare method of wonderful sound.

Of course, there are not many normal people in No Door to Hell, so it's hard to say how stable their emotions can be.

How does the god-facing strongman capture the traces of the real cave-like strongman?

They don't capture the real strong in the cave, they just lie in ambush on the only way for the target to rush to the endless quicksand.

What they lock is this space, not a specific person.

No Door to Hell is a professional killer organization with a lot of experience in challenging powerful enemies.

The death of a statue of Yan Luo made this experience profound and heavy.

Just like a giant falling into the water, it naturally produces ripples. The King of Chujiang set up the formation in advance, and he did the mental calculation without thinking, capturing the ripples in the whole airspace.

But Zhuang Gaoxian came too fast.

Almost at the same time as King Chujiang's words sounded, a majestic and majestic figure in a crown had already passed through the air.

The trap barely had time to take effect!


A man with fluttering long hair and bright green eyes appeared out of nowhere! Its shape is evil and insane, which makes people look forward to it and want to abandon themselves. In the moment that the gods couldn't grasp, he collided fiercely with the figure in the yellow suit with a white background and the flat sky crown on his head!

Yoon Kwon is always like this!

Among all Yan Luo, he is the only one who does not wear a mask and allows the world to pursue him.

He never cared about other people's lives, and he didn't seem to care much about his own.

There is no door to hell under his leadership, always daring to take on the most dangerous tasks, and he is always at the very center of the danger!

Perhaps this is the fundamental reason why the members of the organization are convinced of him even though Hell has no door to change very quickly.

The two figures in the sky merged and separated.

Yin Guan has been accumulating momentum for a long time, waiting for work with ease. Zhuang Gaoxian was in a hurry and dealt with it casually.

Green blood spilled into the sky!

Yin Guan fell down in an instant!

But at the same time, there was a cold wind howling, and goose feather snow fell from the sky.

Hail, like stone bombs, rumbled through the sky.

The temperature dropped sharply, and the coldness penetrated into the soul.

On Zhuang Gaoxian's crown robe, some icicles appeared visible to the naked eye.

The void he stepped on seemed to have turned into a snowfield.

Boundless desolation, thousands of miles frozen.

This is—"Ice Hell!"

The large formation arranged by King Chujiang has been activated, enclosing Zhuang Gaoxian who almost passed by all the time.

Since ancient times, there is only a military formation that can use the real formation of the gods to face the battle cave.

It must be strong soldiers, famous generals, and a powerful army formation, all of which are indispensable.

Be it the rest of the formation boards, formation flags, or formations of any genre, it is impossible to cross the gap between high-level monks due to the ability of the formation builders themselves.

Just like King Chu Jiang is also a master of formations, and he took out the strongest ice hell, which was arranged for a long time in advance, but he almost couldn't even frame anyone.

King Qin Guang used his body to block him, so that this formation could work.

But what's the use?

The real person in this world has insight into this world.

Zhuang Gaoxian flicked his body lightly, and the frost on his clothes disappeared. Stretch your five fingers to the sky, and the sky will be filled with snow!

Earth-level Taoism, returning to the original state!

This is the Taoism derived from "Hunting Tai Wuyuan Gao Shang Yuxu's Qi", it is a part of Yujing Mountain's core Taoism system, and it is also his best Taoism.

Everyone in the world knows that the core Taoism of Yujing Mountain, controlled by the energy of Yuxu, will dominate the world.

In particular, this sect of returning to the original, after years of polishing, in the hands of Zhuang Gaoxian, its power is close to that of heaven-level Taoism, with less consumption, faster speed, and wider scope of application.


Zhuang Gaoxian realized that he had guessed wrong. Or only guessed half.

It is true that someone has a conspiracy against him, and it is stuck at a critical point in his participation in the Taixu League. But not the Mohists. Because the Mo family wants to kill him, there is no need to hire a killer. And it's such a weak killer!

For the Mohists, inviting such ghosts and monsters to take action has no meaning except to make it more difficult to get rid of the liquidation afterwards.

So who could it be? The opponent has such a clear grasp of the general trend of the world, and can capture such a critical moment, but his own strength is not enough, and he needs so many fancy tricks...

His heart became more and more calm, but his face became agitated, and his robe sleeves bulged: "Braves without courage! Han Xu invites you to kill me?! The leader of a country does not think about planning the country or governing the country, but focuses on the affairs of the world. Send it to the assassin! It’s really useless to act like a king!”

Zhuang Gaoxian opened his big hand, and the qi of Yuxu quickly dispersed, and the whole ice hell continued to disintegrate, all of which were collected in his palm, and everything in the "chaos hole" was "returned to Yuan".

But after the flying snow cleared the sky, there were huge clouds descending from the sky.

The darkness obscured the light.

"Yan! Yan! Yan!"

What echoes between heaven and earth is such a whistling sound, so weird! evil! crazy!

Look closely, where is the cloud?

It was clearly an evil bird out of the cage!

It is a swallow without a tail, but it is not small.

The wings spread out, covering the clouds and the moon. The black feathers flew out like a rain of arrows, overwhelming the real people. Those vicious eyes stared at Zhuang Gaoxian, in which hunger and thirst were clearly visible——

I want to eat my head!

Yan Xiao, who was snatched by Ao Kui and resurrected by Ao Kui's "death", and inherited most of Ao Kui's physical strength, is already in full form and possesses the combat power of God's Promenade——Ao Kui stayed on the star The one in the prison cell of the building is a real dragon body close to the emperor's level, that is, Yan Xiao's realm can't keep up, otherwise it will definitely not be at the level of God's presence.

When Jiang Wang entered Senhaiyuan Realm to challenge Yan Xiao for the first time, its left wing was injured, and it had already demonstrated three abilities, namely Yanpei (pecking to death), Yikong (moving out of thin air), and turbulent flow ( Interfere with energy movement, break target defenses).

These three abilities are respectively related to its beak, right wing, and two claws.

At that time, Jiang Wang guessed that when it grows stronger, it may have five abilities.

This is true today.

At the level of God's Prominence, Yan Xiao, in addition to Yan Peck, Move Kong, and Turbulent Flow, also has Fei Yu and Xiao Zhe. One is a large-scale attack, and the other is a terrifying killing method that combines the voice and the soul.

This is the first time Jiang Wang has let it out, and it is also the first battle for it to go out. How can it not perform with all its strength?

[Flying Feather] is approaching, [Xiao Zhe] is about to start, and with a flap of its right wing, it has already jumped in front of Zhuang Gaoxian, taking the lead [Swallow Peck]!

This series of movements is smooth and flowing, showing its ability to fight strictly tempered by Jiang Wang.


Its hard, nearly lethal beak pecked the fist of a real person in the world, and made a long cry like a clash of gold and iron.

Yuxu's qi goes around the fist, it is still "Huangdongguiyuan".

It doesn't require too many fancy choices, but for real people who see the essence of the world, it is enough if it is suitable.

Zhuang Gaoxian has to save his strength to meet the endless challenges.

Since the opponent chooses to make a move at this point in time, this is not the only way to do it!

All the power from Yan Xiao was gathered together by the terrifying Taoist power. Zhuang Gaoxian's fist continued to move forward, shattering these offensives indifferently, and also shattered Yan Xiao!


Just when Zhuang Gaoxian turned around confidently, the dark power surged, and the sinful whistling sounded from within the evil substance——

Yan! Yan! Yan!

Yan Xiao came back from the dead!

Thanks to the book friend "Twilight Sky" for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the Chixin Sky Survey 485 League!

Thanks to the book friend "One Tooth Big Watermelon" for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the Chixin Sky Survey 486 Alliance!


There are 6K in this chapter, two of which are added for the leader "Night Companion Fireworks"!

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