Red Heart Survey

Special episode Fengxi

Special episode Fengxi

To the southeast of Fenglin City, there is a small town with beautiful scenery and simple folk customs.

A small river flows outside the town, and it has been as calm as this town for many years.

The fourteen-year-old boy was handsome, and his eyebrows and eyes gave people a clean and comfortable feeling. A simple military uniform restrained his already beautiful figure. Except for a long sword, there is nothing else on his body, and the whole person looks very neat.

He walked along the creek, answering people's greetings from time to time.

"Hi, Aunt Wang."

"Hello, Aunt Hong."

"just came back."

"have eaten."

The women washing clothes by the river all watched him grow up, and they are very fond of this young man who went to work alone in the city at a young age.

This one pinches his shoulder, that one compares his size.

Finally let him go home.

The young man had hidden worries on his brows, and the concern and sympathy of people walking through this small river made him more and more uneasy.

Walking through the familiar streets, passing by their own drugstore, the guys have no intention of doing business, and all of them have sad faces. The young man didn't go in either, he just passed by, looking for his own house.

Jiang's family is in Fengxi Town, considered a rich family. Jiang's pharmacy is well-known, not to mention the town. There are often people from other towns who would rather walk more than ten miles to come to Jiang's pharmacy to get medicine.

People have such a consensus - there is absolutely no fake medicine to be bought in the Jiangjia Pharmacy, no one's scale will be short, and the medicinal materials purchased must be the best quality in Fenglin City.

The threshold that was considered high when I was young is now easily crossed. In the main room was Aunt Song who came out hearing the voice, her eyes were red and swollen, and she shed tears when she saw the boy.

The boy's heart clenched tightly: "How is my father?"

"Who's here?"

A weak voice came from the bedroom.

Aunt Song wiped away her tears, turned and walked in: "It's Xiao Wang! Xiao Wang is back to see you!"

The boy instinctively raised his footsteps, but suddenly he didn't dare to fall down.

Biting his lower lip, he still walked into the back room after all.

The first thing he saw was a canopy bed, the carvings were old and the paint had long since faded. His gaze hesitated for a few breaths, but he still fell after all.

Then he saw the man who was leaning against the pillow, already out of shape. The skinny hands on the quilt, hidden under the sleeves, looked at him tenderly with those eyes that were no longer bright.

The two looked at each other without speaking immediately.

The young man looked down, and there was a round stool in front of the canopy bed. On the stool was a medicine bowl, and the black medicine soup in the bowl was emitting heat.

Two-year-old Jiang An'an knelt behind this round stool. Before he entered the door, she was puffing her cheeks and blowing vigorously into the medicine bowl in front of her.

Now meeting his elder brother's gaze, Wu Liuliu's eyes were fixed there.

"Hot," she said.

Jiang Changshan on the bed laughed: "The medicine is too hot, she is cooling me down."

At this time, the teenager started to have a sore nose.

For some reason he couldn't help it.

He is clearly an adult.

"Why are you back?" Jiang Changshan asked again.

"I wrote to him and told him." Aunt Song helped him add a pillow to make him lean more comfortably, her words choked with sobs.

Jiang Changshan's tone was a little helpless: "I didn't blame you, why did you cry first, in front of the child..."

Aunt Song stopped her sobs, but the tears fell down in big ones.

Jiang Changshan raised his hand, trying to wipe away her tears, but he couldn't.

His thin hands fell back like this, and he sighed weakly.

The little Jiang An'an knelt on the ground, looked at his father, at his mother, and at his brother, feeling at a loss.

The boy walked over, picked up Jiang Anan, and held him in his arms. Hands full of calluses, gently supporting her little head

Jiang An'an's round face rested on his neck with peace of mind.

Jiang Changshan on the hospital bed looked at them quietly with relief in his eyes.

"I haven't seen you in half a year, has Xiao Wang grown taller again?" He asked Song Ruyi.

"It's almost taller than you." Song Ruyi said, wiping away tears.

Looking at his son, Jiang Changshan was quite satisfied, and asked, "When is the exam for the outer gate of Fenglin City Daoist Academy?"

"Next month." The boy replied.

"Do you have any money? Ruyi, you put that drawer—"

The young man interrupted him: "I have made many friends in the city. My swordsmanship is very good now, I can take on some easy tasks, and I can earn money by myself."

As he said that, he untied a money bag from his back and put it in Aunt Song's hand, "Use these for treatment first, and if it's not enough, I'll think of a way."

"How much did you earn?" Jiang Changshan smiled.

Song Ruyi untied the tether and showed him that there were mostly silver in it, some whole ingots, some pieces, and some knife money.

Jiang Changshan was stunned for a long time before saying: "My son has grown up."

The tone couldn't tell what it was like, it seemed to be relieved, and it seemed to be lost.

"So you can rest easy and recuperate." The boy said, "Don't worry about money, and don't worry about me."

Jiang Changshan was silent for a while: "Ruyi, it's time for An'an to go to bed, you take her to rest first. Let Xiaowang bring me this bowl of medicine later."

Song Ruyi knew that the father and son had something to say, so she put the money bag beside the bed, walked over and took An An away.

"How is it?" Jiang Changshan asked, "Are you confident about the exam next month?"

The boy bent down to pick up the bowl of medicine, scooped it up with a spoon, and replied casually: "Yes."

Jiang Changshan then smiled with satisfaction, and just finished drinking the bowl of medicine with a smile under the young man's service.

"Isn't it bitter?" the boy asked.

"I can't taste whether it's bitter or not." Jiang Changshan said with a smile, "The sense of taste has long since disappeared."

"Then you still laugh."

"My heart is sweet."

The young man said nothing. Putting the medicine bowl aside, he put his hands back under the covers. When holding the skinny palm, his hand couldn't help shaking.

Jiang Changshan felt all this silently, and then said: "Father really has to leave this time."

The boy helped him tuck the quilt: "There is always a way."

"This disease can't be cured." Jiang Changshan said slowly: "I've already sold a shop, so I won't drag you down any longer."

"I told you not to worry about this...don't worry about it."

"Listen to Dad." Jiang Changshan looked at him gently and with a smile: "Father is in the medicine business and has dealt with patients all his life. He is very clear about his situation.

"There may be a way to find out two years earlier.

"Now it's just hanging with money and suffering in vain.

"Father's life is quite smooth. I was lucky enough to meet your mother, fell in love with her, lucky to have a son like you, lucky to have a daughter An An, lucky to meet your aunt, and she treats me sincerely. The villagers are willing to take care of the family's business. My neighbors and friends are very nice to me...

"Father is used to enjoying blessings, but not suffering.

"Don't make me hold on anymore."

Having said that, he frowned: "It's too uncomfortable to lie on the bed like now."

The boy sat on the edge of the bed.

After a long silence, he said, "I'll stay with you."

Jiang Changshan's eyes became serious: "Have you forgotten why you went to Fenglin City?"

"Have you forgotten your childhood ideal?"

"You want to be extraordinary, you want to fly to the sky, slay demons and eliminate demons, you want to serve the country and protect one side... Can it be realized in front of my hospital bed?"

The boy lowered his head: "I don't want to think about that now."

"You can't cry." Jiang Changshan said softly: "You are the eldest son of the Jiang family, and you will take care of your younger sister in the future. If you only know how to cry, what will she do?"

"I didn't cry."

Jiang Changshan wanted to pat him on the shoulder, and wanted to stand up to see how tall his son was.

But only lying down.

He tried his best to keep his voice from being painless, and he said as lightly as possible: "The family doesn't need you. Your aunt can take care of me, your sister can make me happy, and the daily income from the shop is enough for us to live on.

"The most important thing you should do now is to go back to the city and prepare for your exam well. Get the quota of the outer gate of Fenglin City Taoist Academy, and then come to tell me the good news. You have worked hard for so long, there should be a result, What do you say?"

"There will be a result." The boy said.

"Then go back... go back now." Jiang Changshan said weakly: "Father is also tired and wants to sleep."

The boy looked at him: "Will you wait for me to come back?"

"Of course." Jiang Changshan smiled: "When did Dad ever lie to you?"

In front of the hospital bed, the young man promised his father: "If only one person can pass the Taoist examination, then that person will be me."

Jiang Changshan closed his eyes in satisfaction: "A man cannot stand without faith, Jiang Wang, what a man said must be fulfilled. I will wait for your first place."

After the boy got up and walked out of the room.

He murmured again: "My child. Fengxi Town is too small. You have to see the world farther away."

The three free episodes that Mr. Qin has won for everyone have all been updated.

Praise Mr. Qin~

After killing this debt collector, I will continue to write tomorrow's update.

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