Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2036 Someone Rainbow Comes Up

Yan Xiao is crazy and evil, and he is not afraid of death at all.

The power left behind by Ao Kui is not extinguished, and it can be resurrected continuously.

That part of the core of power is still imprisoned in Jiang Wang's Yuheng star building. It is not only Jiang Wang's means to control it, but also can be supplemented with star power at any time.

At this moment, he had just recovered, so he flapped his right wing and rushed to Zhuang Gaoxian.

What a vanguard!

Zhuang Gaoxian turned back and opened his hands, Yuxu's qi stretched into thousands of strands, intertwined into a cage, mixed with one qi, and imprisoned Yan Xiao in it.

Yan Xiao was so vicious and rebellious that he hit the cage with his beak!

With Zhuang Gaoxian's realm, of course he would not give this vicious bird another chance to consume him. Open a cage to imprison the swallow with one hand, and trace its origin at the same time. He wants to find the root of this Yan Xiao's resurrection and completely erase it.

Yan Xiao and even the birds of evil were born in the original evil.

Even if he can kill the truth in a haste, he can't kill the spirit. And the source of the resurrection of this thing is not here...

Just as Zhuang Gaoxian's gaze leaped up to the distant sky, the first thing he saw was a scorching sun.

The brilliant sun is coming from the east, and the boundless dragon energy is fully in full swing!

King Equality made a move at this moment, and the moment he made a move, it was the strongest killing method, controlling Lie Yang with dragon energy, and he was unparalleled.

The timing was perfect.

This blow can be regarded as a strong god.

"The royal family of the Yang Kingdom?" Zhuang Gaoxian is the king of a country after all, with extensive knowledge, he recognized his heels at a glance, and then disdainfully scolded: "You are actually a thief!"

Then hover the prisoner Yan Qi cage on the side, let go and press it, and return to the original place!

Everyone saw that his crown was fluttering and he was holding a scorching sun.

With the help of Yuxu's qi, he gathered all the violent power of the Great Sun Golden Flame Jue, took this fierce sun into his palm, and smashed it apart!

This is the oppressive power of real people in this world!

King Equality, who was hiding in the distance, was blown out of his hiding place by the force of backlash, spurting blood like a fountain!

In his left hand, Zhuang Gaoxian was still holding the Son of Heaven Saber that he had snatched from Han Xu, and a flash of sword light chased it out, piercing the clouds and chasing the sun, killing souls. But there was a coil of green light, scattered with thousands of strands of evil force, which wrapped this person into the ice and snow.


Zhuang Gaoxian didn't chase after him, Shi Shiran turned around, opened his fist with a feeling of being extremely slow in his vision, and dropped his fist very quickly.

Then he calmly turned around and punched, just right on a bloody coffin!

Wuguan Wang made a move at this moment, and in the gusts of wind, there was a strange force hitting the coffin, making a teeth-piercing creaking sound. He is terrorizing.

But in Zhuang Gaoxian's's ridiculous.

What is a real person?

Thoughts move and laws move, heaven and earth are ordered, and all laws are true!

The moment the fist touched the blood coffin, the blood coffin was already shattered. Hidden in the blood coffin, the body that was still accumulating strength was easily crushed.

This fist wipes everything out!

The boundless blood is empty!

Zhuang Gaoxian, who has experienced many battles, let out a sigh of relief this time.

These killers are slippery one by one, so it is difficult to kill them, so one must be killed first!

But his brow furrowed again.


The one who was killed... was a corpse!

Zhuang Gaoxian was in a mess for a while.

Of course he had heard of the organization Hell has no Door, but he didn't know it was so weird. Yan Xiao was resurrected again, and it was a fake corpse in a blood coffin, and there was nothing serious about it. What kind of broken organization is this killer, who is not good at killing people, and has so many tricks to escape?

He raised his eyes to search, but King Qin Guang and King Pingping were gone, hanging in the cage in front of him, and Yan Xiao was also missing. King Chujiang, who was manipulating the formation, didn't show his face from the beginning to the end, and the entire ice hell exploded in an instant!

Those who work in an organization with extremely high risks like Hell No Door, who don't know how to save their lives, will have died long ago, so there is no need to wait until Zhuang Gaoxian comes to collect them today.

Just like the Song Emperor, he is not as powerful as Yin Guan, nor has many corpses to replace like Wu Guanwang, so he simply...doesn't make a move.

Like a huge maggot, curled up there motionless.

It was agreed that he had fought to the death with another real person in the present world, and the consumption was huge?

Where did it all go?

I thought he was here to besiege and kill a dying old, weak, sick and disabled version of the real person, but now this guy is clearly alive and well! King Qin Guang couldn't bear those punches one after another, and King Chujiang's ice hell seemed to have nothing, and Yan Xiao, King Pingping, and King Wuguan couldn't stop a face-to-face meeting.

That's a fart.

Those who know current affairs are heroes, and a gentleman cannot stand under a dangerous wall!

But at this time, King Qin Guang's voice sounded in his ears——

"Give him a sword."

Emperor Song wanted to cry but had no tears: "How can I give this? If you give it to me, it will be gone!"

King Qin Guang's voice was calm, it was an ultimatum: "If you stab, you run away. If you don't stab with a sword, you are not here for nothing? There is no way to hell."

Emperor Song was inexplicably sad and angry, but he still roared and threw out the epee that he had carried with him for many years. Then he jumped out of the hiding place, like a feathered arrow leaving the string, in the sharp whistling sound, he rushed to the distance without looking back.

His epee roared in the air, facing him in the opposite direction, and the huge reverse thrust generated by the epee's sweeping Yuanli also accelerated his escape. This sword he had no choice but to let go, gathered energy in the air, mixed with the rules, instantly transformed into a giant, fell from the sky, and cut Zhuang Gaoxian with the sword!

The true biography of Confucianism, the sword of righteousness in the world!

Great righteousness is like a mountain, just like a hundred-foot-high peak crushing fine ants.

Zhuang Gaoxian was caught in the explosion of the icy hell, and then received this sword again, his face was blue for a while.

There is no reason for this.

Hit and run, hit and run.

The real people in the world, the lords of a country, will you practice your hands for these stinky rats in the gutter?

With a punch in the face, he shattered the Great Righteousness Sword of the World, and smashed the body into pieces together with force and intent. With another backhand sword, he saw the true nature, and cut open the whole ice hell in the explosion very clearly!

The berserk primordial force and the blasted air wave stopped and dissipated in an instant.

Every bit of ice edge and every inch of snow was chopped into pieces.

Refracting the light of the sky, it actually erected a rainbow in the sky.

Then crackling.

It's raining all over the sky!

The sky seems to be divided into many layers.

Showers pour down and see rainbow again.

Zhuang Gaoxian had no intention of admiring the scenery, but deliberately shot out with anger, and chased up to kill the annoying assassins, but he still held back, turned around and continued to go to Taixu Mountain Gate.

With his wisdom, it is impossible for him to be led by this group of people and get rid of the unknown situation at this moment, and there will be opportunities to settle the matter afterwards!

But at this time, he couldn't help but look up at the rainbow again, the rainbow in the rain——

Someone came up.

It was a man in a green shirt, and a man with a sword in his hand.

The flying rainbow under your feet is like time, and time has turned a boy into a youth.

His footsteps staggered rapidly on the Hongqiao, extremely fast and heavy, every step seemed to break through mountains and rivers, and finally he died without saving or looking back.

So strong!

So resolute!

There is only one person in the world.

A wild ghost outside Fenglin City, Erlang who has left his hometown.

I have never heard of it before, but it is such a Jiang Wang!


Of course Zhuang Gaoxian knew that Jiang Wang would come to kill him.

From the first time he heard this name at the Yellow River Meeting, and knew his background that he didn't hide too much, he knew that this confrontation was inevitable.

He also never prides himself on his identity, and has tried many times to kill him when he is not mature.

Even this time, he planned to finish participating in the Taixu League and rush to do it after the Dragon Palace Banquet.

But he really didn't expect that it was Jiang Wang who wanted to intercept him on the way to the alliance.

How is this possible?

How could Shenlin defeat Dongzhen?

Stronger than Chongxuan Chuliang, the former No. 1 god in the Eastern Region, his best record was running for his life under the hands of a real person.

He is as strong as Huang Jinmo, possesses almost unsolvable supernatural powers, has mastered Huang Weizhen's seal of the Mountain and Sea Code, possesses the lethal power of Dongzhen... he is not the opponent of Daoist Tiangong, and is still a prisoner of Jucheng.

He has always known that, and he believes that some insiders also judged in the same way--the day Jiang Wang achieves the truth, he will desperately come to kill him.

From the day Jiang Wang left Qi, this was what was bound to happen.

Fame, power, future... This young genius gave up everything and bet everything to fight him to the death.

Although he couldn't understand the so-called unforgettable, but he was fully prepared. From the national formation to various trap layouts, he didn't even rule out that if Jiang Wangdong was really too powerful, he would give up all the possibility of going to Yujing Mountain to practice.

As for the possibility that Jiang Wang's hole is real now...

Jiang Wang is only twenty-three years old this year.

Li Yi, who broke the historical record, also achieved Dongzhen at the age of 26.

Even as cautious as him, he even specially invited someone to visit Jiang Wang at Xingyueyuan to get a relatively accurate time. The answer he got was—Jiang Wang didn't have a real possibility for the time being.

That was last October.

Couldn't this "temporary" be erased after just four months?

He has always been the one who took the initiative to attack Jiang Wang. In contrast, Jiang Wang never even scolded him in public. He knew that Jiang Wang was being patient, and he believed that Jiang Wang still needed to be patient!

If this kid dares to kill him now...

How can it be?

When he saw those killers, he finally faced up to this absurd conjecture.

Until now, verified as reality.

When Jiang Wangzhen appeared in front of him, stepped on the rainbow, and charged him with a decisive attitude, he felt that everything was not so absurd.

Everything is traceable.

Just as he already knew Jiang Wang very well, he believed that Jiang Wang also knew him seriously.

It is true that only at this time when God is still here, only today when he is participating in the Taixu League, Jiang Wang can kill him by surprise and by surprise.

But what are you going to do?

Rely on those third-rate killers who can run faster than ghosts.

With your frail sword?

Jiang Wang didn't speak, neither did Zhuang Gaoxian.

In the only clear and intensifying sound of footsteps.

Zhuang Gaoxian faced this person, this sword, this flying rainbow, opened his right hand wide, his crown fluttered, and divine light exploded all over his body, as if the emperor of heaven came to the world, holding everything in his palm.

Jiang Wangming came with strides, but his figure was retreating!

The more the strong killing intent concentrated on Zhuang Gaoxian, the more it couldn't reach it, the more it fell into the void. The boundless sword energy is like flying leaves, and the infinite sword light seems to be in the water!

Supernatural powers, polar opposites!

Make the opponent's goal contrary to reality, the more you want to achieve, the less you will be able to achieve it!

You want to get closer, but go further and further away.

You want to escape, but you throw yourself into a trap!

Zhuang Gaoxian was more serious than ever, and he lifted his hole card in a face-to-face meeting, giving the greatest respect to a monk who came to God. Even Emperor Yong Han Xu was hit hard when he saw this supernatural power at a critical moment of life and death!

He never underestimates the enemy, never relaxes, never gives a chance.

It's not just the goshawk fighting the rabbit, he wants to smash eggs with high mountains, fill cups with mud with long rivers, and with irreparable and overwhelming strength, he will solve this henchman's troubles neatly and neatly!

He wants to give Jiang Wang the deepest despair.

He wanted Jiang Wang to know that all these years of hard work and struggle were wrong from the very beginning! Contrary to each other!

Disloyal ministers should be sentenced to death.

Those who betray the country are unpardonable!

After destroying Jiang Wang's killing intent and sword intent, Zhuang Gaoxian easily rebelled against his supernatural powers, and pulled Jiang Wang to him like a ball of mud in his palm. And in his left hand, he held the emperor's saber that he had snatched from Han Xu, slashing it with boundless killing intent, reaching the truth of his own destiny!

But he found that there was no panic in Jiang Wang's eyes.

But he found that Jiang Wang didn't seem to be pulled back at all, Jiang Wang was still charging! Like he did at the beginning!

Zhuang Gaoxian did his best from the beginning, and Jiang Wang certainly had no reservations.

Having penetrated Han Xu's drop of true blood, Jiang Wang had already had a deep rehearsal for the first match of this fight.

During the 1,900 days and nights before he came to Zhuang Gaoxian, he imagined this battle countless times.

It was the first time that he showed his killing intent and confronted Zhuang Gaoxian head-on, but he didn't just start hating him today!

He stepped on the rainbow under his feet, and the heat on his body had already dried up the rain.

The frost draped in the sky is like a hunting flag!

Brilliant flames flowed around him.

His eyes are blood-red, the redness of red gold, covering up the immortal gold for the first time!

He is not calm!

But his hand on the hilt of the sword is still like a sea reef in the waves.

Boom boom boom!

The Flaming City descended from the sky.

Pieces of totem steles rose from the ground.

Flame flowers, flame sparrows, flame meteors... The true source of the fire world spread out in front of Zhuang Gaoxian.

Then came the voiceprint that should have been invisible, showing a powerful essence at this moment, like waves circling around. All power related to sound is controlled here. All voices that touch this domain come to worship.

It's for...the Sound of the Immortal Realm!

This is not over yet, the howling wind, the sound of steam being scorched by the rain, the lonely echo of the vast land, and even the sound of the drum in the sky...all under the control of the powerful spiritual sense, the howling made a sword sound!

The sound of swords surrounds here, and the sword energy is flying around. The sword energy is imitated in thousands, there are strong men in their twilight years, and the setting sun is setting. There are famous people who are down and out, drunk and crazy. Youthful spirit, unrestrained publicity... The Boundless Sword is transformed into a furnace, forming a boundary, and casting a front.

This is the third spiritual domain created by Jiang Wang, with swordsmanship as the core and humanity as the foundation, to achieve the Yan Fu Sword Prison!

Those who live in Yanfu are also in the world.

This idea has been around for a long time, and it has been tried many times in the illusory world, but it is the first time it has been shown in this world.

The Fire Realm of True Origin, the Immortal Realm of Sound and Hearing, and the Yanfu Sword Prison, the combination of these three makes him almost independently complete the idea of ​​creating the world, in his own spiritual world...

Creation is true!

He is not really Dongzhen yet, but within the scope of his own spiritual domain, it is enough to "simulate".

In this way, he became the Three Realms, stepped on the seven colors, and crossed the five elements. In front of the rapidly approaching Zhuang Gaoxian, Jiang Wang pulled out his long-silent sword——

"Sword! That's not how it's used!"

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