Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2037 Awakening Dreams in Dragon Palace, Become Three Realms

After escaping for a long time, Emperor Song felt sorry for his sword, and sent a message to Yan Luo through the mask: "Boss, it seems that someone went to the battlefield just now. Shall we go back and have a look?"

At this time, several Yan Luos fled in different directions, and everyone tried their best to escape out of breath.

King Qin Guang's voice was heard clearly in everyone's ears: "Let's go! We have other tasks!"

As soon as he heard that there was still a mission, Emperor Song immediately said: "I lost my sword, and my combat power has been greatly reduced, or..."

King Equality also said faintly: "I am seriously injured..."

"Where are you going?" Wuguan Wang asked with lingering fear.

This time, he had to ask about the mission clearly even if he said anything, and anyone who didn't know the details of the mission would be regarded as a fraud, and he was determined not to go.

Even dare to take orders from real people, this leader is too crazy!

Qin Guangwang only said: "Zhuangguo."

Zhuangguo's only real person is abroad, and Zhuangguo at this time...

Emperor Song regained his energy, thinking of his beloved sword that would never return, he said viciously: "Who will kill!?"

Only King Chu Jiang followed King Qin Guang in a cave that was opened up in advance. Watching him take out various materials from the storage box, combined with the stone platform that had been prepared, he quickly piled up an evil altar.

A little green light fell on the altar.

Then Bi Yan twisted, baring her teeth and claws!

"You take them to kill Du Ruhui and Huangfu Duanming. Do it cleanly."

King Qin Guang casually handed over the black cage containing Yan Xiao, and ordered so.

He hung the Yama mask on his waist and stepped up to the center of the altar. With one hand behind the back, the other hand with the index finger and middle finger, and lightly wiped in front of the eyes——

At this moment, the long hair grew crazily, even hanging down to the ankles. Green eyes streamed, endless death like a group of fireflies, densely covered this cave. His aura is rising steadily, skyrocketing!

Knowing King Qin Guang for so long, it was the first time that King Chu Jiang saw King Qin Guang use the altar. Although he obeyed his orders and went out, his voice couldn't help but stay behind: "He can't give you this reward." get up."

"It doesn't matter." King Qin Guang on the altar was completely insane, and his voice sounded like a thousand voices: "Life is long."



Ding ding ding ding! Boom! Boom!

In the Dragon Palace, the sound of the zither became more and more urgent.

Once the sky demon dances, there are only flying sleeves but no people.

The gray sleeves are like the simplest paintbrush, but they have extraordinary accomplishments, weaving all kinds of illusions in the hall, making people recall the world of mortals.

Those who appreciate this qin dancer in the palace are all intoxicated.

Only Zhao Wuyan looked at Ye Qingyu with a slightly worried look.

Ye Qingyu played this song "Bingwu Breaking the Array" without any problems. But the technique of playing and the way of interpretation are beyond her cultivation.

It's like you only have the strength of a hundred catties, but you have to lift a thousand catties.

Now it is very reluctant, and it is all covered by skill. The further the score goes, the more difficult it will be to control.

"Music of Bingwu Breaking the Array" is not an ordinary piece, it is a famous piece through the ages, and it takes a lot of effort to play. It's like burning blood and dripping marrow to light an oil lamp. If you try your best, you will be easily swallowed by the music. In the end, the oil will run out and the lamp will dry up without knowing it.

Yuzhen Tianmowu was originally swimming in the music, suppressing power and deliberately accommodating. But as Ye Qingyu's piano sound became more and more urgent, the more she danced, the more immersed she was in it. Two-phase traction, one after another, the piano and dance became more and more intense.

Just as he was thinking about whether to take a shot to stop it, he suddenly saw clouds and mist coming out between Ye Qingyu's ten fingers. Clouds and mists change, forming seal scripts one after another.

The sound of the piano became smooth all of a sudden.

Zhao Wuyan also relaxed.

The so-called "using the cloud to seal, order to determine the world" is also the cloud seal.

The essence of Yunzhuan is "order and seal", and the performance of Yunzhuan is "replacement". Yunzhuan supernatural powers have been cultivated to a high level, and can even completely replace talismans.

In ancient times, there was a strong Taoist with this supernatural power, which made Yunzhuan become a synonym for talismans, replacing a certain practice system with a single supernatural power!

Talismans and talismans can be regarded as a kind of certificate. Practitioners have cultivated various certificates to summon ghosts and gods and call wind and rain. Just like military strategists use tiger talismans to mobilize troops and horses, and officials use orders to rule a place. The tiger charms are different, and the soldiers and horses mobilized are also different. Different orders and seals have different powers.

And with Ye Lingxiao's help, Ye Qingyu obtained a higher-level "certificate" in advance, so that the supernatural powers can blossom before the gods come!

With the supernatural powers that bloomed first, Ye Qingyu's road to the gods will go more smoothly in turn.

It is rare in ancient and modern times to have supernatural powers blossom without the arrival of the gods. That is to say, the special top-level supernatural power of Yunzhuan can do things like this. That is to say, a highly intelligent and powerful person like Ye Lingxiao can conceive and realize it in this way.

From Chi Yunshan's plucking of magical fruits, to his experience on the Wunan battlefield, to the present, every step of Ye Qingyu's practice is based on Ye Lingxiao's almost perfect design.

This is even just one of the paths.

She did grow up in a greenhouse, but that didn't mean she wasn't talented or strong enough.

Suffering is not something to be missed.

It is never the pain that makes people grow, but the self who refuses to surrender in the face of pain!

For Ye Lingxiao, the meaning of his hard work is to save his daughter from having to work so hard. Everything he has painstakingly paved the way for Ye Qingyu to walk a safe and windless road to being a strong man.

Just like Jiang Wang conquered the world, went through hundreds of calamities, experienced thousands of difficulties, and only wanted Jiang Anan to be happy and safe.

But the fate of life is unpredictable, Ye Lingxiao probably never thought that his precious daughter who was born on the clouds would have any intersection with a small town boy who came out of a sea of ​​blood.

Ye Qingyu herself didn't know when her heart was messed up.

Fingertip strings can still be stroked.

Heartstrings, how to set?

At this moment, she was playing the music composed by the Emperor of the Middle Ages, and her heartstrings were also tense.

Where is Jiang Wang now?

Has the battle already begun?

After so many years of working so hard, will he win what he wants?

Amidst the dense clouds and mists, Ye Qingyu became more and more ethereal, but she played faster and faster, more and more anxiously, on the Jiaoweiqin, it seemed as if there were thousands of troops charging into battle, and thousands of horses galloping together!

Yuzhen's dancing posture is getting heavier and heavier, as if she is carrying a heavy debt!

People's sense of hearing and sight is becoming more and more tense, and they are completely immersed in the scene created by "Bing Wu Breaking the Battle", as if they have come to the bloody battlefield.

Recalling the past, the human emperor chased the dragon emperor, beheaded the dragon emperor's nine sons to form nine towns, and the river was completely red!


In the last intense coda, everything came to an abrupt end.

Dreaming of Dragon Palace.

Yuzhen bowed his head and stood still, stroking his face with his hands, which was already covered by the mask with the bodhi branches horizontally.

Ye Qingyu stopped there firmly, stroking the strings with both hands, bleeding from all ten fingers.

Clouds turned into drizzle.

On her long eyelashes, there also seemed to be mist.

"Everyone who has a burden and refuses to let it go."

"All those who have obsessions and cannot look back."

"To all who have traveled a long and difficult journey..."

"I will use this song...for you!"



Ding ding ding ding! Boom! Boom!

The wind in my ear is like the sound of a piano.

Jiang Wang's powerful superiority of mind and soul can only be deeply reflected in the divine presence where spiritual consciousness can manifest itself and interfere with reality.

Among the monks of God's presence in his age group, no one's spiritual realm can be compared with his.

This is not only the power of the soul, but also the accumulation of unparalleled knowledge.

His Shravaka Immortal Realm was completed in the Divine Firmament World, and his True Source Fire Realm was completed in the Floating Land World.

He has experienced mountains and seas, and his fantasies have come true.

He once witnessed the leap of the world of the gods.

He also witnessed the collapse of the Saha Dragon Realm.

He watched the long history of the floating land.

He has seen many semi-detached, detached encounters!

At the end of the floating land world, he did not seek the truth from Wu Hangong.

Because he already got it.

His perfect method of truth, he already knows how to ask for it.

But he wants something more than Dongzhen. He knew it, and Chong Xuansheng knew it very well.

So there is today.

So he participated in the Dragon Palace Banquet, but left halfway.

Joong Hyun Seung always has a hard time understanding him, but always supports him in the end.

Today, he is still far away from Dongzhen.

But when he controls the fire in this world, the voice in this world, and the sword in this world.

How can people say that he has not penetrated the truth of this world?

At least within the range covered by the spiritual realm, at this terrifying moment when he became the Three Realms, he got the truth!

It is not the truth of the hole but has the combat power of the hole.

He is definitely the top god in the world!

Zhuang Gaoxian looked at Jiang Wang at this moment, and he found that he couldn't see clearly.

There are mixed lights and shadows outside this person, there are raging fire and flowers, the birth and death of sword energy, and the sound of Hong Zhong Da Lu and the sound of nature.

The only thing he could see clearly was the pair of eyes that did not hide their hatred, the crimson pupils overwhelmed all the light.

as well as……

Jiang Wang pulled out the sword at this moment.

The sword that has never been unsheathed since returning from the floating land world.

After the sword came out, it even escaped the senses.

Jiang Wang and his sword didn't seem to exist, and even his instinctive vigilance was blurred.

What an assassin's sword!

Within five steps, the emperor will be splashed with blood.

Zhuang Gaoxian smiled coldly: "Wouldn't I not notice if you hide it from the bottom?"

Golden air rose up around his body, taking the shape of a dragon.

Dressed in a yellow suit with a white background, he is so majestic at this moment that he can take life and death!

It is the so-called Dragon Qi of the Son of Heaven!

The emperor has a destiny, and the guests of the world serve.

With the eight handles in hand, who would dare not obey?

Whatever shape, sound, smell, taste, touch, where can you escape?

At this moment, he commanded the world, searched all five senses, and accurately captured the opponent!

Then, he heard the sword cry.

At this time, Yiming! Yongming!

He tried his best to catch it, so he amplified his five senses, which in turn amplified Jiang Wang's sword.

This is the best choice at this moment, but in the whole situation, it is not.

Jiang Wang is too well prepared!

Zhuang Gaoxian's world of ear awareness was completely covered by this sword cry.

As a result, he didn't hear that slight "click" sound.

On the long river, there is a man with dirty hair, dragging his spear backwards, and stepping on the water.

Zhuang Gaoxian's visual world was turned white by the light of the sword.

From this, he did not see that besides the sword light, there is also a sword light.

On the inaccessible Tianma Plateau, which was jointly blocked by Jing, Mu and Jing, there was a man with an unshaven beard and a sad face, sitting on a high cliff, facing the long river.

Zhuang Gaoxian actively magnified his five senses, which in turn blinded him, making him intimidated by Jiang Wang's sword.

The so-called supreme god in the world, the only one he has really come into contact with is Huang Jinmo.

Today he met the second one.

Fear arises from this!

With his eyes and ears that penetrate the world, he can be disturbed, even for a tiny moment, which made him feel the power of ancient immortal arts that prevailed in the world.

The Dragon Qi of the Son of Heaven endowed him with infinite prestige. When he instantly erased the interference given by the Ear Immortal and Eye Immortal, what he saw was the shifting of the Big Dipper in the sky, and the white snow falling from the sky.

With one sword, winter is all over the world!

Experience the killing of God's will for yourself, the extinction of all things.

From this he knew why Jiang Wang dared to teach him how to use a sword!

The sword in Zhuang Gaoxian's hand has already been handed out, but he did not choose to collide head-on. Instead, he used the opposite direction again, causing Jiang Wang, who was approaching with the sword, to keep flying back.

With his eyesight, it is not difficult to see that maintaining the state of being in the Three Realms and pretending to be real at this moment consumes a terrible amount of spiritual consciousness, and there are not many gods in the world who can bear it.

Under such a cognitive premise, it is obviously the most correct choice to fight.

But he obviously forgot, the first thing he thought about was how to crush his opponent to death recklessly. He obviously forgot that, as a real person in the world, he was avoiding the edge of a god!

In his field of vision, Jiang Wang kept flying back, but within his perception, the threat was not far away.


The sound of treading water was very clear this time.

He suddenly looked back, and what he saw was his once proud general, the No. 1 pride of Zhuang Country who was about to entrust the White Feather Army—the real No. 1 in Zhuang Country, I wish you the best!

Although his hair is like withered grass and his face is old and stained, but when he held his spear upside down and stepped on the water...

There is gold in the long river.

May the three-legged golden crow jump up behind me!

All the skylight was gathered by the golden feather.

The golden sea of ​​flames spread out in an instant, and then closed into a point in an instant, condensing on the tip of the spear.

This bit of gold, this bit of brilliance in the wild world, just like that on Zhuang Gaoxian's brow, is still unparalleled in the world!

"Rebellious ministers and thieves, they really came together!"

Zhuang Gaoxian was not surprised.

As early as in Unredeemed City, these two traitors had already sat together grandly.

Later, the Mo family failed to capture Zhu Weiwo, so he knew that this person would come to his door sooner or later.

Such two people would be connected in series, and he had expected it to appear today.

The powerful supernatural powers that are diametrically opposed to each other are confronting Jiang Wang, who is in the Three Realms. But the methods of real people in this world are not limited to this?

He just avoided the edge a little, in order to win a more secure victory. Nothing can't be resisted!

The anger of the Son of Heaven moved the thunder, and he let out a yell, and the qi of Yuxu had already aroused the thunder of Yuqing God. From the nine heavens, a pillar of thunder and light was torn down and blasted straight at Zhu Weiwo.

It's like a nine-day god and man holding a thunder gun and stabbing the little golden crow in the world!

This is a Taoism of the heavenly level, and it will not be passed on to too many people in Yujing Mountain!

But at this moment, Zhuang Gaoxian felt a tingle in his heavenly spirit.

He couldn't help looking up, as if he saw an extremely dejected figure, sitting alone on the plateau, as if it was nine days high!

The man suddenly opened his dead fish eyes covered by his messy hair, and raised his finger a little forward!

The extremely sharp streamer penetrated the mountains and rivers and fell from the sky!

His Jade Void Divine Thunder was pierced above the Nine Heavens, and it was still in the stage of forming, and it had already collapsed. That streamer seemed to be waiting there early in the morning, specifically targeting this divine thunder.

The sound of thunder stopped, and the falling pillar of thunder was cut open from the middle!

This is a sword that has been warmed up for too long and has been prepared for too long.

The world's number one flying sword——

Longguang Shooting Fight!

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