Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2038 Knowing this crime, the crime lies in not being redeemed

Jiang Wang almost never told anyone about his hatred.

He always chews silently, undertakes alone, and moves forward alone.

Forward is one of his few exceptions.

At that time, Xiangqian's mind had collapsed, he was slumped as if dead, and he was in a daze every day.

He took Xiangqian to the outside of Fenglin city, showed him the monument of life, and told him about the shamelessness on the monument of life and the mourning under the monument of life. Tell him how difficult life is, how far ahead, what he is shouldering, and where he is going.

From then on, Xiangqian rekindled his fighting spirit, followed the example of his friends, and walked towards the insurmountable wall of despair.

They can understand each other.

Because they all have reasons for despair, but they have no way to give up, and they all keep moving forward!

Today, Jiang Wang uses everything he has come along the way to kill the bloody revenge he has carried.

With everything gained and given up in these years, I will launch a final charge against the heavy past.

Forward cannot be absent.

He who roams the world and has no worries, has made preparations early.

At this time, sitting alone on the Tianma plateau, with only a flying sword, come to participate in this battle from afar!

This is the swordsmanship that ranks among the top three in the flying sword era.

This is the personal transmission of Dong Zhen's first killing power to Feng Qi.

This is the echo of the peerless flying sword in today's world!

It shattered the Yuxu Divine Thunder in advance, and cleared all obstacles before the gun was exhausted.

So Zhu Wei's gun arrived, and it was pointed before Ping Tianguan——


There is a dragon chant between heaven and earth.

A white bead flew out from Zhuang Gaoxianping's crown, exaggerating dragon aura like a beard, just resisting the little golden glow.

It is the first time that the power of the sun's real volcano and tsunami is actually consumed by the dragon's energy of the emperor.

I still remember that when he cut down ten cities on the battlefield and left to repay the favor of cultivation, this man only left words——

"The old things in Fenglin, I will never forget."

Revenge now!

Across the beaded curtain, looking at the once-outstanding arrogance who made him very proud, Zhuang Gao enviously said coldly: "Unkempt, so degraded. It seems that you have had a hard time leaving Zhuanguo. How about it!"

The phantom of the three-legged Golden Crow overlooks Zhuang Gaoxian indifferently. Zhu Weiwo held the spear tightly with both hands, and the real fire of the sun formed a flame suit, and stretched out all the way. The power that broke out in his body almost distorted the space, and in this kind of confrontation with all his strength, he stepped forward step by step: "Thank you!" Thanks!"

What sounded at the same time as his voice was the scream that had already torn the sky.

Gao Qiong's swiftly falling streamer dragged the lengthy cracks in the space, as if dragging the black tail.

It seems to be questioning Zhuang Gaoxian with this scream - how dare you distract yourself from your words!

When the salary is exhausted, tap the bead with the tip of the gun, and the dragon light will shoot to the sky!

The technique of flying swords has always been unparalleled in killing power, and the only way of swordsmanship is the ultimate flying sword.

When it trailed, it almost tore everything apart, and the entire space was crumbling.

Zhuang Gaoxian raised his right hand high, with five fingers spread wide, the qi of Yuxu mixed with his spiritual thoughts, immediately densely covered this space... Hold this space!

Dongzhen is already a terrifying level that can accurately grasp the essence of heaven and earth and truly control the principles of Taoism.

In front of real people, they are all fake people. In front of the true God, there are all false gods!

Thoughts move and the law moves, the heaven and the earth are ordered, so the space is fixed with force.

The flying streamer just froze in this space, and the incomparably bright sword light still concealed its true nature. It represents the edge of the only one in the world, and only shows it to others.

Zhuang Gaoxian dealt with all this calmly, looking into the distance. In this unimagined battle, Jiang Wang was always his main concern.

In the diametrically opposed supernatural powers, in the situation where it was obviously impossible to hurt him, Jiang Wang still tried his best to advance madly and retreat madly!

Contrary to each other is a supernatural power that is almost unsolvable, especially when a real person in the world suppresses the monk of God's presence.

But Jiang Wang unexpectedly showed an extraordinary familiarity with this supernatural power, and immediately found the only thing he could do under this supernatural power, and has been doing it all the time——

That is consumption.

Endless and unlimited consumption.

If he wants to make Jiang Wangnan go in the opposite direction, he must pay enough power to make Jiang Wang go the other way.

Jiang Wang seized this point and exploded into the most peak killing power in the state of the Three Realms. With the True Self Dao Sword that implements this intention, the killing of God's will is almost eternal-my intention is ahead, and death does not follow!

I do my best to move towards my goal.

Even if I fail.

Even if the final result is the opposite.

But who can say that I am not moving forward? !

Strictly speaking, this is not a way to break the situation at all, and it is definitely not a weakness that is diametrically opposed.

Even if a cultivator of God's presence really exhausts everything until he dies, how much power can he consume from the real powerhouse in this kind of confrontation?

But Zhuang Gaoxian didn't smile.

Because it's not funny.

After severely injuring the real person Han Xu, deterring the seven gods of Yong Kingdom, and repelling the five gods such as Hell Wumen, he can never say that he still has unlimited power.

Jiang Wang, who is in the Three Realms, rushed desperately, and what he brought was the consumption of being close to confronting a real person.

Especially this kind of consumption is in the face of exhausted guns and Longguang shooting fights.

Even the pearl against the true fire of the sun is not a long-term choice.

After all, he has already left the country, and the Dragon Qi of the Son of Heaven is water without a source, so if you use some, you will use less.

This series of calculations flashed through my mind.

So far, the battle has only lasted for a moment.

And what he heard in his ears was crackling.

The crackle came from two places.

One is the supreme bead standing in front of him, fighting against the exhausted gun - just such a bead carrying the emperor's dragon spirit is indeed somewhat reluctant in front of such a bright sun and real fire.

There is another crack, which is in the sky.

He looked up and saw that the ray of light was falling resolutely, and in the space he was staying in, cracks were happening one after another, and the black space cracks spread like spider webs!

What a sharp sword!

He could not help urging more power, the qi of Yuxu manifested its essence at this moment, the jade-white smoke rose mistyly, condensing into luxurious smoke lines, or filling cracks, or entangled blade.

The moment he saw Jiang Wang, he had captured that very clear sense of design. All the reactions today seem to have been targeted. He felt like he had one foot in the swamp, and he knew he had to start killing people!

Nine of the pearls on Ping Tian's crown flew out at once, and they echoed each other in a row, extremely bright and infinitely majestic.

Behind Zhuang Gaoxian, a huge phantom of the Son of Heaven appeared, wearing the same crown as him, but his face could not be seen clearly, but he could see mountains and rivers floating and sinking, and there were dragons chant all over his body.

Since the Human Emperor refined and killed the Dragon Emperor's nine sons to form the Nine Towns, he suppressed the Changhe River and chased the Dragon Clan into the sea. From then on, the dragon veins of the present world have been ruled by mountains and rivers and controlled by the human race.

After the restart of the Taoist calendar and the revitalization of the national system, the dragon spirit of heaven and earth belongs to the emperor.

The Dragon Qi of the Son of Heaven can be said to be the unique method of the emperors of various countries, and naturally it also has the prestige of suppressing and killing Wanfa.

At this moment, Zhuang Gaoxian is no longer stingy, and squandered the dragon spirit of the emperor.

The phantom of the Son of Heaven held the heaven and the earth as a bow for a moment, and the strings of mountains and rivers were filled with strings, and the nine beads were used as arrows...

Looking northwest, Tianmayuan!

Jiuzhu shot straight at Tianmayuan, the real man's thoughts pierced through all directions, he slashed vertically with the sword in his left hand, splitting the air and breaking the yuan. The space that shrouds Zhu Weiwo separates like blocks of tofu!

He wanted to kill the one who was hiding in the distance and using the flying sword first, but he didn't intend to let Zhu Weiwo in front of him live a little longer.

His divine sense bound the real fire of the sun, and also bound Zhu Weiwo!

But at this moment, his noble Taoist body suddenly felt strange.

It seems that something is uncomfortable.

Just as he was thinking of inspecting, a green light suddenly jumped up from his body!

It was an evil and desperate green light, burning in mourning, infinitely ostentatious, twisted like a dance, and suddenly turned into that evil assassin who had fought against him before!

The person manifested by the green light is not vivid enough, but more evil and crazy, flying indifferently in the high sky, pointing his halberd and cursing: "You will die today! You will die without a whole body! You will never be reborn! "

Zhuang Gaoxian has a bad feeling that he is being pointed at his nose and scolded, but it is not just being scolded. He truly captured the mantra that crawled all over his body like ants, trying to penetrate deep into his body and soul. There are little green fires on his body, all of which are thoughts of death.

Such a narrow technique has such a powerful force.

When the cultivator of the God of Leisure accepts this curse, he is afraid that he will commit suicide in an instant.

Zhuang Gaoxian saw through the truth with a glance, but of course his heart was as firm as iron. With his five fingers together, he immediately traced back to the source, like tearing off a coat, tearing off all these dead thoughts!

But at the same time, he inevitably saw an edge.

A more noble and orthodox edge that has the same origin as his Son of Heaven Dragon Qi.

He saw a long-haired man wearing a bronze ghost mask jumping up from the far sky. His body was extremely beautiful, and his backhand was behind him... Pulling out a radiant five-foot long sword from his spine.

When the sword comes out of the mountains and rivers, the world moves.

This magical sword.

This sword of the Son of Heaven!

This is the direct lineage of the Great Qin Emperor!

The sword bearer Qin Guo Ying Ziyu, the world Zhao Rucheng.

He appeared in the distant sky without a doubt. He just intercepted the nine-beaded arrow controlled by the Dragon Qi of the Heavenly Son, and slashed fiercely at the arrow with the noble and extraordinary Sword of the Heavenly Son.

The emperor also has dignity!

The bead shattered into powder, and the dragon's breath was completely lost.

But he didn't stop, he stepped out of the big five-element chaotic step in the air, and rushed to him in an instant, with his hands raised high, and the epee fell. This is the most honorable, the emperor kills!

The emperor's sword cuts the emperor's arrow!

The Son of Heaven kills the Son of Heaven with his sword!

Rao Zhuang Gaoxian is not the kind of pampered lord, but also a strong man who grew up in the turbulent clouds, and a real person who was killed in the sea of ​​corpses and blood. At such a moment, he also feels overwhelmed! If you look at one thing, you will lose the other!

What kind of terrifying lineup is this?

Jiang Wang.

Best wishes to me.

The leader of No Door to Hell, the first person in history to become a god with spells.

The successor of the only way of swordsmanship.

The descendant of Emperor Huai of Qin, the holder of the Sword of Heaven.

Not only do they possess terrifying strength at the God's Promenade level, but they are all arrogated to heaven, possessing an unparalleled sense of combat sense, and they cooperate seamlessly, as if they have rehearsed thousands of times together for this battle!

One plus one plus one plus one plus one plus one is far greater than five!

Up to now, he has not taken advantage of the slightest advantage. There is always a sense of crisis in my heart, and the alarm bell is hanging on the side.

He couldn't erase it at all.

At this moment, Jiang Wang is still facing the opposite direction, Longguang Shedou is tearing through the space, those spells are reappearing after they are extinguished, the real fire of the sun has burned the sword energy, I wish Weiwo to rush over in the flat space... Son of Heaven The sword is here!

Zhuang Gaoxian screamed with a sword in his hand, his crown burst into anger, Yuxu's qi surrounded his body like a wall, and frightened Zhao Rucheng with the Kunlun pupil that was passed down from Taoism: "You are also a descendant of an emperor, don't you know what it is to kill the emperor without authorization?"

The thick bronze ghost mask even covers the eyes. Zhao Rucheng's voice roared under the mask, and it was indescribable: "I know this crime, and the crime is not to be redeemed! You might as well leave a suicide note, let Ji Fengzhou carry out the punishment of Dao Kingdom after your death, punish my nine clans, and behead Ying Zhao ! I will help you convey!"

Zhuang Gaoxian was suffocated.

Ying Zhao is the name of the current Emperor Qin.

Zhao Rucheng and Zhao Rucheng in front of him are genuinely of the same clan, and the blood of the Great Qin Taizu Ying Yunnian flows in their bodies. Who can really kill his nine clans?

The long sword snatched from Han Xu came across, blowing wind and thunder, roaring sword energy.

Zhuang Gaoxian used his sword to resist the sword of the Son of Heaven, but when the crown moved, the bead swayed, and the primordial spirit in his body came out, and the terrifying spiritual consciousness spread in all directions without any cover.

Wearing a crown suit, intimidating the dragon spirit, grasping the five elements, awe-inspiring the world.

This Son of Heaven Primordial Spirit!

"Yuan" is the beginning of all things.

From God to Dongzhen.

It is from the god of man to the god of the world.

It is from the control of oneself to the control of the world.

He came out of the body with his primordial spirit, and he no longer cherished even his spiritual consciousness. He would rather join the alliance in vain, but at this moment, he wanted to conquer the world and kill all gods in an instant!

But this primordial spirit came out of the hole, and the world in front of him is different!

The sky is not this sky, and the long river does not see that long river.

In front of him is the boundless sea of ​​clouds, and the sky is chaotic.

Looking around, there is a vast expanse.

The consciousness spread out, but it was blocked.

With Zhuang Gaoxian's vision, of course he knew that he had been recruited unfortunately. The opponent had already prepared, and Yuanshen was drawn into an unknown battlefield.

He didn't hesitate, and at this moment, he swung his crown and destroyed his consciousness violently!

He wants to use his tyrannical spiritual power to dominate this place, and even explode this place.

I am a real person in this world, I can see through the world, but I can't see through your little trick? !

At this time, he didn't care about any consumption.

The primordial spirit is blocked, and the Dao body is in danger!

Perhaps this is the most ruthless move that Jiang Wang has prepared so far in this battle.

Now he has to admit that Jiang Wang came to kill him today not just because of hatred and hotheadedness!

When he expanded the power of his consciousness without limit, the chaos in the sea of ​​clouds in front of him was quickly pushed away. On the edge of the sea of ​​clouds, he saw a person.

Everything was normal, except that when he turned around, his eyes were distant and indifferent.

Zhuang Gaoxian found out that he didn't recognize him at all, and he didn't have any information about this person, and he didn't know how Jiang Wang invited him!

"Who are you?"

The scourge of bones annihilated a city under his rule with hundreds of thousands of people, and made him the respect of Dongzhen who healed all his old wounds.

And he didn't know who the person standing in front of him was.

What an ironic scene.

But this man with distant eyes didn't even show any sarcasm.

He doesn't care about everything in the world, and his voice is thousands of miles away: "You don't need to know me. Because I have no interest in you."

Tianzi Yuanshen said magnanimously: "I don't know what conditions Jiang Wang promised you, and I don't know if you know what a crime is to kill a king. You are so cultivated and talented. It's a pity to throw it here lightly. If you can switch To me, I promise—”

The man with an alienated temperament lowered his hands slightly, facing Zhuang Gaoxian, and just walked over from the edge of the sea of ​​clouds: "I'm not interested. I mean I'm not interested in knowing you, and I'm not interested in listening to your nonsense... and everything It doesn't matter, I just want to kill you now."

This chapter is 4K, adding updates for the leader "Ye Songsong" and "Big Red Orange Peel".


Thanks to the book friend "Don't be afraid" for becoming the leader of this book, it is for the 487th alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the book friend "Lin Xiaoye" for becoming the leader of this book, for the 488th alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the book friend "Do you know yourself?" for becoming the leader of this book, it is for the 489th alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the book friend "Killing My Old Times" for becoming the leader of this book, it is for the 490th alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey!

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