Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2039 the world loses color

kill you.

So simple three words.

"Kill you."

Such an indifferent sentence.

The person in front of him doesn't feel like a "human" to Zhuang Gaoxian.

The "human" he understands is a fragile creature with many weaknesses. As long as you can find its lifeblood, you can easily restrain, control, and use it.

Fame, power, and emotion are all very useful tools.

And he is very good at capturing people's emotions, driving them to death, and controlling the fly camp.

But the person in front of him was so different.

Too peaceful, too detached.

It seems that he doesn't care about everything in this world.

Even talking about killing people was so calm.

It can't even be described as cruel.

He seemed to be stating a fact of course, but it was also particularly profound.

The man is impossible to be persuaded.

When Zhuang Gaoxian realized this, he stopped doing any unnecessary things, and stopped saying any useless words.

His primordial body began to rise and grow, dominating all directions, sweeping away his consciousness, and under this chaotic sky, he touched the foundation of this world. The Son of Heaven's primordial spirit wants to control the only "I" and the only "truth".

The primordial spirit was already as tall as a mountain, reaching to the sky, and the indifferent man walking towards him was as small as an ant in comparison.

But he is still moving forward, as if he doesn't care about the destruction of his world.

The sky peeled off and the sea of ​​clouds collapsed.

The world is dying!

The primordial spirit of a real person cannot be imprisoned at all.

Everything around is distorted, including the person who is still walking this way...

In an instant, everything collapsed.

The Son of Heaven's primordial spirit completely crushed this world, cut away the illusory, and finally saw that touch of truth——

This body is no longer in the sea of ​​clouds, and the sky is not chaotic.

The sky is calm, with unusual clouds and sunshine.

Zhuang Gaoxian frowned, it was so unusual, so unusual!

He found that he was standing in a secluded small courtyard, which was very ordinary, with a reclining chair, a lazy fat orange cat, and a person sitting on the threshold, holding a bowl, about to eat.

The bowl is rich.

White rice, vegetables drenched in oil, braised pork trotters in sauce.

People are simple.

With ordinary facial features, he raised his head and looked at the uninvited guest with indifferent and distant eyes.

This is [Little Orange Fat Cat Deep Courtyard], Wang Changji's unique soul battlefield.

In his life, the only place he could call "home".

Zhuang Gaoxian wants to see the "truth" of this world, and now he sees it.

This is not a happy thing.

He has released the power of the primordial spirit in this way, but he still can't leave the battlefield!

This undoubtedly shows that the ordinary-looking person in front of him can indeed compete with his soul, at least on the level of soul.

No wonder he dared to pull his Yuanshen into the battlefield, no wonder he dared to fight to kill the Son of Heaven Yuanshen head-on.

When the supreme god in the world came, he unexpectedly met the second one today!

Could it be that I am some evil heretic, the chief culprit, who will eventually be defeated by those lucky protagonists?

He was in a trance for a moment, but he immediately cut off the trance.


The lord of the mountains and rivers of four thousand miles, the emperor of Dazhuang Zhongxing, the king of a generation, the hero of the world!

I am also the protagonist of my own life, a great existence who will surely be remembered in history.

Those who have not yet grown up should not grow up again.

At this moment, the person sitting on the threshold has silently stopped chopsticks, put down the bowl, stood up, walked to the courtyard, and came to Zhuang Gaoxian.

Zhuang Gaoxian stretched out his robe sleeves, and the emperor greeted him face to face.

The majestic situation is overwhelming, and he wants to crush and kill this thief head-on!

But the accident happened again.

To be precise, he had keenly captured the accident before it happened.

For a person who is used to controlling everything and always planning before acting, "accident" means "danger".

Zhuang Gaoxian suddenly looked back.

It was the courtyard door that alerted him.

This is no ordinary door.

When he penetrated with his true eyes, what he saw was an ancient, majestic, and noble stone gate!

It's Chaotian Que!

The door just opened, and Jiang Wang, the solemn treasure minister, came in here with his sword in hand.

There is a circle of Buddha's light behind his head, which is the body of a Bodhisattva at this moment.

Across Jiang Wang and looking outside the courtyard, Zhuang Gaoxian saw brilliant fireworks, flying flame sparrows, and a blazing city behind the blurred light and color.

He didn't know where this place was, he only knew that in this strange battlefield of spirits and souls, he would face a brutal fight.

He opened his big sleeves and expressed his acceptance as the emperor.

This is definitely an unprecedented soul war.

Appeared for the first time in this world.

Wang Changji's original soul killing field was combined with Jiang Wang's Chaotian Tower, and they were all loaded in the city of burning flowers.

Putting aside all the spiritual background, magical talent, and the tacit understanding of the battle of the peerless genius... Wang Changji's "home" is also in Fenglin City!

At this moment, they have made up their utmost determination to kill Zhuang Gaoxian's soul.

The so-called primordial spirit is based on the spirit and soul, and the Daomai Tenglong as the body, which are built together as one, and the spirit is used to refine the spirit.

There is an essential gap between spiritual consciousness and divine consciousness, divine soul and primordial spirit.

The former's attack on the latter was originally mud and sand hitting iron and stone, and it should have left a mark in vain without damage.

But in the burning city of Fenglin, in the small courtyard where Wang Changji used to live alone for many years... Inherited from the Chaotian Que town of Emperor Wu of Qi, Wang Changji's original creation of the soul killing field frightens it.

There is a possibility of fighting.

Two young men who are at the top of the world, with the bodies of spirits and souls, rushed towards the emperor's soul without hesitation. They each have their own killing methods, and the thunder and fire are different, so this "possibility" will be realized!

A drop of water can penetrate a stone, not to mention that the stone is already rotten!

Zhuang Gaoxian is not careless, but really regards them as opponents. With the emperor's primordial spirit, wearing the emperor's crown clothes, at this moment, the true jade is revealed, and the body is covered with jade color!

The Taoist country was sealed, and the emperor was sealed.

His primordial spirit is incomparably noble and eminent in the high court, and he said in his mouth: "If you are ordered by the sky, you will live forever!"

On the top of his head, boundless jade color condensed, wind and cloud gathered to see dragon and tiger, and made a seal of emperor!

He wants to use the emperor's seal to fight against Chaotianque, and take this soul-killing field, the flaming city, into national ownership. Then he thought about life and death, killing at will.

But this battle is unusual.

Only after Tianzixi discovered it, a spinning thunder pond appeared in the sky.

This pond is deep and unfathomable, with an invisible bottom, like the eyes of the sky!

Wang Changji pointed to the sky with one hand, and there was endless thunder and light. He was guided by it and whipped Tianzixi continuously, like a waterfall of thunder and light flowing three thousand feet.

If you are a fool and have no way, God will punish you!

When Jiang Wangcai entered the courtyard, a scorching sun had already flown out of his red eyes, forming a brilliant and eternal chariot of the sun, traveling through the blazing thunder and waterfall, the heavenly horse neighed and hoofed, and the horse stepped on the jade seal of the emperor!

The pupil of Qianyang, which was obtained from the old royal family, has been completed by Yan Yanru, and the whole chapter has been opened. At this moment, Jiang Wang had already been transformed into Qianyang's red pupils.

This type of killing method is the authoritative display of his mastery.

Different from the resplendent and resplendent version of the original version, it is intended to be authoritative. His sun chariot is stronger and stronger, focusing on charging.

Zhuang Gaoxian has been in power for four thousand miles, he is already at the pinnacle of his life, and his country is extremely powerful.

But compared with Gu Yang, how small is it?

The dynasty of the surname Ji once ruled the world as a hegemony, and was the hero of the Eastern Region. It once competed with Jing Guo!

When the sun chariot of the old royal family was touring the world, a ruler like Zhuang Gaoxian could only prostrate himself!

The so-called Emperor's Seal was instantly dimmed when it was hit by the chariot of the sun.

He lost his color for a moment, and was whipped around in the air by the thunder.

And the front and rear ultimate moves are approaching.

Wang Changji came walking, and wherever he walked, there were thunderstorms. Lightning flashed, and the whole courtyard drifted like a sea of ​​thunder in an instant.

Jiang Wang even has a golden watchman with a hole in his palm, holding it as a sword, and stabbing the monarch!

Who in this world can turn his back on Jiang Wang, and who dares to let Wang Changji make a move?

Zhuang Gaoxian stretched out his hands and pressed down, and the phantoms of mountains and rivers appeared around him.

The mountain is Qichang, and the water is Qingjiang.

Turn around and suppress thunder and deter gold.

Although this body is outside the country, after all, the imperial power is in sole control. The right to mountains and waters can also be done with one order.

Of course, it is not as powerful as in Zhuangguo, but it is also enough to establish mountains and rivers here, separate the five elements, and establish authority. With the truth of the surrounding body, resist the suppression of this soul killing field.

But how could Jiang Wang and Wang Changji make him happy?

Dongjin Tuo first picked into it, and then the Thunder Snake swam, tearing apart the mountain shadow.

The five elements are in chaos, and the current situation is difficult to stabilize. The three of them fought like this, fighting until the sky was dim and the earth was dark in the world of spirits and souls.

The battle between the soul and the soul is basically instantaneous.

But when Jiang Wang and Wang Changji teamed up, they fought inextricably with the Son of Heaven Yuanshen under the circumstances that the Chaotian Tower was closed and the Leichi was filled with soul killing fields...

The victory or defeat outside the body has once again become the key.

Zhuang Gaoxian's primordial spirit came out of his body originally to solve the battle in one fell swoop, but now not only does it not help the situation, the primordial spirit is also caught in a bitter battle, which in turn makes him miss the opportunity to respond, and is really in danger!

The supernatural sword of the Son of Heaven is too sharp, especially for a king like him. He placed his hopes on the Yuanshen, but the Yuanshen was already entangled. At the moment of lightning and flint, at the moment when the confrontation was approaching, he suddenly raised his palm——

Supernatural powers, polar opposites!

Zhao Rucheng retreated quickly with the same determination as when he came.

He did resolve the imminent danger.

But let go of Jiang Wang!

Under the constraints of opposite directions, Jiang Wang seems to be walking alone in the sky. His imposing imposing manner and fierce sword intent are like fireworks blooming in the distant sky.

How gorgeous, but not dangerous.

But no matter how remote the corner, no matter how lonely...

This man is always on the move.

He walked through the long time alone, the lonely world, and finally waited for this moment.

Move the Beidou, the world is winter.

The body becomes the Three Realms, and the world is truly created.

Sauvignon Blanc roared impatiently, and the Qingyun imprint appeared and disappeared so frequently that a phantom of Qingyun Pavilion appeared behind him.

Then all the light and shadow disappeared.

Jiang Wang cut out his sword.

The sun and menstruation pass through the sky, but there are no fireflies.

This heart is bright, who can illuminate it?

Like a sun rising on the horizon, his light is unparalleled in the world at this moment!

This is the third sword of his path——

All become me today!

My experiences, my feelings, my choices, everything along the way... made me who I am today.

Zhuang Gaoxian, do you know how I came to you?

Do you know how I can draw my sword and point it straight at you?

How much have you been through this journey. How much you have been through!

Jiang Wang said nothing.

Only the sword is ringing!

When the sword illuminates the sky and the earth, it has already cut to the ground.

Zhuang Gaoxian put Jiang Wang in order to withdraw the emperor's sword, no doubt he was drinking poison to quench his thirst!

Now is the time to get poisoned!

Jiang Wang's sword cannot be described or observed. Because everything, including the gaze, is absorbed, crushed, and conquered.

As soon as this sword is released, the world loses color.

The sword Zhuang Gaoxian hastily blocked with wind and thunder is no exception.


Emperor Yong's saber that was taken from Han Xu was severed on the spot!

His flat sky crown has also been flattened!

The pearls flew away, making the sound of broken jade.

A few strands of broken hair, floating in the air!

What a majestic emperor, he would be so embarrassed!

I wish that the gun in my palm took off for a while, like a golden crow fluttering its wings: "Why did your majesty make such a great gift, take off the crown and see me!"

Those times when I sat dry in the mountains and seas.

Little by little he took the edge away.

And at this moment, release bit by bit!

So far, Zhuang Gaoxian has not been injured in the real sense, at most the scene is ugly. The few strands of hair that had been chopped off couldn't be seen without looking carefully.

But the sudden collapse of the towering building was only caused by the initial shaking.

The emperor lost his tripod, and the princes chased it together.

The emperor loses his power, and the world will discuss it together!

At this moment, Jiang Wang cut off the emperor's crown with a sword, and everything that was suppressed by him at first came back like a tide, and came one after another!

The gun came looking for a gap, and the unparalleled sharpness pierced his external defense. And the real fire of the sun gathers at one point, and then points between the eyebrows.

The forward Longguang Shedou completely tore apart the space and pierced Tianling again.

King Qin Guang's death-cursing green light instantly smudged the crown and clothes, turning the jade clothes into a green robe. Zhuang Gaoxian, who is dressed in green, is somewhat ridiculous.

Zhao Rucheng and his Tianzi Sword were pushed away, but Jiang Wang and his Chang Acacia were in front of him, fighting him within an inch!

The lights and shadows of the Three Realms made Zhuang Gaoxian very uncomfortable. But he, who was under pressure, couldn't get rid of it for a while! Jiang Wang is indeed unparalleled in killing and killing this person.

The rest of the people are used to checking for omissions and filling in vacancies.

No, it can't just be said to check for leaks and fill in vacancies. These people are not only good at finding opportunities, but also good at creating them. Not only can it make up for omissions, but it also has the ability to cause harm to him!

The most terrible thing is that these fierce attacks did not happen at the same time. These people know how to control the rhythm of the battle, there is a kind of order in the attack and kill, like a big wave washing the sand, one after another, continuous.

Zhuang Gaoxian, with his hair in a messy bun, couldn't make any room at all.

The fighting in the world of spirits and souls has also been affected. Originally, they had the upper hand, but now the courtyard is filled with thunder, and the heavenly fire burns the primordial spirit. Jiang Wang's killing became more courageous, and he showed unparalleled killing power in both reality and spirit!

Zhuang Gaoxian found that he...was suppressed.

And it was suppressed in all directions!

close up, long range...

Body, soul...

Swordsmanship, spearmanship, spells, flying swords, emperor dragon spirit, Taoism, supernatural powers...

There is no way to counterattack.

Obviously he can have an absolute advantage against anyone, but he is restrained everywhere. It's just being pressed together, but I can't stand up anymore!

If you defend for a long time, you will lose, let alone in the battlefield preset by the opponent.

Zhuang Gaoxian knew that this could not be the case, so he shook himself off.


At this moment, he did not hesitate to shake the heart of the emperor, and rang the secret internal scene divine bell of Yujing Mountain.

This bell exterminates demons and destroys evil spirits, and has the most powerful divine power.

It's the clock of fate, and it's easy to get out.

The divine clock varies from person to person, and their interior scenes are different.

And he used this divine bell to spread the wrath of the emperor, saying: "The emperor's law, a thief must be killed! Anyone who violates the order will be executed!"

The invisible and qualitative ripples instantly pushed away the attack on the body, and also blocked Jiang Wang, who was fighting endlessly.

In this gap, Zhuang Gaoxian stood up.

The crown clothes are fluttering, hunting and hunting, facing the dragon light and shooting the fight, overlooking the world. He wants to regroup the battle and fight for the lead again!

Under the blessing of the divine bell in the inner scene, wind and thunder formed around him, like a gathering of guards. The qi of Yuxu swayed into a ceremonial guard for the emperor, powerful and violent, causing the common people to fall.

All these things allow him to have a vast world, get rid of the cramped situation, and look forward to being a hero for a while.

The Son of Heaven is on a parade, and all evils are not close!

But at this moment, a serious young man walked over in a few steps under Zhuang Gaoxian's astonished eyes.

The infinite wind and thunder seemed unimpeded to him, and the honor of the emperor did not exist to him.

But he raised the hatchet, as lonely as he had chopping wood hundreds of millions of times in the past, and fell like splitting a mountain——

Zhuang Gaoxian fell again!

Already ranked seventh in the double list, thank you, everyone is amazing!

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Thanks to the book friend "Come on and update your grades is the best counterattack" for becoming the leader of this book, it is for the 491st league of the Chixin Sky Survey!

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