Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2041 Go to Xin'an!

Jiang Wang has studied Zhuang Gaoxian for many years, and knew that Zhuang Gaoxian was mean, ungrateful and suspicious by nature.

He also knew early on that even if his misguided supernatural powers had already blossomed, it would be difficult for him to step up and have an effect on a real person in this world.

He tried his best to hide the fluctuation of his supernatural power, and tried not to let Zhuang Gaoxian notice it, but in fact he knew that Zhuang Gaoxian would definitely notice it!

So he did not hesitate to expose his magical powers of pressing the bottom of the box, let Zhuang Gaoxian know that he never played his cards lightly, but gave Zhuang Gaoxian a correct choice.

Zhuang Gaoxian made the wrong choice himself!

This is the real wrong way, beyond supernatural powers!

Zhuang Guo!

Leaving from Zhuangguo, trekking with heavy loads, and now more than five years, everything will end in Zhuangguo!

Because of the relationship between Shanhexi and Riyong Town in Jiulong, the long river has no waves for thousands of miles. This earth-shattering battle did not attract much attention.

It was nothing more than the fact that Emperor Zhuang Guo participated in the Taixu League and was attacked halfway and returned.

If the story stops here, there will probably be only this sentence in the history books.

But everything goes on.

It's far from over.

The history book has turned to this page, today's ending must be written by Jiang Wang, if it is not what he wants...

Then keep writing! Rewrite it! Write until Zhuang Gaoxian dies!

The battle that took place over the long river is complicated to describe, but the process was not long. The most intense confrontation was verified at the moment of interlacing. And for the time being.

But the picture scroll is just unfolded, not closed!

This thick and colorful long scroll, here is another stroke——

A streak of light streaked across the sky like the tail of a comet, and the shopkeeper Bai Yujing, surrounded by sword energy, roared for thousands of miles, and finally descended from the sky in a majestic manner: "Zhuanggou suffers!"

In terms of speed, he couldn't compare to the unrestrained Lin Xian, so he was a step slower.

But the so-called "a good meal is not afraid of being late", the boss fights blood and kills real people, how can he be missing his confidant, confidant of confidantes! ?

At the meeting of the Yellow River, he was crushed by Xiang Bei, returned to Yue Kingdom and faced Ge Fei without a fight, lost to Xiangqian in the sword fight, and was hanged upside down in the Jiange together with Xiangqian, and so on...

The world has not heard of his Bai Yuxia for too long!

This time he didn't participate in the Dragon Palace Banquet, he just wanted to accompany his host to put on a big show.

But when his handsome figure emerged from the sword light and resolutely put on an attacking posture, he only saw Zhuang Gaoxian stand up and leave quickly, leaving him with a panicked back.

He was also taken aback.

It has to be me.

Even before the sword is drawn, the real person is frightened away!

The others didn't have time to care about Bai's mood, so they chased after Zhuang Gaoxian and left.

In particular, Biguang, manifested by King Qin Guang, was completely entangled in Zhuang Gaoxian's body, slowing down his speed desperately.

Zhuang Gaoxian suffered this curse and died of Biguang, so he has to bear the price of his light suffering.

It's not just that the Taoist body is weak!

Those negative and vicious mantras are not something you can just endure.

It will only become deeper and more vicious, first in the skin, then in the skin, then in the stomach, and finally in the bone marrow, there is no cure!

The green light spread across the crown, crawling all over Zhuang Gaoxian's body. Strands of green light, like fine needles on a cow's hair, searched for the corroded Dao Yuan gap, easily penetrated the defense, and went deep into his Dao body. drill.

Curse, Biyou Needle!

As soon as the needle is released, the curse left by the battle so far all explodes together, and the curse power instantly swims into the bone marrow! At this time, it can hurt the root of the real person, and it is time to have to fight.

After all, Zhuang Gaoxian is a strong man who can understand the truth of the world, and of course he can also understand himself. It is not difficult for him to resist the magic power at the bone marrow level.

But now is the critical time to escape, and his speed has inevitably slowed down!

Jiang Wang took the lead, slashing out sword energy like a tide, standing at the head of the tide, covered with frost like a banner! With such a great momentum, he doesn't mind letting everyone in his path know who he is! what is he doing!

Zhao Rucheng walked away in the air, walking side by side with Jiang Wang. Lin Xian was unrestrained and followed closely behind.

I wish Weiwo to be transformed into a golden crow, fluttering her wings in the sky.

Far ahead on the Tianma plateau, a mouthful of blood from the apex of his heart was spurting up to the sky, but the person was already leaning back, but the sword finger did not scatter, and moved with Zhuang Gaoxian.

The extremely sharp streamer high in the sky wiped a ray of blood.

There was a terrifying whistling sound, like a meteor piercing the sky, and at a speed that surpassed everyone else, it stubbornly landed on Zhuang Gaoxian's heavenly spirit. He wanted to use the emperor's skull as a sheath, but he returned it.

In the sky and on the earth, I am the only one moving forward!

Only Wang Changji, because he needed to clean up the soul killing field that was urgently broken by Zhuang Gaoxian, and return to his own soul, so he was a little late.

In that lonely courtyard of the soul, he stood at the threshold.

He always only goes to the threshold and never goes into the back room.

Just as he was about to leave, he suddenly turned his head and looked at the empty recliner in the courtyard, feeling something in his heart.


Yao Zishu, the daughter of the mountain lord of Longmen Academy, was born pure and pleasant. On this day, I was taking a few younger brothers and sisters to go boating on the long river, writing poems and sketching. With her status, she could go to the Dragon Palace Banquet if she wanted to, but Gao Bian bribed her with Jiang Qingyang's calligraphy to give her some space to get along sweetly, and she happily agreed.

This will go to the deck, look up--

He quickly lowered his head again and shook his head vigorously.

Suddenly, I saw Shenlin chasing and killing a real person!



Unbelievable things are always happening, otherwise, if everything is expected and everything is as stereotyped on paper, this world would be too boring.

But in fact, Yang Yin, the general of Jiujiang Xuanjia, is not a person who likes change.

For example, he was used to Du Yehu, so he didn't want his immediate boss to change his name.

The emperor is jealous of General Du, and all the brothers know it, but General Du doesn't!

He is worthless for Du Yehu.

After so many years on the battlefield, anyone with eyes can see clearly how Du Yehu has devoted himself to serving the country.

In which battle was General Du not at the forefront?

Among the people in Zhuangguo, who can be brave and fearless like Du Yehu?

Du Yehu has participated in almost all wars, big or small, over the years.

When the armor was peeled off, there were scars and scars, and there was not a piece of good flesh.

But how did the court treat General Du?

There are a lot of verbal awards, but nothing in substance.

For so many years, he has made so many contributions to the country, and he has only been named a viscount.

The resources obtained from the Taoist sect were piled on the pampered waste of the Baiyu Army. It is not easy for Jiujiang Xuanjia to expand a few places! In order to keep the brothers in balance, General Du will distribute unreservedly to the brothers every time he wins in battle, but he himself will not take any money. His salary is often a relief of this and that, and his pockets are often empty. In General Du's own words-"I live and eat in the barracks, and I don't need money."

yes! General Du is indeed alone, unable to stand up and down, and will only do his best without taking credit, but is this the reason why he is being bullied?

There is also Shan Junwei, who was transferred from Moguo, who has been a partial general since he came, and is still ranked first. Isn't it clear what the higher-ups are up to?

This time the emperor went on a tour to the alliance, and the higher-ups transferred General Du to guard the palace, and directly asked Shan Junwei to "temporarily manage the military", which is already pretending!

He had already received news that someone in Xin'an City wanted to kill General Du.

Anti-fucking, brothers absolutely not allowed!

Before going to Xin'an, General Du only left him a message, asking him to lead the troops to Xin'an at this moment, save the general's life, and then clean up the emperor's side and clean up the world!

So he's put on his armor, gathered his cronies, and now there's only one thing left--

Kill the big fool from Moguo first, leaving only one voice in the army!

Yang Yin and his cronies, everyone carrying knives, walked into Shan Junwei's camp with a murderous look... an accident happened.

At that time, Shan Junwei was leaning on the big chair, with his feet resting on the military case, looking at the military book casually. Suddenly looking up, the curtain was lifted, and Yang Yin and others walked in murderously.

He turned over with a kite, jumped to the corner of the camp, and shouted: "Wait! My own!"

Yang Yin was stunned at this moment.

Shan Junwei said again: "Is it on the side of Qing Jun? Count me in! I will support General Du to the death, and I am his loyal subordinate!"

Yang Yin's knife was neither raised nor lowered, and the emotions that had been brewing were gone. After thinking about it, I couldn't help but ask, "Why?"

Seeing that Yang Yin had slashed without drawing his sword, Shan Junwei calmed down a lot, put down his book of war, brushed off the corner of his clothes, and said with his hands behind his back: "People go to high places, this is the reason why I switch to Zhuangguo. But obviously , What Zhuang Gaoxian gave me was not the highest."

Just kidding, Da Qi Bowang Hou promised him a military position in Qi State! After finishing this important event, he went to Daqi Jiuzuqiu to kill the army. Who has the patience to intrigue with Lin Zhengren and his ilk here, and has to endure Zhuang Gaoxian's suspicion—what he said before he was recruited, and what he was given after he was recruited are completely different things!

"Bold!" Yang Yin glared, "How dare you call the Son of Heaven by his name!"

Shan Junwei raised his hand to swear: "I only have General Du in my heart, and I don't know any emperor!"

Yang Yin snorted, but the knife returned to its sheath.

With Shan Junwei's cooperation, things became extremely simple. Zhuang Tianzi left all kinds of restraint methods in Jiujiang Xuanjia, which seemed to be the shackles he carefully concocted...but Shan Junwei carried the key himself.

Yang Yin suddenly discovered that General Du didn't seem to be that simple!

But damn it, it's all over, it's all here. Just like the slogans in the barracks outside the tsunami that have already begun——

Go to Xin'an! Save the general! Qing Jun side!

Then raise the knife! !

Fuck you, I have spent half my life fighting to go to Xin'an and go to other battlefields, what's the difference! ?



The sky was dark.

Somehow, it reminds me of that year's New Year's Eve.

The one where he was about to return home with big bags and small bags, but stopped outside the city, never going back... New Year's Eve.

Du Yehu stands alone outside the palace gate like an iron tower.

It's still Chinese New Year, and the festive atmosphere hasn't passed yet. Different from the coldness and suspense in the palace, in Xin'an City, thousands of families are noisy.

He stood on the dividing line between coldness and hustle and bustle.

It also seems to be the dividing line itself.

Everything about that joy has nothing to do with him forever.

He also does not belong to that cold imperial power.

Du Yehu watched silently, waiting wordlessly.

The guards behind them discussed in a low voice where to drink after they were off duty. These soldiers from the White Feather Army did not obey discipline very much. He didn't bother to care.

He is a fool.

As Duan Li told him, he is not qualified to play tricks with others. The only thing he can do is desperately, risking this worthless life, showing his insignificant value, and waiting for an opportunity that may never appear.

If you can't wait, it's bad luck.

When the time comes, he will definitely fight.

The sky darkened little by little.

In many dusks, he would think this way—is the sky getting darker little by little? But why did the sky in Fenglin City darken so suddenly and so decisively?

Maplewood City... Few people still remember it.

It does not exist on the map of Zhuang State, and it is only mentioned briefly in the history books of Zhuang State.

What people remember more clearly is the monument of life, the inscription written by Zhuang Gaoxian himself. People in the world call it—"It's deeply touching, and the emperor's heart is dear."

Du Yehu doesn't know what literary talent is, and he struggles to learn how to read, and every word he reads is scarlet.

How can the huge wounds that have been gouged out on the body of this country be smoothed over in just a few years, as if nothing happened?

Du Yehu is a fool.

He doesn't understand.

He didn't ask either.

He waited silently.

Wait for the sun to rise every day.

Wait to survive the next war.

When the sun was about to set, there was the sound of orderly footsteps from the long street in the distance, and the so-called elite white feathers behind them all lost their color—this was the sound of an army marching in formation!

He just took off his mace from the back.

This mace was left to him by Duan Li. There is only one double mace left, and it's called "Send Mourning".

Either send yourself, or send--

"Zhuang Gaoxian!"

He turned around abruptly outside the palace gate, like a stone statue that had been silent for thousands of years, finally beating the drum of his heart. For a long time, the blood that had submerged in the ground rushed out of the crack like magma, rushing wantonly!

The vicious tiger soared into the sky, forming a blood-colored phantom of the tiger, stepping on the palace and roaring to the sky.

And as he strode forward, the heavy mace that Duan Li had once held slammed heavily on the palace gate—bang! Smash the gate of this Zhuang Kingdom's 300-year-old palace to pieces!

Today, Du Yehu defeated Zhuang Wang Palace!

The dozens of white-feathered soldiers guarding the gate behind him were still asking "What's the situation in the outer city" and "General Du, what should we do?" When the army entered the city, they were still struggling with why the center didn't respond... Everyone would be stunned and silent like a cicada!

Is it a rebellion?

It's rebellion!

The most influential general of the younger generation of Zhuangguo, the most meritorious existence among the young generals, the warrior who once ascended Suolongguan first, the chief general of Jiujiang Xuanjia... he, he, he, rebellion!

Jiujiang Xuanjia is the first army of the Zhuang Kingdom, and since the previous chief general Duan Li was in power, he has been the sharpest sword of the Zhuang Kingdom.

Now this knife cuts itself apart, and the country's power is shaken!

The soldiers who truly represented this country and fought bloody battles everywhere, let out their shouts and roars, their bloody voices resounded through all the key points of the city defense of Xin'an City——

"Urgent battle situation! Jiujiang Xuanjia takes over the city defense! Regardless of military or civilian status, staying behind closed doors can ensure safety, and blocking the road will kill without mercy!"

The orders came one after another to suppress Xin'an.

Yang Yin formed a formation with evil spirits and roared along the street. Every sound was joined by thousands of troops, and it was like thunder: "The soldiers of the country are bathed in blood on the frontier, and the treacherous ministers are in power. This is the source of uncertainty in the world! Jiujiang Xuanjia entered Beijing today. Hurt the innocent!"

"City Guards, disarm!"

"White Feather Army, close the camp!"

"Department of Criminal Investigation, close the door!"

"Xin'an City, be silent!!!"

thanks for your support!

Do you know what I'm going to say?

There's more at eight o'clock in the evening!

Give me a guaranteed monthly pass for July!



Thanks to the book friend "Nuclear Energy Charging Treasure" for becoming the leader of this book, for the 503rd alliance of Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the book friend "No. 1 Boring" for becoming the leader of this book, for the 504th alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the book friend "Replica Power" for becoming the leader of this book, for the 505th League of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the book friend "Gongzi Xiang Nanyang" for becoming the leader of this book, for the 506th alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the book friend "Miss OP next door has been pretending to be busy", the rewarding Xinmeng!

Thanks to the book friend "Let the World Let Me Decline" become the leader of this book, it is for the 507th League of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thank you book friend "Zi Feiming" for becoming the leader of this book, for the 508th alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the book friend "Back to the purple and embrace the yellow into the dantian" for becoming the leader of this book, it is the 509th alliance for the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the book friend "Mo Wen Regret" for becoming the leader of this book, it is for the 510th alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey!

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