Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2042 The World Raises the Flag


"Shut up!!"

"Shut up!!!"

Du Yehu was standing outside Zhuangwang Palace, and the evil tiger's shadow covered the capital.

I want thousands of households to be silent, I want civil and military officials to be silent, I want Xin'an City to be silent!

Because when Fenglin City was destroyed, you were also silent!

Then listen in silence!

Today, the old man of Fenglin, Zhang Ming with blood!


As the first-class strong army of the Zhuang Kingdom, Jiujiang Xuanjia moved from east to west all the year round. He patrolled the four borders of the Zhuang Kingdom. While defeating the surrounding forces, he also firmly engraved his strong and brave image in people's hearts.

Once the black tiger battle flag representing Jiujiang Xuanjia was erected, it was unimpeded in the territory.

Not to mention the territory of Zhuang country, even if you go to Cheng country or Mo country, you can come and go freely!

Even if there are those who want to block the way, we have to see if we can stop them.

This time Yang Yin marched to Xin'an with his troops, three thousand soldiers and two thousand pre-soldiers rode their horses together, almost driving straight in. Morning and evening, it came a little faster than planned in advance!

For a while, iron riders cross the street, and Xin'an is full of swords and guns!

Today's No. 1 pride in the Zhuang Kingdom, Lin Zhengren, the leader of the Eight Talents in Xin'an, hastily left the meeting with the technique of blood escape. Since the Changhe Dragon Palace rushed back to the capital of the Zhuang Kingdom, this is what he saw.

He saw the black tiger banner of Jiujiang Xuanjia flying high on the Xin'an City Tower.

He saw that Du Yehu's direct line had taken over the city defense, the guards of the capital city were waiting, and thousands of households were shutting their doors.

He saw that Shan Junwei, who was supposed to restrain Du Yehu, was in the Jiujiang Xuanjia queue, waving the flag vigorously? !

When Xin'an City was no longer the old one, the capital of Zhuang State had taken over the power.

Today really changed!

Just like those confused people, Lin Zhengren was also thinking about his own way out.

Then at a certain moment, the city was silent.

The roar of the mighty army and the tsunami were all suppressed.

He saw Dazhuang Dinghaishenzhen, and Du Ruhui, the Prime Minister of the country whose black hair had faded, stepped back to Xin'an City in one step amidst the sudden cheers of the people!

Wearing the robes of Dazhuang's prime minister, he hangs above Zhuangwang's palace, intentionally amplifying his grandeur and giving confidence to all parties. He overlooks Du Yehu, and reprimands him with his halberd. Lu, I don't know how to raise a hungry dog. Du Yehu, you let me down!"

Du Yehu is slow to speak, but he doesn't speak. Just clenched his fist and held it high, forming a formation of evil spirits in an instant to counteract it!

Why did Du Ruhui come so late?

This was the first thought that came to Lin Zhengren's mind.

Smart people think things are always complicated.

There are many questions on his mind.

How did the city defenses of Xin'an City disintegrate so quickly?

Where is the head of the criminal investigation department?

Where is the dean of the State Council?

Where is General Huangfu Duanming?

How could Du Yehu be allowed to make trouble easily?

He was not surprised why the Baiyu army, who was as famous as Jiujiang Xuanjia, was vulnerable and handed over the city defense of Xin'an City without any useful resistance.

This is Zhuang Gaoxian's own bitter fruit!

After Bai Yujun killed He Badao on his own, there has been no qualified successor.

The current general in charge of the Baiyu Army is completely mediocre, just obedient. It's okay to put on airs and be a guard of honor at ordinary times, so there is no need to expect him to show any ability in such a sudden crisis.

Zhuang Gaoxian originally intended for Zhu Weiwo to control this powerful army, but it is not uncommon for Zhu Weiwo to abandon the country and leave.

Lin Zhengren fought for it several times, wanting to serve the country. It's a pity that His Majesty the emperor of the Zhuang Kingdom is narrow-minded, suspicious, and doesn't trust him as a loyal and good minister at all, which hurts his heart!

Later, I felt that Qiao Jingzong, who ranked seventh in Xin'an Bajun, had a good chance of taking over the Baiyu Army. Whether it is military strategy or personal cultivation talent, Qiao Jingzong is considered a character. Probably Qiao Jingzong himself thought the same way. Before going to the demon world, he held a big banquet and invited people to drink!

Zhuang Gaoxian did invest a lot of resources in him, and spent a lot of effort to send him to the battlefield of the demon world to train him.

And later... Qiao Jingzong died, Jiang Wang had an accident in the demon world, and Wu Bing of the Sanxing Palace had arrived.

These three things were connected together, and coupled with his understanding of Zhuang Gaoxian, Lin Zhengren basically guessed what was going on, and never mentioned Bai Yujun from then on.

Talents are not crops in the field. Does it mean that they grow when they grow? Even the crops in the field have to be in good weather, and they have to be cared for and fertilized frequently!

Like Zhuang Gaoxian's harvesting by cutting roots, it is only a ghost that new stubble can grow.

In such a big Zhuang country, the Baiyu Army, a strong army with excellent foundation, has always been unscrupulous in commanding the army. Whose fault was it?

Zhuang Gaoxian is usually in charge of this army, but he is not in the country today, so he can't complain about the leaderless White Feather Army, which is like a chicken and a dog!

Thinking about the situation of the entire Zhuang Kingdom in his heart, the four thousand miles of mountains and rivers were rolling in Lin Zhengren's mind. The slander belongs to the slander, and it does not affect him being a loyal minister.

In today's chaotic situation, he must see the situation clearly, seize the opportunity, make the right choice, and not get mixed up with the dragon that was slaughtered by the loser!

At this moment, he discovered that Du Ruhui, who descended on the sky above the Zhuang Palace, had a deliberately covered wound on his chest, and the blood was still wet.

It is about how the majestic and dignified virtuous man, mastering the supernatural powers of the world, usually travels around the world like rain in time, and wherever the drought falls. Today, however, the rebellion could not be suppressed in time.

It turned out to be entangled!

Now it is obvious that he has got rid of the enemy and returned to Beijing alone to suppress the situation.

With Du Ruhui's wisdom, strength, and prestige, it was very easy to press down on Du Yehu.

Jiang Wang, what exactly is he trying to do? what can be done

It is absolutely impossible to kill Zhuang Gaoxian.

It is very difficult to succeed in killing Du Ruhui who has traveled thousands of miles in the territory of Zhuang Kingdom. How to get rid of Yujingshan's punishment afterwards?

Jiang Wang is still impulsive... What a pity!

Or the talent is too high, life is too smooth, and I don't know what forbearance is. Wouldn't it be not easy if he had to endure for a hundred or eighty years, wait until Yan Dao was accomplished, and then go back and deal with Zhuang Gaoxian?

But then again, at that time, there may not be any chance for Lin Zhengren to perform.

At this moment, there is Zhuang Gaoxian, a real person outside, and Yujing Mountain on top, and Du Ruhui stepped forward, furious, the situation has become very clear. The incident happened suddenly, Jiang Wang and Du Yehu did cause a little trouble, but it was just trouble!

The country of Zhuang cannot perish!

And if he tried his best to turn the tide today and save the country loyally, Yujing Mountain would never fail to show it—of course he didn’t expect Zhuang Gaoxian and Du Ruhui to find out with conscience, they both knew what the other was—he happened to jump into Yujing Mountain, and since then Seek the Tao wholeheartedly, resolutely support the Taoist Master Yujing, and cut justice with this quagmire-like country!

After the simple judgment in his heart, Lin Zhengren took the initiative to break the state of disappearance, leaped to the sky, and walked heroically in the air, holding the long sword in his hand and about to come out, when his dantian was so angry that he reprimanded: "I am Lin Zhengren of Dazhuang! -"

The word "Du" had only one sound, and he saw a ferocious tailless swallow rushing towards it, tearing and pecking at it, forcing Du Ruhui, who was endowed with top-level spatial supernatural powers, to back away in a hurry. retreat!

This is a swallow? ! ! !

Immediately afterwards, he saw snow falling in the sky, and frost condensed everywhere. A person wearing a mask with the word "Chu Jiang" stepped on the frost and snow, and pushed horizontally with his palm, freezing the space. The killing momentum was fierce, and the frosty wind howled, Du Ruhui had no choice but to turn around again!

Another man wearing the mask of "Emperor Song" stood in front of Du Ruhui with a violent aura! This person was tall, with a pair of big hands with thick joints, like a palm fan, holding a human head in his hand - the head of Zhuangguo General Huangfu Duanming! Angry eyes wide open, blood is still dripping, it is clear that he just died not long ago!

He saw Du Ruhui turn to the sky urgently, but the sky directly crushed a blood coffin. Suddenly, a sea of ​​blood surged, turning the world here into cruelty. The voice in the blood coffin was scolding the strong man who lifted the head: "Do you want to die, the emperor of Song Dynasty? Who asked you to behead and destroy the corpse? You will pay for Lao Tzu's collection?!"

Emperor Song was furious: "You are so unreasonable, why did the person I killed become your favorite?"

"Shut up." King Chu Jiang said coldly, "You haven't finished killing people yet, don't force King Qin Guang to curse you!"

Lin Zhengren thought that he might know where the head of the Criminal Investigation Department and the head of the National Dao Academy had gone. Either he didn't dare to show his face in front of these criminals, or he didn't have the qualifications to be "collected"...

But at this time, he had already jumped out, walking in the air righteously and awe-inspiringly!

He held his sword, feeling awkward for a moment.

His straightened chest was slightly concave, and his straight spine was slightly curved.

I am Dazhuang Lin Zhengren!

No, I am Xiaolin Zhuanguo...

He felt that the cold eyes that he didn't know who belonged to...had fallen on him as if nothing. As if weighing how fat or thin, there are several catties of skin and flesh.

"Du Ruhui, you really deserve to die! The righteous teacher is still fighting in the corner!" He shouted loudly, and continued his bravery: "Brother Yehu! I'll help you!"

Yes, Lin Zhengren, the leader of the Eight Talents in Xin'an, set things right today and supported Du Yehu, the second in the Eight Talents!

Where righteousness lies, Lin Zhengren is here!

Du Yehu didn't know much.

Even Shan Junwei, who Zhuang Gaoxian arranged to check and balance, had already been instigated by Chongxuan Sheng, he didn't know. There was a conflict before, and he almost killed this fellow in a fit of rage, and was later severely reprimanded by Huangfu.

When the person arranged by Chong Xuansheng sent a letter, he only took it as Zhuang Gaoxian's temptation, and was ready to kill him with a single blow.

But Jiang Wang attached the words of Taoism, and he couldn't do it fake.

There are only six words on the letter - "It's time, second brother."

He didn't know what the timing was now, or what preparations Jiang Wang had made. I don't know how to overthrow Zhuang Ting and kill a real person.

Although he had been waiting, he was stupidly unable to find any possibility of revenge.

All he knew was that Jiang Wang told him that it was time!

He decided to raise the flag.

For so many years, they have never contacted each other, but they have never suspected each other!

At this moment, he is personally organizing the army formation, rolling up the soldiers. Wearing a blood-stained battle armor, evil spirits wandered inside and out. With a full beard and beard, he is much older than his peers.

Looking up at Lin Zhengren at this moment, he might not be able to turn the corner for a while.

Why are you here to help me?

Is there any friendship between us that I don't know about?

Lin Zhengren strode towards Du Yehu, spread his hands to express that he was absolutely harmless, and explained loudly but clearly: "I know that we had some misunderstandings in the past, and I can completely understand your suspicion of me!

"But today, I also hope you understand me!

"Everything I did in the past was just to protect myself in front of the foolish king. In order to keep a useful body, I had to act against my conscience! I believe you can empathize with this feeling!

"Brother Yehu! Do you still remember the past in Fenglin?

"Hundreds of thousands of people! They were given up so easily! It's just for that one true white bone pill!

"I dare not forget these years, often dreaming back at midnight, with tears streaming down my face!

"Wangjiang City and Fenglin City are separated by a strip of water, and there are often relatives by marriage. We can be regarded as half of the same township, and even close neighbors! Fenglin City suffered a sudden tragedy, how can I not hate it? After knowing the truth, I hate it! I can't wait to live Swallow the heart of the faint king! How many years have I buried this hatred! Brother Yehu, I dare not tell anyone!"

Speaking of emotion, he almost shed tears.

Helpless, Du Yehu is not very emotional, he listened to his rambling for a long time without any focus, so he wanted to call when he raised his trump card. Duan Li once taught him that people's hearts are unpredictable and uncertainty is common. If you are undecided, you might as well beat him to death first.

Lin Zhengren hurriedly said again: "If you don't believe me, you can ask Jiang Wang! I have hooked up with him a long time ago - we have a tacit understanding!"

Hearing Jiang Wang's name, Du Yehu was dubious and held down the funeral mace.

Lin Zhengren hastily elaborated on the details: "I have already turned my back on the dark side at the Yellow River meeting! I purposely conceded my defeat from the stage, just to lose face and give Brother Jiang a bad breath!

"The last time the faint king Zhuang Gaoxian sent me to various countries, he actually wanted me to set up a scheme to murder Brother Jiang, how could I agree?! At that time, he took the initiative to confess to Brother Jiang, and he also recognized my sincerity! We are in Shengguo Talking at night while holding candles, I decided to cleanse the demon atmosphere together and shine brightly in the world! So today I am here! I give up the Dragon Palace Banquet, and I will come back to support you. I am not for you, I am for the hundreds of thousands of innocent souls in Fenglin City who cannot rest in peace !!!”

Everyone in Xin'an City was moved when they heard these words!

Is there such a secret behind the Fenglin City incident that shocked the world a few years ago?

Is what Lin Zhengren said credible?

But if it is not true. Why did Jiang Wang abandon the country and leave, why did Zhu Weiwo regard Zhuang Jun as his enemy, why did Du Yehu raise the flag today?

Could it be that these arrogant people are all wolf-hearted? !

Not to mention Jiang Wang, Zhu Weiwo is the pride of the Zhuang Kingdom, the rightful number one pride. Du Yehu is a brave warrior who has gone through life and death for the country.

There is also Lin Zhengren, who represented Zhuang Guo at the Yellow River Meeting, represented Zhuang Guo as an envoy, and represented Zhuang Guo in the Dragon Palace Banquet. He was an undoubted example for Zhuang Guo's younger generation. He is so upright and benevolent, can he turn black and white?

"Lin Zhengren, you're confusing right and wrong, and bewitching the crowd with your gossip, how can you die?!"

Du Ruhui roared angrily.

He was chased and killed by Yama, who had no door to hell, and ran around everywhere, but he was reluctant to leave Xin'an. Because he understands very well that once he leaves under such circumstances, Xin'an will immediately change hands, and the country will be shaken to the very root, and the situation will be extremely difficult to recover! He is struggling now, only thinking about being able to survive until the return of the king.

At this time, he heard Lin Zhengren talking nonsense over there, and he hated it for a moment!

Compared to his gaffe, Lin Zhengren maintained his demeanor and flicked his sleeves lightly: "Du Xiang, Lin has always respected you, and now he does. But don't be stubborn, make mistakes again and again! Today's situation is like this , It is the retribution of Zhuang Gao’s evil deeds, don’t you understand? General Yehu responded to the call, the world raised the flag, and Xin’an changed the flag. It’s just that there is more help for the right, and less help for the wrong!”

Hearing such righteous words, Emperor Song couldn't help but hold his head high.

We are on the right path today, Hell has no gate is the rebel army!

I feel that my sword of righteousness in the world is more vivid!

Oh no.

Thinking that his sword had been destroyed by Zhuang Gou, and it was difficult to appeal to the meaning of the sword, the Emperor Song suddenly turned evil, and chased Du Ruhui angrily: "The traitor takes his life!"





(It is advisable to use the remaining courage to chase the poor, once discouraged, you will become a salted fish.

I'm going to hold this breath and write until the end of the paper.

Continue tomorrow! )

(Thanks to the book friend "Different Flying" for becoming the leader of this book, it is for the 525th alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey!)

This chapter is added (3/3) to the Silver League "You Xianyi Dreams to Luofu" (added before)



Thanks to the book friend "SueCC" for becoming the leader of this book, for the 511th alliance of Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the book friend "Shi Yaohuo" for becoming the leader of this book, for the 512th alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the book friend "Thinking of Qing when walking and thinking of Qing while sitting" for becoming the leader of this book, it is for the 513th alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the book friend "Gongyi Shidong" for becoming the leader of this book, for the 514th alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the book friend "Shao Mo" for becoming the leader of this book, for the 515th alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thank you book friend "Zhongming" for becoming the leader of this book, for the 516th alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the book friend "within one meter" for becoming the leader of this book, it is for the 517th alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the book friend "I only have a soft heart" for becoming the leader of this book, for the 518th alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the book friend "Stupid and Silent" for becoming the leader of this book, it is for the 519th alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the book friend "Back to 2003 to kill Chen Gou and snatch the fish" for becoming the leader of this book, for the 520th alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the book friend "Doctor of the Eyes" for becoming the leader of this book, for the 521st League of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the book friend "Clear Flame Returns to Dust" for becoming the leader of this book, it is for the 522nd alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the book friend "Pan Xiaowen" for becoming the leader of this book, for the 523rd alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the book friend "Xian Yunxia" for becoming the leader of this book, for the 524th alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey!

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