Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2046

Boom boom boom.

The monument of life was pushed open like a heavy stone door.

The base of the stele was clumsily plowed to loosen the soil, as if looking forward to the coming year.

Jiang Wang was at the head, Zhao Rucheng, Wang Changji, Zhu Weiwo, Bai Yuxia, and Lin Xian followed behind and filed out.

Fenglin City is still trapped in the gap between the nether world and the world, and after five years and two months of natural growth, it has become one of the fragments of the realm that exists attached to the world.

Maybe after a few years, weeds will grow here, moss will spread, and travelers will stop here.

But at least for now, it is still silent, it is still dead.

Nothing seems to have changed.

Except for the emperor of Zhuang Kingdom... who died in the meantime.

This is really like a huge tomb, and the tombstone stands here.

In the boundary between Wangjiang City and Sanshan City, it exists alone.

Jiang Wang looked at the monument in silence, and reached out to erase the writing on the monument. He erased the humiliation for the old people of Fenglin City.

Then he used his finger as a knife to engrave four characters on the stone tablet——

"The land of the dead forever".

There is no way to conceive it.

The night was low, the evening breeze was gentle, and people did not speak.

And Jiang Wang stood in front of this living monument, looking at the distant sky, at the end of the starlight and moonlight, he could still see the blood rain, but it was as thin as fog.

Did the sorrow of heaven and earth fall from the eternally fallen Fenglin City to the outside world?

A Taoist priest in a black robe, holding a black oil-paper umbrella, walked out of the blood mist like this. One step appeared in the field of vision, one step came closer. The blood is not stained, the wind is not close, and there is a distance between heaven and earth.

He saw Jiang Wang, who was famous all over the world, standing calmly in front of the stone tablet. Although his body was stained with blood and stains everywhere, his eyes were very clean, like the night sky washed by this rain of blood.

He saw the person named "Wang Changji", holding an old book in his hand, raised his eyes slightly, and looked at him alienatedly.

When he saw the descendants of Emperor Qin Huai, his expression was indifferent, and he raised his sword and stood beside Jiang Wang.

I also saw Zhu Weiwo, who was born in Zhuangguo, cover his heart with one hand, and lift the spear leaning on the ground half an inch with the other.

His eyes swept to Yue Guo Bai Yuxia and Rong Guo Lin Xian again, and they passed by.

Facing him, these people had no intention of retreating.

These people... are eager to try.

The Xuanpao Taoist shook his head in a sense of absurd misconception, as if he suddenly realized at this moment——

It was these people in front of them who had just gone through the siege of the Changhe River and the chase for thousands of miles. They chased Zhuang Gaoxian all the way here, and in the frontal fight, they killed such a Zhengshuo king who had been in power for decades. real person!

The realm of Dongzhen has no deterrent effect in front of these young gods.

They are murderers.

A middle-aged Taoist priest in Xuanpao, with deep eye lines. He is not a person who loves to laugh, but he is not as serious as the beautiful Licorice Taoist.

Holding an umbrella in one hand, raising his chin slightly, he assumed the posture of a real person from Shangguo, and said with a straight voice: "My name is Banxia, ​​and I am a real person guarding the Jingtian Mansion of the Dajing Empire. Take a look. Wait—”

"Daoist Banxia among the six friends of Jingtian, right?" Jiang Wang interrupted him: "Zhuang Gaoxian mentioned you before he died. Real people can tell the truth and don't have to pretend to have just arrived."

Ban Xia was silent for a while.

Of course he knew that he was pretending to have just arrived, and of course he also knew that these people knew that he was pretending to have just arrived--but is the program still running? Do you still want the steps?

Today these people make up any reason, even if they say that they are just passing by, he will hold their noses and let them go.

You, Jiang Wang, must tear your face apart and force us to admit that it was Jing Guo who gave up on Zhuang Gaoxian?

Too ignorant.

It's so out of shape!

Zhuang Chengqian went wrong in his practice and died suddenly on the spot.

Zhuang Mingqi was seriously ill and died suddenly.

Zhuang Gaoxian was congenitally deficient, and his old illness relapsed... Isn't this great?

Three generations echoed back and forth, it might not be an elegy.

What is engraved with a stylus can be erased.

What people hear can be hallucinations.

So if the people don't raise it, the officials won't investigate it. Zhuangguo remains the same, but a new king is established. You wait to disperse, and you will not be held accountable since then.

Isn't it the best of both worlds?

There are probably some people who don't know beauty by nature, but prefer ugly things instead.

"Remember Zhao Xuanyang?" Ban Xia looked at Jiang Wang with a cold gaze.

"Never forget." Jiang Wang said.

"It's good to remember him." Xuanpao Taoist nodded lightly: "This trip is the old Taoist Cangshen, and he has always had a bad temper, so I stopped him, fearing that he would be impulsive and kill you .”

Jiang Wang was expressionless. He has experienced threats like this many times, and it is not worth moving.

But Zhao Rucheng next to him suddenly took a step forward, and raised his eyebrows like a knife in a flash: "What is my third brother's crime, you are going to kill him? You Jingguo, you really cover the sky with one hand, no matter right or wrong, you are not afraid of the rumors? "

He held the Son of Heaven sword in his hand, and murderous look in his eyes: "If the old Taoist priest doesn't make it clear today, if I tell you the truth, I will definitely come and pick you!"

"Cough!" Bai Yuxia coughed, put away the tail of the comet, and walked forward: "This Jingguo Jingtian Mansion's real guard has admired your name for a long time! The person standing in front of you now is Guanhetai The peerless genius of the human race bathed in the light of humanity, and even the hero of the human race who brought back the information of Shenxiao after a narrow escape, may I hear you wrong just now—he has a capital crime? The fault is that Cangshen Daoist has a bad temper?"

Jiang Wang opened his hands, pushed them both back, and faced the real Banxia in front of him, he said slowly: "A few years ago, Du Ruhui accused me of being a demon, Zhuang Gaoxian forged evidence, and the leader of Jingshitai Fu Dongxu was deceived by him, and he issued an order to arrest demons. The disciple of Jingtian Six Friends, Zhao Xuanyang, was ordered to arrest me, but he disappeared unexpectedly and has not returned. I think it must be because of this that Zhen Banxia is dissatisfied with me? "

How dare you bring it up again!

Ban Xia looked at him quietly, and didn't find the slightest flinch in these eyes.

He thought, if it was Cangshen that came today, it might be really hard to bear it.

After seeing Zhuang Gaoxian's death, it is not impossible for Zhao Xuanyang to be killed by Jiang Wang...

"That's how it is!" Although Zhao Rucheng was blocked by Jiang Wang, he did not extinguish his arrogance. At this time, he shouted loudly: "Since it was clear that Du Ruhui was framing in the matter of demon transmission, then Jing Shitai's arrest warrant It’s an evil order, and Zhao Xuanyang’s attack is an evil deed. Why is the world so unfair, and the people of Jingguo commit evil and disappear, and the victims should be held accountable?!”

Ban Xia glanced at him indifferently, and his eyes fell back on Jiang Wang, with a calm voice: "Zhao Xuanyang's disappearance, as a master, I will definitely find out the truth. But in this village today, this real person is the representative Jingguo, come to settle the future of Zhuangguo. The majestic Daoist sect bestowed the title of Daoist and Zhengshuo Emperor, and died overnight, don’t you plan to give an explanation to the world?”

Nine Dragons held the Riyong Town Shanhe Seal to silence the river, which indeed covered up the movement of the siege and cut off prying eyes. But Zhuang Gaoxian fled all the way back to the west, attracting so much attention, of course Jing Guo would not be unaware of it.

Especially those few real people who had a tacit understanding with Zhuang Gaoxian on the matter of Jiang Wang-unfortunately, their tacit understanding was limited to killing Jiang Wang, not to protect Zhuang Gaoxian's life.

After being cheated so many times by these emperors surnamed Zhuang, wouldn't it be reasonable to cheat once?

The lineage of the royal family surnamed Zhuang has been rebellious since Zhuang Chengqian, and it is difficult to control.

When it came to Zhuang Gaoxian, it became more and more exaggerated. While plundering resources in the Taoist sect, he flirted with the Mo family, and even hooked up with Yizhen Dao!

Although he was late because of something, he came a little late, but he was still in time to save Zhuang Gaoxian. Looking on coldly today, he was waiting for Jiang Wang and others to kill Zhuang Gaoxian, and then come out to capture and kill him in a legitimate manner.

Zhao Xuanyang has been missing for many years, but they still don't know the truth!

The military meritorious marquis of the Qi State cannot move, and the heroes of the human race cannot move.

Isn't this the right time?


From the appearance of that colorful heart, he was doomed to come from nowhere.

Since the incident in the demon world last time, Wu Bingji from the Sanxing Palace has been staring at this place, and Jing Guo can't cover the sky with one hand.

Zhuang Country is a Dao country, and the hundreds of thousands of people who were innocently killed in Fenglin City are also people of Dao. Looking at the clear remnants in that heart, how can he say that the revenge of these dead souls is not an act of righteousness? How could he say that Jiang Wang, who was born in Fenglin City, was not qualified for revenge?

So he appeared with an umbrella instead of a dharma sword.

"I have nothing to explain." Jiang Wang said: "As long as your eyes are willing to see and your ears are willing to listen, by now, you should know the truth."

How could he be so "ignorant" after traveling all over the world and wandering around for so many years?

He naturally knew that Banxia Daoist didn't intend to make a move, and he naturally knew that he could walk away quietly if he just built a step today.

But Linghe told him when he left that he was doing the right thing.

Hundreds of thousands of dead people are supporting him with their last thoughts, giving him justice and justice.

How can he go quietly?

Maplewood City needs the truth!

Furthermore, let’s not talk about Yin Guan who doesn’t care about fame... Xiangqian, Bai Yuxia, and Lin Xian are willing to take risks to help him kill the king. How can he let them be unclear and innocent? Disperse?

What if, after many years, Jingguo decides to pursue it again?

Although Zhuang Gaoxian died, he must make a conclusion!

Killing the king today is not a thief.

This incompetent king was dragged off the dragon chair and died of a crusade, a righteous revenge.

No accident! Disease!

Ban Xia was silent for a moment, then nodded slowly, and only said "yes".

There is no room for justification in this matter.

There is no stronger and clearer evidence than the remnants of hundreds of thousands of souls.

It was nothing more than Pinellia asking for face, but Jiang Wang didn't give it.

Ban Xia threw out a threat, and Jiang Wang took it.

He killed Zhuang Gaoxian today, and after stepping over Zhuang Gaoxian's body, he was still determined and would not give in.

At this time, there was a loud sound in the distance.

"My Jiujiang Xuanjia, Du Yehu, holds the Dazhuang Kingdom Book, adds the three seals of Shuijun Seal, Xiangguo Seal, and Chuanguo Jade Seal, and orders the heroic spirits to retreat. Zhuangguo is the Zhuangguo of all people in the world, and it is not Zhuangguo envied by Zhuang Gao! To protect the country is to protect the people, and the hundreds of thousands of people in Fenglin are crying endlessly, today they will clear their grievances and pay off their debts, so don’t leave any grudges behind!”

But it was the evil spirit of the tiger alone, who came out of the night and flew quickly.

Its sound is close to roaring, like thunder bursts.

The black face covered by the big beard showed a reddish color in the black, it can be seen that it was indeed rushing here with all its might... and was late again.

He saw Jiang Wang and Zhao Rucheng, and before he had time to rejoice, he pulled out his funeral mace and angrily directed at Zhenren Banxia!

There is nothing to say, the enemy of the third child and the fifth child is the enemy of Du Huhu!

Ban Xia's anger was really uncontrollable.

Too presumptuous!

How dare a little general from the Dao Kingdom openly confront him, a real person from the Dao Kingdom!

"Brother Hu!" It was Jiang Wang who suddenly turned around and walked in front of Du Yehu. After dispelling the tense atmosphere, he punched him in the chest and made a loud bang: "You roared like thunder just now!" This rhetoric is not like your handwriting."

Although Du Yehu didn't know what happened, but he keenly received the third child's signal to stop the war, he lifted up the funeral mace, scratched his head with the heavy mace, and said naively: "Li Jianqiu's words."

Immortal Banxia had nowhere to explode, so he took advantage of the situation and sighed: "When Zhuang Chengqian was still there, I took the lead in letting him join the Dao Kingdom, and he turned his head and worshiped Yujing Mountain... Now he is extinct, which is really embarrassing !"

The Jingtian Six Friends sit in the Jingtian Shangfu, so they are naturally the orthodox imperial party.

And Zhuang Chengqian was introduced to the Taoist country by the Jingtian Six Friends, and then he went to Yujing Mountain and was recorded in the Yuqing Gold Book. To put it seriously, it was almost a kind of betrayal.

Of course, being in the same Dao vein and belonging to the same Dao country, this cannot be said publicly.

There are too many people deceived by Zhuang Chengqian, Ban Xia is just one of them.

He was also expressing his stance, he had a disagreement with Zhuang Chengqian back then, and now he doesn't care about Zhuang Gaoxian's affairs and name behind him. There is only one thing - Zhuangguo is the Zhuangguo of Taoism, whether Zhuang Gaoxian lives or dies, this matter will not change.

Du Yehu tasted it, and couldn't help asking: "Shangzhen, since the royal family surnamed Zhuang is extinct, where will the people of Zhuangdi go? How will the clan be governed?"

At this moment, he called Shangzhen!

Pinellia pointed and smiled and said, "How cowardly was he before, and how respectful will be later!"

Zhao Rucheng said indignantly: "My second elder brother is arrogant and a friend, but respectful and a people! Isn't this ridiculous?"

Ban Xia was stunned for a moment, but bowed his head to Du Yehu: "The general is really temperamental! It's the fault of the poor."

Du Yehu took a step back to avoid his courtesy.

Zhenren Banxia raised his head, and said again: "Just now, the Western Heavenly Master has signed a treaty with Lu Maoguan, the real king of the Mohist school. Before the 3918th year of the Dao calendar. Since then, they have been repaired and will not invade each other."

Han Xu took action himself, desperately consuming Zhuang Gaoxian, using a large army to present Jing, and inviting Lu Maoguan, the true king of the Mo family, of course it is impossible to get nothing.

And it is absolutely impossible for Jing Guoxi Celestial Master Yu Yi to come in person and lose Zhuang Guo's orthodoxy.

Such a result is actually predictable.

Ban Xia looked at Jiang Wang again at this time: "I don't like you, so I didn't want to ask you this question. But the Heavenly Master has a destiny, I have to ask——At this time when the mountains and rivers are broken and the wind and rain are precarious, are you willing to bear the burden?" Responsibility to protect the people of Zhuang Kingdom?"


Yu Yi had this intention.

In such a huge Zhuang country, the 300-year-old foundation of the Zhuang royal family fell into the palm of his hand!

As long as you nod your head, you can grab it.

This is really the most thorough revenge, killing Zhuang Taizu, killing Zhuang Gaoxian, and finally taking his foundation and taking his community.

But Jiang Wang hardly thought about it, so he shook his head: "I look around the village, and Han Xu is the only one who can be regarded as a wise king. In just a few years in power, Yongguo has been reborn, and the government is clear. It will not be better than him. If I am the master, for the sake of the people of Zhuang, I will return Zhuang to Yong, and restore the goodness of a hundred years."

Ban Xia Su Rong: "The Zhuang country must be the Zhuang country."

Jiang Wang said calmly: "My fate with Zhuang Guo sank with Fenglin City, and died with Zhuang Gaoxian."

Although Banxia's hostility is gone, she is also a little curious: "Is it really not tempting? You know that if you win the Zhuangguosheji and have the power of the country to help you, your practice will make rapid progress, and you may catch up with the youngest real person in history, and even surpass Taiyu ?”

If we say that before today, the real Taiyu is still an insurmountable myth.

After witnessing Jiang Wang who is in the Three Realms, Ban Xia also has to admit that the young man in front of him has the qualifications to challenge this myth.

And Zhuangguo today, although the king, ministers and generals are all dead, but the people and the army are all there, and the foundation of the country has not been harmed. If Jiang Wang can fill in, he will be the lord of Zhuangguo, and the future is definitely promising.

For Jing Guo and Jiang Wang, this should be a matter of mutual benefit.

With a peerless talent like Jiang Wang as the king, the state of Zhuangguo and the country can stop being precarious. With Jing Guo's protection, Jiang Wang no longer has to run around here and there, but the years will be peaceful and peaceful.

Why did he not move?

Zhenren Banxia looked at Jiang Wang.

But Jiang Wang only said: "Li Yi has never been my target."

Li Yi is not the target?

What a madman!

Ban Xia couldn't tell what she was feeling. Either ridicule or ridicule or envy...

It's a pity that Zhao Xuanyang is unlucky and can't fight at this time!

Under the black oil-paper umbrella, his gaze gradually cooled: "Then what is your goal?"

With his sword hanging from his waist, Jiang Wang held Ling He's heart in both hands, turned and walked outside Zhuang Guo: "I used to kill Zhuang Gaoxian. From now on..."

He paused: "Be yourself."

The blue clouds are like a bridge, and he walks towards the sky with firm steps like this.

Opposite Ling He's colorful heart, the position of his atrium, the immortal red gold light, radiates bit by bit.

Blurring the distant journey, reflecting the world.

The boundless night was torn apart at this time, and the dawn of the sky fell like a bunch of flowers facing the sun.

Once the maple forest was white.

I remember when I was a teenager.

After five days of vacation, the monthly list is still second!

You are so kind!

Let me look for the status, I will work hard this month.

I can't do 8,000 words a day, but I have to give at least some surprises every week (Fuck hard


Thanks to the book friend "Leek Past" for becoming the leader of this book, it is for the 542nd League of Chixin Sky Survey! (I missed it last time.)

Thank you book friend "Zhang Linchuan" for becoming the leader of this book, for the 554th alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the book friend "_冰_" for becoming the leader of this book, for the 555th alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the book friend "Smile|Pity" for becoming the leader of this book, for the 556th alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thank you book friend "Bi Yi" for becoming the leader of this book, for the 557th alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the book friend "Rui Wenwen" for becoming the leader of this book, for the 558th alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thank you book friend "Cz03" for becoming the leader of this book, for the 559th alliance of Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the book friend "Yunlong Yingzi" for becoming the leader of this book, it is the 560th alliance for the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the book friend "The End of the Old Dream" for becoming the leader of this book, for the 561st League of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the book friend "jcwei1203" for becoming the leader of this book, it is the 562nd alliance for the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the book friend "I speak my words" for becoming the leader of this book, for the 563rd alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the book friend "random yi" for becoming the leader of this book, for the 564th alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the book friend "Hand Pickable Jade Rabbit" for becoming the leader of this book, for the 565th alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the book friend "Classmate Love in Glacier" for becoming the leader of this book, it is the 566th alliance for the Chixin Sky Survey!

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