Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2047 Gift to Dragon Palace

In the extremely splendid Changhe Dragon Palace, the No. 1 Banquet in the World is unfolding its grand gesture.

The delicacies from ancient times to the present are displayed on the food table, and the arrogance figures from various countries and sects gather together.

Those curios and treasures left in the long river of time are competing to shine.

Unparalleled Taoism, secrets of hundreds of schools... The human race that dominates the present world has never been stingy to show the future at the Dragon Palace Banquet.

At this moment when the wind and clouds gather, the confident and high-spirited human race talents show their talents to the fullest.

What a spectacle!

The Dragon Palace Banquet usually lasts for seven days and seven nights in a row, but only one day and one night has passed, and there have been many brilliant moments.

For example, the wonderful duel between Qin Guohuang Budong and Sanfen Xianglou Yelaner, for example, Wei Guoyan Shaofei's passionate challenge to Song Guochen Siwu.

For example, Ji Li jumped to fight for the ancient scroll, and Zhao Wuyan snatched the ghost amber with his bare hands...

The scenery in this world will never fade away because of someone's departure.

It's nothing more than that the other star has disappeared, and this star shines. The long time is full of stars.

At a certain moment, suddenly there was an arrogant voice: "When the dragon gate is opened, it's time for the world to see its demeanor!"

People looked over one after another, and when they saw Zhong Liyan standing up, they all turned their heads.

The Dragon Palace Banquet has been going on till now. The most anticipated people, apart from Jiang Wang, who is temporarily absent, are Dou Zhao of Chu State, Zhongxuan Zun of Qi State, Qin Zhizhen of Qin State, Huang Sheli of Jing State, and Xiangyi who controls the real puppet "Ming Gui".

As for the short-bearded eagle-eyed... who is that?

Zhong Liyan stared at him contemptuously, only to feel that wherever he looked, people were avoiding him one after another, he was really arrogant!

"Why don't you gentlemen dare to look at me?" His eagle eyes were like lightning, and he swept across with domineering arrogance, "Why, there are so many talents in the Dragon Palace, except for Dou Zhao, Chong Xuan Zun, Qin Zhizhen, Huang Sheli, and Xi Xiangyi... No one dares to fight with me, Zhong Liyan?!"

He thought about these words for a long time, and wanted to say them for a long time.

He, Zhong Liyan, and Dou Zhao are equally divided, and he is indistinguishable from Jiang Wang. Dou Zhao laughed so hard, how could he not!

And he is very rigorous, and has already eliminated several people who are evenly matched with him. Isn't this shocking the audience?

But as soon as the words fell——

Zhao Wuyan, Yan Shaofei, Sheng Xuehuai, Ji Li, Zhongshan Weisun... Almost all the people present stood up and looked at him coldly, the scene was momentarily frozen.

"Do you dare not look at you or dismissively, can you tell the difference?" A voice in the crowd asked.

"Who said that? Stand up and challenge me one-on-one!" Zhong Liyan glared around.

Fan Wushu from Liguo laughed loudly to cover up his anger: "As soon as you talk about Chudi's demeanor, people look forward to Dou Zhao, but you, Zhong Liyan, stood up. Isn't this a gimmick? You haven't done that yet?" I am very famous. When you leave the Southern Region, who will recognize you!"

Zhong Liyan was not afraid of being beaten, but afraid of losing face, so he snorted, "I let you know me today!"

"Good boy, you are so arrogant! Come on, come on, let me accompany you for a few times!" Fan Wushu said as he walked away from the table. After all, we are friends. If he doesn't come out to play a double reed, I'm afraid it will be Zhong Liyan. It's hard to leave today intact.

Zhong Liyan just has a bad temper and a short-sighted mind, so he doesn't have a bad brain at all, so he has to go along with the flow: "Since that's the case, I'll ask you to see what it means to be number one in martial arts—"

The door of the temple was pushed open at this moment.

A very handsome man with a long sword hanging from his waist stood in the light pouring in from outside the hall.

The skin is as white as jade, so white that it is dazzling.

He held a square gift box in his left hand, pressed his right hand in front of his body, bowed slightly, and said with a faint smile, "Am I disturbing everyone's elegance?"

"Who is this?"

"Bai Yuxia!"

Questions and answers rang out from the crowd.

After all, he is someone who has participated in the main match of the Yellow River Games, and some people still recognize him.

No one could question Bai Yuxia's qualifications to attend the banquet, people just wondered why he was late.

"He seems to be with Jiang Wang..."

"Open a restaurant in Xingyueyuan?"

The crowd murmured.

Bai Yuxia's eyes wandered around the hall, but after searching for a while to no avail, she couldn't help asking, "Isn't the little holy monk of Jingli here?"

Huang Sheli looked at him enthusiastically: "Monk Jingli has returned to the Xuankong Temple beforehand. If you have any questions, you may as well ask me, I also understand Buddhism!"

Bai Yuxia thanked her politely, and walked towards the hall.

Because in the entire Baiyujing restaurant, everyone who could come to God participated in the pursuit of Zhuang Gaoxian, but the only one who was responsible for consecrating the cleansing ceremony for the customers was concealed. Before coming here, Jiang Wang asked him to find a way to coax him... Now it's the best of both worlds.

He walked into the hall and saluted Long Jun from a distance: "Bai Yuxia has seen His Majesty Long Jun."

Changhe Longjun nodded slightly as a response.

"Bai Yuxia, I wrote the invitation for you with my own hand... welcome to the table." Fu Yunqin, the chief manager of the Yellow River, as the representative of the Dragon Palace, asked the question that everyone cared about after exchanging pleasantries: "Is Jiang Wang coming back?" ?”

All eyes gathered, Bai Yuxia was polite, bowed her body and said, "My boss still has something to deal with, so I won't come here in person. He asked me to present a gift to Lord Long."

Fu Yunqin looked at the gift box, of course he already knew what was in it, but he still asked, "What gift did Jiang Wang send?"

"Let me offer it!"

Bai Yuxia brushed off the corner of her clothes, and walked gracefully, from the center of the hall, to the throne of Long Jun Ao Shuyi, crossed all the seats, opened the gift box in her hand, and held it high——

Inside the gift box was a blood-stained human head with a weird smile, as if alive in a trance!

In the sudden silence of the crowd, Bai Yuxia said loudly: "The real Zhuang Gaoxian, the real Zhuang Gaoxian, who has been secretly supporting the slave business of the Shui tribe for a long time and plundered a large amount of wealth, is bestowed the head here!"

"Of course, enslaving the Shui people is only one of his crimes. During his reign, he killed Zhongliang without authorization, committed evil deeds, confounded black and white, confused right and wrong, and sacrificed hundreds of thousands of people in order to gain the rank of Dongzhen. Unforgivable sin!

"The Dong family cut off the road in the Changhe River, chased and killed them for thousands of miles, and finally cut off the village and envied it in the village, eliminating this great harm for the world. And with this head, I present it to the Dragon Lord to witness the friendship of the human and aquatic tribes!"

The audience is silent!

The world's top talents are still competing at the Dragon Palace Banquet, but Jiang Wang has already raised his sword to kill the real person!

There must be something hidden in this, and it must not be as simple and straightforward as Li Yihengjian retreating Cangming. But it is an undeniable fact that Zhuang Gaoxian's head is here!

Above the honorable position, Ao Shuyi was also silent.

Although I don't know what specific method Zhuang Chengqian used to hide the Aquarium blood in his descendants. And Zhuang Gaoxian never revealed this until his death.

But Jiang Wang is the one who knows the truth.

Having killed Zhuang Gaoxian, and then thoroughly investigating him, it is not difficult to trace the source.

It is a great surprise that a human with the blood of the Shui tribe has become the Zhengshuo emperor of the orthodox human country. This kind of fact is more able to nail Zhuang Gaoxian to the pillar of shame, and no one in the world can stand up for him.

But Jiang Wang didn't choose to do this.

At this time, Zhuang Gaoxian's crimes have been proved by the dead souls in Fenglin City.

And exposing Zhuang Gaoxian's aquarium blood will definitely cause deeper conflicts between the human race and the aquarium.

Zhuang Chengqian's use of the Qingjiang Aquarium and Zhuang Gaoxian's enslavement and trampling of the Qingjiang Aquarium. The background of the reaction is the sharp decline in the status of the Aquarium since the Middle Ages. Go to Jing Taizu Town to kill Shenchi Tianwang, and fall to the bottom of the valley.

Once Zhuang Gaoxian's aquarium blood is exposed, it will only shift the focus of public opinion.

The human race will ask, what is the intention of the Shui clan to hide their blood and become the king? Zhuang Gaoxian sacrificed hundreds of thousands of people in Fenglin City, and he may be drawn into a bigger conspiracy theory by someone with a heart. For example, the hatred of the Shui Race towards the Human Race. It's almost inexplicable!

The Shui people will also ask, Zhuang Gaoxian is Zhuang Chengqian's direct blood, the most orthodox emperor, a good emperor in front of him, but once killed. Could it be that having the blood of the aquarium is the reason to die?

This gift, as Jiang Wang said——

"To witness the friendship of the Aquarium Clan."

He killed Zhuang Gaoxian and exposed Zhuang Gaoxian's crimes, but he did not reveal Zhuang Gaoxian's bloodline, because he did not regard bloodline as Zhuang Gaoxian's crime.

The lingering sick father, who received the good news and learned that his son was admitted to the Taoist monastery with the first place, finally closed his eyes and slept forever, what he kept telling his son was——

Your choices determine who you become.

It's not about who your father is or who your mother is.

The industrious drug dealer in the small town and the woman who washes clothes by the Fengxi River also gave birth to a genius who is the focus of the whole world!

There was a brief silence in the hall, and after a while, Changhe Longjun said: "Jiang Wang's gift is well-intentioned. I accept it."

The gift box containing Zhuang Gaoxian's head was closed, which also cut off people's surprised eyes.

Bai Yuxia cupped her hands and saluted: "Then Bai will also leave."

Then he turned to everyone in the Dragon Palace: "Welcome everyone to come to Xingyueyuan Baiyujing Restaurant as guests. Our restaurant gathers famous chefs from all over the world and collects fine wines from six countries. It is of high quality and low price. No one can deceive you—"

"Cough!" Fu Yunqin coughed, stopping his unfinished propaganda.

Ji Li from Mugu Academy said, "Brother Bai, won't you stay and participate in the Dragon Palace Banquet?"

The Yue Kingdom is so close to the Mugu Academy, and there are many academy disciples in the court. They are both dragons and phoenixes, so they know each other.

Bai Yuxia stopped, thought for a while, and said with a smile: "I, a person in Bai Yujing, never want to be ordinary. Compared to playing around under the protection of Lord Long, I still think that chasing real people is more exciting and interesting..."

He didn't say any more when he said this, and walked around in a circle: "Everyone, please drink slowly, and Yuxia will leave!"

Zhong Liyan, who had already opened his posture and was about to play a friendly match, was left alone by the audience, his molars itching with hatred.

Such blatant showing off is really annoying!

There is no way to refute.

Who can kill a real person to sing the opposite?

Zhuang Gao envied the heinous crime! Damn it!

Jiang Wang has blind eyes! When caning!

Bai Yuxia invited them all, but I don't know how to ask Uncle Zhongli for help? Don't you know that eliminating harm for the people is exactly what Uncle Zhongli wishes! ?

Fu Yunqin, the Chief Chief Officer of the Yellow River, already held the gift box containing the head in his hand, and asked aloud, "Here is the head of Zhuang Gaoxian, where is the body?"

Bai Yuxia replied: "Burn it. To prevent his death from being incomplete. Even this head has been burnt inside."

Fu Yunqin nodded, he just didn't want Zhuang Gaoxian's Aquarium bloodline to be known by more people, Jiang hoped that if they didn't clean up, he would help deal with the traces. At this time, he said again: "The real person was also killed, and the gift was also given. I don't know what Jiang Wang is busy with now, but he has no time to return. Is that matter more important than the Dragon Palace Banquet?"

Bai Yuxia smiled lightly: "Accompany his sister."

Then turn around and leave.

This is the spring of 3923 in the calendar.

Jiang Wang can finally announce the existence of his own sister Jiang Anan to the world.



Bai Yuxia left, and the palace gate was closed again.

There is only one news about Jiang Wang chasing and killing the real person thousands of miles away, like a huge stone hitting the water, smashing the sea of ​​​​hearts, and people's hearts are no longer peaceful.

That's a real person!

In any place in this world, they are all guests.

No matter how weak a country is, no matter how poor its background is, as long as a real person emerges, it will be reborn instantly. With a little management, it can be called a regional power.

The killing of real people by gods has never been seen in history books!

But since then, it should be recorded in the history pen.

Future generations look at this era from a distance, no matter how they write, they can't get around the name "Jiang Wang"...

History is the greatest glory.

And how many people will remember, what did so and so do at a certain Dragon Palace banquet on a certain day of a certain year?

Unless someone jumps out now and gives Long Jun a sword, maybe it will be remembered!

Jiang Wang really doesn't need to go back to the Dragon Palace Banquet, everyone at the Dragon Palace Banquet needs to look at him.

Mr. Long first said that if there is no Jiang Wang at the banquet, it will lose its color a lot.

It was just a polite word, but now it has become the truth!

At this time, Ye Qingyu unloaded the strings, put away the qin, unhurriedly packed some delicacies unique to the Dragon Palace, and then said: "Qingyu will also bid farewell to the Dragon Lord first. Thank you for the hospitality, the scenery of the Dragon Palace , Qing Yu will never forget it in this life."

Fu Yunqin looked at this woman who was so refined even in packing, and expressed doubts with his eyes.

Ye Qingyu said seriously: "I have a puppy at home, and I forgot to leave food when I went out. I can't let it go, I have to go back and have a look."

Fu Yunqin smiled: "Dragon Palace Banquet is a feast of arrogance, there is no reason not to let the guests go. Miss Qingyu, please do as you please."

Ye Qingyu saluted again and stood up gracefully.

"Miss Ye is going back to Yunguo?" The most important person in the entire Dragon Palace Banquet said at this moment, with a friendly smile: "It happens that I have a business in your country, how about we go together? We can also discuss it on the way Some cooperation details."

Ye Qingyu followed the sound and looked at Da Qi Bo Wanghou, but just caught the gaze of the glamorous beauty next to Bo Wanghou.

Li Fengyao's voice was cold but soft: "What he said is us."

"Ah, yes, yes, yes." Chong Xuansheng quickly added: "We are going together. As for this business, the sister of the Li family also has shares!"

Ye Qingyu looked at the two of them, and saluted with a smile: "Living with good people is like entering the house of Zhilan. Both of you are worldly talents and a family of kindness. It is my wish to be able to walk with you."

The three of them left together and said goodbye to the banquet together.

Ye Qingyu's celestial appearance, Li Fengyao's tall and glamorous, walking on both sides of Chong Xuansheng, made them even more graceful.

When walking towards the gate of the palace, Ye Qingyu suddenly felt something and turned his head away.

The nun named Yuzhen sitting in the middle of the hall just looked at her quietly without saying a word.

Ye Qingyu nodded slightly as a gesture.

Their eyes meet for a brief moment, and then calmly stagger. Above the white clouds, in the world of mortals.

Ye Lan'er rested her arms and looked at them with great interest. I just feel that the gate of the Dragon Palace is like an empty gate! One walks outside and one sits inside.

The interest in the eyes slowly dissipated, only a silent sigh.

I just discovered that the Chixin Book Raising Party is very large.

For the chapters of the last volume, the subscription is 54,000. Is this the number of genuine readers?

In the past 24 hours, more than 40,000 subscriptions have been added, which I think is already a lot, and I feel that the book raising party has entered the market. I didn't expect that there could be more than 10,000 in the knot.

It's good to raise books!

Read the book together, the foreshadowing is done, readers don't worry, the author gets less scolding, and the reading experience is better!


Thanks to the leader "amazsaber" for the new alliance rewarded!

Thanks to the leader "jcwei1203" for the new alliance rewarded!

Thanks to the book friend "Xinxin Aragaki Yui" for the reward, the new alliance is the 567th alliance for the Chixin Sky Survey!

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