Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2048 There is true meaning in this, and I forget what I want to say

The Dragon Palace is very big, but if there is one less beauty, there will be less color.

Jiang Wang had already slipped away, but as soon as Ye Qingyu left, Huang Sheli's side became even more empty.

Merry and prosperous times... always blown away by the rain!

She was very unhappy, gave Zhongshan Weisun a fierce look, and made instructions with her chin.

When going out, Zhongshan Weisun also wanted to save face, he smiled and said to the people next to him, "Huang Sheli insists on me sitting there, and every time there is a big battle, I need to point out the myths... Make everyone laugh."

Then he sneaked in desperately, filling in the popularity and making up for the vacancy.

Xu Xiangqian and Zhao Wuyan were next to each other, so there was no words for a long time.

To be precise, it was Xu Xianggan who had been chattering all the time, but after Bai Yuxia entered the palace, he became silent.

Zhao Wuyan glanced at him, and said softly: "You and Jiang Wang are also close friends, why don't you go and have a look?"

"I didn't think about it earlier..." Xu Xiangqian lowered his usual high head: "So Jiang Wang prepared this gift! Even the senior sister who is not familiar with him thought of it, but I didn't think of it. Ha, I am so stupid ah!"

Looking at him like this, Zhao Wuyan subconsciously softened his voice: "I'm sorry. I stopped you on purpose, and I didn't mean to make you all friends."

In the past when two people got along, no matter what happened, no matter whose fault it was, it was Xu Xianggan who took the initiative to apologize and seek peace. This is the first time Yuzhao Wuyan said 'I'm sorry' after getting along for so long.

But Xu Xianggan didn't feel happy, but shook his head bitterly: "Senior sister, you also miss me, how can I blame you? It's just..."

He sighed softly: "Jiang Wang is really a very good friend of mine, except for Long Chuan. I have a lot of problems, and I like to find fault with others. In fact, there are very few real friends..."

"Do you think he will blame you?" Zhao Wuyan asked.

"A person like him certainly wouldn't blame me." Xu Xianggan twitched the corners of his mouth and said in a low voice, "I was just thinking about such a dangerous thing... What if he fails? I may spend my whole life stuck in 'I can do it. In remorse for doing nothing but doing nothing."

"Everyone has their own life, even if they are friends, they don't have to be together for everything, let alone be together for everything." Zhao Wuyan said slowly: "In this matter, you really don't need to blame yourself .I don't say that to excuse you."

"First of all, Jiang Wang will not let you participate in this matter. Although he has successfully killed Zhuang Gaoxian and left safely, the words 'killing the innocent and stupid king' have been concluded. But before the end of the matter, I think He was never quite sure.

"Look at Jingli, Chongxuansheng, none of these people went. This is clear proof.

"It is also a clear proof that he resigned from the official position and left the state of Qi earlier.

"I dare say that among the people who went with him to kill Zhuang Gaoxian, there is absolutely no one who is concerned about it. It is impossible for him to take a famous disciple like you to take risks.

"Take a step back, even if he really invites you. You Xu Xianggan, there is no way to intervene in this battle."

She caressed Xu Xianggan's back with a soft voice: "This battle is a battle of regicide, and I am almost an enemy of the world. In life, there are few people who are carefree. Although you Xu Xianggan has the meaning of a friend, how can you?" Disregarding the feelings of the sect? How can you... ignore me?"

Xu Xianggan was silent.

Life is different, of course.

The news of Jiang Wang beheading Zhuang Gaoxian spread here.

Some people are amazed by its strength, some are amazed by its courage. There are also people who know what kind of suffering he has suffered and how long he has been waiting for this day.

At this moment, Zuo Guangshu's eyes were filled with tears, and he wanted to cry and laugh at the same time. If it wasn't for this occasion representing the state of Chu, he could hardly control his emotions.

He held Qu Shunhua's hand tightly, got up and wanted to leave: "Let's go see our cute little sister too!"

Qu Shunhua looked at him tenderly: "Can I go to Yunguo?"

He sat down again dejectedly: "God will come soon!"

Qu Shunhua held his hand back, and said softly: "Of course God's presence is not a problem for you, but you need a more perfect achievement... There is good news, do you want to hear it?"

Zuo Guangshu raised his eyes: "Brother Jiang slashed his heart with a sword, and I'm really happy for him. Is there any better news than this?"

Qu Shunhua said with a smile: "Brother Jiang will go to Yunguo in the future, and he doesn't need to hide when he comes to the Southern Region. His younger sister can also travel around the world, why not invite them to Chu? Let's set a table at Huangliang Terrace and invite her Eat the Dragon Banquet!"

Zuo Guangshu's eyes brightened up: "Good idea!"

"What's the matter?" Zhong Liyan, who was not interested, sat down and didn't listen to what they were talking about, so he interjected: "You people don't have a good idea!"

The young couple looked at each other and asked each other with their eyes - what's wrong with this guy?

ignore him.

At this moment, Dou Zhao put down his wine glass and got up calmly.

"Hey, where are you going?" Zhong Liyan hurriedly asked.

If there is anyone who hates Dou Zhao the most in this world, it is of course Zhong Liyan, who is exiling Dou Xiaoer in his dreams.

But if we say who is the most concerned about Dou Zhao in this world, it can only be Zhong Liyan.

He was really afraid that Dou Zhao would practice without telling him and secretly become stronger!

Dou Zhao walked out without looking back: "The real Tianjiao is not here, and of course I shouldn't be here either!"

This time no one contradicted him.

But when he saw him striding away, the military uniform with red background and gold border was waving like a flag.

Zhong Liyan hesitated and gritted his teeth: "Wait! You are right, we shouldn't be here!"

He raised his foot and chased after him.

"Fighting for the Dragon Gate" is a very important part of the Dragon Palace Banquet.

Just as the East China Sea Dragon Palace is the manifestation of the authority of the Dragon Clan, the Changhe Dragon Palace is the last glory of the Dragon Clan.

To a certain extent, it is like the treasure of the cave, and can be compared with the cave.

And "opening the dragon's gate" means that Lord Long opens up this treasure for free to help participants gain insight into the world. If Lord Long is in a good mood, he will give some pointers.

The opening time of the dragon gate is not short, after the end of the Dragon Palace Banquet, it will last until the end of February. It can be said that it can greatly benefit the cultivators' real resources! It is extremely beneficial to practitioners who are exploring the realm of real people, and it can be regarded as one of the best gains of the Dragon Palace Banquet.

There have always been many people who have walked out of the Longmen and achieved real powerhouses in the cave, which endows this matter with a layer of mysterious meaning.

Therefore, since ancient times, there has been a saying of "jumping over the dragon's gate", and people use this to describe the change of being reborn and reaching the sky in one step.

But for some, it doesn't have to be such a hassle.

Like that Jiang Wang, isn't it just gone and never returned?

Self-satisfied, there is no need to ask for it.

Of course Dou Zhao is not needed either.

As for Zhong Liyan...he hoped that others would think he didn't need it.

Wang Yiwu used to be supercilious, but he has calmed down a lot in the past few years, and looked at Chongxuanzun calmly.

Chongxuan Zunshi got up and left the table with a smile: "Yiwu, you stay here to test their quality. This place is very close to Yuyuan, I am really bored, go kill a few Shuras for fun."

In the entire Dragon Palace Banquet, people from Qi and Chu attended the banquet with the largest number of people.

In the blink of an eye, the people of Qi left only one Wang Yiwu, and the people of Chu left only three.

Of the remaining three, two had no intention of doing anything about Dragon Palace at all. Zuo Guangshu and Qu Shunhua are already planning "Jiang Anan's Journey to the Kingdom of Chu" and are discussing the details of the journey enthusiastically. They must let the little sister have fun, and it is best to settle in the Kingdom of Chu from now on!

On the other hand, Xiang Bei sat calmly, motionless. Whether others need it or not, what others think, has nothing to do with him. He feels he needs it, and he's sitting here.

After being blinded, he saw himself more clearly.

Observe everything with your heart, and observe everything with yourself.

In the corner of the main hall, the shy monk of Mount Sumeru closed his eyes and pursed his lips, reciting a mantra. It's a pity that no sound came out, and I don't know what I was reading.

Although the expression is serious, it is inexplicably funny. I wonder if it is the curse of "everyone can't see me".

"What is Senior Sister Zhuo writing?" Ning Shuangrong, who was wearing a turquoise shirt, suddenly asked.

"Just write down some knowledge..." Zhuo Qingru gathered the manuscript without any trace, looked at Ning Shuangrong, then at Zhu Biqiong: "What about you, what are you thinking?"

Ning Shuangrong smiled, and said generously: "At the beginning, it was because I knew that Jiang Wang had gone to the Yellow River Meeting, and I knew I was invincible, so I gave up participating and didn't talk to the heroes of the world. Now that I think about it, I regret it. I really want to Look at the nineteen-year-old Jiang Qingyang."

She looked at Zhuo Qingru again, and confirmed: "It's just to record some knowledge, there is no need to add oil and vinegar?"

"Of course—" Zhuo Qingru brushed her hair, and said nonchalantly, "I didn't write about you."

Then asked Zhu Biqiong: "What about you? How do you feel?"

"Me?" Zhu Biqiong stood up slowly, with her hands hanging by her sides, pointing like knives: "Dou Zhao and Chong Xuanzun are gone, I want to fight for the Dragon Gate."

have to. Zhuo Qingru put away her pen.



Lingxiao's secret land is always calm and calm.

Sometimes it rains and frost falls, just for enjoying the scenery.


Jiang An'an rode the inflated stupid gray, running through the sea of ​​clouds, imagining that he was a mighty general, raising his hand to shout the tsunami, commanding thousands of troops. Just like my brother, he is a marquis for military exploits!

I, Jiang An'an, will be very busy then, and I don't have time to see you!

Just as he was having fun, the glistening sweat dripped on his forehead, and that silly stupid gray suddenly turned around in the air, flicked his tail chicly, and swayed enthusiastically along the way, and she also saw the smiling person.

"Oh, I'll go." Jiang Anan rolled and crawled, fell off the stupid gray back that was approaching the old owner quickly, turned around and ran: "Isn't it just that I didn't do my homework? Why did you call my brother here!"

Jiang Wang held her by the back of the collar with one hand, lifted her up, put his foot against the gray dog's head, and prevented it from licking it. Looking at the dozing Cloud Stepper A Chou, he frowned: "Where did she get that accent?"

Ah Chou has always been angry about getting up, and he is also known to be fierce, but thinking of the news he just got, the guy in front of him just killed a real person... Woke up instantly after dozing off, blinking his eyes: "I don't know."

After thinking for a while, he added cautiously: "Is it brought by Mo Liang's bums?"

The old man can't understand this world! The guy in front of him was kicked on the ground by him a few years ago, why is he so powerful all of a sudden?

Jiang Wang brought Jiang Anan to his face: "You didn't do your homework?"

"It's not that I didn't write it." Jiang An'an seriously corrected: "I just wrote it a few days late."

Without waiting for Jiang Wang to speak, she showed a sweet smile again: "Brother! You came to see me!"

Open your hands for a hug.

Jiang Wang really couldn't keep a straight face, so he smiled naturally: "There is more than one brother who came to see you today."

He hugged Jiang Anan and turned around.

Then Jiang An'an saw...

With inch hair and good looks, she calls Brother Ru Cheng the little boy.

Big bearded face, eyes as big as copper bells, fierce-looking Brother Tiger.

They all stood brilliantly under the blue sky and white clouds, and they all smiled at her.

She froze for a moment, as she was still young, she didn't quite understand what emotions were surging in her heart at this moment.

It's just that many pictures suddenly appeared in my mind.

Brother Linghe took her hand and walked through the school in the foggy morning.

Brother Tiger lifted her over his head and ran through the streets and alleys of Fenglin City.

Brother Rucheng is always surrounded by many big sisters, and he always likes to chase after her and ask, An An, An An, who is more handsome, Brother Jiang or me?

Brother Tang Dun squatted on the threshold, and laughed whenever he saw her, Miss An An, is this fish steamed or braised?


After thinking about it, Jiang An'an let out a wow and burst into tears.

Du Yehu stepped back subconsciously. Such a rough man was a little at a loss, and said with an embarrassed expression: "Did I scare her? I have been living in the military barracks for a few years, and I am not as kind as before. When I go out I didn't remember to wash my face, and you didn't remind me..."

"What are you talking about, you've been like this since you were a child!" Jiang Wang hugged Jiang An'an with one hand, hooked his shoulder with the other, and hooked him vigorously: "An'an just... remembers you."

Jiang An'an, whose eyes were still tearing, stretched out her little hand at this time, tentatively grabbing Du Yehu's beard, and said cautiously and sobbing: "Brother Tiger, are you... are you real?"

"Of course I'm real!" Du Yehu replied vigorously, pulled off a handful of his beard, and gently handed it to Jiang An'an: "Pinch and see, is it true?"

At the beginning, he returned home with big bags and small bags of gifts, and he was confident that he would become Jiang Anan's most admired brother, but then everything disappeared... He was so small at that time, but now he can ride a wolf!

He is clumsy and doesn't know how to express his joy, he is willing to give anything.

But Jiang Anan didn't pick up the beard, but reached out to reach the gap of the beard: "Oh, does it hurt?"

Du Yehu smiled indifferently: "What is this!"

Jiang An'an gently stroked the place where he had plucked his beard with his small hand, and said to him seriously: "You can't do this in the future. Master taught us not to hurt ourselves."

"Hey!" Du Yehu responded, then scratched his head and said, "I'm sorry, brother Tiger, you haven't read much. Mr. didn't teach me these things."

Jiang Anan said to himself: "Sir, teach me and I will teach you, just listen to me!"

"Okay, it's all up to you! Guaranteed to hit where you point!" Du Yehu grinned and smiled innocently.

"Ah, that's right." After laughing for a while, he remembered something, and hurried to look through his storage box: "I bought you a present!"

Zhao Ru, who was at the side, was still in a state of emotion and was trying to control his emotions, but now he raised his head in astonishment—he was very happy to be with his two elder brothers. He was even happier when he thought of meeting An An. So much so that he didn't think of the gift at all...but Du Yehu thought of it!

How does this make the strategic role in Fenglin Five Heroes handle itself?

His voice was full of grief and indignation in surprise: "Let's drink and talk, aren't we all together? When did you buy the gift?!"

Du Yehu showed Jiang Anan the dazzling array of storage boxes, and glanced at Zhao Rucheng proudly: "Are you stupid? Brother has a lieutenant general!"

Thanks to the book friend "Bang Lao Mi Chang Sheng" for rewarding the new alliance, which is the 568th alliance for the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the book friend "Jian Shan Gen" for the reward, the new alliance is the 569th alliance for the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the book friend "Infatuated Cowboys" for rewarding the new alliance, which is the 570th alliance for the Chixin Sky Survey!

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