Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2049 If you have nothing to worry about

The chariot carrying Daqi Bowanghou left the Dragon Palace and flew in the air. Soaring through the clouds and driving the fog, majestic and majestic.

Leading the way ahead is the seven-color cloud flag car of the young pavilion master of the Lingxiao Pavilion, with thousands of auspicious colors and brilliant splendor.

Because Li Fengyao was beside him, Chong Xuansheng was not as paralyzed as usual. He sat slightly leaning in the carriage, flipping through a file casually in his hand, his eyes glanced at the raised front curtain, and glanced at the Cowin car in front: " That is Jiang Qingyang's Qiao Yanjun, I have never heard of it, why didn't the sister of the Li family ride with her? Don't you plan to observe more?"

Li Fengyao sat upright, her beautiful eyes were like frost: "She is the best, there is nothing to observe. I would like to ask you... Jiang Wang's sudden action this time, is he planning to bear everything by himself?"

"It's not sudden." Chong Xuansheng said: "He has been waiting for this day for many years, and he has also prepared for many years."

Li Fengyao turned his gaze: "Answer my question."

Chong Xuansheng was silent for a moment, and said, "I won't let him do that."

"But you can't stop him, can you?"

Chong Xuansheng spread his hands helplessly: "I can't stop it, so I can only cooperate."

Li Fengyao's eyes fell on the file: "What is this?"

As he asked, he took the file naturally and frowned slightly: "Leu Yi'an? Who is this?"

Chong Xuansheng said casually: "The penultimate city lord of Fenglin City. After the incident in Fenglin City, he cried in Zhuang Temple. Because he questioned the truth of Fenglin City, he was executed by Dong A and announced his death from illness."

Although the dossier was taken away, he already knew these materials by heart.

"Can anyone prove it?"

"Some people can prove that what I'm saying is the truth, and others can prove that it's not. It's just a joke. After Zhuang Gaoxian is killed, it will be relatively easier to talk about it."

Li Fengyao turned a page and continued to read: "Zhang Xinliang..."

Chong Xuansheng said: "He is a hero. He died of exhaustion in order to fight for resources for the Zhuang Guo Taoist Academy at the Jiuxiao Altar in Yujing Mountain. He was also Dong A's friend when he was young. It is worth mentioning that his father, Not long after Zhang Xinliang's death, he died of a cult riot... I suspect that he was set up to plunder his inheritance. Dong A reprimanded the Chief of the Criminal Investigation Department for this matter, and was demoted to Fenglin City Daoist Temple because of this."

"Have you found the culprit?"

"It doesn't matter who it is. What's important is that this matter can make the Criminal Investigation Division rot. If the Criminal Investigation Division is rotten, why doesn't Zhuang Gaoxian rot?"

Li Fengyao turned another page: "Qiao Jingzong..."

"A native of Qiao State, he defected to Zhuang State and was ranked among the eight elites in Xin'an. Jiang Wang died in battle in the demon world shortly after returning from the demon clan. All traces were erased. I found his family in Qiao State and collected I read his family letter. It contains the content of how Zhuang Gaoxian expected him, and specially transferred him to the demon world to train. Heh, it is thought-provoking."

"Moon Rabbit..."

"Do you still remember the battle to exterminate Zhang Linchuan? Zhang Linchuan's Wusheng Sect was formerly known as the Bone Path. The Moon Rabbit of the Wusheng Sect was one of the former twelve bone faces of the Bone Path, and is considered a core member. She is in my hands now. She can prove the matter of Fenglin City."

"Gong Bai..."

"The capital of the Luo Kingdom has transferred the Salt Transport Envoy to be the Salt Transport Envoy, and this person is in charge of the business with Zhuang State's Shui tribe slaves."

There are many names behind, Li Fengyao did not look through them one by one. Just looking at the thick stack of files in his hand, he sighed: "You have indeed made a lot of preparations."

"It's still not enough." Chong Xuansheng shook his head gently: "Although after Zhuang Gaoxian's death, Li Jianqiu teamed up with Du Yehu, it is of course possible to control the government. Although I have collected almost all the materials that can testify against Zhuang Gaoxian , even though Han Xu and the Mo family promised me to protect him... they are still not completely sure.

"You and I both know that power is the truth, and right and wrong can be easily confused. There are very few cases where the souls of the dead in Fenglin city form a heart that cannot be covered. The persistence of Linghe, hundreds of millions of people None of them.

"But this is the best opportunity in recent years. We may not wait for the next event similar to the Taixu Alliance. I may not be able to discover and plan in advance...Zhuang Gaoxian will only become more and more cautious , Jiang Wang refused to wait any longer."

"Among your group of friends, you are still the most thoughtful." Li Fengyao praised in a rare way: "You have done a lot. The whole plan, I can't see a more perfect possibility at present."

Chong Xuansheng gently pressed his temple, and smiled wearily: "What can I do with such a friend? I can't really watch him risk his life for his life."

Li Fengyao looked at him: "With your strength and wisdom, if you participate in the siege of Zhuang Gaoxian, it will definitely play a key role. The reason why you stay in Dragon Palace is also because you are not fully sure about the plan and want to make up for it at any time." Bar?"

Chongxuansheng only said: "If things are not in harmony, Chongxuansheng's power is not as useful as Bowanghou's status."

Li Fengyao nodded in approval, and said: "Stop."

Chong Xuansheng looked at her suspiciously, and subconsciously obeyed the order to stop the chariot.

"I won't ask you what's behind. After reading these materials, I believe that you all know what you are doing. It's not a moment of hatred."

"Grandmother likes Jiang Qingyang very much, and has been thinking about him since she left. I was going to warn the old lady about his risky behavior, but after thinking about it, forget it. He is also tired."

Li Fengyao got up and left the car, walked on the frost, and went east.

Only between the heaven and the earth, leaving a godlike back.



Xi Tianshi said: Zhuang Gaoxian was slaughtered for no reason, and his heirs are extinct.

Suspend the lord for the time being, and restart the Elders' Council.

In the battle against Zhuang Gaoxian, he served as the president of the elders with the Jijiu Chapter of the National Daoist Academy who was hidden in the battle.

With Li Jianqiu as the chancellor, Du Yehu as the general, Fu Baosong as the envoy of the state supervisor, and Song Qingyu as the governor of Qingjiang water and the governor of Zhuangguo navy.

Such five people will jointly rule the country.

This is the political structure of Zhuangguo after the war.

Yujingshan still uses the previous strategic layout to activate the power of Zhuangguo itself to the greatest extent so as to promote a healthier cycle. After all, what they want is not just a Yujing Taoist temple that needs to be continuously consumed to maintain, but a Taoist country that can enshrine Yujing Mountain.

With the death of Emperor Zhuang, the domestic situation is unavoidably turbulent. Du Yehu couldn't stay outside for too long. After meeting Jiang An'an and bringing her a lot of gifts, he rushed back to Zhuanguo overnight.

Wang Changji had already left after killing Zhuang Gaoxian, and continued his solo journey where the dragon never saw the end.

Lin Xian bid farewell to Jiang Wang formally and returned to Rongguo. After achieving God's presence, he is already qualified to support that small country. Although Rong Guo is of no help to his practice now and will only slow down his progress, it is his home.

After Bai Yuxia Dragon Palace gave the gift, she returned to Xingyueyuan and took care of the business diligently.

After meeting Jiang An'an and getting acquainted with Zhao Rucheng and others, Chong Xuansheng returned to Linzi himself, saying that his lovely wife was in the room, and he couldn't bear to be left out in the cold.

There is no need for Jiang to worry about Hell No Door, he only needs to consider how to pay back the money-after this battle, Hell No Door became famous and the business was too busy.

As for Xiangqian, Zhu Weiwo, and Zhao Rucheng, they were all seriously injured, and Jiang Wang was worried about them going to other places, so they all stayed in Yunguo to recuperate, and he took care of them personally.

The country of Yun is open to business, and it is very convenient to buy everything, including medicinal materials. Doctors are also welcome, and the Renxin Branch has branches here.

The only thing is to spend money.

Although these brothers are poorer than the other now, but Jiang Wang has money himself, so he doesn't need Huaye Qingyu.

When Chong Xuansheng left Yunguo, he was full of fat, with a clean sleeve...

"Speaking of when you bought this yard, I don't know?" Ye Qingyu asked with a smile, holding the food box in one hand and Jiang An'an in the other.

Jiang Wang walked on the other side of Jiang An'an, carrying various medicinal materials in large and small bags, with a comfortable smile on his face: "I bought it several years ago. I always think that Baoxue Peak is very suitable for the elderly..."

Jiang Anan frowned while reaching for the food box, "You bought a yard several years ago, so why do you still live in Lingxiao Secret Land every time you come here!"

Two big ones and one small, the three of them walked on the bustling streets of Yuncheng, talking and laughing naturally. Apart from being nicer, he is no different from passers-by, and he seems to have lived in this city for many years.

Jiang Wang glanced over and said, "I'm here to supervise you, do you know? Every day, playing is very active, and you procrastinate when you start doing homework. Who do you think you are studying for?"

It's a pity that Jiang An'an couldn't understand the majesty of "the man who killed the truth", and stuck out his tongue: "For you two! I went to study, and you two went to play by yourself!"

Old Jiang Wang blushed slightly, and looked at Ye Qingyu from the corner of his eye.

Ye Qingyu is smiling with his eyes bent.

"Then what..." Jiang Wang resolutely turned his peripheral vision into the right light, and said to Ye Qingyu, "Or tomorrow..."

"Tomorrow what!?"

A cloud suddenly drifted over from the sky, and Ah Chou appeared majestically on the stage, with abundant energy on his body, accompanied by water vapor. Looking at Ye Qingyu, he grinned and said, "Qingyu, you still have homework tomorrow, it was assigned by your father before he left."

Ye Qingyu frowned slightly: "He joined his Taixu League, what homework did he give me?"

Ah Chou landed and just squeezed between Jiang Wang and Jiang An'an, making him farther away from Ye Qingyu, shaking his head and saying: "Oh, your father is doing it for you. You are attacking the gap between man and nature, what a critical time!" , don't be distracted!"

He turned his head to look at Jiang Wang next to him: "Jiang Wang, you have also cultivated hard all the way, do you think this is the way—"


The edge is empty!

He turned his head abruptly, and Jiang Wang had turned to the other side, walking alongside Ye Qingyu. He said with a cheap smile: "In that case, I will accompany you to practice tomorrow! I still have some experience in this regard!"

A Chou's eyes were serious.

This kind of movement is more than a step beyond his cloud treading beast.

What made him even more vigilant was that the current Jiang Wang was very different from the past...and too bold!

Ye Qingyu smiled and bowed: "Then there is Mr. Lao Jiang."

Jiang Wang was holding the medicinal materials in both hands, but he also folded his hands together in front of him, as a salute: "Student Ye, you must listen carefully!"

Jiang Anan bit the Zen noodles she just touched, and looked at them with her head tilted. I don't understand much in my heart, what is so happy about going to class? !

"No, no." Ah Chou hurriedly said: "There is a priority in learning, and there is a specialization in art. Every homework of Qingyu has a special teacher! What can I do if it is messed up?"

Jiang Wang smiled warmly: "It's okay, I just teach her how to practice. In this aspect, no one in the entire Yunguo, except Ye Zhenren, is better at it than me."

Ye Qingyu was also full of praise from the side: "Mr. Jiang's lectures are really good!"

Ah Chou was alone and alone, and he just muttered stubbornly: "Teaching and fighting are not the same thing. Teaching requires brains and teaching students according to their aptitude..."

"Bai Yuxia and Lin Xian, I don't know if Uncle Ugly recognizes him or not? They are also the ones who followed me to kill Zhuang Gaoxian. After practicing with me for a period of time, they have successfully taken that crucial step. If you want to talk about the fact that God is in this state Understood, I can confidently say—Unparalleled in the world!" Jiang Wang looked at A Chou gently: "Of course, there is no evidence to say it. Uncle Chou, we can find a time to communicate in private."

Ah Chou didn't meet his gaze, but said: "But Master Ye——"

Jiang Wang stopped suddenly, and all the medicinal materials in his hands fell behind him, while he was standing in front of everyone with his sword in his hand.

While talking, they had already reached the yard that Jiang Wang bought a few years ago, and the gate of the yard was wide open at this time, and a terrifying figure stood in the yard with their backs to them!

This person was dressed in coarse linen, barefoot, bare-handed, with thick finger bones and rough skin, like a man who was used to working as a coolie.

But simply standing there, just a back view, gives people an insurmountable sense of majesty!

So much so that Zhao Rucheng, Zhu Weiwo, and Xiangqian, the three powerhouses in the presence of God, stood in front of this person and confronted him, but they couldn't be seen at all.

Ah Chou's figure swelled in an instant, showing majesty and ferocity.

Jiang Wang only said in a deep voice, "Take them away."

An invisible force pushed Jiang An'an and Ye Qingyu away, and the voice fell forward. Pressing the sword in his hand, he stepped into the courtyard.

Of course he couldn't go by himself, his brother was inside.

"Don't be nervous..." The man turned around, showing a hard-working and resolute face that seemed to have worked hard all year round: "I'm Xia Lu Maoguan."

Lu Maoguan, the True King of the Mohist School!

Make a pact with Yu Yi, Master of the West, to help Emperor Yong Han Xu get back to Suolongguan, the strong man of Dao Yan!

Sauvignon Blanc was about to come out of its sheath, Jiang Wang followed his voice and said, "The great master suddenly visited the humble house, what advice do you have?"

Lu Maoguan wiped away the wrinkles on his forehead with his rough fingers, as if he just came back to his senses: "Oh, I just came here too."

He looked at Jiang Wang, then turned his head to look at Zhu Weiwo: "Then I'll answer it together?"

Zhu Weiwo pointed his spear at the ground, grinned, showing his snow-white teeth: "What does the Mo family want to say, can they still be gagged?"

"My little friend's resentment is understandable to me." Lu Maoguan sighed, "I'm here today to apologize to you on behalf of the Mo family."

Xiangqian and Zhao Rucheng didn't know what was going on, they just stood there quietly, facing this terrifying visitor together with Zhu Weiwo.

And Jiang Wang was silent.

Only Zhu Wei and I are qualified to express this belated apology from the Mo family.

After a while of silence, Zhu Wei smiled. This genius who once showed his sharpness, smiled bitterly: "This is really...surprised me!"

Tonight at eight o'clock.



Thanks to the book friend "Stupid as a Stupid Blessing" for rewarding the new alliance, it is the 571st alliance for the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the book friend "20221206001551003" for rewarding the new alliance, which is the 572nd alliance for the Chixin Sky Survey!

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