Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2050

Lu Maoguan has a very high status in Jucheng, not only because of his cultivation, but also because of his qualifications.

He represents the faction of "respecting the ancients" within the Mohist school.

The New Mo School, represented by Qian Jinhua, the current Mohist tycoon, takes "Mo is not the study of the ancients, and the people of today have the ink of the present" as the school outline, and makes great innovations.

And Lu Maoguan was Qian Jinhua's most staunch opponent.

It would be too much of a stretch to say that Qian Jinhua has both good and bad reputations, and he is the most notorious of the world's most famous masters. For other great masters, even if their style of conduct is not liked by others, the respect they deserve cannot be erased.

Only Qian Jinhua was different.

As for the root cause, many people believe that he caused the confusion of many disciples of Mohism today, and it is he who made the Mohism, which is well-known among the scholars, generate such a big controversy today.

Some people say that "the disaster of Momen in the future comes from Qian Jinhua today".

Someone covered his nose when he heard his name.

And Lu Maoguan is a highly respected true emperor of the Mohist school. He practiced the way of the Mohist school all his life, "love all the time", "frugal use", and have a noble character.

There are countless people who have benefited from him.

The people who support him within the Mo family are also a very large force.

Even if it wasn't for Rao Xiansun's death, Qian Jinhua might not have been the grand son of today.

There is one more thing I have to mention - only three real puppets were successful in the Mo family's enlightenment plan back then. Among them, "Ming Gui" was created by Lu Maoguan himself.

His words said: "There is no good and no evil in the world. There are no gods and no ghosts. The Mohists act on their own. Make ghosts know how to respect, punish evil and promote good, and do this as a puppet."

His attainments in puppetry are definitely at the top of the world. His influence within the Mohist school is not inferior to Juzi.

He also publicly commented on the New Mo School headed by Qian Jinhua, saying: "Those who are covered with golden lace are not like the Mo family!"

But today, such a great person came to an unnamed courtyard in Yuncheng on behalf of the Mo family, and apologized to Zhu Weiwo, who was on the scene.

Of course, it can be said that it is already decent enough.

But Zhu Weiwo, who is still very young, seems to have no intention of going down the steps.

He held the repaired salary gun in his hand, as well as his own property and life that could not be repaired, and looked at the true king Lu Maoguan coldly.

Lu Maoguan sighed and said: "Mo Jingyu is a direct descendant of Jucheng, and is the future of the Mo family. His death caused an uproar in Jucheng. We must find the murderer and avenge him. Tie Tuisi, a real man of Tiangong , watched Mo Jingyu grow up, and was ordered to investigate the truth. During this process, he acted a little fiercely...

"Zhuang Gaoxian is dead, and his supernatural powers are short and long, and it is no longer a secret. From this, we know that the evidence we obtained in Unredeemed City was the result of inversion of black and white and confusion of right and wrong. Mo Jingyu's words Death has nothing to do with Huang Jinmo, the lord of Sin City. Although Zhuang Gaoxian was deceived, it is also the negligence of the Mohists."

Lu Maoguan said again: "This incident also sounded the alarm for us... Sometimes what we see is not true. Although what we got at that time was ironclad evidence, there are no surprises in the world, and ironclad evidence may also be overthrown. In other cases, we should be more cautious.”

Lu Maoguan continued: "The only good thing is that we have always ensured Huang Jinmo's safety and did not exacerbate this mistake."

May I be silent, silent, always silent.

It wasn't until he finished this sentence that he said, "And then?"

Lu Maoguan's expression is serious: "From ancient times to the present, the Mohist sect has not been a flawless organization that never makes mistakes. But what I am proud of is... the Mohmhh has always had the courage to face mistakes.

"We recognize this error and will do our best to correct it.

"We release Huang Jinmo immediately and pay adequate compensation for every day she loses her freedom.

"We will return the Unredeemed City, and build a brand new steel city for the sinful king, equipped with the latest Mohist-developed city defense killer for free. In the name of the Mohist School, we will give the Unredeemed City asylum. The Unredeemed City will stand forever There, become a city that never falls, and realize all your ideas about this city.

"Tie Tuisi, the real person of Tiangong, was too tough in the process of arresting Huang Jinmo and went back to investigate. We will also severely punish him. The real person in charge of the law will whip him and make him reflect behind closed doors.

"The above is the sincerity of our Mo family, but not all sincerity. If you have any dissatisfaction and need compensation, you can discuss it again."

It should be said that the Mohists are sincere.

This apology is not without weight.

But Zhu Wei still didn't show any expression: "So you came to me today just to negotiate a price with me? The Mo family has a big business, and you don't care if I talk like a lion?"

Facing a cultivator who came to God, Lu Maoguan said in a correct tone, "Please forgive the Mo family for their recklessness, recklessness, and stupidity in the case of the death of their true disciple Mo Jingyu. We hope that we can get I hope that your understanding can make up for the harm you have suffered.

"There are no lions who open their mouths. If you lose something, you should pay for it. If you have any ideas, you can tell me directly. I can make the decision and make a decision now. I can't make the decision. Go back and discuss the decision. It will definitely satisfy you .”

Zhu Weiwo was silent for a while, looked at Jiang Wang and them, then looked back at Lu Maoguan, and finally said: "The Mo family is a famous school in the world, a famous school in the world. You are a famous real monarch, a master admired by the world. I don't think so." It hurts the innocent, you won't hurt these friends of mine because of my ignorance?"

"It seems that you still don't believe me...Of course, I can understand." Lu Maoguan said: "The Mo family has many business contacts with Yunguo, and Ye Zhenren is a friend of our Mo family. VIPs of the same rank. We will not do anything excessive in Yunguo. The spirit of Mohism since ancient times, as well as my personal moral values, will never allow us to make mistakes again and again."

"You are Yan Dao Zhenjun, a top figure in the world, there is no need for you to waste time lying to me about a little god." Zhu Weiwo nodded: "I believe in you."

Lu Maoguan said: "Ashamed——"

"I don't forgive." Zhu Weiwo said.

These four words are simple, direct, and crisp, like sparks that exploded with a crackling sound, which exploded in an instant and ended in an instant.

Even a master figure like Lu Maoguan was stunned for a moment.

The Mo family sincerely apologized, and did not hesitate to pay a huge price for past mistakes. Zhu Weiwo and Huang Jinmo readily agreed, and the two sides turned their hostility into friendship from then on. Isn't this a good story? Isn't it a happy ending?

He didn't think about the three words "do not forgive" in advance.

"It doesn't matter." Lu Maoguan has the air of a master, and said calmly: "If there is anything that the Mohists didn't think carefully, and if there is anything that makes you unhappy, you can just speak up. Anything you can think of, we will discuss it with you. You can talk about it. The determination of the Mo family to make up for their mistakes will definitely be shown to you."

Zhu Weiwo shook his head lightly: "You said just now that you have released Huang Jinmo. Then why, didn't she come to find me today?"

Lu Maoguan came here this time and has great authority. Don't be afraid that Zhu Weiwo doesn't ask for a price, the Mo family definitely has the capital to make any compensation.

But only for this question, I didn't know how to respond for a while: "This..."

"You can't kill her, or if she is killed, you don't have to come to me again." Zhu Weiwo said clearly: "I think it's because...she refused to leave. She is such a proud person, I don’t want to be arrested by you for no reason, and then released for no reason.”

"It's not ignorant." Lu Maoguan said: "The Mo family is willing to apologize publicly for this matter. I will definitely give you your honor back."

"Don't you understand?" Zhu Weiwo grinned at this moment: "She doesn't need to apologize. Huang Jinmo doesn't need to apologize. There is only one way in this world to correct your mistakes, and that way, in her In her hands, it can only be decided by herself."

"I don't quite understand." The wrinkles on Lu Maoguan's face deepened: "You want to take revenge on the Mohists by yourself? You have to decide how much revenge you want? Young man, what is the misunderstanding? What can’t be solved? Do you really understand the power of the Mohist? Do you know that even if the Mohist doesn’t care about you at all, you won’t be able to hurt the Mohist in a hundred, thousand, or ten thousand years?”

Zhu Weiwo said, "That's our business."

"You place your hopes on Huang Weizhen?" Lu Maoguan shook his head, "Xuanyuan Shuo is still on the verge of failure, and Xu Yuanzhi has yet to reach the top. Huang Weizhen may not be able to return."

Zhu Weiwo just said: "That's our business."

Lu Maoguan's expression returned to calm: "It seems that you have made up your mind."

Zhu Weiwo pointed his gun straight at his spine. Although his face was filthy, at this moment, there was an edge that could not be looked directly at: "You want me to go to the city of unredeemed to take her away? Sorry, you can only take her away at most. my bones, and to deepen her hatred."

"I will always respect her choice.

"I'm not qualified to forgive her either.

"Because you knocked the dust off and you arrested and locked her in the cell, it was her, not me."

Lu Maoguan looked at him quietly, seeing the determination he showed at this moment, but he just lowered his hands slightly, and sighed: "Then... I understand."

A great pressure hangs over this courtyard.

Jiang Wang held his sword tightly. Although he knew that they didn't have the ability to resist in front of Lu Maoguan, but after all, he couldn't just watch Zhu Weiwo have an accident.

But Lu Maoguan did nothing and just left.

The courtyard is quiet.

After all, such a situation is not calming.

Zhu Weiwo was still standing in the courtyard, looked at Jiang Wang, and said with a wry smile, "Why don't you think he killed me or arrested me? Because it doesn't matter whether I live or die."

He is too sharp, too proud of a person.

This kind of sharpness and arrogance will only hurt himself again and again in front of the powerful and insurmountable Mo family.

How cruel it is for such a man to admit his own powerlessness!

Jiang Wang let go of the hilt of his sword and looked at him: "I don't know what your life and death mean to the Mohists. I only know that if you are alive, I will still have a senior brother. If you are dead, I will not have a senior senior brother. "

"Ah, you really are, you boy." Zhu Weiwo sat down on the steps in the yard with his gun in his hand. The whole person relaxed, staring blankly at the sky.

Jiang Wang turned his head and asked Jiang An'an: "An'an, you are already a big boy, you have your own judgment. Let me ask you, do you think Zhu Wei's brother's choice just now is right?"

"Then what's wrong?" Jiang Anan said.

"How?" Jiang Wang asked.

"Uncle Ye told me." Jiang Anan said loudly: "It is right for those who have done wrong to apologize, but those who have been hurt do not have to forgive!"

"Very good." Jiang Wang smiled with satisfaction: "Go and share the food with the brothers, and I will share the medicinal materials with them."

The look on Jiang An'an's face was bright, and it disappeared in an instant. Her justice and brilliance are bound very tightly at this time. After eating the Zen noodle crisps in two bites, taking the food box Ye Qingyu handed her, with great determination, she walked slowly towards these disabled people, and asked tentatively: "Do you... eat a lot?" How much? One piece for each person, is it worth it? I don’t have many here.”



"Ah, Jiang Wang is not a thing! Dezhi is so rampant that he gets cheap and behaves like a good boy. He is not forgiving when he gets power!"

With snot and tears, Ah Chou rubbed vigorously on Ye Dazhen, who had just returned from Taixu Mountain Gate.

Ye Xiaohua put her boots against him with a disgusted face: "Speak well."

"Look at it, look at it!" Ah Chou pushed forward vigorously, letting Ye Xiaohua look at his slightly swollen left eye.

"Fortunately I came back in time...otherwise your swelling would go away!" Ye Xiaohua clicked her tongue twice: "Tell me, what's going on?"

"I just told him to get busy with some serious business and not to interfere with Qing Yu's cultivation. He insisted on dragging me to compete with me, saying things like how he has admired his name for a long time and has always been respected. I thought that I am also an elder, He should be pointed out..."

A Chou cried and howled: "Whoever imagined it, he came to the truth, he gave me a good beat!!!"

"Hey, you're hundreds of years old, and you can't even beat a young man in his twenties." Ye Xiaohua was very disdainful: "You're so embarrassing, you still have the face to howl."

Ah Chou immediately put away his tears, and flew into a rage: "He even killed Zhuang Gaoxian, how can I beat him? You were able to beat him when you were in your twenties?"

"Of course!" Ye Xiaohua snorted proudly, "It's a waste of your name to think that I'm the most hero in the world, the invincible hand of all nations? Was I comparable to him back then? Dongzhen Invincible Xiang Fengqidu Ask me for advice!"

"Stop bragging!" A Chou said impatiently, "You don't care about this matter? You just give me a straight word! If you don't care, I'll run away from home immediately! Being stewed and boiled, you don't need to feel bad !"

"How many days are you planning to run away from home this time?"

"Okay, it's only a few days! You treat me as a joke with you!" Achou rushed out angrily.

Ye Xiaohua grabbed him and tugged at his long hair: "Okay, let's rest and see how I deal with him later. I'm still here, so he's already in charge of the house, why not!"

Ah Chou stomped on all fours: "Beat him hard!"

When I was on vacation a few days ago, Yuanyuan sent me a form named "Chixin Sky Survey Data Collection".

It is a very detailed form compiled by Book Friends of Baodao. Including plot discussion, character setting, chronology, actual combat performance, and even a certain typo modified by the author on a certain day of a certain year...

It is still being added and improved.

Many book friends in the reader group should have seen it.

For example, the book friends "Xuan Che Ming Kong" and the book friends "People of the Great Destruction Era" are doing similar things.

But this form is more the result of a group of readers who love this book, brainstorming and accumulating over time.

When you read these materials carefully, you can feel the mood in them.

It can be said that this information is my initial understanding of places like forums. Because of the common love, everyone gathers together and builds something together.

Just like Liangren said in the group, these readers love the world in their own way in a place we don't know. What they have done for this book, if this form does not appear in front of us, may not be known at all.

The book friends of Mengqun expressed their very moved, and they moved on smoothly, thinking that the author should add another chapter to this moving.


How can a chapter of 2,000 words be enough?

With this 4,000 words, thank you for your support.

Although it cannot be repaid in case, it can be regarded as a proof that we have experienced this story together.

Thanks for all the encounters.

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