Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2052 God Knows


After flying far away from Yunguo, Zhao Rucheng's laughter still didn't stop.

Jiang Wang stared at him for a long time, and finally couldn't help giving him a kick: "What are you so silly about?!"

Zhao Rucheng patted his butt indifferently, and said with a smile: "Third brother, I haven't seen you like this for a long time!"

Jiang Wang snorted: "'If you go out, you must go, and if you attack, you must save', have you heard of it? This is the art of war."

"I understand." Zhao Rucheng grinned, "You have captured the lifeblood of Ye Zhenren. With Sister Qingyu here, no matter how real he is, how can he stand against you?"

Jiang Wang glared at him: "Don't call your third brother so despicable. I have no choice but to do it!"

"Yes, yes, yes." Zhao Rucheng shook his head: "Soldiers are weapons, and saints use them as a last resort! Ye Zhenren relies on force, is unreasonable, and bullies people too much. Third brother, you have nothing to do."

Jiang Wang hasn't been praised so much by his dear fifth brother for a long time, and he enjoyed it very much: "If you can learn a few percent of your third brother's strategy, you can go all over the world!"

Zhao Rucheng asked sincerely: "Now that Muguo is looking for me all over the world, and Cang Yu's patrol office has a smarter nose than a dog, how does the third brother plan to get me there?"

Jiang Wang was full of confidence: "Shanren has his own tricks! Just follow me!"


three days later.

The prairie is clear and clear.

Zhao Rucheng and Jiang Wangji flew in the air, piercing through the wind and clouds.

Behind him is a whole team of Fei Ya, each holding a weapon, chasing and killing them bravely.


"Sho, shoot, shoot them to death with arrows! Use magic-breaking arrows, armor-piercing arrows, and magical arrows!"

"Send a message to let the tribe in front of you set up a card in the air. Hugh get rid of the national thief!"

Zhao Rucheng turned around abruptly, flicking his fingers repeatedly, the Sword Qi of Magpie Bridge Xiangeng crossed the sky, forming a bridge of swords and magpies, startling a large group of people back: "I will not be polite if I chase after you again!"

He hurriedly caught up with Jiang Wang's back, panting, "Third brother, you didn't say that your plan was to force your way in!?"

"What forced entry?" Jiang Wang kept walking and leaping: "We entered the grassland in the dark at night, and we took a hidden route. If you don't move well, it's my fault if you find out?"

Zhao Rucheng said dissatisfiedly: "The two of us sneaked into the grassland wearing masks in the middle of the night, how could we not be interrogated? You didn't even get a customs clearance seal, and I was wanted again... Cang Yu patrolled the Yamen? Eat dry food!"

"Okay, okay." Jiang Wang took out his elder brother's airs: "I can't stand a little setback there, how can I do big things with me?"

"Don't worry about your important affairs, we are in trouble!" Zhao Rucheng said: "I can remind you, the owner of Cangyu's Yamen is Huyan Jingxuan. If these tails can't be shaken off in time, the If he is alarmed, we have no place to run, so let's go to jail together!"

Hu Yan Jingxuan! This is the master who can compete with Huang Fu for the number one real person in the Northern Territory.

When Jiang Wang heard this name, he also became serious. With one thought, he opened up the realm of sound and hearing, and summoned the Immortal Eyes to completely control his vision and hearing. He took Zhao Rucheng back like this, and met the flying crowd who were chasing after him vigorously. Teeth passed by.

You can't see it head-on, you can't hear it with your ears!

Zhao Rucheng looked at these flying teeth with great interest, looked at their expressions, and watched them rush past him one by one with firm eyes.

There were even a few people who rubbed shoulders with him, equally unconscious!

"Why didn't you use this trick earlier?" Zhao Rucheng admired it and began to complain.

Jiang Wang looked at him with "what do you know" eyes: "The number of powerful people in Muguo is immeasurable. If you cast a spell rashly, it is easy to be caught. If you are touched by any meddling Yinxiu, we will sit down." Wax. It is the safest way to infiltrate in the way of ordinary people. Even if it is detected to be abnormal, it is still controllable."

Zhao Rucheng said with emotion: "Third brother, you really have experience!"

Although he has been hiding in Tibet since he was a child, Uncle Deng has always handled those things, which is somewhat separated, and his understanding is not deep enough.

Then he asked, "Then what shall we do now?"

"Cang Yu's patrolling office is already alert, and it is no longer feasible to sneak in quietly. At this time, I must use my contacts!" Jiang Wang said deeply.

Zhao Rucheng respectfully said, "Third brother also has contacts on the grassland?"

Jiang Wang smiled inscrutably and didn't say much.


That night.

In a yurt on the grassland.

Jiang Wang dama sat on the stool with a golden knife, and a person twisted and crawled out of the sack in front of him: "Damn it, I won't give in, but there is a wolf in my body—"

"Okay, okay." Jiang Wang casually lifted this person up, interrupted his sensational round, pulled off his mask, and let him look at his face: "Do you recognize me?"

The person glanced cautiously several times: "...not sure."

Jiang Wang was angry: "I know you, I squatted for a long time to see you so familiar. Why are you not sure about me?"

The man said: "It's a little swollen..."

Jiang Wang put on the mask again: "Stop talking nonsense! Just know that I am Jiang Wang!"

The man wanted to cry but had no tears: "What offends the villain, why is Mr. Jiang so?"

"Don't be nervous, you didn't offend me." Jiang Wang patted him on the shoulder as a sign of comfort: "I came here to help me contact my old friend, your young master Yu Wenduo."

Yu Wenduo's guards were very ignorant: "If you want to see my young master, you can just go to the door directly. Why do you go around such a big circle?"

Jiang Wang glared: "It's a secret, can I tell you?"

The guard suddenly realized, and then he found the feeling, entered the state, and being able to keep secrets with Wen, and participate in the great affairs of Master Yuwen and Young Master Jiang, isn't it just his extraordinary thing? How could Mr. Jiang not arrest others?

He lowered his voice immediately: "Mr. Jiang, don't worry, I will tell the young master quietly, and never let the third pair of ears hear it."

Then, under Mr. Jiang's approving gaze, he tiptoed away.

With Jiang Wangzhizhu in his hand, he smiled calmly and turned around.

Zhao Rucheng looked at him faintly in the shadow of the room: "Third brother, is Yu Wenduo actually your contact?"

Jiang Wang asked him, "Have you already abandoned your official position and left Muguo?"


"Are you being wanted by Mu Guo?"


"Then I'm wondering." Jiang Wang said puzzledly, "Yu Wenduo's dignified Damu true blood disciple, could it be that you, a Muguo national thief, still have connections?"

These words were so reasonable that Zhao Rucheng was speechless.

About two or three hours later.

The two brothers, who were happily eating mutton and drinking soju in front of the firepit, suddenly jumped up.

A brigade of soldiers is approaching!

Although the distance is still very far, how can it be hidden from their ears?

Just as doubts arose, I heard a thunderous voice from Yuwenduo outside: "I, Yuwenduo, will never give in to coercion and temptation! I am loyal to His Royal Highness Yun, and I will never have any second thoughts in this life! Although Zhao Rucheng is My Yegai, Jiang Wang is my old friend, but for today’s sake, I will never show mercy!! Come on, spread out and search, block this place, don’t let them escape!”

Before the people arrived, the voice came first, which naturally gave them room to escape.

"Miss Yunyun was really angry this time, and Yu Wenduo didn't dare to arrange it." Jiang Wang looked at Zhao Rucheng, hating that iron could not be made into steel: "When you leave, can't you tell others well?"

Zhao Rucheng frowned: "I even left a letter. I thought she would understand."

"You think, you think, things about feelings are the most taboo. You are so self-righteous!" Jiang Wang first criticized, and then sighed: "I can only think of other ways."

He left an ingot of gold at random, which should be used as money for wine and meat left to the owner of the yurt. "Let's get out of here first."

Zhao Rucheng followed closely behind, but he scooped up the gold again, gritted his teeth and said, "Let the idiot Yu Wenduo pay for it!"


About an hour later.

In another yurt.

In the darkness, Zhao Rucheng and Jiang Wang sat facing each other in front of the extinguished fire pit.

This time they did not drink and eat meat carelessly, and the lights were not lit.

The noise of the army outside has not subsided, and the night is very noisy.

Zhao Rucheng was silent for a while, and finally couldn't help but said: "Third brother, don't we hide in the distance?"

Jiang Wang smiled: "You don't understand that. According to my experience, this place is the safest and least likely to be discovered. People have blind spots in their sight, their hearing is covered, and their thinking is limited. The so-called light Xiahei, do you understand?"

"I understand." A voice sounded from the side.

Qianyang's red pupil swept away, and the Shravaka Immortal Realm had opened.

Jiang Wang saw a man with withered yellow and thin hair, sunken eye sockets, wearing a woolen robe, and with unusually thick knuckles in his hands.

I don't know when I sat next to the two of them, and asked very familiarly: "It's so cold in spring, why don't you light a fire?"

As he asked, he quickly lit the firepit with his hands and feet.

The flame danced like a spirit snake.

He spread his hands to the fire, his withered hair seemed to be scorched by the flames.

Jiang Wang pressed the sword with one hand, his momentum was surging, and he was about to stand up and oppress him: "Who?!"

"He is Huyan Jingxuan." Zhao Rucheng said.

Jiang Wang sat down, let go of the hilt of the sword, and adjusted his sitting posture by the way, so that his whole set of movements was as natural as adjusting his sitting posture: "Master Huyan, I have been looking forward to it for a long time! Visiting late at night, I don't know what to teach? Xiao Five, what are you doing in a daze, pour wine for Lord Huyan."

Zhao Rucheng really went to find wine, and moved behind Huyan Jingxuan by the way.

"You're welcome." Huyan Jingxuan raised his palm to stop him: "Alcohol hurts my health, I have given up drinking."

Jiang Wang said "Oh": "Then what is Lord Huyan today?"

Huyan Jingxuan clapped his hands in front of the fire pond, without talking nonsense, got up and said: "Come with me, Master Tu Hu wants to see you."

"Aren't you looking for me?" Zhao Rucheng asked.

Huyan Jingxuan glanced at him: "I don't need my hand to catch you."

"Don't be nervous." Jiang Wang patted Zhao Rucheng on the shoulder: "I am an old acquaintance with Mr. Tu Hu. He is a reasonable person and will not make things difficult for us."

"I won't embarrass you, but it doesn't mean I won't embarrass him. Your performance is very important..." Huyan Jingxuan smiled, and said that this is the reminder: "Let's go!"


Since Tuhu received the conferment of the Great Shepherd Empress, and successfully ascended to the top priest of the Cangtu Divine Sect, the crown priest preached, the battle for kingship and theocracy in the Mu Kingdom came to an end.

Since then, the vigorous confluence of all religions has fundamentally dispelled theocracy and made the kingship permanent.

During this process, the Cangtu Divine Sect hardly made any effective resistance.

In other words, under the leadership of Tu Hu, the entire Cangtu Divine Sect is extremely cooperative. From top to bottom, welcome the king's order.

It is worth mentioning that although Tu Hu became the highest priest under the crown of one person on the grassland, he still retained his position in the Minhe Temple and was still resident in the Minhe Temple.

It's just that no one can tell now whether the ones staying in Minhe Temple are God Tu Hu, Human Tu Hu, or both.

Yan Dao powerhouses have both dharma body and dao body, and the combination of the two is the peak combat power.

But Tu Hu's dual body of man and god is different. What he separates is humanity and divinity, and in terms of the form of power expression, it is completely different from the Dharma body and the Dao body. This is the ability to conceal the power for so many years, and it has always been regarded as the real person level.

In fact, Jiang Wang has always been a little curious. Are the Dharma body and Dao body of human Tu Hu and Shen Tu Hu different? Or to put it more directly - can Tu Hu be regarded as two Yan Dao?

Of course, it is impossible for him to ask such a secret, and it is impossible for Tu Hu to answer it.

If someone wants to know, he must pay the price.

Just like Huan Mojun left behind a mask, only then did he witness Tu Hu's unity of man and god.

It is still in the "Guangwen Yexiewu" hall, in this hall to welcome the heroes of the world.

Jiang Wang saw Tu Hu.

At this time, Tu Hu, wearing a light and gorgeous robe, was standing beside the huge Guangwen bell hanging in the courtyard, looking at the night sky with his hands behind his back.

The ancient bronze bell and him seem to be in the old.

From the angle of entering the courtyard, one can see Tu Hu's side face.

But Jiang Wang couldn't see any difference between today's Tu Hu and the old Tu Hu.

This is because of the huge power gap, which prevents him from "seeing it as it is".

Even if he already knew clearly in his heart that today's Tu Hu is already the most powerful person on the entire grassland after the empress.

His eyes couldn't catch the change.

Jiang Wang is not discouraged, the world is so vast, and his practice is far from over. It is quite normal to not be able to touch people like Tu Hu who stand at the top of the world.

He only asked, "The high priest summoned you in the middle of the night, and I don't know why?"

"It's very dangerous to ask me a question. If you get an answer from me, you must give it back to me." Tu Hu didn't turn his head, and he didn't seem to open his mouth, but his voice was far away, as if echoing in the heart of the people. .

Jiang Wang said neither humble nor overbearing: "The high priest called the junior here, presumably not to make fun of the junior."

Tu Hu came back to his senses, and stared at Jiang Wang's Qianyang red pupils with his deep eyes, as if he had already understood all the mysteries of these eyes.

Then he said, "I'm not joking. Every time I answer a question with someone, I can ask for an answer to a question. This is my secret magical power exchange. It's called [Heaven's Knowing]."

His attitude is so peaceful, and his words are not intimidating, they are calm and even candid.

But Jiang Wang felt a great fear!

It's as if...all my privacy has been seen through, and I don't have any secrets to speak of in front of this person!

Jiang Wang took a step back subconsciously, and reluctantly said: "Why did the high priest tell me this?"

Tu Hu calmly said: "I can take this as your question. Then I will ask you a question."

Jiang Wang's heart rose, and his body tensed up suddenly!

"Relax." Tu Hu's voice was calm, with a kind of moistening and silent power, which actually made Jiang Wang's tense body relax...but he couldn't relax the hand holding the sword.

He didn't force it, just said: "Give you time to think about it and ask some other questions. I am not hostile to you now, but at the same time I am also very curious about you. I must ask you to satisfy my curiosity. "

Thanks to the book friend "This gun is called good night" for rewarding Xinmeng, which is the 575th alliance for the Chixin Sky Survey!

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