Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2053 I don't ask

Does Jiang Wang have any secrets that must not be known to others?

It seems not.

Don't go astray, and whoever sees it will die——to show sincerity to Qi Tianzi when he left Qi, he had already been exposed. At least both Qi Tianzi and Chong Xuanzun knew about it.

The identity of the king of Biancheng who has no gates to hell-has a notorious reputation but no evil deeds. At most, it's the case of exterminating the family of Youjia... The worst case is to stand up and testify that You Que is not dead, and Sun Yin of Pingguo is still alive. This matter is not unclear.

He killed Zhao Xuanyang—the six friends of Jingtian originally thought so, but there was no evidence. Is it necessary for the High Priest of Muguo to provide evidence for the Jingtian Six Friends of Jingguo?

The existence of the blood puppet true demon Song Wanxi - that was Zhuang Chengqian's handwriting, and has been active in the Tomb of Ten Thousand Realms. If it is mastered by Jing Shitai, it may become an ironclad proof of demon transmission. But before that, he can completely hand over the puppet to be verified by the Sanxing Palace.

After killing Zhuang Gaoxian, he is a man who bears a heavy burden and a man who has been depressed for a long time cuts a block. He has nowhere to go in the world.

It can be said that nothing can affect him, so he can enjoy true freedom!

But even if there is nothing wrong with telling others, he is not willing to be a person who has no privacy.

Nobody in the world wants to lose their privacy forever!

This is where the horror of Tu Hu's supernatural power lies.

There is always light that is not enough, and there are always people who are hidden.

The so-called "Heaven knows, the earth knows, you know and I know"... But Tu Hu knows everything!

Jiang Wang has been able to get a glimpse of Tu Hu's true strength until today after Tu Hu told him frankly.

The supernatural ability named [Heaven's Knowledge] does not seem to be very powerful at first glance, and it does not have any lethality itself.

But in the hands of a strong man like Tu Hu who has always been known for his "extensive knowledge and strong knowledge", horror is not enough to describe it.

It is a supernatural power that has been accumulated over a long period of time.

After so many years of accumulation, how many secrets of the human heart does Tu Hu know with the help of [God Knows]? How much truth do you know about the world?

He also owns a Guangwen clock!

With this bell, the world is widely heard, and the Tao is sought outside.

Tu Hu, who has mastered the supernatural power of "Heaven Knowing" and holds the Guangwen Bell, knows people's hearts and the world, and is probably the closest existence to the word "omniscient" in this world. This is even more so after the death of Gao Jie, who "knows where there is water".

Only such a powerful Tu Hu can easily plot against Huan Mojun and control the Cangtu Sect. Let the grassland that has been bathed in the divine light of Cangtu for a long time, in the process of the convergence of all religions, there is no disturbance at all.

Such a Tuhu is really suitable for Minhe Temple. Compared with Cangtu Temple on Qionglu Mountain, Minhe Temple is his foundation! No wonder you don't let go after reaching the summit.

Is there any conflict between Tu Hu's road and Gao Jie's road?

Will Gao Jie's death benefit Tu Hu's detachment?

Jiang Wang had too many questions in his mind.

And now he can only ask one question, and then he has to give Tu Hu an answer that he doesn't know what to answer.

Can I decline to exchange answers?

Jiang Wang was thinking about this question.

But looking at Tu Hu's smile, he was very clear that if he really asked this question, this was his problem. Useless question.

At this moment, his mind was spinning, thinking and thinking. Finally, he asked: "[Heaven knows] the answer required by supernatural powers, must it be true, or must it be correct?"

Tu Hu laughed.

He found that his judgment of this young man was still accurate. Jiang Wang did have extraordinary spirituality, and Jiang Wang grasped the key to the problem.

If the answer has to be true - people sometimes deceive themselves into thinking they are true.

If the answer has to be right - people have the wrong perception that they are right.

As for how to deceive oneself and how to make oneself have wrong perceptions, there are too many possibilities.

Facing [God Knows], what Jiang Wang wants to ask is not a question that exceeds his own hidden value, but a way to fight against [God Know]!

What a brave young man.

Tu Hu replied with a smile: "[God knows] the answer you want must be the truth you know."

Jiang Wang didn't speak.

He is waiting for Tu Hu's question.

He was thinking, how to complete the deception to himself immediately after hearing the question he didn't want to answer...or do it before hearing the question?

Tu Hu looked at him, and asked calmly: "You are already very close to that step, close to the truth of the cave world, and have a great chance to surpass Li Yi and break the historical record of the practice world...why didn't you continue to go in that direction? "

Jiang Wang froze for a moment: "It's just this question?"

Tu Hu smiled and said, "Isn't this enough? We are not enemies. I don't intend to embarrass you, nor do I plan to discover the secrets in your heart."

After killing Zhuang Gaoxian and the last supernatural power blossomed, Jiang Wang indeed saw and clearly grasped the path of Dongzhen.

For him who is now relaxed, Dongzhen's path is very simple.

It is nothing more than continuing to move forward along the road of becoming the Three Realms.

What's more, "being in the Three Realms" itself can be regarded as a preview of the realm of Dongzhen.

The Three Realms are simulated, and then the Three Realms become real.


He looked at Tu Hu calmly, and replied: "Xiao Zhenye. I don't ask for it."

Just six words, as true as the truth!

Facing Ban Xia's question outside Fenglin City, he said that he had never targeted Li Yi, and that was not a wild statement. It's not disrespect to Li Yi.

If only in terms of the speed of practice, he can almost certainly surpass Li Yi in the step of achieving Dongzhen.

But what's the point of such a hole?

Such a hole may not be worth Li Yi's sword!

In the history of practice, erecting a stele as a memorial may be a supreme honor, but he has already done it.

The Realm of Hole Reality may be the ultimate goal that many practitioners cannot seek in their lifetime, but is it the end of his hope?

The vast world, great life, unlimited possibilities!

He has met so many amazing and talented people, seen so many brilliant scenery, how can he rest on his laurels, how can he be willing to be an ordinary "Jiang Zhenren"?

Real people in this world are by no means ordinary, but Jiang Wangruo only has one real person, then he is too ordinary!

Just like what he said to Qi Tianzi at the beginning, he demanded that Dongzhen be invincible!

Although Zhuang Gaoxian is dead, his heart is still burning!

After so many years of hard work, the pursuit of strength has already been carved into his bones.

He wanted to be really invincible in order to kill Zhuang Gaoxian, but not just to kill Zhuang Gaoxian.

After Zhuang Gaoxian died, he washed away his eyes of hatred and clearly saw his desire to become stronger.

When he was very young, when his peers were still playing with mud, he yearned for Yujian Qingming... He always wanted to see the scenery farther away.

So facing Tu Hu's question at this moment, he answered so firmly.

After the answer came out, he didn't feel anything strange.

I don't know if it's because he said the most truthful answer in his heart, so he can't feel the influence of supernatural powers. Or has it been affected by magical powers?

What happens if you lie on purpose?

Or... [God Knows] Do supernatural powers really exist?

Jiang Wang was full of distracting thoughts.

The more you get in touch with Tu Hu, the more you don't understand him. Standing in front of the Guangwen Bell, the High Priest of the Holy Crown Evangelist is so mysterious!

Different from Jiang Wang's wild thoughts, Tu Hu was calm from beginning to end.

Even when Jiang Wang said that Xiaozhen didn't ask for it, Tu Hu just smiled slightly, as if he wasn't surprised.

At a certain moment, Jiang Wang would have the idea that he might know everything and just ask questions with answers.

"I'm looking forward to the day when you'll be real." Tu Hu said, "I'll continue to pay attention to you. I really want to see what kind of path you're determined to take."

Jiang Wangdao: "Perhaps the high priest should look forward to the day when I develop the Tao. You are too mysterious to me now."

It is widely heard that Ye Xiewudian makes people uneasy, and this feeling of being completely seen through makes people very uncomfortable.

He has secretly made up his mind that he will never come again if he does not succeed in the Dao.

Considering the situation similar to being picked up by Huyan Jingxuan this time, this determination needs to be supplemented—at least never come again on my own initiative.

"I thought I was an amiable image in front of you." Tu Hu smiled and said: "Few people can get answers from me for free, and since you first saw me, you have asked a lot of questions, and I also Answered you a lot."

Jiang Wang did have the habit of frantically asking for advice when he caught the strong ones. When he first started writing letters to Qing Yu, he also took the opportunity to ask questions about practice, and then turned to discussing with each other, and then transferred to teaching. Ruzhong Xuansheng is like Li Longchuan and Xu Xianggan, who hasn't been pestered by him to ask? When Si Yu'an carried him to Huoshui, he also asked him about sword skills. It doesn't matter how Si Yu'an raises his eyebrows.

This was the first time he was disturbed by this habit.

This world is too dangerous, not all names can be announced, and not everyone can ask for advice!

"So what's the price?" he asked.

Tu Hu laughed and said, "Friends don't need to pay."

"Then I have another question." Jiang Wang said: "Such as [Heaven's Knowledge], isn't it better that the fewer people know about it, the better? This will help you secretly improve your knowledge, and when people are not on guard Complete the practice accumulation. Why did the high priest tell me?"

Tu Hu said slowly: "It's better to keep it used to be like this. It won't be the case in the future. It doesn't matter anymore."

"how do I say this?"

"You will know the answer." Tu Hu smiled: "Soon."

Jiang Wang said cautiously: "I hope that answer will float in front of me calmly."

Tu Hu's eyes were full of meaning: "It seems that you have suffered losses many times."

Jiang Wang said with a smile: "I, I ran all the way by stepping on the trap."

Tu Hu was silent for a while, and said, "Let me tell you some news."

"what news?"

"Taixu Association, you must know about it?"

Jiang Wang nodded.

Tu Hu said: "The final result of the Taixu Alliance has been determined. I don't need to tell you the situation of Xu Yuanzhi and the other disciples of the Taixu Sect. The Taixu Illusory Realm will be reopened soon.

"What I want to tell you is - Taixu Pavilion will also be officially opened as an absolutely neutral cave.

"But this openness is limited. It is not open to everyone.

"In order to promote the development of the torrent of humanity, and to make better use of the Taixu Illusion. After the discussion of the Taixu Illusion Alliance, an absolutely neutral inspection organization will be established for the Taixu Illusion, responsible for inspecting all violations of the Taixu Illusion within and outside Taixu. matter.

"This organization is named Taixu Pavilion and uses Taixu Pavilion as its base.

"The members of the Taixu Pavilion are the inspectors of Taixu, with a provisional quota of nine.

"These nine places will be completely open, and the selection will be carried out all over the world."

Jiang Wang listened carefully without saying a word.

Of course he is very clear about what the Taixu Pavilion means and what the members of the Taixu Pavilion mean. What he didn't know was - why did Tu Hu tell him this?

Tu Hu continued: "The cultivation level of members of the Taixu Pavilion requires real people."


"The Taixu Illusory Realm faces the future, and the Taixu Illusory Pavilion is more inclined towards young real people... You have the opportunity to compete for this spot." Tu Hu said: "As for the specific structure of the Taixu Pavilion and how to ensure the absolute justice of the Taixu Illusory Realm, There is still a long time to discuss all kinds of details. You still have time, but as soon as possible."

Jiang Wang thought for a while: "Absolutely fair, absolutely fair, it's easy to say. But how can Taixu Pavilion guarantee this?"

Tu Hu said: "The more specific details are still to be discussed, and the division of rights and responsibilities still needs to be discussed. We are only discussing a general framework now. But regarding your question, I can tell you——

"Members who join the Taixu Pavilion must swear to leave all organizations during their term of office, and will become a completely neutral existence thereafter.

"The fighting power of the nine real people is the first guarantee for Taixu Pavilion to fulfill its power and responsibility.

"Taixu Pavilion itself, as the treasure of the cave, will also be handed over to the members of Taixu Pavilion, this is the second guarantee.

"For all the actions of members of the Taixu Pavilion during their term of office, the Taixu Daoist will supervise and support them. This is the third guarantee."

In the Taixu Alliance, the sincerity of all parties can indeed be seen.

No matter what the methods are under the table, at least on the table, the allied parties have indeed come up with such a plan on the basis of "the world is righteous" and on the premise that the torrent of humanity is healthy and surging.

After all, the great prosperity of humanity is the common interest and common pursuit of all races.

Jiang Wangdao: "The world is so vast, and the strong are unknown. Do you think I have a chance?"

Tu Hu looked at him: "What I think is not important. The important thing is what do you think?"

Jiang Wang then smiled.

Smile gently, calmly and confidently.

"I already know the answer." Tu Hu concluded calmly: "It's time to end today's conversation. I have gained a lot, and I hope you will too."

Tu Hu's style is different from all the layout builders Jiang Wang has ever met.

The chat was over, and he still didn't know what Tu Hu wanted to do.

Is it just to satisfy curiosity and form a good relationship?

Tu Hu never seemed to exert any effort.

But he can always get the result he wants calmly.

Jiang Wang changed his mind and said, "It's not easy for me to visit Minhe Temple—"

Tu Hu interrupted: "Huyan Jingxuan, it doesn't seem to take much effort to ask you."

Jiang Wang grinned and forcibly took up his own words: "Can the High Priest do me a favor?"

Tu Hu laughed again, he suddenly found himself laughing many times today.

This is really an interesting person.

"What do you want me to do?"

"It's a small favor, and it's effortless for a big man like you." Jiang Wang smiled flatteringly and said, "Can you invite His Royal Highness Yunyun to come down to Minhe Temple? Whether it's burning incense or worshiping gods, It's fine to discuss educational affairs, just find any reason. I have a friend who has a little misunderstanding with His Royal Highness Yunyun, and I want to explain it face to face."

Tu Hu looked at him deeply, and gave him a merciless smile: "His Royal Highness Yunyun is very vengeful, and there is nothing I can do to help him."

Jiang Wang sighed, his disappointment palpable.

Tu Hu just smiled.

Jiang Wang cupped his hands and said, "Then you can do me another favor—a person like you won't reject me twice, right?"

Tu Hu couldn't be kidnapped, so he still smiled: "That depends on what the job is."

Jiang Wang put away all his emotions, and said earnestly: "Please let Daoist Huyan hunt me down, and you can charge me with whatever crime you want."

Tu Hu frowned, and then he heard him add: "But you can't really kill. You have to watch the whole process."

Tu Hu frowned, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Aren't you too blind-"

Just as he was talking, Jiang Wang had already walked out, and at the same time raised his index finger slightly, and shook it casually. It's like the gods and Buddhas shaking the mallet, and the sound and hearing affect it.


At Tu Hu's side, the bell rings widely!

The sound spread across the grasslands of thousands of miles, and it said——

When Jiang Wang arrives at the grassland, he can seek a defeat! ?

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