Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2054 sad as death

"I don't ask for Xiaozhen, I ask for a defeat."

Looking at Jiang Wang's delicate, gentle, and non-aggressive eyebrows, it's hard to imagine that such words came from this person.

But even after hearing such words, you don't think he is arrogant.

I only saw a young man's high spirits and self-confidence.

Tu Hu quietly watched him walk out of Guangwen Yexiewu Hall, until he saw the empty figure.

I still remember the last time I saw Jiang Wang, I still had a lingering depression. A little dull, old-fashioned.

Turning eyes is different now.

For some reason, I suddenly remembered that sentence - "What is the price?"

Can't help murmuring: "Then are you my friend?"

After he finished speaking, he also smiled, bent his fingers on the Guangwen clock, and flicked it lightly.

Not everyone can shake this clock.

This sound is especially lonely.



Jiang Wang's "one defeat" was soon obtained.

It is impossible for him to be presumptuous and arrogant if he is a powerful country and a vast grassland. It was impossible for him to swagger after uttering wild words.

It was not Huyan Jingxuan who gave him the defeat.

It would be too shameful for Mu Guo's strongest real person to chase him down without actually killing him.

That's why the newly promoted Daoist and envoys of the present world came.

Cang Ming's move can be regarded as satisfying Jiang's Hong Sheng's desire for defeat in the grassland. Using young people to beat young people, not to deceive the years, fully demonstrates the foundation of the Damu Empire.

Of course, Cang Ming was an unrestricted main match powerhouse under the age of 30 at the Yellow River Meeting in 3919 of the Dao Calendar. Jiang Wang was the leader of the inner court at the age of 19 at that time, and the two sides were still nearly ten years old. The gap...was also ignored intentionally or unintentionally.

Where can I find peers who are qualified to fight Jiang Wang?

Not to mention Mu Guo, look at the whole world, even if you go back in time to search, compare across time and space, if you want to find someone under the age of 30 who can win today's Jiang Wang, there is only the Taiyu real person who broke the historical record back then .

The fight between Jiang Wang and Cang Ming, which attracted a lot of attention, only lasted three rounds.

After three closes, Jiang Wang lay on the ground.

Cang Ming didn't even open his eyes.

There is only a thin line between him and Dong Zhen, but that line separates two worlds.

After all, Tu Hu was reliable, so Huyan Jingxuan came again, after Jiang Wang recovered.

This time, he didn't survive a single round, and he fell down the moment they met each other.

Jiang Wang lay on the hospital bed.

Zhao Rucheng was lying on the bed next to him.

"I don't understand." Zhao Rucheng was tightly bandaged, and his voice was low: "You are the one who wants to challenge Huyan Jingxuan, and feel the real limit of the hole in advance...Why did he give me a shot?"

Jiang Wang lay completely flat, looked up at the roof, and said in his mouth: "Give me a chickpea fruit."

This fruit does not look like an eagle's beak, but is loved by goshawks. The fruit is taken by the eagle's beak to snatch food, so it gets this name. The appearance is a small red round fruit, sweet and sour, very refreshing, and has the effect of relieving greasy oil, which is deeply loved by grassland people.

Zhao Rucheng took a chickpea fruit, threw it casually, and threw it into Jiang Wang's mouth precisely.

Jiang Wang chewed it down and asked, "Why did you throw a fruit when I asked you to throw it?"

"By the way." Zhao Rucheng replied casually.

Then he reacted and stopped talking.

How annoying.

Jiang Wangdao: "Let you take advantage of the time when I am striding across the grassland and attracting the attention of the world, find a chance to meet Yunyun secretly. You have to go, and you have to hide by the side to watch, isn't it worthy of a beating?"

"What if he comes for real?" Zhao Rucheng said angrily.

Jiang Wang wanted to say, the slap Huyan Jingxuan gave you was to tell you that if he came for real, your presence or absence would not matter.

But in the end, he only said: "Let's raise it first! Brother's network has been exhausted for you, but don't worry, brother will think of other ways later."

Zhao Rucheng said lazily: "Why don't you think about it, let's go first? I'll come here by myself when Yunyun's anger subsides."

"Why are you so ignorant of women?" Jiang Wang taught, "If you don't coax when you're angry, what's the use of you when you're done?"

Zhao Ru deliberately thought, the key is that your method is not easy to use! But after all, he was sensible, so he didn't say anything, he just said: "Let's talk about it after a while, third brother, I'm a little tired."

During this period of time, running here and there, being frightened and frightened, I was really exhausted physically and mentally!

"Persevere, and success is just around the corner!" Jiang Wang encouraged him: "I have carefully researched this place for healing, and no one will find it. You can rest assured first."

Zhao Rucheng opened his mouth to speak, when he heard "Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom!", a large number of soldiers approaching in unison.

He looked at Jiang Wang faintly: "Did the little holy monk of Jingli consecrate your mouth?"

As the brigade of soldiers approached, Yu Wenduo's voice resounded outside again: "According to reliable information, they are hiding here. Don't rush, advance slowly, and don't miss the subtleties! This time, a large number of masters have come, and they are hard to fly! Pay attention, the defenses on the east side are relatively weak, don't tell them to go east!"

Jiang Wang's ear fairy even heard a dissatisfied voice next to Yu Wenduo: "Are you arresting people, or are you reporting?!"

It was obviously Jin Tandu's second son Jin Ge's voice.

Yu Wenduo scolded angrily: "The art of war is the same, the false is the real, the real is the false, you know nothing! How many times have you fought? Have you been guarding the frontier? Are you responsible for this arrest or me?"

Jiang Wang didn't hold grudges, he just sighed in the room: "At this point, there is only one way."

Zhao Rucheng was already taking off the bandages at this time, and was about to break out of the encirclement with his elder brother. He asked without raising his head, "What can I do?"

Jiang Wang stretched out his finger with a hook, pulled out a black chain from the void, and tied Zhao Rucheng into a ball on the spot.

"Third brother! Wrong binding!"

"It can't be wrong!" Jiang Wang conveniently put a seal on Zhao Rucheng's mouth, and flew out of the house with him, jumping into the sky.

The densely packed soldiers all looked at them in surprise.

Yu Wenduo, who was in the army formation, was also very confused. He made a decisive decision and waved his hand: "Brothers retreat ten miles one after another to prevent fraud!"

Jin Ge next to him jumped up: "Cheat your mother, brothers follow me! Catch the national thief!"

Jiang Wang's body flickered, he was already in the middle of the formation, he slapped Jin Ge fan faintly on the ground, and with another step, he was already facing Yu Wenduo, and said to the dazed true-blooded nobleman, "Brother Yuwen, Jiang is lucky to live up to his fate! "

He lifted Zhao Rucheng in his hand, and proudly said loudly: "Go and tell His Royal Highness Yunyun, I have caught the Damu country thief, and I am here to hand it over to her!"

"...It has to be you, my brother Jiang!" Yu Wenduo quickly realized, greeted him enthusiastically, and hugged Jiang Wang tightly: "You bear the burden of humiliation and help me catch the big thief. The descendant of the eagle , I will never forget your sacrifice!"

He whispered in Jiang Wang's ear, "Really report it like this?"

"Just report it like this, always make it clear in person." Jiang Wangbo responded calmly.

Yu Wenduo suddenly turned around: "Feiying sent a report to His Highness Yun, the national thief has been captured, I will immediately escort the prisoner to go!"

Then he pointed to a few people casually: "Go and help Mr. Jin Ge up, don't let anyone step on him! He took the lead in the process of arresting the suspect, but unfortunately he stumbled with his left foot and fell to the ground and fainted. Although his strength is a little weak, But the spirit is very commendable, and I will report the truth later and credit him with credit!"

Jiang Wang didn't say a word, this kid is really vicious.

After finishing the chores, Yu Wenduo turned around and reached out to touch the chain excitedly: "Brother Jiang has worked hard, let me carry the criminal for you!"

Jiang Wang pushed him away: "I caught this, let me carry it."

Yu Wenduo said: "I am the general who catches the thieves. I should be in charge of emotion, reason, law, and Muguo's rules!"

Jiang Wangna looked at him.

He immediately turned to pleading in a low voice: "Let me carry it once, just carry it once, even for a short while, Brother Jiang, I beg you..."

Zhao Rucheng couldn't resist, and couldn't open his mouth to curse Yu Wenduo, so he simply closed his eyes.

Fortunately, Jiang Wang's ears were not weak, so he kicked Yu Wenduo away: "Leading you on your way, so much nonsense!"



The High Court is the crown of the steppe.

Helian Yunyun is the jewel in the crown.

Born with "green eyes", she came into the world with high expectations.

From the moment she was born, she had it all.

Glory, wealth, authority... What many people pursue throughout their lives are just things scattered in front of her riding boots and everywhere.

Right now she is sitting on her throne.

Wearing a silver crown on his head, a red jade belt on his forehead, and a majestic sky-blue royal court dress, his posture is dignified, as if sitting on nine heavens, appearing indifferent, majestic, and unattainable.

Her throne is carved from a single block of sapphire, as if capturing a section of the blue sky.

Sitting on such a throne, even her beautiful face seemed far away.

In front of the throne, stood two tall and mighty guards.

On both sides of the throne are beautiful maids with long breaths.

At the end of this splendid tent stood Zhao Rucheng, a bandit from the Great Mu State, and Jiang Wang, an enthusiastic man who captured the bandit bravely.

"Jiang Yishi." Helian Yunyun said: "I would like to thank you for capturing the national thief on the wanted list for Da Mu."

When Jiang Wang heard that she didn't call "Brother Jiang" but "Jiang Yishi", he knew the situation was bad, but he still smiled and said: "Actually, this matter——"

"Come on." He Lian Yunyun interrupted his explanation, and declared: "The previous reward is not enough to show this righteous deed. Ten times the reward, take it all, to reward the righteous!"

Jiang Wang waved his hands again and again: "I can't help it, and I didn't come here for this. It's all because of my passion and justice...That Yu Wenduo will keep it for me and send it to Xingyueyuan when I return."

Yu Wenduo gave a low-key "hmm".

The atmosphere in the tent was so cold.

So much so that Jiang Wang's gags couldn't bring any smile to anyone, so he had to use his trump card——

He took off Zhao Rucheng's bronze mask, revealing that face that completely eclipsed all the precious lights.

Then he pushed his little five forward.

"This guy wants to confess his crimes to His Highness face to face, His Highness might as well listen to him for a while!"

Zhao Rucheng was pushed forward and staggered a few steps, and just stopped in the tent, barely standing still under the orb protruding from the top of the tent. The face is bathed in pearl light.

His expression was haggard, his hair was disheveled, and his pair of amorous peach blossom eyes looked forward sadly and affectionately.

The so-called "I am most afraid of beauty worrying, I feel pity!"

Zhao Rucheng, who was tied up from the hospital bed, was even more exciting than usual.

The maids next to the throne stared straight.

The warriors in front of the throne were also frightened for a moment, and couldn't help admiring secretly.

But Helian Yunyun on the throne had no expression on his face and his eyes were indifferent.

Zhao Rucheng was pushed forward and didn't know what to say for a moment.

Normally, by the time he raises his eyes and gazes affectionately, all the turmoil should have calmed down.

No woman has ever been as firm as iron under his gaze.

Make an exception today!

At a certain moment, there was a pain like a needle prick in his ear. He came to his senses and knew that it was Jiang Sange's reminder.

Then he coughed lightly, and stared affectionately at Helian Yunyun who was sitting on the throne: "Have you read the letter I left for His Highness?"

He Lianyun said calmly: "Look, the words are beautiful and the emotion is sincere. Gu is very moved."

"...I left a blank sheet of paper."

Helian Yunyun's eyes were indifferent: "Then what are you going to let Gu see?"

Zhao Rucheng showed a pitiful and hurt expression, and said affectionately: "The meaning of this letter is-'everything goes without words', I thought His Highness would understand me. I thought there was no need to talk between us. "

"Zhao Rucheng, Zhao Rucheng." Helian Yunyun shook his head and sneered: "Who is Danggu? Go to the big prison and coax other women. Come on, drag it down—"

"Wait!" Zhao Rucheng yelled, and said indignantly, "What other woman? In the past few years in Muguo, how can I see any other woman in my eyes? Are you not guilty of saying this, Helian Yunyun?!"

"Yeah, you don't have other women in your eyes... You don't even have loneliness in your eyes!" He Lian Yunyun scolded coldly: "You only have love in your eyes, so go live with your third brother for the rest of your life, your brotherhood is deep , it should last forever! Don’t harm the true love woman in the world again!”

Jiang Wang bit the bullet and stood forward: "Then what..."

He Lianyun looked at him with blue eyes: "Jiang Yishi! Gu has always respected you very much, but this matter has nothing to do with you!"

Jiang Wang touched his nose, then stood back silently, standing side by side with Yu Wenduo who was watching his nose, nose, nose and heart.

Zhao Rucheng suppressed all his exaggerated emotions, and looked at Helian Yunyun so sincerely and apologetically: "I know what I did was wrong. But there are some things that I must do, and some roads that I must walk .”

Helian Yunyun's eyes became colder: "Yes, there are some things that must be done. Then you should say it sooner. You said you would leave sooner or later, and you said you had never been tempted by Gu. How could Gu keep you, this Wanli Grassland, Are you missing Zhao Rucheng?"

"I've fallen in love with you!" Zhao Rucheng said angrily, "No, never! I'm really moved! I, Zhao Rucheng, have never treated anyone falsely in my life!"

Helian Yunyun sneered: "Leaving without saying goodbye is your true feelings? A piece of white paper with nothing written on it is your sincerity? Zhao Rucheng, I don't even know that sincerity is such a cheap thing!"

Zhao Rucheng took a deep breath and said: "This matter is indeed my fault, I failed to take care of everything. But you don't have to deny my feelings. Jiang Sange's plot to Zhuang Gaoxian is a life-and-death situation. If you leak a little bit, it will never succeed. Because standing behind Zhuang Gaoxian is the entire Daomai Jingguo. At the moment I set off, I can't tell anyone that I can't let hundreds of thousands of unjust souls in Fenglin City The battle of revenge, I take the risk because of me! I don’t want you to wait in vain for this trip. I am also...I am also afraid that you will stop me."

"Afraid that Gu will stop you?" Helian Yunyun seemed to have heard the funniest joke in the world: "Is this the reason? Gu can do anything for you, and Gu can cut farms for you! Are you afraid that Gu will stop you?"

"Zhao Rucheng, you are just afraid that your brotherhood will not be verified, and you are just afraid that your Jiang Sange will go forward alone. But you are not afraid of loneliness!

"You just feel that I can't leave you alone, and I love you deeply. You feel that you can come and go when you want, and you don't have to explain anything. You are just a spoiled child, relying on Lonely love is unbridled!!!"

There was no sound in the tent.

Zhao Rucheng remained silent.

And Helian Yunyun's beautiful blue eyes finally showed a ray of sadness in the indifference, and she restrained the emotions that erupted in a moment, and she was once again the royal family of the nine heavens, unapproachable. His voice became cold and sad, "Zhao Rucheng, is it too easy to love you alone. So you don't cherish it?"

Thanks to the book friend "Frell Heart Eye Knife" for rewarding the new alliance, it is the 576th alliance for the Chixin Sky Survey!

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