Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2058

"Emperor Daqi lets you straighten up, and you don't have to bend over here."

Emperor Mu smiled softly: "You are welcome to come to the grassland as a guest. If you need anything, just talk to Minhe Temple."

Then get up and leave.

Emperor Mu made the conditions clear.

Jiang Wang also spoke clearly.

This is also a leisurely affair, and there is really no need for entanglement.

Helian Yunyun also got up and walked beside Emperor Mu. Today, she is only wearing a simple white dress, and she walks with a plain face. But noble atmosphere, beautiful and inaccessible. From beginning to end, not a single word was spoken.

Hulala, a large group of prairie nobles stood up and followed behind.

Jiang Wang bent down before straightening up, and replied in a muffled voice: "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your love. The adults in Minhe Temple are very considerate, but there is no need to bother. I have been friends with His Highness Yunyun for many years. This time I came to the grassland, she Very well received!"

Emperor Mu didn't comment.

Helian Yunyun took a look at this 'friend for many years' Brother Jiang, and finally said: "You're welcome."

A group of people left in such a mighty manner, and the arena stands were completely empty.

Zhao Rucheng sat on the stand, amidst the flowers, his shockingly beautiful face was particularly conspicuous. It's just a gloomy expression, like a flower that has just bloomed and was broken by the rainstorm.

From the beginning to the end, he didn't take the opportunity to say a word to Helian Yunyun, nor did he get a look.

Seeing Jiang Wang approaching, he complained aggrievedly: "You beat too fast. Your butt is not even hot!"

Jiang Wang looked around, and Naliang and others had also left the stage, and said: "None of these people is weak, I can't keep my hand."

Zhao Rucheng continued to complain: "Why did you invite the emperor here?"

Jiang Wang glared at him: "The old man came to watch the battle, do I need my consent?"

Zhao Rucheng sighed for a while, and then said boringly: "By the way, Helian Zhaotu asked you to have dinner at his residence at night."

"Do you think he is still there?" Jiang Wang asked.

"Let's go." Zhao Rucheng said indifferently.

"That's no appointment."


"His Highness Yunyun's long-time friend, how can he go to a private banquet at His Highness Zhaotu's mansion?" Jiang Wang sat down next to him and put his arms around his shoulders: "What's wrong with you, you are out of your mind? Very poor."

Zhao Rucheng sighed: "I feel like I have no chance."


"I've been peeking at her just now, but she didn't even look at me! It wasn't like this before."

"This is no chance?" Jiang Wang sneered: "How did you pursue girls before?"

Zhao Rucheng was listless: "Among the good-looking ones, choose the one that is the most pleasing to the eye."

Jiang Wang intended to slap him, but after looking at his face, he found it really convincing, and said: "Helian Yunyun is not those vulgar fans, don't just sigh when you encounter some setbacks, you have to do it." Prepare for a long battle. To pursue a girl, there are three most important points—”

Zhao Rucheng interrupted him: "Have you ever pursued?"

Jiang Wang's arrogance was a little weaker: "...I saw others pursued it."

Zhao Rucheng got up and left.

"Hey where are you going?"

"Find a place to sleep!"

Jiang Wang rolled his eyes.

Zhao Rucheng walked two steps, then turned around.

Jiang Wang sneered: "Why, it still depends on your brother—what is this?"

Zhao Rucheng pulled out a large bunch of Yiche flowers from his arms, stuffed them into Jiang Wang's arms, and said with deep resentment, "I'll send you off!"

Turn around and stride away.

Jiang Wang let out a 'tch', leaned back on the chair, and shook his hands: "This unlucky boy has no resilience at all!"

He gathered up the handful of Yiche flowers that had been destroyed to such a bad shape, smoothed the wrinkled petals carefully, and muttered: "I just asked you to find a chance to sit and chat. How can you be rejected on the front foot? Confession on the back foot? This kid really doesn't understand anything."

He has some inexplicable worries that he has never thought of before—what kind of confession should he "understand"?

"Then how should I confess my love?" The soft female voice flowed like water, as if she had brought his inner voice to his ears.

Jiang Wang raised his eyes and saw the well-known Beidi Qiangwei coming gracefully and looking at him with a smile.

Jiang Wang didn't speak.

Bian Qiang calmly sat down next to him, looked at the sky from the stand, and said with emotion: "Today's sky is really beautiful..."

She turned her head and looked at Jiang Wang, with just admiration in her eyes and an intoxicating smile on her face: "It seems to be to set off your brilliance."

Jiang Wang jumped up: "Suddenly remembered something, let's take a step first!"

Looking at the back of this Tianjiao going away, Bian Qiang was not annoyed at all, just wiped his red lips lightly with the pad of his little finger, and said with a low laugh: "It's even colder than what Xiang Ling'er said... ..."


Jiang Wang hugged the bouquet of Yiche flowers, and quickly caught up with Zhao Rucheng: "Wait! Where are you going to rest?"

Zhao Rucheng's heart was languid: "Just find an inn. I just want to lie down now."

"You are so stupid." Jiang Wang hit him with a flower.

"Why am I so stupid again?" Zhao Rucheng protested, "Don't forget who you used to copy in the Dao Academy's written test!"

Jiang Wang said coldly: "I can pass without copying."

Zhao Rucheng continued to resist: "But you can't get full marks. That day's astronomy and geography, the collection of classics and history—"

"Okay!" Jiang Wang turned around and left: "You can go to your inn. I will ask Helian Yunyun to arrange a place for me. She just promised to entertain me in front of Emperor Mu!"

Zhao Rucheng suddenly came to his senses, trotted backwards, caught up with Jiang Wang, and looked at him with a smile: "Brother, she should entertain us, right?"

Jiang Wang frowned: "There is no 'you'?"

Zhao Rucheng turned back on the spot, and put his arms around Jiang Wang's shoulders: "Third brother, are you estranged from your younger brother? We are in the same group, and we are always inseparable!"

"The thing about the former monastery..."

"I never mentioned it! I really, I never told An An about this. I said you were smart, and I kept praising you!"


"Really! How could my brother lie to you? I didn't tell you about Sister Qingyu's side. If you don't believe me, you can ask—"

"Okay, okay." Jiang Wang stopped him: "Take control of your beautiful but speechless mouth!"

Seeing that Zhao Rucheng shut up and nodded, he said: "Let's go, my brother will take you to eat and drink, and have a chance to meet. You, think about it carefully, what should you say when you meet."

Zhao Rucheng followed the third brother, feeling a little nervous: "She's heartbroken, will she really entertain us?"

Jiang Wang was full of confidence: "In front of the emperor, she agreed with her own mouth. Even if she is the emperor's daughter, she can't deceive the emperor, right?"

Zhao Rucheng hesitated again: "But... I don't want her to have to see me because of the emperor's order."

"He's a very smart person, why worry about gains and losses now, thinking about things!" Jiang Wang knocked him with flowers again: "Emperor Damu is Helian Yunyun's mother, and he 'has to see you because of the emperor's order', taking himself too seriously." Pansuan, right!? If Helian Yunyun doesn't want to see you, who can force her?"

Zhao Rucheng suddenly realized: "So if I can see her later, it means..."

The two brothers looked at each other and smiled on the street.

A child on the side of the road said: "Mom, why are they laughing all of a sudden? It's silly. It scared me."

The mother dragged the child and hurried past: "There are a lot of crazy people now, don't worry about it."

The two brothers didn't care, and laughed even more happily.

Walk all the way, laugh all the way.


Zhao Rucheng was turned away.

"The princess agreed to entertain us, why not let us in?!"

Outside the gate of Helian Yunyun's palace, Zhao Rucheng was so angry that he almost acted out all his grievances these days.

The female officer blocking the way stared at him, almost reluctant to move away, but her words were firm: "His Royal Highness said that she only entertains her friends."

"Aren't we right?" Zhao Rucheng said angrily, "Why are you stopping us?"

Having been with Helian Yunyun for so long, he has been to this Yiyang Palace countless times, and he is familiar with almost all the female officials in it. Today, he specially transferred someone he didn't recognize to block the way!

As long as he is acquainted with someone else, he can more or less get some information.

"I didn't stop you." The female officer said seriously: "I just stopped you, Mr. Zhao."

He saluted Jiang Wang again: "Young Master Jiang, please come in. Your Highness has explained that we will entertain you with the highest standards for entertaining foreign guests today."

Jiang Wang said: "This female officer, it's like this - the two of us are together."

The female officer was very serious: "Young Master Jiang is an old friend of His Highness, but who is this next to him? Please forgive me for not knowing, His Highness did not explain."

"I'm a family member!" Zhao Rucheng raised his hand aside and said, "I'm his own younger brother!"

Jiang Wang chimed in: "I'm afraid it's not the way to entertain guests if you don't allow family members to be brought along."

"This..." The female officer faltered for a while, not knowing how to respond, but after all, she was ordered to come here, and her figure standing in front of the door was still firm.

"Who dares to make a noise outside His Highness Yun's palace?!" Following the majestic scolding, the strong General Yu Wenduo strode forward, his eyes swept across, very majestic: "What's the matter with you?"

"General Yuwen." The female official knew Yu Wenduo, and she looked embarrassed: "His Royal Highness only said to entertain Mr. Jiang, but this one insists on coming..."

Yu Wenduo looked Zhao Rucheng up and down: "This kid is very suspicious. First of all, he doesn't look good enough."

Zhao Rucheng glared.

Yu Wenduo stared back imposingly! He said, "Well, I'll take it in for an interrogation."

He stretched out his hand and pushed Zhao Rucheng: "What are you looking at? Are you not convinced? Let me in!"

Zhao Rucheng stumbled into Yiyang Palace, so he didn't care about Yu Wenduo's pretending.

Yu Wenduo was dressed in armor, walking like a tiger, maintaining a majestic posture. Pushing is very enjoyable, and I want to push it again.

"Cough!" Jiang Wang coughed gently.

Yu Wenduo's raised hand was still hanging there, and he raised another hand, clapped vigorously, and praised naturally: "Brother Jiang is really amazing today, I was dumbfounded! The number one god in the world!" Lin, who else is better than you?!"

In the past, Jiang Wang had to add the prefix of "younger generation" to say that Jiang Wang is the number one god in the world.

But looking at today's battle, Yu Wenduo is so convinced that he can't be more convinced, he just feels that the prefix can be removed as much as possible, and he is number one in the world!

Na Liang, Yu Wenlie, Wan Yandu, Jin Gonghao, these four people are placed in any place in the world, and compared from any angle, they are all masters in the realm of gods.

The real pride of the world!

However, Jiang Wang was able to win a crushing victory with one against four in the same situation.

Looking at the present world, what other god can compare with such combat power?

Jiang Wang just waved his hand and said, "Is your cousin okay?"

"It's nothing serious, it's nothing serious." Yu Wenduo smiled and said, "I'm just a little dazed, and I'm still in a daze when I go home! Maybe you were beaten into a daze!"

"His strength is very strong." Jiang Wang said earnestly: "Because of this, I tried my best to make him leave first... Later, you form a game and let's drink together."

"Okay, I'll arrange it!" Yu Wenduo laughed. He lowered his voice again and said: "His Highness Yun may not come to see you today, she is still in the palace, and she doesn't know when she will come out, but she just told Yiyang Palace that she can receive..."

Upon hearing this, Zhao Rucheng immediately turned around: "Yunyun is not here, how dare you be so arrogant—"

A bright general order stopped him.

Yu Wenduo waved the general order, Shi Shiran said: "I am not talented, and I am also part of the guard duty of Yiyang Palace. If this brother doesn't know etiquette, if he is here to fight around, I will ask you to go out."

Zhao Rucheng reached out and brushed his collar, with a smile on his face: "Look at you, it's all dirty here, so don't pay attention to it."

All the good wine and food in Yiyang Palace will be served.

The performers during the banquet are also the most famous troupe on the grassland.

The dancing girl is beautiful and the singing girl is tactful.

At the banquet, Jiang Wang and Yu Wenduo, who was in charge of accompanying the guests, exchanged cups and cups, having a great time.

Zhao Rucheng doesn't know how to eat.

In the past, Helian Yunyun would not allow him to watch these singing and dancing. Like the group of singing girls from Chu that Yu Wenduo once raised, they were sent to Qi State overnight by Helian Yunyun.

Now I don't care about him at all!

Three people at a table, separate two worlds.

Over there the wine is hot, and here the spring is chilly.

In addition to love affairs, Zhao Rucheng has not suffered these few days in his life.

This meal lasted until the eclipse of the moon, Helian Yunyun still did not return to the palace, it seemed that he did not intend to return to the palace today.

The female officer who blocked the way earlier came in again: "The accommodation has been arranged, I wonder if Mr. Jiang wants to move around and rest?"

"I haven't finished drinking yet!" Zhao Rucheng said.

It means waiting here.

The female officer deliberately did not talk to him, but just bowed to Jiang Wang: "Mr. Jiang, if you need anything, please feel free to speak. There are always people waiting outside the hall."

Jiang Wang raised his glass with a smile to show that he knew.

But not long after, the female officer came in again and asked for instructions: "Young Master Jiang, someone posted a post asking you to come to a banquet and drink."

Jiang Wang waved his hand: "No. I want to wait here for my good friend for many years, Your Highness Yun."

Yu Wenduo bumped into him beside him, quite curious: "Look at which girl it is."

"Don't watch it." Zhao Rucheng himself was in a bad mood, and poured cold water on his friend: "What if it's the girl you like?"

Yu Wenduo stopped laughing immediately.

It was Jiang Wang who became curious: "You are a regular visitor in Shen'en Temple, do you also have a favorite woman?"

Yu Wenduo waved his hands again and again: "The man has ambitions everywhere, don't talk about this, don't talk about this—"

Looking at the female officer again: "Whose post is it?"

The female officer looked down and said, "Gu Shiyi."

Yu Wenduo breathed a sigh of relief, but was shocked again.

The world's number one hero, Gu Shiyi!

Two hundred years ago, he was already a well-known chivalrous man in the world, and he is the spiritual leader of the current knight-errants.

After gaining fame twice at the Yellow River Meeting and the Dragon Palace Banquet, Yan Shaofei, a ranger in Wei, can now be regarded as one of the most famous among rangers in the world. But it is far from being able to compare with Gu Shiyi who is famous all over the world.

He actually came to the grassland?

Also post a wine invitation?

Looking at Brother Jiang next to him, Yu Wenduo looked up at him even more: "Brother Jiang really has a wide network of contacts, and there is no white man!"

Jiang Wang just raised his hand and called the greeting card into his hand. He opened it and saw a few lines of words scribbled on it - a certain family came to the grassland to do business. I heard that Brother Jiang was here. I can't go in the palace. Write a letter To you, come out and drink!

The words are direct, without embellishment, very Gu Shiyi's style.

Jiang Wang naturally had no reason to refuse. The first time the two met was when the crazy woman in Pingguo was chasing after him. Gu Shiyi saved his life by taking action. The last time the two had a drink was before Fa Xia started, he asked for swords all the way, and when he was summoned by Gu Shiyi on the way, he drank three bowls with the leftovers coldly.

This person is insane, free and easy, and a good drinking buddy.

More importantly... This is also a powerful real person who can be counted. He still has friendship, so he can try his hand.

That Zhongxuanzun had seen the scenery of the outer building before coming to God, and Jiang had seen the real scenery of the cave in advance, and then the real cave. Just ask him if he agrees.

Waiting for others is really boring, especially when accompanying others.

Jiang Wang was in this Yiyang Palace, chatting with Yu Wenduo until he was sleepy!

Then he stood up and said, "I have to go to this drinking party. Xiao Wu, do you want to follow me first, or continue to wait here?"

Zhao Rucheng looked at him and asked, "Is Gu Shiyi your friend? Is this trip safe?"

"He has a reputation of being reliable and has helped me before." Jiang Wang said with a smile: "As for the safety issue... this is the Supreme Court."

"That's it." Zhao Rucheng sat still, his handsome face was serious, and he seemed to insist that Qingshan would not relax: "Then I will wait here."

Jiang Wang stared at him for a while, Zhao Rucheng at this time was indeed different from any other time in the past. Words like "skinny face" can describe Xu Xianggan, and can describe Chong Xuansheng without any disobedience. When can they be put together with Zhao Rucheng?

He said with complicated emotions: "Xiao Wu, you have never been so persistent in doing one thing before."

"You always give the ending before the ending appears. You always give up on others before they give up on you."

"You have a kind of nobility, you are not willing to bow your head."

He took out the bunch of wilted Yiche flowers from the storage box, and put them in the corner of the table. The wood-walking technique, which has not been used for many years, arouses vitality at this moment, causing the broken branches to take root, and the roots are entangled in the wood.

This bouquet of Yiche flowers just bloomed on the corner of the table, bright and beautiful, like an original table decoration.

"This is my little five bouquet of flowers, and it should bloom here brilliantly."

What he carefully left behind was not a bouquet of flowers, but the sincerity that Zhao Rucheng hadn't had time to offer.

Five thousand words should be considered a surprise...


Thanks to the book friend "Yueying Xifeng" for becoming the leader of this book, for the 578th alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey!

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