Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2059 Convergence over the world

Jiang Sange left and went drinking with his friends.

Yu Wenduo didn't leave, and the reason why he didn't leave was not because of how reliable this guy was. It was because Zhao Rucheng was worried that he would be kicked out of Yiyang Palace alone, so he dragged him down to accompany him.

This wait is all night.

The wine in Yiyang Palace is naturally the best batch on the grassland.

The two people who were drinking deliberately did not use Dao Yuan to sober up.

When Yu Wenduo was in the middle of the night, he was already drunk, lying on the table, crying and laughing, and fell asleep.

Zhao Rucheng drank until dawn alone.

There is almost no wine in the world that can make you drunk, but if you want to get drunk, no amount of cultivation can guarantee sobriety.

Zhao Rucheng is a very smart person, and it is precisely because he is smart that he can see clearly - this time Helian Yunyun is not angry or simply quarreling, but has really made up his mind.

Why didn't he know that the third brother's method was useless?

It's just a dead horse as a living horse doctor, grabbing the drowning straw.

Competing in the Canglang Arena and asking for hospitality from Yiyang Palace are all methods of stalking.

Helian Yunyun has already given enough dignity, but at the same time, he has not given any chance.

He didn't want to be entangled, but he really couldn't give up.

Let the wine roll into every drop of blood, let the gods understand it, and make it dark.

People suffer because of reality, but they are good at deceiving themselves with alcohol—thinking that the pain comes from sobriety.

When he went to pick up the wine again in a daze, the wine jug was pressed down.

A familiar voice sounded next to my ear: "Who is drunk for?"

He saw Helian Yunyun with drunken eyes, it was not real in the haze, he just smiled drunkenly: "Yunyun, are you here?"

Helian Yunyun really exists.

She was helping Emperor Damu with government affairs—she and brother Zhaotu had started to share state affairs a long time ago—and she was only returning to the palace now, she didn't feel that she was avoiding anyone on purpose.

The hall is loud and quiet, and the smell of alcohol is strong.

There was a bunch of Yiche flowers stuck in the corner of the table. Somebody did a good deed, but the roots grew together with the wooden table, which was obviously facilitated by Taoism. The petals are bright and vibrant.

how naive...

Helian Yunyun's eyes stopped on the flowers again and again, and then fell back on Zhao Rucheng.

It is said that beauty is seen under the light.

In fact, it is even more stunning in the twilight morning light.

At this time, the window is half open, the palace room is silent, and the faint light that sneaks in quietly dances on the man's long eyelashes. Those peach blossom-like pupils are between opening and closing, making the amorous watery color faintly visible.

The man is half lying on the table, half of his beautiful features are bathed in light and glowing, and half are hidden in the shadows, outlining the mystery that attracts people to explore.

Light and shadow coexist harmoniously on this face, in perfect unity.

His eyes were reddish, with unshed tears, and he murmured like a dream... calling your name.

You know he thought it was a dream, but he didn't want to wake up.

Of course there is a strong smell of alcohol.

Helian Yunyun looked at the man's lips, which had perfect lip line and just the right color.

I thought, she also likes to drink.

"So?" The man called out again, holding on to the jug as if he was about to get up.

Those who did not drink woke up with a start.

She withdrew her hand without a trace, and took the flagon aside by the way.

With his hands empty, Zhao Rucheng also woke up a bit. He blinked vigorously, the world became concrete, and the blurred portraits in his vision became clearer.

"Yunyun!" he shouted.

Helian Yunyun was expressionless, but pointed at Yu Wenduo who was still lying on the table with his chin: "What's wrong with him? He seems to be crying?"

Zhao Rucheng shook his head to let himself get rid of the dizziness, and said casually: "I told him that after finishing the fight in the wolf arena yesterday, Bian Qiang went to look for Jiang Sange."

It's really bad...

Helian Yunyun was too lazy to care about his subordinates' concerns, and the frequent visitors of Shen'en Temple really didn't deserve to shed tears for their feelings.

Thinking of the word 'unworthy', her voice became indifferent, and she asked, "What do you want?"

"I miss you!" Zhao Rucheng blurted out.

Helian Yunyun looked at him calmly: "...I mean, do you have any goals in life? You can't just waste your lonely time here."

At this time, Zhao Rucheng was already awake.

He thought it was better to be drunk.

How can you say that I'm wasting your time, Helian Yunyun?

But he thought again, I really wasted it.

"life goals?"

He sat up, leaned back, leaned on the chair, suddenly laughed, and shook his head: "I don't have any goals in life."

He looked up at the dome of the palace: "When I was very young, I was always told - 'You are the king of Qin, you are the descendant of Emperor Huai of Qin, and you are the only orthodox Qin in the world'.

"From Emperor Huai of Qin to me, there have been five generations.

"My ancestors...they hoarded many outdated ways of killing and left some foolish and loyal mediocrity.

"Time makes outdated killing methods even more outdated, and there are not many foolish and loyal mediocrities left.

"They all told me that my goal in life is to restore the country, and that I should fight all my life to regain the orthodoxy of the Great Qin Dynasty. I was born to sit on that throne. But my Uncle Deng only asked me—what do you think?

"Heh... I don't want anything. I just want to muddle along. I'm still so young and my life has so many possibilities, why should I do something that is doomed to fail?

"My ancestors, I can't understand their stupidity, I don't understand what they are thinking-the life goals that they can't achieve no matter how hard they try, they think they can be achieved by future generations. They use their children to sustenance Their ideals in life cover up their mediocrity and incompetence. Then they should count their days and directly set a 'life goal'!"

Speaking of this, Zhao Rucheng suppressed his excitement, closed his eyes, and said softly in a nostalgic tone: "I once thought about dying in that small town as a boring and rich swinger. For the rest of my life, I will not let them know about my past, my so-called noble blood, and my sacred mission.

"No, when I get old, I might tell them—'Do you know that I am actually from the royal family of Qin, my real name is Ying Ziyu, and I am a direct descendant of Emperor Huai of Qin. I have five hundred taels, help me restore the country, and when I succeed, I will make you high officials!"

"The third brother will bargain with me. The second brother will call me an idiot. The fourth brother will say that he is actually the illegitimate son of Emperor Jingguo, who has a better chance of becoming the throne than me, and only four hundred and ninety-nine taels... The eldest brother will only laugh look at me."

Zhao Rucheng didn't shed tears, he opened his eyes and said calmly: "Later, the Bone Path came."

"Then it was all gone.

"Later, Uncle Deng disappeared."

He sat up straight, put his hands flat on the table, and said firmly: "I don't have any goals in life."

He said slowly: "I just don't want to lose any more."

"I said this to myself in the desert. I also said it to myself in Guanhetai. My life so far, all my hard work is for this sentence."

"Now I have become very stingy, so stingy that I refuse to let go of anything."

He stretched out five fingers on his left hand, and closed them one by one with his right hand.

Press the thumb: "Brother Jiang."

Press the index finger: "Little An'an."

Press the middle finger: "Second Brother Du."

He looked at Helian Yunyun, looked at Helian Yunyun very seriously, and finally put his ring finger and little finger back together, and said, "And you."

This clenched fist is his whole world.

The hall was silent for a while.

His line of sight and her line of sight meet in the sky above the whole world.

Zhao Rucheng didn't speak any more, and neither did Helian Yunyun.

Silence spread in the hall.

Until a certain moment, a voice suddenly sounded from the side——

"Without me?"

Yu Wenduo, who had been awake for a long time, raised his head at this moment and looked at Zhao Rucheng aggrievedly.



The overlord capitals of the world are all compatible with the world while maintaining their unique styles.

Of course, Jiang Wang has only stayed in three overlord capitals so far, so he cannot be generalized.

The place where Gu Shiyi invites wine is Feihongxuan, which is a restaurant with the architectural style of Qi State. Of course the dignified real person will not treat himself badly, so this is also one of the best restaurants in the Supreme Royal Court.

Jiang Wang held a wine jar in one hand and a long sword hanging from his waist. He walked up the restaurant gracefully and entered the private room.

Gained countless eyes along the way.

Gu Shiyi, who was handsome and handsome, was sitting at the head of the table. Seeing Jiang Wang's appearance, he couldn't help laughing: "How can you bring your own wine when you go to a banquet?"

Jiang Wang casually put the wine jar on the table, calm and composed: "This is a good wine from Yiyang Palace, I'm afraid it won't be sold outside, so I brought it specially for Brother Gu to taste."

Gu Shiyi asked: "You came here just now, the store didn't make things difficult for you? Bringing wine to the restaurant is an act of spoiling the situation."

Jiang Wang smiled and said, "They all recognize me. Even if they don't recognize me, they will recognize me if they ask!"

Gu Shiyi said "Oh": "I almost forgot, you just finished a famous battle in the grassland. With one against four, you will face off against the four strongest gods in the Mu Kingdom in the Canglang Arena."

"Brother Gu also knows?" Jiang Wang waved his hand casually: "It's just a false name, it's not worth mentioning."

He poured himself a bowl of tea - as long as there is no restaurant with the style of Qi State that does not match the tea. And there are all kinds of tea soups, which are very rich.

Jiang Wang didn't like drinking tea very much before, but after staying in Qi for a few years, he got used to it unconsciously.

First, take a sip of the tea soup to wake yourself up from the bitterness, and then casually ask, "How did they pass it on?"

"Let me read you a battle report issued by the Canglang Arena." Gu Shiyi took out a piece of mansion newspaper and looked at it from a distance, as if chanting: "The number one god in the world came to Jiang Wang to challenge the grassland in the Canglang Arena." Tianjiao. He fought hard against the three steeds of Qionglu with more than 4,000 combined, and it was difficult to make an inch of his achievements. He also fought against the contemporary "Hunaba", and suffered frequent setbacks... and finally won with a slight advantage."

The tea soup in Jiang Wang's mouth spurted out.

"What?" Gu Shiyi looked at him: "I haven't finished reading Yan Du's wonderful performance in this battle-speaking of which, you have suffered setbacks at this time and at other times. You were at your wit's end and exhausted. How did you win in the end?"

Jiang Wang laughed: "The specific situation should be based on this battle report, Brother Gu, take your time."

Gu Shiyi said: "Ah. You are now the number one god in the world."

Jiang Wang himself would not say that.

At least compared to Huang Jinmo, who was able to confront the real Tiangong head-on, he still thinks he is half-lost.

Huang Jinmo is immortal, can burn life infinitely, and her power level can almost be in a constant state of burning life, which is an advantage that no one can match.

Jiang Wang can become the Three Realms, but it will not last forever, and he can have a flood of immortal thoughts, but if he uses it, he will suffer two injuries.

Of course, he can indeed be called the "strongest" among the normal monks who have a life span of 518 years. Although the present world is vast and there are countless arrogances, at most there are people who can be evenly matched with him in this situation, such as Wang Changji, such as Dou Zhao and Chong Xuanzun who have shown in the Dragon Palace that they have yet to show their cards... They all have the possibility of this.

But no one can defeat him.

Because he has indeed touched the limit power of this realm. The bystanders are at most side by side, and it is impossible to go to the front.

Looking back now, when Chongxuan and Chuliang instructed him, Ji Zhaonan and Chongxuanzun at the same time in Dianjiangtai, it was really the earliest portrayal of his imagination of the top god. At that time, he was shocked as a heavenly man, and he is in awe until now, but now he himself can completely reproduce it.

However, it doesn't matter whether Jiang Wang recognizes the name of the world's number one god or not.

The prairie people must recognize him for him.

If the Canglang Arena didn't confirm his title as the number one god in the world, what would the reputation of the few prairie talents who were "difficultly defeated" by him be?

Those are the three horses in the Qionglu, and that is the contemporary Hunapa. How can they lose to a person who is not number one in the world?

Jiang Wangdao: "Brother Gu went to Chilongtan alone, swept the wild fox club with his sword, and was named the number one hero in the world. That is the number one in the world that is truly worthy of praise. Now I only have some courage, what is it?"

Gu Shiyi laughed: "It's thanks to you to find out these things about old sesame seed and rotten millet."

Jiang Wangdao: "It's not that I just picked it up, it's something you did, and the world remembers it."

Chilongtan and Wild Fox Society are well-known evil forces that have been causing disaster for many years. Gu Shiyi wiped them out with one sword and one sword, and became the spiritual leader of the knights in the world.

People respect him not because of his strength, but because of his chivalry.

Gu Shiyi looked at him: "You don't rely on courage, it seems that you have some ideals in life."

Jiang Wang said, "I'm still thinking about it."

"Think slowly." Gu Shiyi patted the mud off the wine jar and sniffed it lightly: "You are still very young, so there is no need to rush to establish a life."

Jiang Wang put the wine bowl away and said casually, "I think so too."

Gu Shiyi lifted the altar and poured wine: "The news that you killed Zhuang Gaoxian with your sword has spread all over the world. I only know what your depression is. How is it? Can you enjoy drinking now?"

The last time the two got together, Jiang Wang drank three bowls of wine called Cangsang.

After only drinking three bowls, he will not take another sip, because he still has to move forward.

Today's Jiang Wang just asked back: "Brother Gu, can you drink to your heart's content today?"

Gu Shiyi laughed loudly: "It seems impossible!"

Jiang Wang didn't ask him what he was doing in the grassland, but only said: "The person who accompanied Brother Gu to drink at that time, do you still have contact now?"

Gu Shiyi said: "That will be the last time we meet."

"You don't want to see each other again?"

"I won't see you again."

Jiang Wang paused and said, "That's a pity."

Gu Shiyi didn't speak, just picked up the wine bowl, Jiang Wang raised the bowl to touch each other, and drank it all in one gulp.

Refill again, drink up again.

The two altars of wine brought out from Yiyang Palace were drunk like this.

Gu Shiyi got up and said: "Don't you want to see the real scenery of the cave? Come with me! I will let you see the 'true'!"

Jiang Wang got up and asked, "Where are you going?"

Gu Shiyi's black and gold Yufeng robes were displayed in the air: "Go and kill Huyan Jingxuan!"

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