Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2062

A prairie man rushed out viciously: "Okay, you broke my wall! This is a century-old wall—"

A gold ingot stood in front of him brightly and was held in his hands.

He was also very straightforward, turned around and left without saying a word.

Standing in the ruins, the dust on Jiang Wang's body was automatically cleaned by Ruyi Immortal Clothes. He stared blankly at Zhao Rucheng for a while, and then said, "Isn't it too sudden? With whom?!"

He also said sincerely: "Marriage is a lifetime thing. Xiaowu, you are still young, don't think about taking shortcuts. Don't be disheartened and give up on yourself. Life is so long, don't you want to be with the person you really love? Believe me, Yunyun still has a chance—"

"I just want to marry Yunyun. I have thought clearly these days. You are right, life is indeed long. If I can't spend it with her, it will be a torment for me." Zhao Rucheng said seriously: "Three Brother, I have no parents, no elders, I am alone in this world. You are my elder brother, please help me to propose marriage to the emperor."

"I want, that..." Jiang Wang hasn't fully recovered yet: "I want to prepare well."

But what to prepare?

He also has no experience.

After a while, he said: "Are you reconciled? Yun Yun promised to marry you? Just for one night when I wasn't there?"

Zhao Rucheng said: "She kind of forgave me, but she didn't completely forgive me. What she said about 'seeing the future' depends on my future performance. I don't think I have anything to give her—except a marriage contract, forever The promise of never leaving. If the marriage contract is agreed, if I don't understand it in the future and leave without saying goodbye, it will be treason that she can't erase. For the rest of my life, life and death will be in the grassland!"

"Hahaha!" Jiang Wang was sincerely happy: "My plan really works!"

Zhao Rucheng was silent.

Jiang Wang came back and put his arms around him: "Don't worry, I will definitely help you with this matter!"

"It doesn't need to be too beautiful." Zhao Rucheng said with a smile: "Third brother, I am alone and have nothing else to care about. There is no need to talk about pomp. If you really want to have a big banquet, the male guests can't even make it to the table! You, as me My family, please report to Emperor Tongmu, and help me and Yun Yun to check the horoscope, let’s go through a process. How I treat her, how she treats me, I will have time to feel in the future, don’t pay too much attention to these virtual rituals. "

"No, no, no." Jiang Wang shook his shoulder vigorously: "Yunyun is a good girl, don't wrong her. You, Zhao Rucheng, are a good husband, and such a crucial matter in life can't be shabby."

If Uncle Deng was still around, it would not be his turn to come to propose marriage and discuss the wedding process with the woman's parents.

But now that Uncle Deng is gone, he, as an older brother, has to take on this responsibility and handle things decently. We can't let Yun Yun's natal family look down on Ru Cheng, and we can't let a good sister-in-law like Yun Yun get involved in major marriage matters. Wronged.

"Let's go, buy a house first, buy a big house as a wedding house!" Jiang Wang acted vigorously, and dragged Zhao Rucheng away: "Although we have everything, our family doesn't lack anything. Everything that should be prepared is everything. Not a lot of her!"

Zhao Rucheng has always been very assertive, but at this time he is willing to be a marionette.

The third brother helps him up and down, making him feel that he is not alone. Who says there are no relatives in the world? "Hey, brother! Slow down! It's not a war!"

When buying a house in the Supreme Royal Court, Jiang Wang purposely didn't ask anyone for help, and he looked for it all because of He Lian Yunyun's face.

The "new house" prepared by the groom's family must not let the woman pay a penny.

He directly found the best mansion in the market, smashed the primordial stones first, and if he didn't have enough primeval stones, he smashed the exercises. How many people in this world can refuse the secret technique of the cultivation technique collected by the number one god in the world?

After the house was bought, a famous master of herdsman was invited to design and renovate it immediately. Although Zhao Ru should live in Yiyang Palace after getting married, this wedding room is probably only used for a formality, but even if it is only used for the wedding day, it must be magnificent!

"Our family attaches great importance to Yunyun, which must be reflected in all aspects. Otherwise, why should such a good girl marry you—well, you are very good-looking, but after a long life, you still look at your feelings. Besides, you If you get beaten after marriage, you are kicked out of the house, and you have to reflect on yourself...there must always be a place to stay." Walking on the busy construction site, Jiang Wang said.

From time to time, he personally performs Taoism to achieve the design effect of the famous craftsman as soon as possible.

"Yunyun won't hit me." Zhao Rucheng blinked, and after receiving Helian Yunyun's 'pardon', he became lively again: "Besides, my mother-in-law is the most respected in the world, with a noble status, it is impossible to fight with me. My father-in-law left early and didn't have a chance to fight with me."

How dare you insinuate!

Jiang Wang slapped him on the forehead, and made a crisp sound: "But your brother will teach you a lesson!"

After correcting the kid's rebellion, Brother Jiang San said again: "I wrote a letter there last night, and my hands were sore, and you ran to find Yunyun again, don't you worry about anything? You are a big man, immediately We are getting married, can you be more reserved?"

Zhao Rucheng curled his lips: "Who can I write to? I don't have many friends, and I don't have any relatives... How about writing to Ying Zhao? We are still somewhat related by blood!"

"Don't keep his name on your lips all day long. When you become the son-in-law of Muguo in the future, you need to pay special attention to your words." Jiang Wang slapped him again, and then ordered: "Go and write to Du Huhu, you marry him." I can't help but come. An An must be there, right? Don't you invite me, Sister Qingyu? There are also Bai Yuxia from Xingyueyuan, Zhu Weiwo, and Lin Xian from Rongguo. If you fight side by side, can't you be your friend? ? Leave it to you, write a letter, and word it more formally!"

Zhao Rucheng went honestly.

Jiang Wang breathed out his breath, wrote two cloud notes, paused in the air, and then took a big stride out of the city.

After he left, the two cloud notes flew. One flew to Minhe Temple, and the other flew into the study, landing in front of Zhao Rucheng who was writing hard.

Zhao Rucheng took it over and took a look, only to see that it said——

"Keep an eye on the decoration. Use expensive materials. Don't save money! I'll make some preparations and be back in three days!"

What else do you need to prepare?

Zhao Rucheng shook his head, getting married is really troublesome.

Immediately laughed again.

Although this matter is troublesome, it is the third brother who is worrying about it.

Although marriage had never made him look forward to it, but that person was Helian Yunyun, thinking about the future, he actually felt his heart beating very fast.

So I continued to write my own letter——

"Dear Jiang An'an, I will marry the most beautiful woman in the world. Would you like to hold flowers for me? I solemnly write to invite you now. You are my few relatives and I miss you very much. I need Jiang Xiaoxia on the cloud very much." Your prestige will add glory to my wedding..."



"Where is Jiang Wang going?"

In Cang Yu's hunting yamen, there was a voice asking.

"It seems to be heading north."

"To the north? To the frontier? Ha, kill some generals as a dowry?"

"Who knows?"

"I have been a great herdsman and have been controlling demons for thousands of years. I have guarded the life and death line of the desert for the human race. Speaking of using demons as a gift, it is considered ingenious and sincere. Jiang Wang is now called God's Invincible, and he has to kill ten or eight gods. General, reduce the pressure on the frontier defense... But, does His Royal Highness Yunyun really want to marry Zhao Rucheng?"

"It depends on His Highness Yunyun's own intentions. His Highness has always been very determined. If she wants to, she can be hired with stones. If she doesn't want to, it won't be possible to overwhelm the country."

"What if His Majesty disagrees?"

"Then it depends on their performance. The dignified Queen Shepherd, you can't tell Zhao Rucheng to cheat you away with just a few words!"



The magpies made noise on the branches, and their cries flew into Huaiguo's mansion.

Zuo Xiao is reading the military newspaper, and he will spare time to do this every day. This is a very important moment when he sits in the study and no one dares to disturb him.

The military status of the entire Great Chu Empire was clearly reflected in this strictly worded military report.

"My lord, there is an urgent letter." The butler's voice rang outside the door untimely.

Zuo Xiao frowned.

The housekeeper added: "It's Mr. Jiang Wang's letter. It's sent from the grassland, and it's an emergency channel."

"Bring it in." Zuo Xiao casually put the military newspaper aside.

The butler arrived with a letter.

The letter is not long, just a thin sheet of paper.

It is indeed Jiang Wang's handwriting, the strokes are not so wonderful, but the bones are very straight and the charm is clear.

The word says——

"My younger brother, Rucheng, will marry in the grassland, the daughter of Helian, the descendant of the Mu country emperor.

"You Cheng has no relatives, but Jiang Wang is his elder brother.

"As a brother, you should do whatever you want, and you should have the six rituals, and you will not lose your etiquette.

"However, Jiang Wang's background is mediocre, his knowledge is shallow, and he doesn't know the noble etiquette, so he is in a panic. I'm afraid that I will make a joke and make a beautiful thing flawed, so I feel very sorry!

"Wang also has no relatives, only Duke Zuo of Great Chu, who is my elder, treats me like a grandson.

"Your prestige resounds throughout the universe. Although Helian is important to the world, this sedan chair can also carry it.

"If the elders are by my side, they will be my relatives and friends. I will make peace of mind and be able to give my younger brother a great gift.

"Jiang Wang is lying on the grassland, and I will worship him again. Please come to the banquet."

Zuo Xiao flattened the letter paper, fetched a military book, and carefully inserted it into the pages. He straightened his clothes casually, and ordered: "Call the visitor to prepare a letter of state, and find any reason, I want to go to the grassland!"

"Let someone ask Guangshu if he wants to go far—forget it, he definitely wants to go. Go directly to Duke Yu's mansion and ask Shunhua if he wants to go together!"


At this time, in Daqi Bowanghou Mansion, there was also a letter that had just been opened.

But unlike Duke Huai's Zuo Xiao's cherishment of letters, the contemporary Bowang Hou casually threw the torn paper aside, still cursing.

The thin letter paper was floating in the air, the ink on it was heavy, but the words were very short. The content is only one sentence, very simple and simple——

"My younger brother Zhao Rucheng is getting married, we can't lose face, come here quickly and bring more money."

Yi Shishi covered his mouth and smiled beside him: "Why, Husband doesn't plan to go?"

Chong Xuansheng sighed: "I have no choice but to go, and I can't beat him, and I have to bring money... I can only take this letter to vent my anger. My wife, it's hard for my husband!"

Yi Shishi smiled and took out two more letters: "Here are two more letters. He said he was too lazy to send them to several places. Let us help deliver them. They are for the Yan family and the Li family respectively."

"It's cheaper to send a letter this way!" Chong Xuansheng took a look: "Hey! The letter to the big dog is so thick?"

Yi Shishi encouraged him: "Take it apart and see what's written?"

"I don't like to spy on people's privacy in my life - this is what you want to see." Chong Xuansheng opened the envelope and took out five densely written letter papers.

After just one glance, he let out a "tss", feeling so disgusted that he didn't want to look at it again.

The first sentence is——

"Brother Yan Xian, dear friend, I am in the grassland, and I miss you so much!"

The second sentence is——

"Recalling the past in Linzi, we used to fly eagles and fight dogs, and swim with our arms together, how happy we are!"

What follows is a three-page memory, which fully demonstrates the deep friendship between Jiang and Yan Xian.

Chong Xuansheng suppressed his nausea and quickly turned back.

The fourth page begins——

"If there is no virtuous brother in the grassland, the sky will lose its color, and the Huayan will not be worthy of praise."

Keep reading, the last two pages are full of kind invitations to Yan Fu.

Chong Xuansheng skipped to the end, and finally saw the ending sentence "Brother Yan Xian, please be sure, be sure, be a guest!"

He slammed the letter shut.

He just couldn't look any more.

"How disgusting this person is!" he said to Shishi.

Fourteen just laughed.



The bells sounded far away.

Standing in the air, the majestic Tongtian Pagoda Temple is as majestic as a miracle. Monks are like ants, walking through here.

The thin, suffering monk walked into the meditation room, and his voice was like thunder: "Senior Brother Abbot! There is a letter to Senior Brother Ku Jue, sent urgently through the Muguo Channel, and the sender is Jiang Wang."

The miserable master, who looked sad, was quietly sitting cross-legged on the futon, silently reciting a scripture.

It took a long time before he said, "Put it there."

Bitter illness rumbled again: "Should I transfer it to the purification ceremony? I see that the little monk was also mentioned in the letter."

"You guy." Ku Ming looked at him: "How can you peek at Ku Jue's letter?"

Bitterness lowered his head slightly, showing some apology, but his voice was unavoidably loud: "I'm afraid I have important information, so it's delayed."

Kuming waved his hand: "You go ahead. Don't bother with the cleansing ceremony, he is retreating and rushing. This is the first priority."

Kubing let out an "oh" and left.

The chubby Kuming sat there silently, like a Buddha piled with flesh.

The door of the meditation room is closed, and the suffering has gone away. He just grabbed the letter, read it carefully from beginning to end, and then folded it again and sealed it.

Said: "Namo Sakyamuni!"



Jiang Wang left the Supreme Court alone and headed north.

He has invited all the people who should be invited by letter. The contacts he has accumulated over the years that can be put on the surface will definitely support this wedding banquet, and will not be much worse than Helian Yunyun's natal family. Helian Yunyun will not be wronged.

But these preparations alone are not enough.

Uncle Deng is gone, and the elder brother has not really returned. Du Huhu is not around. He is Xiao Wu's only relative, the only man in the scene.

He never prides himself on his status and rarely shows off.

But when Xiao Wu got married, he wanted to give him the grandest occasion!

Let everyone in the world know that a good girl like Helian Yunyun, the pearl of the prairie, the proud daughter of heaven, deserves the most solemn treatment in the world. What's more, let the world understand that Zhao Rucheng is worthy of it!

This body is like a blue rainbow, and a rainbow bridge is built on the horizon, passing through the thousands of miles of grassland.

He crossed the line of life and death at a terrifying speed, and traveled northward in the midst of the yellow sand.

There is no sword at all along the way, and no Taoism is used, just go forward at extreme speed, surround yourself with divine light, and kill the demons and generals you encounter directly!

There is no end in front of him, and behind him there is only diffuse demonic energy and smoke and sand.

a thousand miles...

two thousand miles...

three thousand miles...

Going deep into the frontier for three thousand miles is already a restricted area for life. From then on, every hurdle of a hundred miles, the demonic energy is raging, and the demons gather in groups!

Except for the situation where the coalition forces of the Jing and Mu countries wiped out the border desolate demons, there were almost no human teams staying in the restricted area of ​​life. So now it can be said that Jiang Wang is facing the whole frontier world alone.

Fight against the ubiquitous and increasingly intense "dryness" and against the ever-emerging powerful demons.

Crowds of Yin Demons wandered under the command of the General Demons. The generals and demons at the level of the gods are actually in groups!

Jiang Wang finally slowed down, but did not stop.

With a green shirt and a sword, he walks with great strides, shining alone in this life-depleted desert.

Sauvignon Blanc never came out of its sheath, and he opened his hands wide, sweeping away with only sword energy.

The last time I came to the frontier to hunt demons, I was blocked 2,700 miles ago, because I was besieged and killed by the ghosts controlled by the phantom demon king, so I had no choice but to turn back.

Coming here this time is to bring the momentum of the world's number one god, and go forward indomitably.

four thousand miles...

five thousand miles...

Five thousand five hundred miles...

After going deep into the frontier for 5,500 miles, Jiang Wang drew his long sword for the first time.

Facing the small wave of demons led by eleven god-level generals!

Almost all yin demons are filth without intelligence. The vast majority of generals and demons have only simple wisdom. Only when one reaches the level of God's Presence can one be regarded as having normal wisdom.

In Jiang Wang's view, the magic formation formed by these monsters was riddled with holes. There is no need to compare those famous generals, compared with the fighting at the entrance of the village, they are also infinitely stronger!

If someone looked at the sky, he would see Jiang Wang single-handedly cutting a red line in the black tide of magic to divert the tide of magic!

The black smoke cleared, and the real fire was still burning.

keep going!

For two days and two nights, without sleep.

Six thousand miles deep into the borderlands!

This is already the depths of the restricted area that non-real people cannot go to.

In the period of the war between humans and demons, Jiang Wang was the only one who walked alone in the past and present.

He is still going!

At a certain moment, the devilish energy in front suddenly flared up, forming a terrifying dark vortex. In the vortex, a powerful and evil voice sounded: "A mere god, dare to come to the wilderness to seek death!"

This terrifying power...

It's the real devil showing up!

Coming from the Tomb of Ten Thousand Realms!

The sound of madness and magic spreads all over the world: "I am——"

Jiang Wang went forward instead of retreating, whistling with a long voice, and the sound of the sword was like a tide, causing the sky to form a dense thunder net——

"No need to be named, there is no monument after you die!"

"Come and kill me quickly! Don't miss the appointment!"

Another day of almost 5,000 words...

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