Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2063 The No. 1 Truth in History

The earliest Damu Palace was named "Deguoer".

In the language of "God", it means "Son of God".

The owner of Deguoer Palace, Shimu Shenen, is the son of God, who holds secular power on behalf of Cangtu God.

Later, during the time of Muwei Emperor Helian Renrui, the Deguoer Palace accidentally caught fire and was destroyed. There are different opinions about the cause of the fire, the theory of the attack of the demon, the theory of the out-of-control magic, the nonsense of the internal thief...the list goes on and on.

The only thing that is clear is that the Muting Palace rebuilt the palace on top of the ruins and renamed it "Tuming Sai".

"Tumingsai" is a grassland language, which means "a place of justice".

To explain its name in Taoist language, it is "Shengheng Palace".

Grassland language is a language influenced by God's language, but it is very different from God's language. It is the language that ordinary herdsmen use every day. It represents herdsmen more than believers in gods.

In order to demonstrate national prestige and strength, Emperor Muwei opened up his treasury when building Tuming Sai Palace, and spent 200,000 servants and 10,000 extraordinary monks to build this magnificent palace within seven days.

Since then, the majestic grassland has been majestic until now.

It is worth mentioning that most of the 10,000 extraordinary monks are from Cangtu Temple.

They thought it was rebuilding the Dekor Palace and maintaining the majesty of the gods, so they worked very hard. But on the day when the palace was completed, Emperor Muwei said—"The old covenant is burnt to ashes, and the gods are angry. The old fire is dead, and the new sky will be bright. Here, I will treat all the people fairly and make the Great Mu Empire great in the world." , so that the divine splendor of the Wanli Grassland will remain forever."

Hence the name "Toomingsai".

By the time the divine crown priest on Qionglu Mountain reacted, the name of "Shengheng Palace" had spread all over the world, and all the countries knew it, and everything was settled.

The High Court is the city of the eagle, and the palace of Tominsai is the crown of the eagle. For thousands of years, people have accepted and looked up to, and entrusted people's hearts.

On the vast square, the huge Qingtian Shentu flag fluttered high, as if a layer of the sky had been lifted, floating in the air.

The tall and mighty guards, holding knives and holding spears, are as quiet as stone sculptures, becoming a majestic part of this splendid palace.

The majesty of the sky is like the sea, intimidating all directions.

Of course, it is inevitable that there will be those who desert and gossip secretly.

"Have you heard? Hou Chongxuanzun, the champion of the Qi State, made his confession in Yu Yuan in one fell swoop, at the age of twenty-nine!"

"Hiss—if I remember correctly, Master Cang Ming is thirty-three years old, right?"

"Yes, it's four years faster than the envoy of the present world!"

"The state of Qi has been really good these years! The three horses in Qionglu are all over 30 years old, and I'm afraid there is no chance to catch up... Do you think that General Liang has hope?"

"To be honest, I don't think so. A few days ago, General Naliang teamed up with the three horses in Qionglu, and they were all defeated by Jiang Wang. When Jiang Wang left Qi, Chongxuan Zun only lost half a move. Jiang Wang himself admitted that, let's try again The outcome of the game may not be sure... General Naliang is a bit far behind."

"Didn't Jiang Wang fail to understand the truth? It seems that Chong Xuanzun came from behind."

"What are you thinking, Jiang Wang is only twenty-three years old this year, and he is already the number one god in the world. What's the truth now, let people live?"

"Tsk, Chong Xuanzun is twenty-nine years old, Dongzhen, he has almost caught up with Li Yi, right?"

"There is still a gap. The third cousin of my uncle's neighbor works under General Helian's tent. Once I heard General Helian say that Li Yi came to Dongzhen at the age of twenty-six... It's really scary. But Chong Xuanzun can indeed be compared with him. In all historical records, there are only two real people under the age of thirty."

The two samurai leaders on duty were transmitting voices to each other, chatting vigorously to pass the boring time of standing guard.

Suddenly a voice came in: "Where is Dou Zhao? Is there no hole?"

The samurai who has someone above him and his uncle's neighbor's third cousin works under Helian Yuhu subconsciously replied: "I haven't heard of it."

"That's right." The familiar voice said: "Zhan Huan can cut through myths. For people like Chong Xuanzun who have seen the way clearly since childhood, Dong Zhen will naturally be faster. Dou Zhao is more pursuing killing power. I'm afraid it will take a few more months... Or maybe after today, he can't wait any longer?"

"You're still commenting, are you Li Yi, or Jiang—" The warrior sensed something was wrong at this moment, with his arms crossed, he turned around suddenly: "Bold, how dare you harass the court warriors and affect the guards!"

Following his movements, the entire square in front of Tuming Sai Palace, the warriors stationed in various places turned around in unison, and thousands of long ge fell down like a tide!

In his eyes, he saw a man with a torn blue shirt, a bloody face, a long sword hanging from his waist, and a devil's head in his hand.

The devil's head has been cut off, and the devil's energy can still be seen steaming, and the devil's power is faint, taking people's hearts and souls! The black mist rolled, almost becoming a spiritual appearance. But every time before it takes shape, it is defeated by a ray of pure gold light.

An Neng approached the palace with a slovenly appearance and a sword? !

The samurai was about to yell and shoot, but he saw the outline from the blood stains, and felt somewhat familiar.

While thinking hard, a startled voice sounded in my ear: "Young Master Jiang!"

Immediately, a flash of inspiration pierced through my mind——

This person is Jiang Wang!

It used to be Marquis Wu'an, when he represented the Qi State on a mission to the grassland, when he arrived at the royal court, everyone was vying to see his appearance, and he squeezed into the crowd to have a look twice. At that time, I felt that he was worthy of being the leader of the Yellow River, the youngest military hero of the overlord, and he was indeed very heroic.

A few days ago in the wolf arena, this person even fought four against one, showing the strength of the world's number one god, Megatron grassland. But Emperor Damu recruited his people, and he did not hesitate to promise tens of thousands of households. It can be seen that it is expensive!

"Young Master Jiang!" The warrior straightened his tongue, "Who are you?"

Jiang Wang held the devil's head in his right hand, pressed the hilt of the sword with his left hand, and bowed his head slightly in salute: "Please tell me, Jiang Wang has long admired the power of the great herd, and I hope the scenery of the grassland will always be there. Go six thousand miles into the frontier and cut off the head of the real devil." Return, congratulations to see the Son of Heaven!"

This warrior was able to be the commander of the palace guards guarding the Tuming Sai Palace, and he had seen the world, but at this moment he was horrified and speechless!

What Jiang Wang said, he didn't know which sentence he should be more surprised by.

Six thousand miles deep into the frontier?

Cut off the head of the real devil and return?

Congratulations to see the emperor?

"I'm going to report now!"

He slowed down for a while, bowed profusely, then turned around and rushed towards the palace.

He walked quickly to the majestic palace wall, and waited for the palace gate warriors to test the biography, before he figured out everything in a daze.

I finally understand why Jiang Wang said, maybe after today, Dou Zhao can’t wait any longer——

Because Jiang Wang is already the youngest real person in the world, and today he made a gift in Tuming Sai Palace, and after today, everyone will know about it!

It was so shocking.

Twenty-three-year-old real person!

The horror record created by Li Yi of Da Luoshan was pushed forward by three years!

This is the first in the world, the first in history, and a living legend!

The entire Tumingsai Palace seems to be very quiet today, except for the voice of Jiang Wangjin congratulating him, which echoes layer after layer in this huge palace complex - until it is presented in front of the empress who holds the supreme power of the grassland.


The Great Shepherd Empress did not keep Jiang Wang waiting too long.

Because a real person who has created historical records is indeed qualified to see the emperor.

She should indeed see her!

In the past, the most exaggerated way to praise a person's genius was to say that a true king can be expected.

But for Jiang Wang at this time.

What can you really expect? As long as you don't die, Yan Dao is a foregone conclusion!

And it's Yan Dao like Jiang Mengxiong!

The youngest real person in history, with a vast amount of time. And Shenlin's invincible combat power means that the foundation is very solid, and it can reach new heights.

This kind of Jiang Wang is the emperor of the overlord, so there is really no need to treat him too coldly.

Those who stand at the pinnacle of power in this world naturally look forward to the future of the human race.

The place where your Majesty met the Great Shepherd Empress was in the Jingsi Hall.

This is the queen's study room, and it is also a place for meditation and practice.

The Great Shepherd Empress does not sit at court every day like Qi Tianzi, rain or shine. She only spends a big dynasty once every five days, and the rest of the time, she usually handles government affairs here.

For those who walk on the official road, handling government affairs itself is a kind of practice. The Son of Heaven is no exception.

It's just that at the level of the Great Shepherd Empress, it's hard to make any progress in the process of handling state affairs. The emperors of the six overlords have already pushed the power of the country to the limit. If they want to take another step forward and make leaps and bounds, the only way is to take the ultimate step of being a ruler—to unify the world and bring peace to the world!

But how difficult is this step?

The right time, place and people are indispensable. But even if the right time, place and people are all in place, it will not be possible.

Recently, Emperor Xia Xiang, son of the great Xia Dynasty, named Si Yuan, was defeated by the emperor Qi on the way to the hegemony, and his ambitions for hegemony were all in vain.

There is Jing Taizu Ji Yusu, the first to establish an empire with a complete system, which can be said to occupy the best time. Occupying the center of the present world, it has gained the most favorable geographical position. There are tens of millions of soldiers, famous ministers and generals, and the support of the oldest Taoist three veins, which can be called the most harmonious among people!

Wasn't he also hindered by Yang Yanqiu, the Taizu of the Yang Kingdom?

Even though it is an ambitious plan and has all the advantages, it can't be successful. Because there is more than one hero in the world. Good ministers and good generals are not unique to you.

The Daoist calendar has been newly opened for four thousand years, and the national system has been prosperous for four thousand years. There have been countless heroes and heroes. But no one has achieved the position of the Son of Heaven.

Since the human emperor Lie Shan clan in the Middle Ages, no one has emerged from the human race.

Every emperor is looking at the highest place, but who can achieve it?

In today's world, the so-called hegemony emperor is already the pinnacle of imperial power.

In the past four thousand years, no one has surpassed this.

Facing such a king, who can not prostrate?

That's why when Jiang Wang walked into the hall covered in blood, carrying a devil's head in his hand, with his head held high, he was especially imposing.

This is already the second time he has met with the Great Shepherd Empress. If you count the time when he was on a mission on behalf of Qi State and was a spectator the whole time, and the time when he competed for the top prize on the Guanhe Platform without a word of dialogue, it would be the fourth time. meeting.

Of course, he didn't really see the "face" of the Great Shepherd Empress. Although it is true in the cave world, it is impossible to truly see the emperor of the overlord.

The Great Shepherd Empress is sitting on the golden platform, and the vast world unfolds in the picture of mountains and rivers hanging behind her, and her voice seems to be walking on the boundless world: "Why is your body full of blood?"

Jiang Wang said: "This is big red! It's a festive color!"

Emperor Mu asked again: "Why do you see me with a dirty face?"

"The grass people are eager. After killing the real demon, they will return to see the emperor. They will not rest for a moment on the road, and they may miss the time—" Jiang Wang said, and said politely: "Please allow me to take a breath."

Just above this hall, he took a deep breath.

The whole hall made a muffled rumble.

The heaven and the earth are called by it, and the breath moves the wind and thunder!

During this process, his qi and blood quickly recovered. The majestic blood energy penetrated into Ruyi Immortal Clothes almost endlessly, making it recover on the spot, and it was as clean as new!

And with a wave of his hand, he wiped away the blood on his face. Standing with his head held high in the hall, he was once again the unrestrained and outstanding swordsman of the present.

The Great Shepherd Empress looked at him and asked, "Why are you so eager?"

Jiang Wang bowed again: "For my younger brother Rucheng, I beg the emperor to marry him, and marry the emperor Helian Yunyun! I am so eager and anxious!"

The Great Shepherd Empress slightly raised her voice: "Cutting off the head for hire? This is really strange. I heard that you cut off the head, Zhuang Gaoxian, and sent it to the Dragon Palace. Now you offer me the devil's head. Could it be that you are addicted to cutting off your head?"

Jiang Wang said with emotion: "The Great Shepherd Empire has guarded the frontiers for the human race. For thousands of years, regardless of life and death, it has defended the health and death line. This feat of eternal life is an example for a great country! The grass people have no strengths, but the three-foot sword in their hands is still sharp. After thinking about it, Only by beating the real devil can you be honest! The heart of the grass-roots people also echoes the ambition of Mu Guo!"

The Great Shepherd Empress took a look at the head of the real demon lingering with demonic energy, and asked: "It is indeed a great gift. Any real demon has a name and surname, the mainstay of the demon clan... what is the name of this demon?"

Jiang Wang said: "He didn't say."

The Great Shepherd Empress said again: "Tu Hu asked you a while ago, you said you don't seek truth, so what now?"

"Of course the grassroots can't deceive 'God knows'." Jiang Wangdao: "It's because they don't seek the truth, so they go deep into the frontier and grind it to death. Fortunately, the anger is not bad, and I have the truth. Only then can I congratulate the emperor calmly. "

"You should congratulate yourself." The Great Shepherd Empress said leisurely: "You are the youngest real person in the world who has created the history of cultivation. You have broken the record of Taoist Li Yi, and you can leave your name in history. To achieve this step on the grassland, I am proud of you!" Yi Yurong. It's a pity that you rejected me before, otherwise I would seal you ten thousand households just because of this!"

Jiang Wang naturally heard the implication, and sincerely said: "My younger brother Rucheng, the talent is not inferior to mine, and the appearance is even better!"

The Great Shepherd Empress waved her hand: "The last sentence is unnecessary."

Jiang Wang scratched his head.

The Great Shepherd Empress asked again: "You have such confidence that you will be able to succeed in the battle of life and death? Are you not afraid of being trapped in the frontier and not returning?"

Jiang Wang replied earnestly: "Before the grasslanders went to the frontier, they specially sent a letter to Master Tu Hu. If the heavenly demon is attracted to attack, it will be a gift for Lord Tuhu and eliminate the great trouble for the grassland. If it is just a real demon, the grasslanders should fight it. If the strength is not enough, and you die recklessly, you should die!"

What a bold statement!

Those who are not young are not allowed to speak.

The Great Shepherd Empress looked at him, and asked again: "I see that you are in the realm of God's Presence, with no flaws, no regrets, no omissions, and you have reached the pinnacle, aspiring to be the strongest in the world. This realm of holiness can be done step by step, naturally. Achievement. Maybe in June or July, maybe in a year or two. You still have a great chance to become a real person who broke the historical record. Why take such a risk and use the real magic to sharpen the real?"

Jiang Wangbai said: "Your Majesty spurs the heaven and earth to protect the world. The princess Yunyun is rich in gold and jade leaves. I really don't know what kind of person can be worthy of the princess, so that your majesty can rest assured to hand over the jewel in the palm of my hand. No matter how hard my family Rucheng works, no matter how hard she is No matter how handsome a genius is, he can only get close to the ideal conditions, and cannot fully meet them. And I tried my best to fight for the title of this real person who broke the historical record, just to get the qualification to propose marriage to His Majesty."

The Great Shepherd Empress said leisurely: "The youngest real person in Qing history is indeed qualified."

Jiang Wang bowed again: "I came here with the head of the real devil, not to say that the younger brother of the youngest real person in Qing history can be compared with the Queen Mother in terms of identity. I just want to tell your majesty that everyone in our family is like this. As relatives and friends, we will treat each other with heart and soul, give everything we can, and never let the person we like be wronged. Now I show my sincerity to the emperor, and hope that lovers will finally get married!"

I kept forgetting to mention it, but I finally remembered it today.

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