Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2064 May love be immortal

The youngest real person in history, after the big gift, put down the head of the real devil, and walked out of the Jingsi Hall with his head held high. Under the watchful eyes of the palace people, he left in style and left Tuming Sai Palace alone.

Before today, history was silent, Li Yi was overwhelming the world at Guanhetai, and the twenty-six-year-old Dongzhen was regarded as an insurmountable moat.

After today, the world will be shocked!

The world is long, and the luxury room is like a dream.

The twenty-three-year-old real person in the world always gives people an unreal feeling.

But going forward, he launched the battle of killing the truth, peeling away the power of the Zhengshuo emperor layer by layer, and accomplished the feat of being the first to kill the cave with the presence of a god, which is recorded in history.

Going forward, he successfully escaped from the world of God's Firmament, brought back important information with the cultivation base of God's presence, and completed the "impossible" that shocked the world. Although there are five hundred years of paving the way to settle the fruit, Bu Lian, who has been suppressing the demon luck for thousands of years, has people building a city to welcome him. But it is also a miracle that cannot be forgotten in the history of the conquest of the two races.

Going forward, he is the youngest hegemony military hero in the world. Looking around at the young people in the world, he is known as the number one military exploiter, and he created the miracle of a country boy who started from scratch and grasped the top power in the world.

Going forward, he won the leader of the Yellow River for the newly-emerged Qi State. On Guanhetai, Xiang Bei, Qin Zhizhen of Tianfu, and Huang Sheli of Jue Dian won consecutive defeats on Guanhetai. Fight, win undisputed...

Such a person strides forward and creates miracles along the way. So much so that miracles were placed on him and became easy to accept.

He seems to be born extraordinary!

actually not.

He was not born with Dao veins, had no innate supernatural powers, and did not have any visions from heaven when he was born. There was only an ordinary couple in the medicinal material business who wept and rejoiced at his birth.

He was just a child living in Fengxi Town, who grew up stumbled. He just tried his best to move forward in a down-to-earth manner. He just... looked up to the sky since he was a child.

Now it has become a legend, which makes people look up to.

The Great Shepherd Empress in the palace is still sitting upright, with twelve crowns worn by the Son of Heaven, each with twelve pieces of jade. Her expression cannot be seen, and she just said: "Yunyun, you heard what Jiang Wang just said. All my life, I don't care about other people's words. But as a parent, I always hope that my daughter will marry well... Zhao Rucheng invited this No. 1 Zhenzhen in history to propose marriage for him. Congratulations on your marriage. I haven't asked you yet, do you want to?"

Helian Yunyun was actually present all the time!

The Great Shepherd Princess in the back hall only heard his voice, but did not see her: "I know that the top four in the inner mansion of the Yellow River Association are not as good as the leader of the inner mansion. The most talented god in Muguo is not as good as The strongest god in the world. The twenty-two-year-old god-liner is even more incomparable to the twenty-three-year-old No. 1 in history. Mother nodded because of what Brother Jiang did.

"But what I want to say is that Rucheng is also very good. Brother Jiang is famous all over the world. He has gone through many great events and seen so many ghosts and snakes. If Zhao Rucheng was not worthy, how could he treat him so openly? How could your daughter be so clear? Determined to let go, but still reluctant?

"He has been displaced since he was a child, and he bears the regret of Emperor Huai, the hatred of five generations. He never expresses it lightly, and it is difficult to give his heart.

"When I saw him for the first time, I was already the Empress Dowager. At that time, he was still wandering in the wilderness, and he treated me well. I pursued him seriously for a long time before we came together. .

"Some time ago he left without saying goodbye and ran to fight with Zhuang Gaoxian. I was really sad. I wondered if I had never walked into his heart? He risked his life and death, and he didn't say goodbye to me properly.

"But that night in Yiyang Palace, he called my name drunkenly. I suddenly realized that I was indeed in his heart. It's just that he thought it was a kind of love to bear alone, and he thought that someone would always be there waiting for him. He has never really loved, he doesn't understand.

"He is loose and free by nature, but he is willing to tie himself to the grassland with a marriage contract. He thinks he has nothing, and takes freedom as sincerity. I think he has everything, and he is humble only because he loves me.

"My son... is willing. It's not because he is someone's younger brother, but because he is Zhao Rucheng. If I look at him again, my heart will still move."

The Great Shepherd Empress said: "I'm very glad you said that, your willingness is the most important thing. But Yunyun, aren't you afraid that the story will repeat itself?"

"I am willing to believe, and I am willing to be responsible for my heartbeat. If I am wrong, I will admit it." Helian Yunyun's voice said: "Children's love is not the only thing in life. To achieve what I want, I will not be discouraged when I fail. You It is often said that the Son of Heaven shepherds the people, so let me start by teaching him how to love."



The third year of the Daoist calendar is 3923 years, which is also the third year of the divine calendar.

Summer will rest.

At this time of the year, the event that has the most significant impact on the present world is of course the Taixu Alliance. The Great Illusionary Realm is owned by the public, and the world is governed together. The Taixu Sect has since disappeared, and the Taixu Daoist only exists in the illusion... But this matter is not widely spread, and the details are unknown. Many forces are not qualified to participate, and many people only need to know one result.

Theoretically, the grand event that attracted the world's attention this year should be the Dragon Palace Banquet that was restarted on the second day of the second lunar month in the Dao calendar after many years of silence.

But in fact, the most well-known and most widely publicized event is that Jiang Wang gathered a group of gods and companions, chased thousands of miles away, joined forces to kill the truth, and successfully defeated the Taoist Zhengshuo Emperor Zhuang Gaoxian, who became a policeman.

It has been several months, and when discussing the major event that happened on the second day of February 3923 in the Dao calendar, many people will be bewildered—what, was there a Dragon Palace Banquet on that day?

It ended quietly.

Spectators don't care, and participants don't mention it.

Neither Li Yi nor Cang Ming attended the meeting, and Jiang Wang, Dou Zhao, and Chong Xuanzun all left early, so that this year's Dragon Palace Banquet could not be called the best banquet in the world.

The gold content of the Dragon Palace Banquet has dropped to the lowest level in history, and the aquarium is declining, which can be seen.

It is estimated that Changhe Longjun will not hold a second meeting.

It is Jiang Wang's war of killing the truth and defeating the emperor that makes the people of the world talk about it and makes the king of the world's fish and meat terrified.

Of course, there may be another thing that can be compared with it in terms of influence-on the 19th day of the sixth month in the Dao calendar and the 20th day of the sixth month in the divine calendar, Jiang Wang broke the historical record of practicing the world and became the number one in history. real!

Focusing on the grassland, there is one and only one of the biggest events this year——

That was the wedding between Helian Yunyun and Zhao Rucheng.

No matter what kind of shocking news, it can't cover up the light of this matter.

This is really the grandest wedding on the grassland, and it can also be said to be the grandest in the world!

The woman is the Empress Dowager, the owner of the Azure Eye, and the only contender for the crown prince of the Damu Empire.

The male party is the top four in the inner mansion of the Yellow River Association, the inheritor of the supernatural power "Sword of Heaven", the "green ghost" on the battlefield, the 22-year-old supernatural powerhouse, "the most beautiful man in the world".

The officiant is none other than Jiang Wang, the newly promoted No. 1 truth in the world, who broke the record of Taoist Li Yi!

To celebrate this marriage, the empress celebrates the world. The entire Wanli Grassland, hundreds of millions of herdsmen, are tax-free for one year! For those over seventy years old, their families send food, cloth and salt. For all children born this year, every family will send milk, clothes and lambs. Let the world rejoice!

The Great Shepherd Empress Helian Shanhai, the Great Shepherd Prince Helian Zhaotu, and Prince Su Helian Liangguo all came in person... Since then, the real top people on the grassland have come to the banquet whenever they have time.

Those who are not the direct lineage of the true blood family and the head of the power yamen are not qualified to visit the door, so they can only congratulate them from a distance.

And the relatives and friends of the man——

Grand Duke Huai of Chu, Zuo Xiao, Grand Duke Zuo Guangshu, Duke Yu's granddaughter, Qu Shunhua.

Ye Lingxiao, the owner of the Lingxiao Pavilion in Yunguo, and Ye Qingyu, the owner of the Shao Pavilion.

Daqi Bowanghou Hou Chongxuansheng and Bowanghou's wife Yi Shishi, Yan Fu, the heir to the Yan family in Beijun, and Wen Tinglan, the daughter of the court councilor, and Li Longchuan, the jade-faced flying general of the Marquis's House.

Du Yehu, the great general of the Zhuang Kingdom.

Xu Xiangqian, a talented student from Qingya Academy, Zhao Wuyan, the elder sister of Longmen Academy, and Yao Zishu, the daughter of the mountain lord.

Nanyao Lian's Patriarch Lian Que.

The Yellow River Tianjiao Bai Yuxia.

Lin Xian, general of Rongguo Township.

Lian Yuchan, the daughter of Dazhu Kingdom of Xiang Kingdom.

Zhuo Qingru, the true biography of the Three Punishment Palaces...

In addition, Zen Master Zhaowu from Mount Sumeru came in person!

It can be said to gather the world's wind and cloud, and spread the congratulations from all directions!

Jiang Wang originally wanted to invite the real man Kujue to watch the ceremony, and ask Liuli Buddha's disciples to purify and pray for the newcomers. But the old monk who felt bitter said that he was wandering, and the purification ceremony was in retreat. So he wrote a letter to Mount Sumeru instead, originally thinking that one from Pu'en, Pushan or something would be enough. It is enough to pray for blessings from the true transmission of the current Buddhist sect.

But I didn't expect that it was Zhaowu who came personally.

The original words are - "If it wasn't for the mountain owner who is not easy to move, Abbot Yongde would have come to kiss him. For the first time in his life, he prayed for the wedding, so let's save it for when you get married!"

Jiang Wang was embarrassed for a moment.

Zen Master Zhao Wu said again: "If you don't plan to get married, remember to come to Mount Sumeru as soon as possible. Don't miss the fate of Buddha!"

Compared with the woman's relatives and friends who can't fit in a hundred tables, the man's relatives and friends are indeed not many. But all of them are famous, sit there, the stars are shining! If these people really get together and draw up some territory at will, they will almost immediately become a powerful country.

The two flower boys responsible for bouquets and presenting gifts with the newcomers are the personal disciple of Lingxiao Pavilion, Jiang Xiaoxia Jiang An'an on the Cloud, and Chu Yao, the second disciple of Jiang Wang's personal disciple.

Chu Yao is eleven years old, his birthday is in February, and he is eight months older than Jiang Anan.

Originally black and thin, like a thin monkey. Since worshiping Jiang Wang as his teacher, he has had good food and lodging, and he has cultivated his temperament properly. It can't be said that the appearance is imposing, but it is also a young man with high spirits. Relying on the master's reputation and Bowanghou's care, although he doesn't cause trouble in Linzi, and doesn't play with those little kids very much, but he is respected by the surrounding children of the same age.

After all, he accompanied Master to swim through Nanxia and go to Jiange to play awe-inspiring. Although he is young, he has seen a lot of things in the world.

But in front of Jiang An'an, who is dressed in colorful clothes and carved with jade, she is as obedient as a quail, biting a little senior sister, pointing to where to hit—Jiang An'an originally planned to continue to be a senior sister, and she is also her brother's apprentice Well. But when I thought about it later, my aunt was more prestigious. It sounds very mature and has a lot of weight!

"Little Senior Aunt, Little Senior Aunt!" Chu Yao ran over, with a smile on his dark face, showing bright white teeth, holding a lot of candy in his hand: "This candy is delicious, let me take some Come to you!"

After Jiang An'an came to the grassland, he had already eaten a lot of various grassland delicacies, and he came here in different ways every day. I didn't want to eat anymore, but I still have to hold flowers and follow the bride later, what should I do if my belly is round? She is already ten years old and can think about her own image.

But thinking of the filial piety of the little nephew, he reluctantly picked up one, picked up one, and picked up another: "Only these three, I won't eat more."

Chu Yao also peeled one for himself, and then put all the rest of the candies into the storage box - this box was the squirrel box that the master gave him on his birthday, and it was very impressive.

"I'll keep it for you. If you want to eat later, just tell me." He said bluntly.

Jiang An'an was very satisfied with his little nephew's sensibleness, stood on tiptoe, and patted Chu Yao's shoulder: "If someone bullies you in the future, report me Jiang Xiaoxia's name."

Chu Yao nodded happily, and asked again: "By the way, little senior aunt, where is your strange beast?"

Jiang An'an looked around mysteriously, and then stretched out her hand, and the stupid ash, which shrank like candy, slipped out of her sleeve and bounced back and forth in her palm.

He also obeyed her instructions and played various tricks.

"Lie down!"

"stand up!"


Chu Yao had a pair of slender and sly eyes like his father's, and they widened with envy at the moment: "It's amazing!"

With the passage of time, the blood essence of Huo Dou swallowed by the idiot is gradually liberating its power. Now it is as big as you want, extremely fast, proficient in fire control, and has the combat power at the inner palace level.

Jiang Anan proudly said: "I have taught it since I was a child, and it can learn well!"

Chu Yao has seen the world, his eyes are fixed on the stupid gray, and he is reluctant to part: "Master gave me a white cow and Yanzhao, a cow and a horse. They also have some skills. But Bo Wanghou didn't allow me to play with them, saying that animals are ruthless. , I have to wait until I have the ability to protect myself. Little Auntie, you are really capable, you can control beasts since you were young!"

Jiang An smiled happily.

Bai Yuxia's voice sounded at this moment: "An'an! Chu Yao! Come here and get ready!"

The shopkeeper always has to do things for the owner.

Shopkeeper Bai comes from a famous family, and he is very good at aristocratic etiquette. Ever since he came to the grassland, Jiang Zhenren let go of all the powers and paid him with heavy responsibilities.

Of course, Jiang Zhenren himself was not idle. So many people came to build up momentum for Zhao Ru, so he naturally had to greet him and send him off. For a while talking with Duke Huai, for a while listening to Wu Zhenjun's lecture on Zen, for a while to give a report to Ye Zhenren—who invited this person?

Qingyu An'an Du Huhu and the others, the reason why Jiang Wang asked Zhao Rucheng to write a letter was to tell Zhao Rucheng that he was not alone and had many relatives and friends. Furthermore, in order not to invite Ye Lingxiao, he wrote the letter himself, so as not to blatantly ignore it, and Zhao Rucheng was not familiar with Ye Zhenren at all.

Unexpectedly, Master Ye came here in the name of escorting An'an.

Although the gift money is generous, the pressure is also great.

He didn't want to go officiate with a bruised nose and a swollen face. Every time Ye Zhenren said that he wanted to talk to him, he would either drag Zuo Guangshu or pester Zuo Xiao, in short, he would never get along alone.

Today's bride, stop makeup next to the "Mirror of Heaven".

This freshwater lake, as wide as the sea, is said to be the self-reflection mirror of the goddess of the grassland, so it has an incomparably beautiful meaning in the hearts of the grassland people.

When a daughter of the grassland gets married, if she can dress up next to the "mirror of the sky", it will be regarded as the most beautiful marriage.

But because of the special significance of the Sky Mirror, it is not open to too many people.

Only in March every year, from the 13th day of the divine calendar to the 28th day of the divine calendar, during the fifteen days, the Mirror of Heaven will show its beauty to the fullest, facing all the children of the grassland, and will not refuse anyone who comes. Every time at this time, a large number of grassland children will gather here, hold a wedding here, and pray for the happiness of their lives.

Therefore, these fifteen days in March have a name, which is "Spring Wedding Festival".

Marriage between men and women is so important, generally speaking, "Spring Wedding Festival" is even more important than "God's Birthday".

No matter how the priests proclaim and sow divine grace, they cannot shake the status of "Spring Wedding Festival".

With Helian Yunyun's status, he naturally didn't have to wait until the Spring Festival.

When will she come over, and when will the mirror of the sky be open. And this beautiful lake, which is as clear as a mirror, belongs to her alone on her wedding day.

Including temple priests, unrelated people are not allowed to get close.

On the day of June 29th in the Daoist calendar and June 30th in the divine calendar.

The lake is shining, and the grass is like satin.

The most beautiful mirror on the prairie reflects the most beautiful woman on the prairie.

Helian Yunyun was dressed in a complicated and exquisite imperial dress, illuminating the blue sky for thousands of miles, collecting thousands of hectares of blue waves, and blooming beside the mirror of the sky. On her left is boundless water light, and on her right is boundless grass. The sky, the lake and the grassland, she has all the beauty in the world, and she is also in the beauty of the world.

The well-dressed Jiang An'an, with big watery eyes and a sweet smile, obediently held up the tail skirt for the bride, like a legendary prairie goddess, walked out of the mirror of the sky.

Chu Yao, who was also well-dressed, stood on the other side of the bride with his hands behind his back and a serious face. His figure was upright, like a strict guard.

Helian Shanhai, the emperor of great herds, took his seat in the middle of the lake.

There are dignitaries all around.

Tu Hu, the high priest of the divine crown, accompanied the Duke Huai of Chu, who was on an envoy to the grassland.

Prince Su Helian Liangguo accompanied Zen Master Zhaowu who came down from Mount Sumeru.

The Great Shepherd Prince Helian Zhaotu personally accompanied the Master of the Lingxiao Pavilion who was leading his family.

Namodo, the golden-crowned priest of the temple, accompanied Daqi Bowanghou...

They all sat in the sky above the mirror of the sky, their seats suspended over the lake, watching the ceremony quietly.

He Lianhu, the clan clan, personally led the royal tent cavalry to patrol in the distance.

The slow flow of time and the waiting of happiness make happiness more memorable.

In the eyes of all the people, a huge firework with a radius of hundreds of feet exploded in the sky!

The flowers are as beautiful as a dream, and the sparks are like rain.

The sparks scattered all over the sky turned into flame flowers and fluttered down. When they were about to fall into the grassland, all of them turned into flame sparrows, flying upward into the sky. Twittering, eight tones playing in unison. Fairy music sings in the grassland!

Master Ye twitched the corners of his mouth, and was about to sneer at Jiang's tricks, and asked some provocative words like "Has he ever performed for you?"

But Ye Qingyu who was next to him had already put his finger in front of his lips in advance, telling his worried old father to watch the ceremony quietly and not to make a sound.

After the Flaming Sparrow flew away, Xianle lingered.

At this moment, Zhao Rucheng, who was wearing a prairie dress, rode a horse with pure white hair like snow, and came slowly from the end of the field.

On his left are Jiang Wang and Zuo Guangshu, and on his right are Du Yehu and Yu Wenduo.

All dressed in formal attire.

On the left are rare and beautiful men, and on the right are... men.

Of course, Zhao Rucheng is radiant. Use beauty to complement beauty, use ugliness to complement beauty, everything is beautiful. Compared with his face, he is number one in the world.

In the vast sky and sea, people seem to be in a boat, like in a painting.

Behind them, there are densely packed, endless cattle and sheep!

On the backs of the cattle and sheep, there are cloths with good luster, which seem to have torn off the clouds and smudged the rainbow.

Helian Yunyun burst into tears at that moment.

Before Zhao Rucheng was tempted by her, she took the initiative to flirt with her, deliberately teasing her, and once pulled Zhao Rucheng to get engaged immediately. In Zhao Rucheng's astonishment, he grinned and made love again. At that time she said—

"Of course I can't get married so hastily, the princess of my majestic Great Shepherd Empire. No matter what, you have to drive 10,000 cows, 10,000 sheep, 10,000 bolts of cloth, and call a few heroes to accompany you. Come and meet me?"

As for Zhao Rucheng, he always remembered...

At this time, the eight notes created by the spell had stopped, and the holy song of congratulations sounded again at the bottom of the lake with no flaws.

Under the mirror of the sky, there is the treasure of the grassland, the palace of enlightenment - "Eldemi".

As a peerless arrogance who has worked hard to enter the Erdemi practice and repeatedly created records during it, Zhao Rucheng also received the support of Erdemi after he chose to return to the grassland and decided to marry Helian Yunyun.

The song of congratulations at this moment was sung in unison by those prairie geniuses and true blood nobles who were practicing in Erdemili.

In addition, Zhao Wu Zhenjun recited the mantra of blessing and destiny, praying for the couple, so that both the bride and groom can enjoy the precious light. Receive this blessing, bathe in this light, prevent disasters and diseases, and prolong your life!

Zhao Rucheng rides the white horse lightly, with a beautiful appearance, slowly coming all the way, and flowers blooming all the way.

Next to him, the No. 1 Master in Qing History personally cast spells to make everything naturally beautiful, and the flowers under the horseshoes bloomed romantically and enthusiastically.

In this way, the bridegroom officer came to the bride.

Staring at each other obsessively.

There have been estrangements, misunderstandings, and hurts between them, but when they meet again, they will still be moved.

They have also been close, touched, and joined hands. After a long time, they still want to hug each other.

At this moment Jiang Wang felt sour.

In front of him, Xiao Wu, who has been homeless since he was a child, has almost no stable life, and is in exile, finally has his "home". You can live a truly stable life, think what you think, and love what you love.

There are five horses led together in the herd of cattle and sheep, which represent the "five horses" who always look at them with a smile. I hope he has knowledge and can witness Zhao Rucheng's happiness.

All is quiet at this point.

Jiang Wang looked at Du Yehu, Du Yehu clenched his fist and tapped lightly on his heart, indicating that he couldn't speak, but kept it in his heart, and let Jiang Wang be the only one who officiated the marriage.

Jiang Wang then said: "In the twelfth lunar month of 3917, my younger brother Zhao Rucheng and I were separated, and at that time I thought I had lost him forever.

"I often think about the time we spent together. I often think, if he was still there, so smart, so beautiful, what kind of life would he lead.

"In Guanhetai in 3919, I was lucky to meet him again! I can't express how happy I am. Yunyun was already by his side at that time. I think Rucheng must have had a hard time during this time." , very lonely. But I thought, to have such a good woman as Yunyun by his side... How nice!

"It's been so many years now, I'm glad they're still together, happy for each other, crying for each other. I'm glad they've finally come to this moment.

"I'm a clumsy person, I don't know how to express the joy in my heart.

"I erected an inscription on a stele in a deserted land of six thousand miles, and the inscription reads - Congratulations to Zhao Rucheng and He Lianyun on their wedding!

"This is my limit in God's Realm. I think it is also the limit of God's Realm.

"Today, this heart cannot be expressed in words. But with history as a monument, immortal words are engraved.

"May love be immortal!"

This chapter is 6k, of which 2k is added by the leader "Ash, I am here to chase the book".


Thanks to the book friend "Li Ren Gu," who became the leader of this book, for the 582nd League of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the book friend "Happy Student Li" for becoming the leader of this book, for the 583rd alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey!


Let me tell you about yesterday's update.

It has already been written about Breaking the Ground and Striving for Victory, and no matter how wonderfully it is written after that, it is just a repetition without much meaning.

Moreover, although an anonymous true demon has enough strength, without the support of his past deeds and image, his weight is actually weak. Killing is not an exciting thing, it is a waste of words.

So I thought and thought and skipped the process. Originally, I planned to use this to get in touch with a certain demon king and make a few strokes for the expansion of the Tomb of Myriad Realms...but it feels really difficult to be exciting.

It’s already 6.6 million words, and everyone still supports it like this. I rack my brains every day, hoping to continue to bring you freshness.


Finally, ask for a monthly pass.

This month, it might be able to keep the second place in the monthly ticket list, creating the best result of Chixin Sky Survey so far.

Thank you all, I worked hard to write.

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