Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2066 Jiang Zhenren

The seven-color flag cloud chariot is flying in the air, and the three generations of leaders of the Qingxiao in the Lingxiao Pavilion are riding in this chariot together, and they are going back to the country at lightning speed.

Master Ye Da was a little lost in interest, and was resting with his eyes closed.

The master of the young pavilion rested his arms on his back and was looking at the scenery outside the car, but he obviously didn't pay attention.

He said in a daze: "I heard that when someone walks into your heart, her every frown and smile will set off waves in your heart. So even if it's just a little unhappy, it will be very obvious in your eyes. Dad ,Is it like this?"

Ye Zhenren looked at his daughter, didn't say anything, only sighed in his heart.

The waves behind push the waves ahead, you, Ye Lingxiao, have to work harder...

Ye Qingyu asked again: "Do you also notice my mother's mood?

Ye Lingxiao's heart suddenly softened, and he said slowly: "Of course. Her joys and sorrows are my ups and downs."

Ye Qingyu was stunned: "Father, you really know how to coax girls, my mother must love to listen."

"Wrong, your mother is a sober person and doesn't like to hear these things." Ye Lingxiao shook her head lightly: "But she loves me."

Ye Qingyu was still looking at the sea of ​​clouds, large clouds, fixed in the sky like cotton candy, it seemed that only the Cowin chariot was moving—the chariot was flying too fast, it seemed to leave everything in place.

"Tell me about my mother! I rarely listen to you," she murmured.

Ye Lingxiao also looked at Yunhai, opened his mouth, and finally said: "Not yet, I will tell you later."

Ye Qingyu is not willful, or she has been willful since she was very young. But Ye Lingxiao, who was obedient to her, did not let go of this matter. "Then tell me what you think about Jiang Wang—you can't refuse your precious daughter a second time, can you?"

"Ah." Ye Lingxiao sighed softly, looking at his precious daughter: "My dear girl, are you under a lot of pressure now?"

Ye Qingyu fell silent.

The white-haired boy who turned around and went down the mountain at the beginning has become the most real person in history. She didn't realize it before, or ignored it on purpose...but there is really a lot of pressure.

Jiang Wang, this person, has shouldered too much, and worked very hard to get to where he is today. Now he finally got revenge and enjoys freedom. She really didn't want to let herself become the role that might implicate her.

Maybe she wasn't, and Jiang Wang certainly didn't think so. But the monks in the outer building walking next to the real people in the world will become the enemy's breakthrough, and they will become the people who need to be distracted and taken care of when the accident comes.

She is Ye Qingyu, the daughter of Ye Lingxiao, the young master of Lingxiao Pavilion.

Although she has never experienced any danger, has never really fought life and death, and has never even killed anyone... She deserves to have a peaceful life and walk through this life without wind or rain. But how can you just hold it in the palm of your hand and be afraid of breaking it all the time?

At least at least, you must have the power to protect yourself.

"I'm not stressed," she said to her father.

She smiled softly: "with you here, how can I have any pressure?"

Ye Lingxiao looked at her with distressed eyes: "You haven't fully understood the true mystery of Yunzhuan... I will give you special training next, my good daughter, are you afraid of hard work?"

Ye Qingyu didn't answer directly, but pursed his lips.

Then he got up again, moved to Jiang Anan's side, rubbed Jiang Anan's little head, and said full of fighting spirit: "Jiang Anan, we have to work hard!"

Cowin car interior is very spacious.

Sitting cross-legged, surrounded by Stupid Hui, you have one piece and one piece and one piece...Jiang Anan, who is sharing candy fairly, raised his head in a daze: "Huh?"



Encountering Baimaofeng in Yueyongquan made Jiang Wang worry about the situation of the grassland. The white-haired wind itself is not something to worry about, but the anomaly it represents is bewildering.

In a country as hegemonic as Muguo, with totalitarian power, it should be able to easily suppress all factors of instability, so how could it be so secretive about it?

Reminiscent of the fact that many people are hysterical, it can't help but make people think deeply.

On this grassland... what happened?

Now that the fire is cooking oil and everything is going well, the Great Shepherd Empire is full of flowers, but how is the flowering period?

Is the soil under the flowers still fertile?

The "convergence of all religions" and the entry of various forces into the grassland is the strategy of the Mu country to consolidate its foundation and strengthen its source, but there are also some hidden dangers... Will the Mu court be able to grasp it?

Of course, Jiang Wang didn't go directly to Cangyu Xunshou Yamen or Minhe Temple, nor would he be so stupid as to trace the source by himself. To Grassland, he is an outsider after all.

There may be a reason for Cang Yu to patrol the hunting yamen, but there is no need to tell him.

Therefore, he only talked about these things with Xiao Wu in private, and let Da Mu's son-in-law pay attention to it. Whether there is a need for a detailed investigation, or whether there are hidden reasons that cannot be disclosed, the Great Shepherd Princess Helian Yunyun has her own idea.

After the grand wedding, the guests dispersed.

Jiang Wang bid farewell to relatives and friends one by one, and also said goodbye to the newlyweds, and took Chu Yao back to Xingyueyuan.

Chu Yao's mother is in Linzi, has her own job and her own life. It's not easy to take the widow of an old friend with you. What's more, Zhang Cuihua has a strong temper and must support himself, so it is impossible for him to be idle.

After beheading Zhuang Gaoxian and washing away the old hatred, Jiang Wang didn't rush to take Chu Yao to his side, because he thought that Chu Yao was still young, so perhaps he should be with his mother more. After all, there is nothing lacking in Linzi, and Chu Yao can practice well.

But Chu Yao wanted to follow Master. This time Zhang Cuihua also sent a letter to congratulate Jiang Wang's brother-in-law's wedding, and offered the savings of the past few years, and prepared a very generous gift, with a sincere intention.

Jiang Wang was afraid that she would think too much, so he took Chu Yao with him and asked Chong Xuansheng and the others to go back by themselves.

There has never been any powerful force on Xingyue Plain, it's not that there is no strong soil here, but Qi Jing doesn't allow it.

It has always been a buffer of power between Qi Jing, and it has also served as a battlefield between Xiangguo and Xuguo.

Seeing Bai Yujing become this exception.

In today's Baiyujing Restaurant, Lin Xian left, and Zhu Weiwo came.

A little holy monk left for purification, and Jiang Daoist came back.

In Xingyueyuan where there are not many strong people, it can be called a phoenix standing among chickens, which is quite eye-catching.

Twelfth floor.

Chu Yao was honestly standing next to him, while Jiang Wang flipped through "Mu Lue" in "The Sword of History" and casually said to Lian Yuchan in front of him: "You stay in the restaurant all day, your father misses you ?”

Lian Yuchan looked at him resentfully: "You said that I would come first..."

"...I didn't mean to drive you away." Jiang Wang immediately surrendered: "You can do your own thing, I just care about the employees."

"Then I thank my boss for your concern!" The clay stove was already boiling, Lian Yuchan picked up the small teapot, twisted some good tea brought by Xiangguo, and poured tea for Jiang Wang. Turning to look at Chu Yao again: "Young master, what do you want to drink? Tea? Wine? This shop has good wine, suitable for children."

Chu Yao wanted to respond politely, but he didn't dare to open his mouth to be discouraged, and his face turned red for a while.

The pile he stood on was not simple, it was the mountain pile used by the Chongxuan family for body training, and it was most suitable for laying the foundation. But you need to mobilize all your strength, otherwise you will be crushed by the "mountain".

"Okay, I know you've worked hard, so you don't need to answer me." Lian Yuchan nodded, smiled sweetly, put down the teapot, and went out the door.

Chu Yao, who was standing on the post, didn't move at all, but he glanced randomly from the corner of his eyes, at the master for a while, and at Lian Yuchan's back for a while.

But Jiang Wang casually threw a body-training pill over, and he quickly opened his mouth to catch it. After a few crunches, it was swallowed. This kind of temptation can be regarded as a tacit understanding between master and apprentice.

Jiang Wang raised his hand, signaling him to loosen his posture and relax his muscles: "What are you thinking?"

Chu Yao didn't dare to lie to his master, and said honestly, "I'm wondering which wife this is."

"Stand still!" Jiang Wang glared: "Don't hold back your mouth, stand for another hour!"

Chu Yao grinned and stood still again.

If you don't speak, you will be disrespectful, if you tell lies, you will deceive your master and destroy your ancestors, and if you tell the truth, you will speak without restraint.

Master, master, do I have to be in this tribulation all my life?

Jiang Wang let the volume of "Master's Strategy" spread out on the desk, and casually ordered: "After standing on the pile, I will read by myself, and then I will have to recite it as a teacher."

With a turn of footsteps, the figure has disappeared.

What should come will always come.

The White Jade Tower is twelve stories high, higher than Tianfeng Valley. Jiang Wang stepped out of the tall building, and his figure was already higher in the white clouds, out of sight of ordinary people.

Where he stands, the wind of the sky stops, the five elements are fixed, and the vitality returns.

The world is noisy and quiet, only his clear voice echoes: "You have friends coming from afar, why bother to be sneaky?"

A painting scroll jumped out, and the hanging spread out, the canvas was blank, but a vicissitudes of life sounded: "What sneaky! I just arrived!"

The other party had indeed just arrived, and there was indeed no cover-up trace, so if he was asked to find out in advance, he had knocked on the door.

But Master Jiang wants to find fault, so why not care about that?

With his hands behind his back, he looks like a master. Sweeping his eyes casually, he landed on the canvas, and immediately there was a little spark, piercing through the rules of the painting, jumping in the very center of the canvas. "Where is the evildoer! How dare you pretend to be a ghost in front of this real person!"

A hand lingering in the clear light reached out and held the fire of samadhi. Then a middle-aged tall and thin man in a loose Taoist robe walked out of the canvas completely, and while holding the fire, he looked at Jiang Wang: "The surname Jiang is deliberately finding fault, isn't it?"

Jiang Wangjun raised his eyebrows slightly: "If you say you don't recognize me, then you are indeed finding fault. I don't know you, what's so strange? You are famous?"

The man who came out of the painting looked like a middle-aged man, his eyes were like mirrors, his face glowed, and his tone was very gentle: "I am Fu Dongxu, and I am the leader of the mirror world."

There is also a reason why Jiang Wang asked Lian Yuchan if she wanted to return to China today. It's not that Lian Yuchan asks for a lot of wages, but that she deliberately controls Bai Yujing's scale, not wanting to touch anyone's nerves.

But these two words are "don't want to", not "dare not".

The real person in this world is already an absolute strong man in this world, and he is a high-level person in any force. It is possible to establish a sect and establish a sect, and it is possible to suppress the country and the sect. Flying freely in most places in this world, no contract is required! Even in the six hegemonic countries, as long as you report in advance, you will basically not be stopped.

The so-called "real people have no taboo"!

Even Yuchan doesn't want to go back to Xiangguo, she must cultivate to become a god, catch up with Bai Yuxia and Lin Xian, and he won't say anything.

He doesn't want to cause trouble because of his heart, and he doesn't like right and wrong. But if someone's nerves were really touched, he would stop and ask—why is he so sensitive!

At this time, when Fu Dongxu reported his family name, he said 'Oh': "Is that the leader of Jingshitai who slandered me for being a demon?"

Fu Dongxu's expression was a bit ashamed: "Zhuang Gaoxian's supernatural powers were unknown to everyone before, but now you have seen them, which can be faked. The person who was in charge of this matter at that time was not at the same level as Zhuang Gaoxian, so he was deceived. Going around in circles is also based on the heart of eliminating demons and defending the way. I want to send you to Yujing Mountain for detailed investigation, which led to that mistake...Of course I was busy with official duties, and I trusted my subordinates so I couldn't go any further. Censorship also has responsibilities.”

Jiang Renren listened to so many high-sounding words that he didn't even bother to roll his eyes. I tapped the bottom of Yunkong with my toe, and I felt very self-confident: "This is Xingyueyuan, and the Xingyue agreement was signed here. According to the Xingyue agreement, you should still be the deputy leader now, right?"

Fu Dongxu wasn't angry, he was in such a position, what hasn't he experienced? A real person who broke the historical record of practice is qualified to say a few words of yin and yang.

He was just a little puzzled—it was said that Jiang Wang was gentle and polite, and he was very measured. What's going on now? Covered in thorns? Hitting someone in the face?

After quietly looking at Jiang Wang for a while, he said, "Jiang Zhenren, I want to ask, do you have any opinion on Jing Guo?"

"I respect Jing Guo very much, and I also respect Jing Guo's contribution to the human race. I just have an opinion on you." Jiang Wang said bluntly: "Because of a demon arrest order, I fell from the leader of the Yellow River to the leader overnight. I almost lost my life as a prisoner! I am dissatisfied with you Fu Zhenren, is it difficult to understand?"

"Understandable!" Fu Dongxu nodded his head quite seriously, with a good attitude from beginning to end: "It seems that I shouldn't come today, because I didn't think carefully, and I simply thought that Sang Xianshou was too fierce and not suitable to come here for a discussion. "

Sang Xianshou in the central sky prison of Dajing!

Notorious villain.

"Actually, it doesn't matter who comes." Jiang Wang said lightly, "I'm never afraid of others being fierce."

Fu Dongxu's expression was calm, and there was a kind of tolerance in the tone of the elders looking at the young: "Don't overreact, I don't intend to threaten."

Jiang Wang laughed, and changed his tone in a friendly tone: "What does Master Fu want to talk to me about?"

Fu Dong said: "As we all know, Xingyue was originally an enclave of the Central Dajing Empire—"

"Wait." Jiang Wang interrupted him with a smile: "Does Qi agree with this?"

Fu Dongxu also smiled: "Then I'll just say it straight!"

He looked at Jiang Wang and said: "This place has a special meaning, and too strong forces are never allowed to exist. We will look for you in the future when you come to God, because Yuheng Xingjun has communicated with us, and God's presence has not arrived yet." When you need to limit, you are allowed to recruit soldiers and recruit talents here, and you can do whatever you want.

"Now you are real, and your strength is not as good as before. It is enough to change the situation of Xingyueyuan, and I will make it clear here. I have to come, and I have to remind you. I must emphasize——Jing Shitai and I, No complaints against you, just playing by the book and giving you plenty of time to relocate."

"What power?" Jiang Wang looked surprised: "Bai Yujing is just a restaurant!"

He really doesn't intend to build any power.

Whether it is the country or the sect, it is not what he wants.

Now that he knows the truth, he will fight for the member of the Taixu Pavilion next.

If you really build some kind of power, you will have to swear to quit at that time, and come back after the end of the term, what a hassle!

It's still better now.

Even if you are a member of the Taixu Pavilion, if you want to maintain absolute neutrality, you can't ignore your own restaurant.

This answer obviously surprised Fu Dongxu: "Aren't you going to take root in Xingyueyuan?"

"Misunderstood!" Jiang Wang called Qu and said: "Xingyue was originally a neutral place, and I am also a neutral person. I just open a restaurant here, support my family, and play with a few friends by the way. What kind of power should I build? Delay me Practice! In the entire Baiyujing restaurant, there are only a few extraordinary monks, and they can't even make up two tables for drinking. Which powerful people have you seen so few?"

Fu Dongxu fell into thinking... Don't say it or think it, but after thinking about it carefully, it seems that it is really difficult to identify Baiyujing Restaurant as a force.

They neither accept doormen nor recruit subordinates, and do not even open branch buildings.

Jiang Wang said again: "Renren Fu, forgive me—do you really have no objection to me? If restaurants can also be regarded as sects, there are so many sects in the world! Can Jing Shitai manage it?"

Fu Dongxu looked at him with sincere eyes: "Jiang Renren, I really don't have any opinion on you, on the contrary, I admire you very much! Jingshitai opens the door to you, and Jingguo opens the door to you. If you can forgive me earlier Negligence, we can even be friends."

"As a person, I can't lie to myself. I can't be a friend. After all, the damage has already been done." Now Jiang Wang is really like himself, and he doesn't need to hide his feelings at all: "But you should also believe that if you don't contradict your position , no one is willing to be an enemy of Jing Guo. We can live in peace—— I wonder if you are willing to show a little kindness and start by not disturbing my little restaurant?"

Fu Dongxu smiled: "I saw you today and chatted with you personally, and I realized that you are different from what I imagined."

"Why is it different?" Jiang Wang asked.

Fu Dongxu said: "I thought you were the kind of paranoid, determined, and single-minded person. I thought you would regard Jingguo as an enemy. As a young genius, after suffering some grievances, you were full of thoughts about how to get revenge from a gentleman. How to overthrow the Central Empire."

"Paranoid, firm, single-minded? At some point... yes. I don't want me to appear like that." Jiang Wang spread his hands: "As for you talking about overthrowing the Central Empire, let's not say whether I can do it or not." ——After overthrowing you, who will guard the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters?"

"It's true!" Fu Dongxu laughed loudly: "Forget it! If you can promise me that you will not develop power here, and there is no vain attempt to monopolize Xingyueyuan... We can live in peace. Jing Shitai will not care about you .”

Jiang Wang said: "Have you ever seen the night sky of Xingyueyuan? The stars hang down the plains, and the moon rises into the sky, as if you can touch it. The beauty of the world should be enjoyed by all people in the world. I am not the one who seals off the mountains."

Fu Dongxu took a deep look at him, then turned and walked into the blank scroll.

Only one sentence remains - "We can't be friends, but we don't have to be enemies. I hope we won't be again."

Jiang Wang stood quietly in the air with no expression on his face.

In the entire Xingyueyuan, except for him, no one knew that Jing Shitai came and went.

Today is different from the past!

In fact, more than 5,000 words are the most friendly to readers.

I added an update, but failed to return it...



Thanks to the book friend "Xiaofeng Hanyue" for becoming the Baiyin League of this book! It's for the 24th Silver League of Chixin Sky Survey!

Rational consumption, big brother!

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